Update translations

Maksim 2022-07-24 09:47:56 +02:00
parent 0fcac9ba09
commit cacc14c0db
28 changed files with 3051 additions and 115 deletions

locale/areas.bg.tr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<AreaName>=<Име на област>
<NewOwner>=<Нов собственик>
<PlayerName>=<Име на играч>
<newName>=<ново име>
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 ви е предоставил контрол върху областта "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 с обхват до @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Изисква се регулярен израз.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Област @1 не съществува или не е ваша собственост.
Area closed for faction members.=Зоната е затворена за членове на фракцията.
Area closed.=Затворена зона.
Area does not exist.=Областта не съществува.
Area opened for faction members.=Зоната е отворена за членовете на фракцията.
Area opened.=Открита зона.
Area protected. ID: @1=Защитена зона. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Преименуване на района.
Area successfully moved.=Зоната е успешно преместена.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Промяна на собственика на дадена област чрез нейния идентификатор
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Намиране на области с помощта на регулярен израз на Lua
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Получаване на информация за конфигурацията и използването на областта.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Предоставяне на достъп на играч до подобласт между две позиции, които вече са защитени, Използвайте set_owner, ако не искате родителят да бъде зададен.
Invalid regular expression.=Невалиден регулярен израз.
Limit: @1 areas=Ограничение: @1 области
Limit: no area count limit=Ограничение: няма ограничение за броя на зоните
List your areas=Избройте областите си
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Преместване (или промяна на размера) на област в текущите позиции.
No matches found.=Не са намерени съвпадения.
No visible areas.=Няма видими зони.
Too many areas to list all!=Твърде много области, за да бъдат изброени всички!
Owner changed.=Смяна на собственика.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Играчите с привилегия "@1" могат да защитават до @2 области.
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Защитете област между две позиции и дайте достъп на играч до нея, без да задавате родител на областта към някоя съществуваща област
Protect your own area=Защитете собствената си област
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Рекурсивно премахване на области с помощта на ID
Remove an area using an ID=Премахване на област с помощта на ID
Removed area @1=Премахната област @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Премахната е област @1 и нейните подобласти.
Removes all ownerless areas=Премахва всички зони без собственици
Rename an area that you own=Преименуване на област, която притежавате
Self protection is disabled.=Самозащитата е деактивирана.
Self protection is enabled.=Самозащитата е активирана.
That area doesn't exist.=Тази област не съществува.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Играчът "@1" не съществува.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Превключване на отворена (всеки може да взаимодейства) или затворена област
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Превключете дадена област като отворена/затворена за членовете на вашата фракция.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Вие сте администратор на област (привилегия "области").
You can protect areas=Можете да защитите области
You can't protect that area.=Не можете да защитите тази област.
You can't protect that area: @1=Не можете да защитите тази област: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Нямате необходимата привилегия ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Тази зона не е ваша собственост.
You have @1 areas.=Имате @1 области.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Предоставен ви е контрол върху област #@1. Въведете /list_areas, за да покажете областите си.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Имате разширени лимити за защита на областите (привилегия "areas_high_limit").
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Имате необходимата привилегия ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Първо трябва да изберете област.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Не можете да активирате PvP, защото в района има други играчи: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP е @1 в зона @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Неправилна употреба, вижте /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=Разрешен PvP
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 е защитен от @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Уау, уау, успокой се!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=PvP не е разрешен в тази зона!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Площта е твърде голяма.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Самозащитата е деактивирана или нямате необходимата привилегия.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Областта се пресича с @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Достигнали сте максималния брой области, които можете да защитите.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<не е зададено>
Area @1 selected.=Избрана е област @1.
Area position @1 set to @2=Позиция на зоната @1 е настроена на @2
Position @1 set to @2=Позиция @1, настроена на @2
Position @1:=Позиция @1:
Select an area by ID.=Изберете област по ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Изберете позиция @1 чрез пробиване на възел.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Изберете позиции чрез пробиване на два възела.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Задайте позиция @1 на региона за защита на зоната към вашето местоположение или към посоченото.
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Задайте област за защита на зоната, позиция 1 или позиция 2 чрез пробиване на възли или покажете областта
The area @1 does not exist.=Областта @1 не съществува.
Unable to get position.=Не можете да получите позиция.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Неизвестна подкоманда: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Защитен блок
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Нямате право да защитавате тази област: @1
You have already protected this area.=Вече сте защитили тази област.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=Зоната от @1 до @2 е защитена като ID @3
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Защитена зона @1, собственост на @2

locale/areas.cs.tr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<AreaName>=<Název oblasti>
<PlayerName>=<Jméno hráče>
<newName>=<nové jméno>
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 vám předal kontrolu nad oblastí "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 s rozpětím až @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Je vyžadován regulární výraz.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Oblast @1 neexistuje nebo není vaším vlastnictvím.
Area closed for faction members.=Oblast je pro členy frakce uzavřena.
Area closed.=Uzavřená oblast.
Area does not exist.=Oblast neexistuje.
Area opened for faction members.=Oblast otevřena pro členy frakce.
Area opened.=Otevřená oblast.
Area protected. ID: @1=Chráněná oblast. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Přejmenování oblasti.
Area successfully moved.=Úspěšně přesunutá oblast.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Změna vlastníka oblasti pomocí jejího ID
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Vyhledání oblastí pomocí regulárního výrazu jazyka Lua
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Získejte informace o konfiguraci a použití oblasti.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Umožnit hráči přístup k podoblasti mezi dvěma pozicemi, které již byly chráněny, Použijte set_owner, pokud nechcete, aby byl nastaven rodič.
Invalid regular expression.=Neplatný regulární výraz.
Limit: @1 areas=Limit: @1 oblast
Limit: no area count limit=Omezení: bez omezení počtu ploch
List your areas=Uveďte své oblasti
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Přesunutí (nebo změna velikosti) oblasti na aktuální pozice.
No matches found.=Nebyly nalezeny žádné shody.
No visible areas.=Žádné viditelné oblasti.
Too many areas to list all!=Příliš mnoho oblastí na to, abychom je všechny vyjmenovali!
Owner changed.=Změnil se majitel.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Hráči s oprávněním "@1" mohou chránit až @2 oblasti.
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Chránit oblast mezi dvěma pozicemi a umožnit hráči přístup k ní, aniž by byl rodič oblasti nastaven na jakoukoli existující oblast.
Protect your own area=Chraňte svůj vlastní prostor
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Rekurzivní odstranění oblastí pomocí ID
Remove an area using an ID=Odstranění oblasti pomocí ID
Removed area @1=Odstraněná oblast @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Odstraněna oblast @1 a její podoblasti.
Removes all ownerless areas=Odstraní všechny oblasti bez vlastníka
Rename an area that you own=Přejmenování oblasti, kterou vlastníte
Self protection is disabled.=Vlastní ochrana je vypnutá.
Self protection is enabled.=Vlastní ochrana je povolena.
That area doesn't exist.=Tato oblast neexistuje.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Hráč "@1" neexistuje.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Přepnout oblast na otevřenou (kdokoli může komunikovat) nebo uzavřenou.
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Přepínání otevřené/uzavřené oblasti pro členy vaší frakce.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Jste správce oblasti (oprávnění "areas").
You can protect areas=Oblasti můžete chránit
You can't protect that area.=Tuto oblast nemůžete chránit.
You can't protect that area: @1=Tuto oblast nemůžete chránit: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Nemáte potřebné oprávnění ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Tato oblast vám nepatří.
You have @1 areas.=Máte @1 oblast.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Byla vám udělena kontrola nad oblastí #@1. Zadáním příkazu /list_areas zobrazíte své oblasti.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Máte rozšířené limity ochrany oblasti (oprávnění "areas_high_limit").
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Máte potřebné oprávnění ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Nejprve je třeba vybrat oblast.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Nemůžete povolit PvP, v oblasti jsou další hráči: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP je @1 v oblasti @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Nesprávné použití, viz /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=PvP povoleno
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 je chráněn @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Páni, páni, uklidněte se!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=PvP není v této oblasti povoleno!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Plocha je příliš velká.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Vlastní ochrana je zakázána nebo nemáte potřebné oprávnění.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Oblast se protíná s @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Dosáhli jste maximálního počtu oblastí, které můžete chránit.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<není nastaveno>
Area @1 selected.=Vybraná oblast @1.
Area position @1 set to @2=Poloha oblasti @1 nastavena na @2
Position @1 set to @2=Pozice @1 nastavena na @2
Position @1:=Pozice @1:
Select an area by ID.=Vyberte oblast podle ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Vyberte pozici @1 vyražením uzlu.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Vyberte pozice vyražením dvou uzlů.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Nastavení pozice oblasti ochrany oblasti @1 na vaši polohu nebo na zadanou polohu
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Nastavte oblast ochrany oblasti, pozici 1 nebo pozici 2 pomocí uzlů nebo zobrazte oblast.
The area @1 does not exist.=Oblast @1 neexistuje.
Unable to get position.=Nelze získat pozici.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Neznámý dílčí příkaz: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Ochranný blok
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Tuto oblast nesmíte chránit: @1
You have already protected this area.=Tuto oblast jste již chránili.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=Oblast od @1 do @2 byla chráněna jako ID @3
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Chráněné území @1, Ve vlastnictví @2

locale/areas.da.tr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 har givet dig kontrol over området "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 spænder op til @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Et regulært udtryk er påkrævet.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Område @1 findes ikke eller ejes ikke af dig.
Area closed for faction members.=Området er lukket for fraktionsmedlemmer.
Area closed.=Området er lukket.
Area does not exist.=Området findes ikke.
Area opened for faction members.=Område åbnet for medlemmer af en fraktion.
Area opened.=Område åbnet.
Area protected. ID: @1=Beskyttet område. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Område omdøbt.
Area successfully moved.=Område flyttet med succes.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Ændre ejeren af et område ved hjælp af dets ID
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Find områder ved hjælp af et regulært Lua-udtryk
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Få oplysninger om områdets konfiguration og brug.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Giv en spiller adgang til et underområde mellem to positioner, der allerede er blevet beskyttet, Brug set_owner, hvis du ikke ønsker, at overforældrene skal indstilles.
Invalid regular expression.=Ugyldigt regulært udtryk.
Limit: @1 areas=Grænse: @1 områder
Limit: no area count limit=Grænse: ingen grænse for antal områder
List your areas=Liste over dine områder
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Flyt (eller ændre størrelsen) et område til de aktuelle positioner.
No matches found.=Der blev ikke fundet nogen kampe.
No visible areas.=Ingen synlige områder.
Too many areas to list all!=Der er for mange områder til at opregne dem alle!
Owner changed.=Ejeren skiftede.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Spillere med "@1"-rettighederne kan beskytte op til @2 områder
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Beskyt et område mellem to positioner og giv en spiller adgang til det uden at indstille områdets overordnet område til et eksisterende område
Protect your own area=Beskyt dit eget område
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Recursivt fjerne områder ved hjælp af et ID
Remove an area using an ID=Fjern et område ved hjælp af et ID
Removed area @1=Fjernet område @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Fjernet område @1 og dets underområder.
Removes all ownerless areas=Fjerner alle områder uden ejer
Rename an area that you own=Omdøbe et område, som du ejer
Self protection is disabled.=Selvbeskyttelse er deaktiveret.
Self protection is enabled.=Selvbeskyttelse er aktiveret.
That area doesn't exist.=Det område findes ikke.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Spilleren "@1" findes ikke.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Skift mellem et område åbent (alle kan interagere) eller lukket
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Skift mellem et område åbent/lukket for medlemmer af din fraktion.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Du er en områdeadministrator ("områder"-rettigheder).
You can protect areas=Du kan beskytte områder
You can't protect that area.=Du kan ikke beskytte dette område.
You can't protect that area: @1=Du kan ikke beskytte dette område: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Du har ikke den nødvendige rettighed ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Du ejer ikke dette område.
You have @1 areas.=Du har @1 område.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Du har fået kontrol over område #@1. Skriv /list_areas for at få vist dine områder.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Du har udvidede grænser for områdebeskyttelse ("areas_high_limit"-rettighed).
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Du har den nødvendige rettighed ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Du skal først vælge et område.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Du kan ikke aktivere PvP, da der er andre spillere i området: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP er @1 i område @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Ugyldig brug, se /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=PvP aktiveret
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 er beskyttet af @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Wow, wow, tag det roligt!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=PvP er ikke tilladt i dette område!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Området er for stort.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Selvbeskyttelse er deaktiveret, eller du har ikke de nødvendige rettigheder.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Området skærer @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Du har nået det maksimale antal områder, som du kan beskytte.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<ikke indstillet>
Area @1 selected.=Område @1 valgt.
Area position @1 set to @2=Områdeposition @1 indstillet til @2
Position @1 set to @2=Position @1 indstillet til @2
Position @1:=Position @1:
Select an area by ID.=Vælg et område efter ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Vælg position @1 ved at stanse et knudepunkt.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Vælg positioner ved at stanse to knuder.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Indstil områdebeskyttelsesregionens position @1 til din placering eller den angivne placering
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Indstil områdebeskyttelsesområde, position 1 eller position 2 ved at stanse knuder, eller vis området
The area @1 does not exist.=Området @1 findes ikke.
Unable to get position.=Kan ikke få position.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Ukendt underkommando: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Beskyttelsesblok
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Du må ikke beskytte dette område: @1
You have already protected this area.=Du har allerede beskyttet dette område.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=Området fra @1 til @2 er blevet beskyttet som ID @3
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Beskyttet område @1, ejet af @2

View File

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Si
Area @1 selected.=Bereich @1 Ausgewählt.
Area position @1 set to @2=Bereichsposition @1 Auf @2 Gesetzt
Position @1 set to @2=Position @1 Auf @2 Gesetzt
Position @1: =Stelle @1:
Position @1:=Position @1:
Select an area by ID.=Wählen Sie Einen Bereich Nach Id Aus.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Wählen Sie Die Position @1, Indem Sie Einen Knoten Stanzen.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Wählen Sie Positionen Aus, Indem Sie Zwei Knoten Stanzen.

locale/areas.el.tr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<AreaName>=<Όνομα περιοχής>
<PlayerName>=<Όνομα παίκτη>
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=Το @1 σας έδωσε τον έλεγχο της περιοχής "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 που εκτείνεται μέχρι @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Απαιτείται μια κανονική έκφραση.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Η περιοχή @1 δεν υπάρχει ή δεν σας ανήκει.
Area closed for faction members.=Περιοχή κλειστή για τα μέλη της παράταξης.
Area closed.=Περιοχή κλειστή.
Area does not exist.=Η περιοχή δεν υπάρχει.
Area opened for faction members.=Περιοχή που άνοιξε για τα μέλη της παράταξης.
Area opened.=Περιοχή που άνοιξε.
Area protected. ID: @1=Προστατευόμενη περιοχή. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Μετονομασία περιοχής.
Area successfully moved.=Περιοχή που μετακινήθηκε επιτυχώς.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Αλλαγή του ιδιοκτήτη μιας περιοχής χρησιμοποιώντας το αναγνωριστικό της
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Εύρεση περιοχών χρησιμοποιώντας μια κανονική έκφραση Lua
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Λήψη πληροφοριών σχετικά με τη διαμόρφωση και τη χρήση της περιοχής.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Δώστε σε έναν παίκτη πρόσβαση σε μια υποπεριοχή μεταξύ δύο θέσεων που έχουν ήδη προστατευτεί, Χρησιμοποιήστε το set_owner αν δεν θέλετε να οριστεί ο γονέας.
Invalid regular expression.=Μη έγκυρη κανονική έκφραση.
Limit: @1 areas=Όριο: @1 περιοχές
Limit: no area count limit=Όριο: δεν υπάρχει όριο αριθμού περιοχών
List your areas=Καταγράψτε τους τομείς σας
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Μετακίνηση (ή αλλαγή μεγέθους) μιας περιοχής στις τρέχουσες θέσεις.
No matches found.=Δεν βρέθηκαν αντιστοιχίες.
No visible areas.=Δεν υπάρχουν ορατές περιοχές.
Too many areas to list all!=Πάρα πολλοί τομείς για να τους απαριθμήσω όλους!
Owner changed.=Ο ιδιοκτήτης άλλαξε.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Οι παίκτες με το προνόμιο "@1" μπορούν να προστατεύσουν έως και @2 περιοχές.
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Προστατεύστε μια περιοχή μεταξύ δύο θέσεων και δώστε σε έναν παίκτη πρόσβαση σε αυτήν χωρίς να ορίσετε τον γονέα της περιοχής σε κάποια υπάρχουσα περιοχή.
Protect your own area=Προστατέψτε τη δική σας περιοχή
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Αναδρομική αφαίρεση περιοχών χρησιμοποιώντας ένα ID
Remove an area using an ID=Αφαίρεση μιας περιοχής χρησιμοποιώντας ένα αναγνωριστικό
Removed area @1=Αφαιρεθείσα περιοχή @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Αφαίρεση της περιοχής @1 και των υποπεριοχών της.
Removes all ownerless areas=Αφαιρεί όλες τις περιοχές χωρίς ιδιοκτήτη
Rename an area that you own=Μετονομασία μιας περιοχής που σας ανήκει
Self protection is disabled.=Η αυτοπροστασία είναι απενεργοποιημένη.
Self protection is enabled.=Η αυτοπροστασία είναι ενεργοποιημένη.
That area doesn't exist.=Αυτή η περιοχή δεν υπάρχει.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Ο παίκτης "@1" δεν υπάρχει.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Εναλλαγή μιας περιοχής ανοιχτής (οποιοσδήποτε μπορεί να αλληλεπιδράσει) ή κλειστής
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Αλλάξτε μια περιοχή ανοιχτή/κλειστή για τα μέλη της παράταξής σας.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Είστε διαχειριστής περιοχής (προνόμιο "περιοχές").
You can protect areas=Μπορείτε να προστατεύσετε περιοχές
You can't protect that area.=Δεν μπορείτε να προστατεύσετε αυτή την περιοχή.
You can't protect that area: @1=Δεν μπορείτε να προστατεύσετε αυτή την περιοχή: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Δεν έχετε το απαραίτητο προνόμιο ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Δεν σας ανήκει αυτή η περιοχή.
You have @1 areas.=Έχετε @1 περιοχές.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Σας έχει παραχωρηθεί ο έλεγχος της περιοχής #@1. Πληκτρολογήστε /list_areas για να εμφανίσετε τις περιοχές σας.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Έχετε διευρυμένα όρια προστασίας περιοχής ("areas_high_limit" προνόμιο).
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Έχετε το απαραίτητο προνόμιο ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Πρέπει πρώτα να επιλέξετε μια περιοχή.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Δεν μπορείτε να ενεργοποιήσετε το PvP, υπάρχουν άλλοι παίκτες στην περιοχή: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=Το PvP είναι @1 στην περιοχή @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Μη έγκυρη χρήση, δείτε /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
Open=Ανοίξτε το
PvP enabled=Ενεργό PvP
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=Το @1 προστατεύεται από το @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Ουάου, ουάου, ηρέμησε!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=Το PvP δεν επιτρέπεται σε αυτή την περιοχή!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Η περιοχή είναι πολύ μεγάλη.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Η αυτοπροστασία είναι απενεργοποιημένη ή δεν έχετε τα απαραίτητα δικαιώματα.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Η περιοχή τέμνεται με την @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Έχετε φτάσει στο μέγιστο αριθμό περιοχών που επιτρέπεται να προστατεύσετε.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<δεν έχει οριστεί>
Area @1 selected.=Επιλεγμένη περιοχή @1.
Area position @1 set to @2=Θέση περιοχής @1 που ορίζεται σε @2
Position @1 set to @2=Θέση @1 που ορίζεται σε @2
Position @1:=Θέση @1:
Select an area by ID.=Επιλέξτε μια περιοχή με ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Επιλέξτε τη θέση @1 χτυπώντας έναν κόμβο.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Επιλέξτε θέσεις με διάτρηση δύο κόμβων.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Ορίστε τη θέση @1 της περιοχής προστασίας περιοχής στη θέση σας ή σε αυτή που έχει καθοριστεί.
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Ορίστε την περιοχή προστασίας περιοχής, τη θέση 1 ή τη θέση 2 με διάτρηση των κόμβων ή εμφανίστε την περιοχή
The area @1 does not exist.=Η περιοχή @1 δεν υπάρχει.
Unable to get position.=Αδυναμία λήψης θέσης.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Άγνωστη υποεντολή: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Μπλοκ προστασίας
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Δεν επιτρέπεται να προστατεύσετε αυτή την περιοχή: @1
You have already protected this area.=Έχετε ήδη προστατεύσει αυτή την περιοχή.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=Η περιοχή από @1 έως @2 προστατεύεται ως ID @3
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Προστατευόμενη περιοχή @1, ιδιοκτησία @2

locale/areas.es.tr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<AreaName>=<Nombre del área>
<PlayerName>=<Nombre del jugador>
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 le ha dado el control sobre el área "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 que abarca hasta @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Se requiere una expresión regular.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=El área @1 no existe o no es de su propiedad.
Area closed for faction members.=Área cerrada para los miembros de la facción.
Area closed.=Zona cerrada.
Area does not exist.=La zona no existe.
Area opened for faction members.=Área abierta para los miembros de la facción.
Area opened.=Zona abierta.
Area protected. ID: @1=Área protegida. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Se ha cambiado el nombre de la zona.
Area successfully moved.=Zona trasladada con éxito.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Cambiar el propietario de un área utilizando su ID
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Encontrar áreas usando una expresión regular de Lua
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Obtenga información sobre la configuración y el uso del área.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Dar acceso a un jugador a una sub-área entre dos posiciones que ya han sido protegidas, Use set_owner si no quiere que el padre se establezca.
Invalid regular expression.=Expresión regular no válida.
Limit: @1 areas=Límite: @1 áreas
Limit: no area count limit=Límite: no hay límite de recuento de áreas
List your areas=Enumere sus áreas
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Mueve (o redimensiona) un área a las posiciones actuales.
No matches found.=No se han encontrado coincidencias.
No visible areas.=No hay zonas visibles.
Too many areas to list all!=Demasiadas áreas para enumerarlas todas.
Owner changed.=El propietario ha cambiado.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Los jugadores con el privilegio "@1" pueden proteger hasta @2 áreas
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Proteger un área entre dos posiciones y dar acceso a un jugador a la misma sin establecer el padre del área a cualquier área existente
Protect your own area=Proteja su propia área
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Eliminar recursivamente áreas utilizando un ID
Remove an area using an ID=Eliminar un área mediante un ID
Removed area @1=Área eliminada @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Se ha eliminado el área @1 y sus subáreas.
Removes all ownerless areas=Elimina todas las zonas sin dueño
Rename an area that you own=Cambiar el nombre de una zona de su propiedad
Self protection is disabled.=La autoprotección está desactivada.
Self protection is enabled.=La autoprotección está activada.
That area doesn't exist.=Esa zona no existe.
The player "@1" does not exist.=El jugador "@1" no existe.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Alternar un área abierta (cualquiera puede interactuar) o cerrada
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Alternar un área abierta/cerrada para los miembros de tu facción.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Usted es un administrador de área (privilegio de "áreas").
You can protect areas=Puedes proteger las zonas
You can't protect that area.=No puedes proteger esa zona.
You can't protect that area: @1=No puedes proteger esa zona: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=No tienes el privilegio necesario ("@1").
You don't own that area.=No eres el dueño de esa zona.
You have @1 areas.=Tienes @1 áreas.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Se le ha concedido el control del área #@1. Escriba /list_areas para mostrar sus áreas.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Ha ampliado los límites de protección del área (privilegio "areas_high_limit").
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Tiene el privilegio necesario ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Primero hay que seleccionar una zona.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=No puedes activar el PvP, hay otros jugadores en la zona: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP es @1 en el área @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Uso inválido, ver /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=PvP habilitado
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 está protegido por @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=¡Wow, wow, tómalo con calma!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=El PvP no está permitido en esta zona.
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=La zona es demasiado grande.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=La autoprotección está deshabilitada o no tiene el privilegio necesario.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=El área se cruza con @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Ha alcanzado la cantidad máxima de zonas que puede proteger.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<sin fijar>
Area @1 selected.=Área @1 seleccionada.
Area position @1 set to @2=Posición del área @1 ajustada a @2
Position @1 set to @2=Posición @1 ajustada a @2
Position @1:=Posición @1:
Select an area by ID.=Seleccione un área por ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Seleccione la posición @1 perforando un nodo.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Seleccione las posiciones perforando dos nodos.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Establezca la posición de la región de protección del área @1 en su ubicación o en la especificada
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Establezca la región de protección del área, la posición 1 o la posición 2 mediante la perforación de nodos, o visualice la región
The area @1 does not exist.=El área @1 no existe.
Unable to get position.=No se puede conseguir la posición.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Subcomando desconocido: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Bloque protector
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=No está permitido proteger esa zona: @1
You have already protected this area.=Ya has protegido esta zona.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=La zona de @1 a @2 ha sido protegida como ID @3
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Zona protegida @1, Propiedad de @2

locale/areas.et.tr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 on andnud teile kontrolli ala "@2" (ID @3) üle.
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1, mis ulatub kuni @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Vajalik on regulaaravaldis.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Ala @1 ei ole olemas või ei kuulu teile.
Area closed for faction members.=Fraktsiooni liikmetele suletud ala.
Area closed.=Piirkond suletud.
Area does not exist.=Ala ei ole olemas.
Area opened for faction members.=Fraktsiooni liikmetele avatud ala.
Area opened.=Ala avatud.
Area protected. ID: @1=Kaitstud ala. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Ala ümbernimetatud.
Area successfully moved.=Edukalt liigutatud ala.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Ala omaniku muutmine selle ID abil
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Alade leidmine Lua regulaaravaldise abil
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Saate teavet piirkonna konfiguratsiooni ja kasutamise kohta.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Anda mängijale ligipääs kahe juba kaitstud positsiooni vahelisele alale, Kasuta set_owner, kui sa ei taha, et vanem oleks määratud.
Invalid regular expression.=Lubamatu regulaaravaldis.
Limit: @1 areas=Piirang: @1 ala
Limit: no area count limit=Piirang: pindalalimiit puudub
List your areas=Loetlege oma valdkonnad
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Liigutage (või muutke suuruse järgi) ala praegustele positsioonidele.
No matches found.=Vasteid ei leitud.
No visible areas.=Ei ole nähtavad alad.
Too many areas to list all!=Liiga palju valdkondi, et neid kõiki loetleda!
Owner changed.=Omanik muutunud.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas="@1" privileegiga mängijad võivad kaitsta kuni @2 ala.
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Kaitse ala kahe positsiooni vahel ja anna mängijale juurdepääs sellele, ilma et selle ala vanema määraks mis tahes olemasolevale alale.
Protect your own area=Kaitske oma ala
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Piirkondade rekursiivne eemaldamine ID abil
Remove an area using an ID=Piirkonna eemaldamine ID abil
Removed area @1=Eemaldatud ala @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Eemaldatud ala @1 ja selle alampiirkonnad.
Removes all ownerless areas=Eemaldab kõik omanikuta alad
Rename an area that you own=Oma ala ümbernimetamine
Self protection is disabled.=Enesekaitse on välja lülitatud.
Self protection is enabled.=Enesekaitse on lubatud.
That area doesn't exist.=Seda ala ei ole olemas.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Mängijat "@1" ei ole olemas.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Lülita ala avatuks (igaüks saab suhelda) või suletuks.
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Lülita ala oma fraktsiooni liikmete jaoks avatuks/suletuks.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Te olete piirkonna administraator ("piirkondade" privileeg).
You can protect areas=Saate kaitsta alasid
You can't protect that area.=Te ei saa seda ala kaitsta.
You can't protect that area: @1=Te ei saa seda ala kaitsta: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Teil ei ole vajalikke õigusi ("@1").
You don't own that area.=See ala ei kuulu teile.
You have @1 areas.=Teil on @1 valdkond.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Teile on antud kontroll piirkonna #@1 üle. Kirjutage /list_areas, et näidata oma piirkondi.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Teil on laiendatud ala kaitsepiirangud ("areas_high_limit" privileeg).
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Teil on vajalikud õigused ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Kõigepealt tuleb valida piirkond.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Sa ei saa lubada PvP-d, piirkonnas on teisi mängijaid: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP on @1 piirkonnas @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Vale kasutusviis, vt /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=PvP lubatud
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 on kaitstud @2 poolt.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Wow, wow, võta rahulikult!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=PvP ei ole selles piirkonnas lubatud!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Piirkond on liiga suur.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Enesekaitse on välja lülitatud või teil ei ole vajalikke õigusi.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Piirkond lõikub punktiga @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Te olete jõudnud maksimaalse arvu alasid, mida teil on lubatud kaitsta.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<ei ole määratud>
Area @1 selected.=Valitud ala @1.
Area position @1 set to @2=Ala positsioon @1, mis on määratud @2-ks
Position @1 set to @2=Positsioon @1 seatud @2-le
Position @1:=Positsioon @1:
Select an area by ID.=Valige ala ID järgi.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Valige positsioon @1, vajutades sõlme.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Valige positsioonid kahe sõlme löömisega.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Määrake piirkonna kaitsepiirkonna positsioon @1 oma või määratud asukohale.
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Määrake piirkonna kaitsepiirkond, positsioon 1 või positsioon 2 sõlmede löömise abil või kuvage piirkonda
The area @1 does not exist.=Ala @1 ei ole olemas.
Unable to get position.=Ei ole võimalik positsiooni saada.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Tundmatu alamkäsk: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Protector Block
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Teil ei ole lubatud seda ala kaitsta: @1
You have already protected this area.=Te olete seda ala juba kaitsnud.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=Piirkond @1 kuni @2 on kaitstud ID @3 all.
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Kaitstud ala @1, omanik @2

locale/areas.fi.tr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<PlayerName>=<Pelaajan nimi>
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 on antanut sinulle määräysvallan alueella "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 ulottuu @2x@3x@4:ään asti.
A regular expression is required.=Säännöllinen lauseke vaaditaan.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Aluetta @1 ei ole olemassa tai se ei ole sinun omistuksessasi.
Area closed for faction members.=Alue suljettu ryhmittymän jäseniltä.
Area closed.=Alue suljettu.
Area does not exist.=Aluetta ei ole olemassa.
Area opened for faction members.=Alue avattu ryhmittymän jäsenille.
Area opened.=Alue avattu.
Area protected. ID: @1=Suojeltu alue. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Alueen nimi muutettu.
Area successfully moved.=Alue siirretty onnistuneesti.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Vaihda alueen omistaja sen ID:n avulla
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Alueiden etsiminen Lua-säännöllisen lausekkeen avulla
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Hae tietoja alueen kokoonpanosta ja käytöstä.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Anna pelaajalle pääsy kahden jo suojatun paikan välissä olevalle osa-alueelle, Käytä set_owner-käyttäjää, jos et halua vanhemman olevan asetettu.
Invalid regular expression.=Virheellinen säännöllinen lauseke.
Limit: @1 areas=Raja: @1 alueet
Limit: no area count limit=Rajaus: ei pinta-alarajoitusta
List your areas=Luettelo alueista
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Siirrä (tai muuta kokoa) alue nykyisiin sijainteihin.
No matches found.=Ei löytynyt osumia.
No visible areas.=Ei näkyviä alueita.
Too many areas to list all!=Liian monta aluetta luetella kaikki!
Owner changed.=Omistaja vaihtui.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Pelaajat, joilla on "@1"-oikeudet, voivat suojata enintään @2 aluetta.
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Suojaa kahden sijainnin välinen alue ja anna pelaajan käyttää sitä asettamatta alueen vanhemmaksi mitään olemassa olevaa aluetta.
Protect your own area=Suojaa oma alueesi
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Poistaa alueita rekursiivisesti ID:n avulla
Remove an area using an ID=Poista alue tunnuksen avulla
Removed area @1=Poistettu alue @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Poistettiin alue @1 ja sen osa-alueet.
Removes all ownerless areas=Poistaa kaikki omistajaton alue
Rename an area that you own=Nimeä omistamasi alue uudelleen
Self protection is disabled.=Itsesuojaus on poistettu käytöstä.
Self protection is enabled.=Itsesuojaus on käytössä.
That area doesn't exist.=Tätä aluetta ei ole olemassa.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Pelaajaa "@1" ei ole olemassa.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Vaihda alue avoimeksi (kuka tahansa voi olla vuorovaikutuksessa) tai suljetuksi.
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Vaihda aluetta auki/kiinni ryhmittymäsi jäsenille.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Olet alueen ylläpitäjä ("alueet"-oikeudet).
You can protect areas=Voit suojata alueita
You can't protect that area.=Sitä aluetta ei voi suojella.
You can't protect that area: @1=Sitä aluetta ei voi suojella: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Et omista sitä aluetta.
You have @1 areas.=Sinulla on @1 aluetta.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Sinulle on myönnetty alueen #@1 hallintaoikeus. Näytät alueesi kirjoittamalla /list_areas.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Sinulla on laajennetut alueiden suojausrajat ("areas_high_limit"-oikeudet).
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Sinulla on tarvittavat oikeudet ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Sinun on ensin valittava alue.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Et voi ottaa PvP:tä käyttöön, koska alueella on muita pelaajia: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP on @1 alueella @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Virheellinen käyttö, katso /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=PvP käytössä
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 on @2:n suojaama.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Vau, vau, ota rauhallisesti!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=PvP ei ole sallittua tällä alueella!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Alue on liian suuri.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Itsesuojaus on poistettu käytöstä tai sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Alue leikkaa @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Olet saavuttanut enimmäismäärän alueita, joita voit suojella.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<ei asetettu>
Area @1 selected.=Alue @1 valittu.
Area position @1 set to @2=Alueen sijainti @1 asetettu @2:een
Position @1 set to @2=Asento @1 asetettu @2:een
Position @1:=Asema @1:
Select an area by ID.=Valitse alue tunnuksen mukaan.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Valitse sijainti @1 lyömällä solmua.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Valitse sijainnit lyömällä kaksi solmua.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Aseta alueen suoja-alueen sijainti @1 omaan tai määritettyyn sijaintiin.
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Aseta alueen suoja-alue, sijainti 1 tai sijainti 2 lyömällä solmuja tai näytä alue.
The area @1 does not exist.=Aluetta @1 ei ole olemassa.
Unable to get position.=En pysty saamaan sijaintia.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Tuntematon alakomento: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Suojalohko
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Et saa suojella tätä aluetta: @1
You have already protected this area.=Olet jo suojellut tätä aluetta.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=Alue @1:n ja @2:n välillä on suojattu tunnuksella @3.
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Suojeltu alue @1, jonka omistaa @2.

locale/areas.fr.tr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<AreaName>=<Nom de la zone>
<PlayerName>=<Nom du joueur>
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 vous a donné le contrôle de la zone "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 s'étendant jusqu'à @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Une expression régulière est requise.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=La zone @1 n'existe pas ou ne vous appartient pas.
Area closed for faction members.=Zone fermée pour les membres de la faction.
Area closed.=Zone fermée.
Area does not exist.=La zone n'existe pas.
Area opened for faction members.=Zone ouverte aux membres de la faction.
Area opened.=Zone ouverte.
Area protected. ID: @1=Zone protégée. ID : @1
Area renamed.=Zone renommée.
Area successfully moved.=Zone déplacée avec succès.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Changer le propriétaire d'une zone en utilisant son ID
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Trouver des zones en utilisant une expression régulière Lua
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Obtenez des informations sur la configuration et l'utilisation des zones.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Donne à un joueur l'accès à une sous-zone entre deux positions qui ont déjà été protégées. Utilisez set_owner si vous ne voulez pas que le parent soit défini.
Invalid regular expression.=Expression régulière invalide.
Limit: @1 areas=Limite : @1 zones
Limit: no area count limit=Limite : pas de limite de nombre de zones
List your areas=Listez vos domaines
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Déplace (ou redimensionne) une zone aux positions actuelles.
No matches found.=Aucune correspondance trouvée.
No visible areas.=Aucune zone visible.
Too many areas to list all!=Trop de domaines pour tous les énumérer !
Owner changed.=Le propriétaire a changé.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Les joueurs ayant le privilège "@1" peuvent protéger jusqu'à @2 zones.
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Protéger une zone entre deux positions et permettre à un joueur d'y accéder sans définir le parent de la zone sur une zone existante.
Protect your own area=Protégez votre propre zone
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Supprimer récursivement des zones en utilisant un ID
Remove an area using an ID=Supprimer une zone en utilisant un ID
Removed area @1=Zone supprimée @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Suppression de la zone @1 et de ses sous-zones.
Removes all ownerless areas=Supprime toutes les zones sans propriétaire
Rename an area that you own=Renommer une zone qui vous appartient
Self protection is disabled.=L'autoprotection est désactivée.
Self protection is enabled.=L'autoprotection est activée.
That area doesn't exist.=Cette zone n'existe pas.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Le joueur "@1" n'existe pas.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Faire basculer une zone ouverte (tout le monde peut interagir) ou fermée
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Ouvrez/fermez une zone pour les membres de votre faction.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Vous êtes un administrateur de zone (privilège "zones").
You can protect areas=Vous pouvez protéger des zones
You can't protect that area.=Vous ne pouvez pas protéger cette zone.
You can't protect that area: @1=Vous ne pouvez pas protéger cette zone : @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Vous n'avez pas le privilège nécessaire ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Vous ne possédez pas cette zone.
You have @1 areas.=Vous avez @1 zones.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=On vous a accordé le contrôle de la zone #@1. Tapez /list_areas pour afficher vos zones.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Vous avez étendu les limites de protection des zones (privilège "areas_high_limit").
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Vous avez le privilège nécessaire ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Vous devez d'abord choisir une zone.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Vous ne pouvez pas activer le JcJ, il y a d'autres joueurs dans la zone : @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=Le JcJ est @1 dans la zone @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Utilisation non valide, voir /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
Areas:=Zones :
PvP enabled=JcJ activé
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 est protégé par @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Wow, wow, doucement !
PvP is not allowed in this area!=Le JcJ n'est pas autorisé dans cette zone !
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=La zone est trop grande.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=L'autoprotection est désactivée ou vous ne disposez pas du privilège nécessaire.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=La zone est à l'intersection de @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Vous avez atteint le nombre maximum de zones que vous êtes autorisé à protéger.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<not set>
Area @1 selected.=Zone @1 sélectionnée.
Area position @1 set to @2=Position de la zone @1 définie sur @2
Position @1 set to @2=Position @1 fixée à @2
Position @1:=Position @1 :
Select an area by ID.=Sélectionnez une zone par ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Sélectionnez la position @1 en poinçonnant un nœud.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Sélectionnez les positions en poinçonnant deux nœuds.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Définir la position de la région de protection de la zone @1 à votre emplacement ou à celui spécifié
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Définir la région de protection de la zone, la position 1 ou la position 2 en poinçonnant les nœuds, ou afficher la région.
The area @1 does not exist.=La zone @1 n'existe pas.
Unable to get position.=Impossible d'obtenir une position.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Sous-commande inconnue : @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Bloc de protection
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à protéger cette zone : @1
You have already protected this area.=Vous avez déjà protégé cette zone.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=La zone de @1 à @2 a été protégée comme ID @3
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Zone protégée @1, Propriété de @2

locale/areas.hu.tr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 átadta neked az irányítást a "@2" terület felett (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1, amely @2x@3x@4-ig terjed.
A regular expression is required.=Szükség van egy reguláris kifejezésre.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=A @1 terület nem létezik, vagy nem az Ön tulajdonában van.
Area closed for faction members.=A terület a frakció tagjai számára le van zárva.
Area closed.=A terület le van zárva.
Area does not exist.=A terület nem létezik.
Area opened for faction members.=A frakció tagjai számára megnyitott terület.
Area opened.=Megnyitott terület.
Area protected. ID: @1=Védett terület. ID: @1
Area renamed.=A területet átnevezték.
Area successfully moved.=Sikeresen áthelyezett terület.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Egy terület tulajdonosának megváltoztatása az azonosító segítségével
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Területek keresése Lua reguláris kifejezéssel
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Információk lekérése a terület konfigurációjáról és használatáról.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Adj hozzáférést egy játékosnak egy alterülethez két már védett pozíció között, Használd a set_owner-t, ha nem akarod, hogy a szülő be legyen állítva.
Invalid regular expression.=Érvénytelen reguláris kifejezés.
Limit: @1 areas=Határérték: @1 terület
Limit: no area count limit=Korlátozás: nincs területszám-korlátozás
List your areas=Sorolja fel a területeit
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Egy terület áthelyezése (vagy méretének módosítása) az aktuális pozíciókhoz.
No matches found.=Nincs találat.
No visible areas.=Nincsenek látható területek.
Too many areas to list all!=Túl sok területet nem lehet felsorolni!
Owner changed.=Tulajdonos változott.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Az "@1" kiváltsággal rendelkező játékosok legfeljebb @2 területet védhetnek.
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Egy terület védelme két pozíció között, és egy játékos hozzáférése a területhez anélkül, hogy a terület szülőjét egy meglévő területre állítaná be.
Protect your own area=Védje a saját területét
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Területek rekurzív eltávolítása egy azonosító segítségével
Remove an area using an ID=Egy terület eltávolítása egy azonosító használatával
Removed area @1=Eltávolított terület @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Eltávolítottuk az @1 területet és annak alterületeit.
Removes all ownerless areas=Eltávolítja az összes tulajdonos nélküli területet
Rename an area that you own=A tulajdonában lévő terület átnevezése
Self protection is disabled.=Az önvédelem ki van kapcsolva.
Self protection is enabled.=Az önvédelem engedélyezve van.
That area doesn't exist.=Ez a terület nem létezik.
The player "@1" does not exist.=A "@1" játékos nem létezik.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Egy terület nyitva (bárki interakcióba léphet) vagy zárva kapcsolása.
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Egy terület nyitva/zárva tartása a frakció tagjai számára.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Ön területadminisztrátor ("területek" jogosultság).
You can protect areas=Megvédheti a területeket
You can't protect that area.=Ezt a területet nem lehet megvédeni.
You can't protect that area: @1=Ezt a területet nem lehet megvédeni: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Nincs meg a szükséges jogosultsága ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Az a terület nem a tiéd.
You have @1 areas.=Önnek @1 területe van.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Ön a #@1 terület felett rendelkezik. Írja be a /list_areas parancsot a területek megjelenítéséhez.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Kiterjesztett területvédelmi korlátokkal rendelkezik ("areas_high_limit" jogosultság).
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Ön rendelkezik a szükséges jogosultsággal ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Először ki kell választania egy területet.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Nem engedélyezheted a PvP-t, más játékosok is vannak a területen: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP @1 a @2 területen.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Érvénytelen használat, lásd /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
Open=Nyissa meg a címet.
PvP enabled=PvP engedélyezve
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=Az @1-et az @2 védi.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Hűha, hűha, nyugalom!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=A PvP nem megengedett ezen a területen!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=A terület túl nagy.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Az önvédelem ki van kapcsolva, vagy nem rendelkezik a szükséges jogosultsággal.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=A terület metszi a @1 [@2] (@3) területet.
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Elérte a maximálisan védhető területek számát.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<Nincs beállítva>
Area @1 selected.=A @1 terület kiválasztva.
Area position @1 set to @2=A terület @1 pozíciója @2-re van állítva
Position @1 set to @2=@1 pozíció @2-re állítva
Position @1:=Pozíció @1:
Select an area by ID.=Válasszon ki egy területet azonosító alapján.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Válassza ki a @1 pozíciót egy csomópont beütésével.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Válassza ki a pozíciókat két csomópont lyukasztásával.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=A területvédelmi régió @1 pozíciójának beállítása a saját vagy a megadott helyére
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Területvédelmi régió, 1. vagy 2. pozíció beállítása a csomópontok lyukasztásával, vagy a régió megjelenítése
The area @1 does not exist.=A @1 terület nem létezik.
Unable to get position.=Képtelen pozícióba kerülni.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Ismeretlen alparancs: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Védőblokk
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Ezt a területet nem szabad védeni: @1
You have already protected this area.=Ezt a területet már megvédte.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=A @1 és @2 közötti területet @3 azonosítóként védik.
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Védett terület @1, Tulajdonos @2

locale/areas.id.tr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<AreaName>=<Nama Area>
<NewOwner>=<Pemilik Baru>
<PlayerName>=<Nama Pemain>
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 telah memberi Anda kendali atas area "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 mencakup hingga @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Diperlukan ekspresi reguler.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Area @1 tidak ada atau tidak dimiliki oleh Anda.
Area closed for faction members.=Area tertutup untuk anggota faksi.
Area closed.=Area ditutup.
Area does not exist.=Area tidak ada.
Area opened for faction members.=Area dibuka untuk anggota faksi.
Area opened.=Area yang dibuka.
Area protected. ID: @1=Area yang dilindungi. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Area berganti nama.
Area successfully moved.=Area yang berhasil dipindahkan.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Mengubah pemilik area menggunakan ID-nya
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Menemukan area menggunakan ekspresi reguler Lua
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Dapatkan informasi mengenai konfigurasi dan penggunaan area.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Berikan pemain akses ke sub-area di antara dua posisi yang telah diproteksi, Gunakan set_owner jika Anda tidak ingin induknya disetel.
Invalid regular expression.=Ekspresi reguler tidak valid.
Limit: @1 areas=Batas: @1 area
Limit: no area count limit=Batas: tidak ada batas jumlah area
List your areas=Buat daftar area Anda
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Memindahkan (atau mengubah ukuran) area ke posisi saat ini.
No matches found.=Tidak ada kecocokan yang ditemukan.
No visible areas.=Tidak ada area yang terlihat.
Too many areas to list all!=Terlalu banyak area untuk dicantumkan semua!
Owner changed.=Pemilik berubah.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Pemain dengan hak istimewa "@1" bisa melindungi hingga @2 area
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Melindungi area di antara dua posisi dan memberikan pemain akses ke sana tanpa menetapkan induk area ke area yang ada
Protect your own area=Lindungi area Anda sendiri
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Menghapus area secara rekursif menggunakan ID
Remove an area using an ID=Menghapus area menggunakan ID
Removed area @1=Area yang dihapus @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Menghapus area @1 dan sub area.
Removes all ownerless areas=Menghapus semua area tanpa pemilik
Rename an area that you own=Mengganti nama area yang Anda miliki
Self protection is disabled.=Perlindungan diri dinonaktifkan.
Self protection is enabled.=Perlindungan diri diaktifkan.
That area doesn't exist.=Area itu tidak ada.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Pemain "@1" tidak ada.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Mengalihkan area terbuka (siapa pun dapat berinteraksi) atau tertutup
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Mengalihkan area terbuka/tertutup untuk anggota di faksi Anda.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Anda adalah administrator area ("area" hak istimewa).
You can protect areas=Anda bisa melindungi area
You can't protect that area.=Anda tidak bisa melindungi area itu.
You can't protect that area: @1=Anda tidak dapat melindungi area itu: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Anda tidak memiliki hak istimewa yang diperlukan ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Anda tidak memiliki area itu.
You have @1 areas.=Anda memiliki @1 area.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Anda telah diberikan kontrol atas area #@1. Ketik /list_areas untuk menunjukkan area Anda.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Anda memiliki batas perlindungan area yang diperluas ("areas_high_limit" privilege).
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Anda memiliki hak istimewa yang diperlukan ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Anda harus memilih area terlebih dulu.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Anda tidak dapat mengaktifkan PvP, ada pemain lain di area tersebut: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP adalah @1 di area @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Penggunaan tidak valid, lihat /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=PvP diaktifkan
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 dilindungi oleh @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Wow, wow, tenang saja!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=PvP tidak diizinkan di area ini!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Area terlalu besar.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Perlindungan diri dinonaktifkan atau Anda tidak memiliki hak istimewa yang diperlukan.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Area tersebut berpotongan dengan @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Anda telah mencapai jumlah maksimum area yang diizinkan untuk Anda lindungi.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<tidak diatur>
Area @1 selected.=Area @1 dipilih.
Area position @1 set to @2=Posisi area @1 diatur ke @2
Position @1 set to @2=Posisi @1 diatur ke @2
Position @1:=Posisi @1:
Select an area by ID.=Pilih area berdasarkan ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Pilih posisi @1 dengan meninju sebuah simpul.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Pilih posisi dengan meninju dua node.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Tetapkan posisi wilayah perlindungan area @1 ke lokasi Anda atau yang ditentukan
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Mengatur wilayah perlindungan area, posisi 1, atau posisi 2 dengan meninju node, atau menampilkan wilayah tersebut
The area @1 does not exist.=Area @1 tidak ada.
Unable to get position.=Tidak bisa mendapatkan posisi.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Sub-perintah yang tidak diketahui: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Blok Pelindung
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Anda tidak diizinkan untuk melindungi area itu: @1
You have already protected this area.=Anda sudah melindungi area ini.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=Area dari @1 ke @2 telah dilindungi sebagai ID @3
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Kawasan lindung @1, Dimiliki oleh @2

locale/areas.it.tr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 vi ha dato il controllo dell'area "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 che si estende fino a @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=È richiesta un'espressione regolare.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=L'area @1 non esiste o non è di vostra proprietà.
Area closed for faction members.=Area chiusa ai membri della fazione.
Area closed.=Area chiusa.
Area does not exist.=L'area non esiste.
Area opened for faction members.=Area aperta ai membri della fazione.
Area opened.=Area aperta.
Area protected. ID: @1=Area protetta. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Area rinominata.
Area successfully moved.=Area spostata con successo.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Cambiare il proprietario di un'area utilizzando il suo ID
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Trovare aree utilizzando un'espressione regolare Lua
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Ottenere informazioni sulla configurazione e sull'uso dell'area.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Permette a un giocatore di accedere a una sottoarea tra due posizioni già protette. Usare set_owner se non si vuole che il genitore sia impostato.
Invalid regular expression.=Espressione regolare non valida.
Limit: @1 areas=Limite: @1 aree
Limit: no area count limit=Limite: nessun limite di numero di aree
List your areas=Elencate le vostre aree
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Sposta (o ridimensiona) un'area nelle posizioni correnti.
No matches found.=Nessuna corrispondenza trovata.
No visible areas.=Nessuna area visibile.
Too many areas to list all!=Troppe aree per elencarle tutte!
Owner changed.=Il proprietario è cambiato.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=I giocatori con il privilegio "@1" possono proteggere fino a @2 aree.
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Proteggere un'area tra due posizioni e consentire a un giocatore di accedervi senza impostare il genitore dell'area su un'area esistente.
Protect your own area=Proteggere la propria area
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Rimuovere ricorsivamente le aree utilizzando un ID
Remove an area using an ID=Rimuovere un'area utilizzando un ID
Removed area @1=Area rimossa @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Rimossa l'area @1 e le sue sottoaree.
Removes all ownerless areas=Rimuove tutte le aree senza proprietario
Rename an area that you own=Rinominare un'area di proprietà
Self protection is disabled.=L'autoprotezione è disattivata.
Self protection is enabled.=L'autoprotezione è attivata.
That area doesn't exist.=Quell'area non esiste.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Il giocatore "@1" non esiste.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Attivare un'area aperta (chiunque può interagire) o chiusa
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Attivare un'area aperta/chiusa per i membri della propria fazione.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Siete un amministratore di area (privilegio "aree").
You can protect areas=È possibile proteggere le aree
You can't protect that area.=Non è possibile proteggere quell'area.
You can't protect that area: @1=Non è possibile proteggere quell'area: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Non si dispone dei privilegi necessari ("@1").
You don't own that area.=L'area non è di vostra proprietà.
You have @1 areas.=Avete @1 aree.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=È stato concesso il controllo dell'area #@1. Digitare /list_areas per visualizzare le aree.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=I limiti di protezione delle aree sono stati estesi (privilegio "areas_high_limit").
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Avete i privilegi necessari ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Per prima cosa è necessario selezionare un'area.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Non è possibile attivare il PvP, ci sono altri giocatori nell'area: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=Il PvP è @1 nell'area @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Uso non valido, vedere /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=PvP abilitato
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 è protetto da @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Wow, wow, calma!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=Il PvP non è consentito in quest'area!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=L'area è troppo grande.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=L'autoprotezione è disattivata o non si dispone dei privilegi necessari.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=L'area interseca @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=È stato raggiunto il numero massimo di aree che è possibile proteggere.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<non impostato>
Area @1 selected.=Area @1 selezionata.
Area position @1 set to @2=Posizione dell'area @1 impostata su @2
Position @1 set to @2=Posizione @1 impostata su @2
Position @1:=Posizione @1:
Select an area by ID.=Selezionare un'area per ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Selezionare la posizione @1 perforando un nodo.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Selezionare le posizioni perforando due nodi.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Impostare la posizione @1 della regione di protezione dell'area sulla propria posizione o su quella specificata
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Impostare la regione di protezione dell'area, la posizione 1 o la posizione 2 perforando i nodi, oppure visualizzare la regione.
The area @1 does not exist.=L'area @1 non esiste.
Unable to get position.=Impossibile ottenere la posizione.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Sottocomando sconosciuto: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Blocco di protezione
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Non è consentito proteggere quell'area: @1
You have already protected this area.=Avete già protetto quest'area.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=L'area da @1 a @2 è stata protetta come ID @3.
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Area protetta @1, di proprietà di @2

locale/areas.ja.tr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=1は、エリア「@2」ID @3の制御をあなたに与えています。
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=1は、@2x@3x@4までスパンしています。
A regular expression is required.=正規表現が必要です。
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=エリア@1は存在しないか、またはお客様が所有していない。
Area closed for faction members.=派閥のメンバーにはエリアが閉鎖されています。
Area closed.=エリアは終了しました。
Area does not exist.=エリアが存在しない。
Area opened for faction members.=ファクションメンバーのためのエリアがオープン。
Area opened.=開設したエリア
Area protected. ID: @1=保護されている地域ID@1
Area renamed.=エリア名を変更しました。
Area successfully moved.=エリア移動に成功しました。
Change the owner of an area using its ID=IDを使用して領域のオーナーを変更する
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Luaの正規表現で領域を検索する
Get information about area configuration and usage.=エリアの構成と使用状況に関する情報を取得します。
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=すでに保護されている2つの位置の間のサブ領域にアクセスできるようにします。親を設定したくない場合は set_owner を使用します。
Invalid regular expression.=正規表現が無効です。
Limit: @1 areas=制限する。1エリア
Limit: no area count limit=制限:エリアカウントの制限なし
List your areas=対象地域一覧
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=領域を現在の位置に移動(またはサイズ変更)する。
No matches found.=該当するものがありません。
No visible areas.=見える部分はありません。
Too many areas to list all!=たくさんありすぎて、全部は紹介しきれません
Owner changed.=所有者が変更になりました。
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=1 "権限を持つプレイヤーは、最大で"@2 "のエリアを保護することができます。
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=2つのポジションの間にあるエリアを保護し、そのエリアの親を既存のエリアに設定することなく、プレイヤーにアクセスさせることができます。
Protect your own area=自分のエリアは自分で守る
Recursively remove areas using an ID=IDを用いた再帰的な領域削除
Remove an area using an ID=IDを用いた領域の削除
Removed area @1=削除された領域 @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=エリア@1およびそのサブエリアを削除しました。
Removes all ownerless areas=オーナー不在のエリアをすべて削除
Rename an area that you own=所有するエリアの名前を変更する
Self protection is disabled.=自己保護機能は無効です。
Self protection is enabled.=自己保護機能が有効です。
That area doesn't exist.=その領域は存在しないのです。
The player "@1" does not exist.=プレイヤー"@1 "は存在しない。
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=エリアをオープン(誰でも参加可能)またはクローズにトグルする
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=所属する派閥のメンバーに対して、エリアのオープン/クローズを切り替えます。
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=あなたはエリア管理者です(「エリア」権限)。
You can protect areas=エリアを保護することができます
You can't protect that area.=そのあたりは守れない。
You can't protect that area: @1=その辺は守れない。@1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=必要な権限("@1")を持っていない。
You don't own that area.=その地域はあなたの所有物ではありません。
You have @1 areas.=エリアは@1つです。
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=エリア#@1の制御が許可されました。 /list_areasと入力すると、自分のエリアが表示されます。
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=エリアプロテクションの制限を拡張している("areas_high_limit "権限)。
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=必要な権限("@1")を持っている。
You need to select an area first.=まずエリアを選択する必要があります。
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=他のプレイヤーがいるため、PvPを有効にできません。@1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvPはエリア@2で@1。
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=無効な使用方法です。/help @1 を参照してください。
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=PvP対応
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=1は@2によって保護されています。
Wow, wow, take it easy!=わ、わ、わ、無理しないでね!?
PvP is not allowed in this area!=このエリアではPvPは禁止されています
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=面積が広すぎる。
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=セルフプロテクションが無効になっているか、必要な権限がない。
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=この領域は、@1 [@2] (@3) と交差している。
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=保護できるエリアが上限に達しています。
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<未設定
Area @1 selected.=エリア@1が選択されました。
Area position @1 set to @2=エリア位置 @1 を @2 に設定
Position @1 set to @2=ポジション @1 を @2 に設定
Position @1:=ポジション@1。
Select an area by ID.=IDでエリアを選択します。
Select position @1 by punching a node.=ノードパンチでポジション@1を選択します。
Select positions by punching two nodes.=2つのードをパンチしてポジションを選択します。
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=領域保護領域位置 @1 を自分の位置または指定した位置に設定する
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=領域保護領域、位置1、位置2をードパンチで設定、または領域表示
The area @1 does not exist.=領域@1が存在しない。
Unable to get position.=ポジションが取れない。
Unknown subcommand: @1=不明なサブコマンドです。@1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=プロテクターブロック
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=その部分を保護することは禁止されています。@1
You have already protected this area.=この辺はもう守りましたね。
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=1から@2までをID@3として保護しました。
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=保護地域@1、所有者@2

locale/areas.lt.tr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<NewOwner>=<Naujasis savininkas>
<newName>=<naujas pavadinimas>
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).="@1" suteikė jums valdyti sritį "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1, apimantis iki @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Būtina reguliarioji išraiška.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Sritys @1 neegzistuoja arba nepriklauso jums.
Area closed for faction members.=Frakcijos nariams teritorija uždaryta.
Area closed.=Uždaryta teritorija.
Area does not exist.=Plotas neegzistuoja.
Area opened for faction members.=Frakcijos nariams atverta sritis.
Area opened.=Atidaryta sritis.
Area protected. ID: @1=Saugoma teritorija. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Pakeistas vietovės pavadinimas.
Area successfully moved.=Sritis sėkmingai perkelta.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Pakeiskite srities savininką naudodami jos ID
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=sričių paieška naudojant "Lua" reguliariąją išraišką
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Gaukite informacijos apie srities konfigūraciją ir naudojimą.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Suteikite žaidėjui prieigą prie papildomos srities, esančios tarp dviejų jau apsaugotų pozicijų, Naudokite set_owner, jei nenorite, kad būtų nustatytas tėvinis elementas.
Invalid regular expression.=Netinkama reguliarioji išraiška.
Limit: @1 areas=riba: @1 sritis
Limit: no area count limit=Apribojimas: nėra ploto skaičiaus apribojimo
List your areas=Išvardykite savo sritis
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Perkelkite (arba pakeiskite dydį) sritį į dabartines pozicijas.
No matches found.=Rungtynių nerasta.
No visible areas.=Nėra matomų sričių.
Too many areas to list all!=Per daug sričių, kad jas visas išvardytume!
Owner changed.=Pasikeitė savininkas.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Žaidėjai, turintys "@1" privilegiją, gali apsaugoti iki @2 sričių.
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Apsaugokite sritį tarp dviejų pozicijų ir suteikite žaidėjui prieigą prie jos, nenustatydami srities tėvinės reikšmės jokiai esamai sričiai.
Protect your own area=Apsaugokite savo teritoriją
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Rekursyviai pašalinkite sritis naudodami ID
Remove an area using an ID=Pašalinti sritį naudojant ID
Removed area @1=Pašalinta sritis @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Pašalinta @1 sritis ir jos dalinės sritys.
Removes all ownerless areas=Pašalinamos visos bešeimininkės teritorijos
Rename an area that you own=Pervardykite jums priklausančią sritį
Self protection is disabled.=Savisauga išjungta.
Self protection is enabled.=Įjungta savisauga.
That area doesn't exist.=Šios srities nėra.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Žaidėjas "@1" neegzistuoja.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Perjunkite sritį į atvirą (bet kas gali sąveikauti) arba uždarą.
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Perjunkite atvirą / uždarą sritį savo frakcijos nariams.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Esate srities administratorius (privilegija "sritis").
You can protect areas=Galite apsaugoti sritis
You can't protect that area.=Negalite apsaugoti tos srities.
You can't protect that area: @1=Negalite apsaugoti tos srities: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Neturite reikiamos privilegijos ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Ši teritorija jums nepriklauso.
You have @1 areas.=Turite @1 sritį.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Jums buvo suteiktas srities #@1 valdymas. Įveskite /list_areas, kad parodytumėte savo sritis.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Išplėstos srities apsaugos ribos (privilegija "areas_high_limit").
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Turite reikiamą privilegiją ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Pirmiausia reikia pasirinkti sritį.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Negalite įjungti PvP, nes teritorijoje yra kitų žaidėjų: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP yra @1 zonoje @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Netinkamas naudojimas, žr. /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=Įjungtas PvP
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 yra apsaugotas @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Oho, oho, nusiraminkite!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=Šioje zonoje neleidžiama žaisti PvP!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Plotas per didelis.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Savisauga yra išjungta arba neturite reikiamos privilegijos.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Plotas susikerta su @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Pasiekėte didžiausią leistiną saugomų sričių skaičių.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<nenurodyta>
Area @1 selected.=Pasirinkta @1 sritis.
Area position @1 set to @2=Ploto padėtis @1 nustatyta į @2
Position @1 set to @2=Pozicija @1 nustatyta į @2
Position @1:=Pozicija @1:
Select an area by ID.=Pasirinkite sritį pagal ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Pasirinkite poziciją @1, perbraukdami mazgą.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Pasirinkite pozicijas perbraukdami du mazgus.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Nustatykite srities apsaugos regiono poziciją @1 į savo arba nurodytą vietą
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Nustatykite srities apsaugos regioną, 1 arba 2 poziciją perbraukiant mazgus arba rodykite regioną
The area @1 does not exist.=Plotas @1 neegzistuoja.
Unable to get position.=Nepavyksta gauti pozicijos.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Nežinoma subkomanda: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Apsauginis blokas
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Jums neleidžiama saugoti tos srities: @1
You have already protected this area.=Jūs jau apsaugojote šią sritį.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=Teritorija nuo @1 iki @2 buvo apsaugota kaip ID @3
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Saugoma teritorija @1, priklauso @2

locale/areas.lv.tr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<newName>=<jauns nosaukums>
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 ir piešķīris jums kontroli pār apgabalu "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1, kas aptver līdz @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Ir nepieciešama regulārā izteiksme.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Laukums @1 neeksistē vai nepieder jums.
Area closed for faction members.=Zona slēgta frakcijas locekļiem.
Area closed.=Teritorija slēgta.
Area does not exist.=Teritorija neeksistē.
Area opened for faction members.=Frakciju dalībniekiem atvērta zona.
Area opened.=Atvērtā teritorija.
Area protected. ID: @1=Aizsargājamā teritorija. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Teritorijas pārdēvēšana.
Area successfully moved.=Veiksmīgi pārvietots apgabals.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Mainīt apgabala īpašnieku, izmantojot tā ID
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Rajonu atrašana, izmantojot Lua regulāro izteiksmi
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Saņemiet informāciju par apgabala konfigurāciju un izmantošanu.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Piešķiriet spēlētājam piekļuvi apakšzonai starp divām pozīcijām, kas jau ir aizsargātas, Izmantojiet set_owner, ja nevēlaties, lai tiktu iestatīts vecāks.
Invalid regular expression.=Nederīga regulārā izteiksme.
Limit: @1 areas=Ierobežojums: @1 apgabals
Limit: no area count limit=Ierobežojums: nav platību skaita ierobežojuma
List your areas=Uzskaitiet savas jomas
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Pārvietot (vai mainīt izmēru) apgabalu uz pašreizējām pozīcijām.
No matches found.=Nav atrasts neviens sakritenis.
No visible areas.=Nav redzamu laukumu.
Too many areas to list all!=Pārāk daudz jomu, lai uzskaitītu visas!
Owner changed.=Mainīts īpašnieks.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Spēlētāji ar "@1" privilēģiju var aizsargāt līdz pat @2 apgabaliem.
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Aizsargājiet apgabalu starp divām pozīcijām un dodiet spēlētājam piekļuvi tam, nenosakot apgabala vecāku nevienam esošajam apgabalam.
Protect your own area=Aizsargājiet savu teritoriju
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Rekursīvi noņemt apgabalus, izmantojot ID
Remove an area using an ID=Noņemt apgabalu, izmantojot ID
Removed area @1=Noņemtais apgabals @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Noņemts apgabals @1 un tā apakšapgabali.
Removes all ownerless areas=Noņem visus apgabalus bez īpašnieka
Rename an area that you own=Pārdēvēt jums piederošu apgabalu
Self protection is disabled.=Pašaizsardzība ir atspējota.
Self protection is enabled.=Pašaizsardzība ir iespējota.
That area doesn't exist.=Šī teritorija neeksistē.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Spēlētājs "@1" neeksistē.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Pārslēgt apgabalu uz atvērtu (ikviens var mijiedarboties) vai slēgtu.
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Pārslēdziet apgabala atvēršanu/aizvēršanu savas frakcijas biedriem.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Jūs esat apgabala administrators ("apgabalu" privilēģija).
You can protect areas=Varat aizsargāt apgabalus.
You can't protect that area.=Jūs nevarat aizsargāt šo teritoriju.
You can't protect that area: @1=Jūs nevarat aizsargāt šo teritoriju: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Jums nav nepieciešamās privilēģijas ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Šī teritorija jums nepieder.
You have @1 areas.=Jums ir @1 apgabals.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Jums ir piešķirta kontrole pār apgabalu #@1. Lai parādītu apgabalus, ievadiet /list_areas.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Jums ir paplašināti apgabala aizsardzības ierobežojumi (privilēģija "areas_high_limit").
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Jums ir nepieciešamās privilēģijas ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Vispirms ir jāizvēlas apgabals.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Jūs nevarat aktivizēt PvP, jo šajā zonā ir citi spēlētāji: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP ir @1 zonā @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Nepareiza lietošana, skatiet /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=Ieslēgts PvP
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 ir aizsargāts ar @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Wow, wow, ņemiet to mierīgi!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=PvP šajā zonā nav atļauts!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Platība ir pārāk liela.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Pašaizsardzība ir atspējota vai arī jums nav nepieciešamo privilēģiju.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Platība krustojas ar @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Ir sasniegts maksimālais aizsargājamo apgabalu skaits.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<nav iestatīts>
Area @1 selected.=Izvēlēts apgabals @1.
Area position @1 set to @2=Platības pozīcija @1 iestatīta uz @2
Position @1 set to @2=Pozīcija @1 iestatīta uz @2
Position @1:=Pozīcija @1:
Select an area by ID.=Atlasiet apgabalu pēc ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Izvēlieties pozīciju @1, nospiežot mezglu.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Izvēlieties pozīcijas, izdarot perforāciju divos mezglos.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Iestatiet apgabala aizsardzības reģiona pozīciju @1 savā vai norādītajā atrašanās vietā
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Iestatiet apgabala aizsardzības apgabalu, pozīciju 1 vai pozīciju 2, caurvelkot mezglus, vai parādiet apgabalu.
The area @1 does not exist.=Laukums @1 neeksistē.
Unable to get position.=Nevar iegūt pozīciju.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Nezināms apakškomands: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Aizsargu bloks
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Jums nav atļauts aizsargāt šo zonu: @1
You have already protected this area.=Jūs jau esat aizsargājis šo teritoriju.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=Teritorija no @1 līdz @2 ir aizsargāta kā ID @3
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Aizsargājamā teritorija @1, Īpašnieks @2

locale/areas.nl.tr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<newName>=<nieuwe naam>
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 heeft u de controle gegeven over het gebied "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 overlopend tot @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Een reguliere expressie is vereist.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Gebied @1 bestaat niet of is geen eigendom van u.
Area closed for faction members.=Gebied gesloten voor factie leden.
Area closed.=Gebied gesloten.
Area does not exist.=Gebied bestaat niet.
Area opened for faction members.=Gebied geopend voor factie leden.
Area opened.=Gebied geopend.
Area protected. ID: @1=Gebied beschermd. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Gebied hernoemd.
Area successfully moved.=Gebied succesvol verplaatst.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Verander de eigenaar van een gebied met behulp van zijn ID
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Zoek gebieden met een Lua reguliere expressie
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Verkrijg informatie over gebiedsconfiguratie en -gebruik.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Geef een speler toegang tot een deelgebied tussen twee posities die al beschermd zijn, Gebruik set_owner als je niet wilt dat de ouder ingesteld wordt.
Invalid regular expression.=Ongeldige reguliere uitdrukking.
Limit: @1 areas=Limiet: @1 gebieden
Limit: no area count limit=Limiet: geen limiet voor het aantal gebieden
List your areas=Maak een lijst van uw gebieden
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Verplaats (of resize) een gebied naar de huidige posities.
No matches found.=Geen overeenkomsten gevonden.
No visible areas.=Geen zichtbare gebieden.
Too many areas to list all!=Te veel gebieden om allemaal op te noemen!
Owner changed.=Eigenaar veranderd.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Spelers met de "@1" privilege kunnen tot @2 gebieden beschermen
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Bescherm een gebied tussen twee posities en geef een speler toegang tot het gebied zonder de ouder van het gebied op een bestaand gebied te zetten
Protect your own area=Bescherm je eigen gebied
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Recursief gebieden verwijderen met een ID
Remove an area using an ID=Verwijder een gebied met behulp van een ID
Removed area @1=Verwijderd gebied @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Gebied @1 en zijn subgebieden verwijderd.
Removes all ownerless areas=Verwijdert alle eigenaarloze gebieden
Rename an area that you own=Hernoem een gebied dat u bezit
Self protection is disabled.=Zelfbescherming is uitgeschakeld.
Self protection is enabled.=Zelfbescherming is ingeschakeld.
That area doesn't exist.=Dat gebied bestaat niet.
The player "@1" does not exist.=De speler "@1" bestaat niet.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Toggle een gebied open (iedereen kan reageren) of gesloten
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Schakelt een gebied open/gesloten voor leden van jouw factie.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=U bent een gebiedsbeheerder ("gebieden" voorrecht).
You can protect areas=U kunt gebieden beschermen
You can't protect that area.=Je kunt dat gebied niet beschermen.
You can't protect that area: @1=Je kunt dat gebied niet beschermen: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Je hebt niet het vereiste privilege ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Je bezit dat gebied niet.
You have @1 areas.=Je hebt @1 gebieden.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=U heeft controle gekregen over gebied #@1. Typ /list_areas om uw gebieden te tonen.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Je hebt uitgebreide gebiedsbeschermingslimieten ("areas_high_limit" privilege).
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=U hebt het vereiste privilege ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Je moet eerst een gebied kiezen.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=U kunt PvP niet inschakelen, er zijn andere spelers in het gebied: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP is @1 in gebied @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Ongeldig gebruik, zie /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=PvP ingeschakeld
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 wordt beschermd door @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Wow, wow, rustig aan!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=PvP is niet toegestaan in dit gebied!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Het gebied is te groot.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Zelfbescherming is uitgeschakeld of u hebt niet het vereiste privilege.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Het gebied snijdt met @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=U hebt het maximum aantal gebieden bereikt dat u mag beschermen.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<niet ingesteld>
Area @1 selected.=Gebied @1 geselecteerd.
Area position @1 set to @2=Gebiedspositie @1 ingesteld op @2
Position @1 set to @2=Positie @1 ingesteld op @2
Position @1:=Positie @1:
Select an area by ID.=Selecteer een gebied op ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Selecteer positie @1 door een knooppunt te ponsen.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Selecteer posities door twee knooppunten te ponsen.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Stel gebiedsbescherming positie @1 in op uw locatie of de opgegeven locatie
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Stel gebiedsbescherming in, positie 1, of positie 2 door knopen te ponsen, of toon het gebied
The area @1 does not exist.=Het gebied @1 bestaat niet.
Unable to get position.=Kan geen positie krijgen.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Onbekende subcommando: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Beschermer Blok
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Je mag dat gebied niet beschermen: @1
You have already protected this area.=Je hebt dit gebied al beschermd.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=Het gebied van @1 tot @2 is beschermd als ID @3
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Beschermd gebied @1, Eigendom van @2

locale/areas.pl.tr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 przekazał Ci kontrolę nad obszarem "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 rozpiętość do @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Wymagane jest podanie wyrażenia regularnego.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Obszar @1 nie istnieje lub nie jest własnością użytkownika.
Area closed for faction members.=Obszar zamknięty dla członków frakcji.
Area closed.=Obszar zamknięty.
Area does not exist.=Obszar nie istnieje.
Area opened for faction members.=Obszar otwarty dla członków frakcji.
Area opened.=Obszar otwarty.
Area protected. ID: @1=Obszar chroniony. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Zmiana nazwy obszaru.
Area successfully moved.=Obszar przeniesiony z powodzeniem.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Zmień właściciela obszaru używając jego ID
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Znajdź obszary używając wyrażenia regularnego Lua
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Uzyskaj informacje o konfiguracji i wykorzystaniu obszaru.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Daj graczowi dostęp do podobszaru pomiędzy dwoma pozycjami, które zostały już zabezpieczone, Użyj set_owner, jeśli nie chcesz, aby rodzic został ustawiony.
Invalid regular expression.=Nieprawidłowe wyrażenie regularne.
Limit: @1 areas=Limit: @1 obszarów
Limit: no area count limit=Limit: brak limitu liczby obszarów
List your areas=Wymień swoje obszary
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Przesuń (lub zmień rozmiar) obszar do aktualnych pozycji.
No matches found.=Nie znaleziono dopasowań.
No visible areas.=Brak widocznych miejsc.
Too many areas to list all!=Zbyt wiele obszarów, by wymienić wszystkie!
Owner changed.=Właściciel zmieniony.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Gracze z uprawnieniami "@1" mogą chronić do @2 obszarów
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Zabezpiecz obszar pomiędzy dwoma pozycjami i daj graczowi dostęp do niego bez ustawiania rodzica obszaru na istniejący obszar
Protect your own area=Chroń swój własny obszar
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Rekursywne usuwanie obszarów przy użyciu identyfikatora
Remove an area using an ID=Usuń obszar przy użyciu identyfikatora
Removed area @1=Usunięty obszar @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Usunięto obszar @1 i jego podobszary.
Removes all ownerless areas=Usuwa wszystkie obszary bez właściciela
Rename an area that you own=Zmień nazwę obszaru, którego jesteś właścicielem
Self protection is disabled.=Samoochrona jest wyłączona.
Self protection is enabled.=Samoochrona jest włączona.
That area doesn't exist.=Ten obszar nie istnieje.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Gracz "@1" nie istnieje.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Przełączanie obszaru otwartego (każdy może wejść w interakcję) lub zamkniętego
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Przełącza obszar otwarty/zamknięty dla członków twojej frakcji.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Jesteś administratorem obszaru (uprawnienie "obszary").
You can protect areas=Można chronić obszary
You can't protect that area.=Nie można chronić tego obszaru.
You can't protect that area: @1=Nie można chronić tego obszaru: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Nie masz odpowiedniego uprawnienia ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Nie jesteś właścicielem tego terenu.
You have @1 areas.=Masz @1 obszarów.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Otrzymałeś kontrolę nad obszarem #@1. Wpisz /list_areas, aby pokazać swoje obszary.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Masz rozszerzone limity ochrony obszarów (uprawnienie "areas_high_limit").
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Masz niezbędne uprawnienia ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Najpierw trzeba wybrać obszar.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Nie można włączyć PvP, w okolicy są inni gracze: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP jest @1 w obszarze @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Nieprawidłowe użycie, zobacz /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=Włączony PvP
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 jest chroniony przez @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Wow, wow, spokojnie!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=PvP nie jest dozwolone na tym obszarze!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Obszar jest zbyt duży.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Samoochrona jest wyłączona lub nie masz niezbędnych uprawnień.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Obszar ten przecina się z @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Osiągnąłeś maksymalną ilość obszarów, które możesz chronić.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<nie ustawiono>.
Area @1 selected.=Obszar @1 wybrany.
Area position @1 set to @2=Pozycja obszaru @1 ustawiona na @2
Position @1 set to @2=Pozycja @1 ustawiona na @2
Position @1:=Pozycja @1:
Select an area by ID.=Wybierz obszar według ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Wybierz pozycję @1 poprzez wykrawanie węzła.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Wybierz pozycje poprzez wykrawanie dwóch węzłów.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Ustaw pozycję regionu ochrony obszaru @1 na swoją lub określoną lokalizację
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Ustawić region ochrony obszaru, pozycję 1 lub pozycję 2 poprzez wykrawanie węzłów, lub wyświetlić region
The area @1 does not exist.=Obszar @1 nie istnieje.
Unable to get position.=Nie można uzyskać pozycji.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Nieznane podkomendne: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Blok ochronny
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Nie wolno chronić tego obszaru: @1
You have already protected this area.=Już zabezpieczyłeś ten obszar.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=Obszar od @1 do @2 został zabezpieczony jako ID @3
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Obszar chroniony @1, własność @2

locale/areas.pt.tr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<PlayerName>=<Nome do Jogador>
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 deu-lhe controlo sobre a área "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 abrangendo até @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=É necessária uma expressão regular.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=A área @1 não existe ou não é sua propriedade.
Area closed for faction members.=Área fechada para membros da facção.
Area closed.=Área fechada.
Area does not exist.=A área não existe.
Area opened for faction members.=Área aberta aos membros da facção.
Area opened.=Área aberta.
Area protected. ID: @1=Área protegida. IDENTIFICAÇÃO: @1
Area renamed.=Área renomeada.
Area successfully moved.=Área movimentada com sucesso.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Mudar o proprietário de uma área utilizando a sua identificação
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Encontrar áreas usando uma expressão regular Lua
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Obter informação sobre a configuração e utilização da área.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Dar a um jogador acesso a uma subárea entre duas posições que já tenham sido protegidas, Utilizar set_owner se não quiser que o pai seja definido.
Invalid regular expression.=Expressão inválida regular.
Limit: @1 areas=Limite: @1 áreas
Limit: no area count limit=Limite: sem limite de área de contagem
List your areas=Liste as suas áreas
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Deslocar (ou redimensionar) uma área para as posições actuais.
No matches found.=Não foram encontrados fósforos.
No visible areas.=Sem áreas visíveis.
Too many areas to list all!=Demasiadas áreas para listar todas!
Owner changed.=O proprietário mudou.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Jogadores com o privilégio "@1" podem proteger até @2 áreas
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Proteger uma área entre duas posições e dar a um jogador acesso a ela sem definir o progenitor da área para qualquer área existente
Protect your own area=Proteja a sua própria área
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Remover recursivamente áreas usando uma identificação
Remove an area using an ID=Remover uma área usando uma identificação
Removed area @1=Área removida @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Área removida @1 e as suas sub-áreas.
Removes all ownerless areas=Remove todas as áreas sem dono
Rename an area that you own=Renomeie uma área que lhe pertence
Self protection is disabled.=A autoprotecção está desactivada.
Self protection is enabled.=A autoprotecção está activada.
That area doesn't exist.=Essa área não existe.
The player "@1" does not exist.=O jogador "@1" não existe.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Alternar uma área aberta (qualquer pessoa pode interagir) ou fechada
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Alternar uma área aberta/fechada para membros da sua facção.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=É um administrador de área ("privilégio das áreas").
You can protect areas=Pode proteger áreas
You can't protect that area.=Não se pode proteger essa área.
You can't protect that area: @1=Não se pode proteger essa área: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Não tem o privilégio necessário ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Não é dono dessa área.
You have @1 areas.=Tem @1 áreas.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Foi-lhe concedido o controlo da área #@1. Digite /list_areas para mostrar as suas áreas.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Tem limites alargados de protecção de área (privilégio "areas_high_limit").
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Tem o privilégio necessário ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=É necessário seleccionar primeiro uma área.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Não é possível permitir PvP, existem outros jogadores na área: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP é @1 na área @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Utilização inválida, ver /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=PvP activado
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 é protegido por @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Uau, uau, tem calma!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=O PvP não é permitido nesta área!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=A área é demasiado grande.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=A autoprotecção é desactivada ou não tem o privilégio necessário.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=A área cruza-se com @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Atingiu a quantidade máxima de áreas que está autorizado a proteger.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<não definido>
Area @1 selected.=Área @1 seleccionada.
Area position @1 set to @2=Posição de área @1 definida para @2
Position @1 set to @2=Posição @1 definida para @2
Position @1:=Posição @1:
Select an area by ID.=Seleccione uma área por ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Seleccionar a posição @1 perfurando um nó.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Seleccionar posições através da perfuração de dois nós.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Defina a posição da região de protecção @1 para a sua localização ou para a especificada
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Definir a região de protecção da área, posição 1, ou posição 2 através de nós perfuradores, ou mostrar a região
The area @1 does not exist.=A área @1 não existe.
Unable to get position.=Incapaz de obter posição.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Subcomando desconhecido: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Bloco Protector
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Não está autorizado a proteger essa área: @1
You have already protected this area.=Já protegeu esta área.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=A área de @1 a @2 tem sido protegida como ID @3
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Área Protegida @1, Propriedade de @2

locale/areas.ro.tr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 v-a acordat controlul asupra zonei "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 care se întinde până la @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Este necesară o expresie regulată.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Zona @1 nu există sau nu vă aparține.
Area closed for faction members.=Zonă închisă pentru membrii facțiunii.
Area closed.=Zona închisă.
Area does not exist.=Zona nu există.
Area opened for faction members.=Zonă deschisă pentru membrii facțiunii.
Area opened.=Zona deschisă.
Area protected. ID: @1=Zona protejată. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Zona a fost redenumită.
Area successfully moved.=Zona a fost mutată cu succes.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Schimbarea proprietarului unei zone folosind ID-ul acesteia
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Găsiți zone folosind o expresie regulată Lua
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Obțineți informații despre configurația și utilizarea zonei.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Oferă unui jucător acces la o subzonă între două poziții care au fost deja protejate. Folosiți set_owner dacă nu doriți ca părintele să fie setat.
Invalid regular expression.=Expresie regulată invalidă.
Limit: @1 areas=Limită: @1 zone
Limit: no area count limit=Limită: nu există o limită a numărului de zone
List your areas=Enumerați domeniile dvs.
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Deplasează (sau redimensionează) o zonă în pozițiile curente.
No matches found.=Nu s-a găsit nicio potrivire.
No visible areas.=Nu există zone vizibile.
Too many areas to list all!=Prea multe domenii pentru a le enumera pe toate!
Owner changed.=Proprietar schimbat.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Jucătorii cu privilegiul "@1" pot proteja până la @2 zone.
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Protejați o zonă între două poziții și permiteți accesul unui jucător la aceasta fără a seta părintele zonei pe o zonă existentă.
Protect your own area=Protejați-vă propria zonă
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Eliminarea recurentă a zonelor folosind un ID
Remove an area using an ID=Îndepărtarea unei zone cu ajutorul unui ID
Removed area @1=Zona eliminată @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Eliminat zona @1 și subzonele sale.
Removes all ownerless areas=Elimină toate zonele fără proprietar
Rename an area that you own=Redenumiți o zonă pe care o dețineți
Self protection is disabled.=Autoprotecția este dezactivată.
Self protection is enabled.=Autoprotecția este activată.
That area doesn't exist.=Acea zonă nu există.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Jucătorul "@1" nu există.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Comutați o zonă deschisă (oricine poate interacționa) sau închisă
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Comută o zonă deschisă/închisă pentru membrii facțiunii tale.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Sunteți un administrator de zonă (privilegiu "zone").
You can protect areas=Puteți proteja zonele
You can't protect that area.=Nu poți proteja acea zonă.
You can't protect that area: @1=Nu poți proteja acea zonă: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Nu aveți privilegiul necesar ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Nu ești proprietarul acelei zone.
You have @1 areas.=Aveți @1 domenii.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Vi s-a acordat controlul asupra zonei #@1. Tastați /list_areas pentru a vă afișa zonele.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Aveți limite extinse de protecție a zonelor (privilegiu "areas_high_limit").
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Aveți privilegiul necesar ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Mai întâi trebuie să selectați o zonă.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Nu puteți activa PvP, există alți jucători în zonă: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP este @1 în zona @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Utilizare invalidă, a se vedea /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=PvP activat
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 este protejat de @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Uau, uau, ia-o ușor!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=PvP nu este permis în această zonă!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Zona este prea mare.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Autoprotecția este dezactivată sau nu dispuneți de privilegiul necesar.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Zona se intersectează cu @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Ați atins numărul maxim de zone pe care aveți voie să le protejați.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<nu este setat>
Area @1 selected.=Zona @1 selectată.
Area position @1 set to @2=Poziția zonei @1 setată la @2
Position @1 set to @2=Poziția @1 setată la @2
Position @1:=Poziția @1:
Select an area by ID.=Selectați o zonă după ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Selectați poziția @1 prin perforarea unui nod.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Selectați pozițiile prin perforarea a două noduri.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Setați poziția regiunii de protecție a zonei @1 la locația dvs. sau la cea specificată
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Setați regiunea de protecție a zonei, poziția 1 sau poziția 2 prin perforarea nodurilor sau afișați regiunea
The area @1 does not exist.=Zona @1 nu există.
Unable to get position.=Nu se poate obține poziția.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Subcomandă necunoscută: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Protector Bloc
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Nu aveți voie să protejați acea zonă: @1
You have already protected this area.=Ați protejat deja această zonă.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=Zona de la @1 la @2 a fost protejată ca ID @3
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Arie protejată @1, Deținută de @2

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@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
@ -106,7 +105,7 @@ You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=В
Area @1 selected.=Зона @1 выбрана.
Area position @1 set to @2=Позиция зоны @1 установлена в @2
Position @1 set to @2=Позиция @1 установлена в @2
Position @1: =Позиция @1:
Position @1:=Позиция @1:
Select an area by ID.=Выберите зону по ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Выберите позицию @1 ударом по блоку.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Выберите позиции ударами по двум блокам.

locale/areas.sk.tr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<AreaName>=<Názov oblasti>
<PlayerName>=<Názov hráča>
<newName>=<nový názov>
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 vám dal kontrolu nad oblasťou "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 s rozpätím až @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Vyžaduje sa regulárny výraz.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Oblasť @1 neexistuje alebo nie je vo vašom vlastníctve.
Area closed for faction members.=Oblasť je pre členov frakcie uzavretá.
Area closed.=Uzavretá oblasť.
Area does not exist.=Oblasť neexistuje.
Area opened for faction members.=Oblasť otvorená pre členov frakcie.
Area opened.=Otvorená oblasť.
Area protected. ID: @1=Chránená oblasť. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Oblasť premenovaná.
Area successfully moved.=Úspešne presunutá oblasť.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Zmena vlastníka oblasti pomocou jej ID
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Vyhľadávanie oblastí pomocou regulárneho výrazu jazyka Lua
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Získajte informácie o konfigurácii a používaní oblasti.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Umožniť hráčovi prístup do podoblasti medzi dvoma pozíciami, ktoré už boli chránené, Použite set_owner, ak nechcete, aby bol nastavený rodič.
Invalid regular expression.=Neplatný regulárny výraz.
Limit: @1 areas=Limit: @1 oblasti
Limit: no area count limit=Limit: bez obmedzenia počtu plôch
List your areas=Uveďte svoje oblasti
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Presunutie (alebo zmena veľkosti) oblasti na aktuálne pozície.
No matches found.=Nenašli sa žiadne zhody.
No visible areas.=Žiadne viditeľné oblasti.
Too many areas to list all!=Príliš veľa oblastí na to, aby sme ich všetky vymenovali!
Owner changed.=Majiteľ sa zmenil.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Hráči s oprávnením "@1" môžu chrániť až @2 oblasti
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Chráňte oblasť medzi dvoma pozíciami a umožnite hráčovi prístup k nej bez toho, aby ste nastavili rodiča oblasti na akúkoľvek existujúcu oblasť.
Protect your own area=Chráňte svoju oblasť
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Rekurzívne odstránenie oblastí pomocou ID
Remove an area using an ID=Odstránenie oblasti pomocou ID
Removed area @1=Odstránená oblasť @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Odstránená oblasť @1 a jej podoblasti.
Removes all ownerless areas=Odstráni všetky oblasti bez vlastníka
Rename an area that you own=Premenovanie oblasti, ktorú vlastníte
Self protection is disabled.=Vlastná ochrana je vypnutá.
Self protection is enabled.=Vlastná ochrana je povolená.
That area doesn't exist.=Táto oblasť neexistuje.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Hráč "@1" neexistuje.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Prepnúť oblasť na otvorenú (každý môže komunikovať) alebo zatvorenú
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Prepnite oblasť na otvorenú/zatvorenú pre členov vašej frakcie.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Ste správcom oblasti (oprávnenie "areas").
You can protect areas=Oblasti môžete chrániť
You can't protect that area.=Túto oblasť nemôžete chrániť.
You can't protect that area: @1=Túto oblasť nemôžete chrániť: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Nemáte potrebné oprávnenie ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Túto oblasť nevlastníte.
You have @1 areas.=Máte @1 oblasti.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Bola vám udelená kontrola nad oblasťou #@1. Zadaním príkazu /list_areas zobrazíte svoje oblasti.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Máte rozšírené limity ochrany oblasti (oprávnenie "areas_high_limit").
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Máte potrebné oprávnenie ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Najprv si musíte vybrať oblasť.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Nemôžete povoliť PvP, v oblasti sú ďalší hráči: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP je @1 v oblasti @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Nesprávne použitie, pozri /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
Open=Otvorte stránku
PvP enabled=PvP povolený
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 je chránený @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Páni, páni, upokojte sa!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=PvP nie je v tejto oblasti povolené!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Oblasť je príliš veľká.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Vlastná ochrana je vypnutá alebo nemáte potrebné oprávnenie.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Oblasť sa pretína s @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Dosiahli ste maximálny počet oblastí, ktoré môžete chrániť.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<nie je nastavené>
Area @1 selected.=Vybraná oblasť @1.
Area position @1 set to @2=Poloha oblasti @1 nastavená na @2
Position @1 set to @2=Pozícia @1 nastavená na @2
Position @1:=Pozícia @1:
Select an area by ID.=Vyberte oblasť podľa ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Vyberte pozíciu @1 vyrazením uzla.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Vyberte pozície vyrazením dvoch uzlov.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Nastavenie polohy oblasti ochrany oblasti @1 na vašu polohu alebo na zadanú polohu
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Nastavenie oblasti ochrany oblasti, pozície 1 alebo pozície 2 vyrazením uzlov alebo zobrazenie oblasti
The area @1 does not exist.=Oblasť @1 neexistuje.
Unable to get position.=Nie je možné získať pozíciu.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Neznámy podpríkaz: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Ochranný blok
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Túto oblasť nesmiete chrániť: @1
You have already protected this area.=Túto oblasť ste už chránili.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=Oblasť od @1 po @2 bola chránená ako ID @3
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Chránená oblasť @1, Vlastní @2

locale/areas.sl.tr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<AreaName>=<Naziv območja>
<PlayerName>=<Ime igralca>
<newName>=<novo ime>
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 vam je dodelil nadzor nad območjem "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1, ki se razteza do @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Zahteva se regularni izraz.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Območje @1 ne obstaja ali ni v vaši lasti.
Area closed for faction members.=Območje je zaprto za člane frakcije.
Area closed.=Zaprto območje.
Area does not exist.=Območje ne obstaja.
Area opened for faction members.=Območje je odprto za člane frakcije.
Area opened.=Odprto območje.
Area protected. ID: @1=Zaščiteno območje. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Preimenovanje območja.
Area successfully moved.=Območje je bilo uspešno premaknjeno.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Sprememba lastnika območja z uporabo njegovega ID
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Iskanje območij z uporabo regularnega izraza Lua
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Pridobite informacije o konfiguraciji in uporabi območja.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Igralcu omogočite dostop do podobmočja med dvema položajema, ki sta že zaščitena, Uporabite set_owner, če ne želite, da se nastavi starševski položaj.
Invalid regular expression.=Nepravilen regularni izraz.
Limit: @1 areas=Omejitev: @1 območje
Limit: no area count limit=Omejitev: ni omejitve števila območij
List your areas=Navedite svoja področja
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Premaknite (ali spremenite velikost) območja na trenutna mesta.
No matches found.=Ni bilo najdenih zadetkov.
No visible areas.=Ni vidnih površin.
Too many areas to list all!=Preveč področij, da bi jih našteli vse!
Owner changed.=Lastnik se je spremenil.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Igralci s privilegijem "@1" lahko zaščitijo do @2 območij.
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Zaščitite območje med dvema položajema in omogočite igralcu dostop do njega, ne da bi starševsko območje nastavili na katero koli obstoječe območje.
Protect your own area=Zaščitite svoje območje
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Rekurzivno odstranjevanje območij z uporabo ID
Remove an area using an ID=Odstranitev območja z uporabo ID
Removed area @1=Odstranjeno območje @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Odstranjeno območje @1 in njegova podobmočja.
Removes all ownerless areas=Odstranitev vseh območij brez lastnika
Rename an area that you own=Preimenovanje območja, ki je v vaši lasti
Self protection is disabled.=Samozaščita je onemogočena.
Self protection is enabled.=Samozaščita je omogočena.
That area doesn't exist.=To območje ne obstaja.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Igralec "@1" ne obstaja.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Preklopite območje na odprto (vsakdo lahko sodeluje) ali zaprto.
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Odprite/zaprite območje za člane vaše frakcije.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Ste skrbnik območja (privilegij "območja").
You can protect areas=Območja lahko zaščitite
You can't protect that area.=Tega območja ne morete zaščititi.
You can't protect that area: @1=Tega območja ne morete zaščititi: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Nimate potrebnega privilegija ("@1").
You don't own that area.=To območje ni vaša last.
You have @1 areas.=Na voljo imate @1 območij.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Dobili ste nadzor nad območjem #@1. Vnesite /list_areas, da prikažete svoja območja.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Imate razširjene omejitve zaščite območja (privilegij "areas_high_limit").
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Imate potreben privilegij ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Najprej morate izbrati območje.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Ne morete omogočiti PvP, saj so na območju drugi igralci: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP je @1 na območju @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Nepravilna uporaba, glejte /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=Omogočen PvP
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 je zaščiten z @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Vau, vau, ne obremenjuj se!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=PvP na tem območju ni dovoljen!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Območje je preveliko.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Samozaščita je onemogočena ali nimate potrebnih pravic.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Območje seka @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Dosegli ste največje število območij, ki jih lahko zaščitite.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<ni nastavljeno>
Area @1 selected.=Izbrano območje @1.
Area position @1 set to @2=Položaj območja @1 je nastavljen na @2
Position @1 set to @2=Položaj @1 je nastavljen na @2
Position @1:=Položaj @1:
Select an area by ID.=Izberite območje po ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Izberite položaj @1 z izbiranjem vozlišča.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Izberite položaje z luknjanjem dveh vozlišč.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Nastavite položaj območja za zaščito območja @1 na svojo lokacijo ali na določeno lokacijo
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Nastavite območje zaščite območja, položaj 1 ali položaj 2 z luknjanjem vozlišč ali prikažite območje.
The area @1 does not exist.=Območje @1 ne obstaja.
Unable to get position.=Ni mogoče dobiti položaja.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Neznani podnapovedi: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Zaščitni blok
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Tega območja ne smete zaščititi: @1
You have already protected this area.=To območje ste že zaščitili.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=Območje od @1 do @2 je zaščiteno kot ID @3
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Zavarovano območje @1, v lasti @2

locale/areas.sv.tr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<NewOwner>=<Ny ägare>
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 har gett dig kontroll över området "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 spänner upp till @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Ett reguljärt uttryck krävs.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Område @1 finns inte eller ägs inte av dig.
Area closed for faction members.=Området är stängt för fraktionsmedlemmar.
Area closed.=Område stängt.
Area does not exist.=Området existerar inte.
Area opened for faction members.=Området öppnat för medlemmar av fraktionen.
Area opened.=Öppnat område.
Area protected. ID: @1=Skyddat område. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Området har bytt namn.
Area successfully moved.=Området har flyttats med framgång.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Ändra ägaren till ett område med hjälp av dess ID
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Hitta områden med hjälp av ett reguljärt uttryck i Lua
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Få information om områdets konfiguration och användning.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Ge en spelare tillgång till ett delområde mellan två positioner som redan är skyddade. Använd set_owner om du inte vill att föräldern ska vara skyddad.
Invalid regular expression.=Ogiltigt reguljärt uttryck.
Limit: @1 areas=Begränsning: @1 områden
Limit: no area count limit=Begränsning: ingen begränsning av antalet områden
List your areas=Lista dina områden
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Flytta (eller ändra storlek) ett område till de aktuella positionerna.
No matches found.=Inga matcher hittades.
No visible areas.=Inga synliga områden.
Too many areas to list all!=Det finns för många områden för att räkna upp alla!
Owner changed.=Ägaren har bytt ägare.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Spelare med privilegiet "@1" kan skydda upp till @2 områden.
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Skydda ett område mellan två positioner och ge en spelare tillgång till det utan att ange områdets överordnade position till ett befintligt område.
Protect your own area=Skydda ditt eget område
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Recursivt ta bort områden med hjälp av ett ID
Remove an area using an ID=Ta bort ett område med hjälp av ett ID
Removed area @1=Borttaget område @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Område @1 och dess delområden har tagits bort.
Removes all ownerless areas=Alla områden utan ägare tas bort.
Rename an area that you own=Byt namn på ett område som du äger
Self protection is disabled.=Självskyddet är inaktiverat.
Self protection is enabled.=Självskyddet är aktiverat.
That area doesn't exist.=Det området finns inte.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Spelaren "@1" finns inte.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Ställ in ett område som är öppet (alla kan interagera) eller stängt.
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Ställ in ett område som är öppet/stängt för medlemmar i din fraktion.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Du är en områdesadministratör (behörigheten "områden").
You can protect areas=Du kan skydda områden
You can't protect that area.=Du kan inte skydda det området.
You can't protect that area: @1=Du kan inte skydda det området: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Du har inte den nödvändiga behörigheten ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Du äger inte det området.
You have @1 areas.=Du har @1 område.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Du har fått kontroll över område #@1. Skriv /list_areas för att visa dina områden.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Du har utökade gränser för områdesskydd (privilegiet "areas_high_limit").
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Du har den nödvändiga behörigheten ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Först måste du välja ett område.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Du kan inte aktivera PvP, det finns andra spelare i området: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP är @1 i område @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Ogiltig användning, se /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=PvP aktiverat
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 skyddas av @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Wow, wow, ta det lugnt!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=PvP är inte tillåtet i detta område!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Området är för stort.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Självskyddet är inaktiverat eller du har inte den nödvändiga behörigheten.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Området skär @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Du har nått det maximala antalet områden som du får skydda.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<inte inställd>
Area @1 selected.=Område @1 valt.
Area position @1 set to @2=Områdesposition @1 fastställs till @2
Position @1 set to @2=Position @1 ställs in på @2
Position @1:=Position @1:
Select an area by ID.=Välj ett område med hjälp av ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Välj position @1 genom att stansa en nod.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Välj positioner genom att stansa två noder.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Ställ in områdesskyddsregionens position @1 till din eller den angivna platsen.
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Ställ in områdesskyddsområde, position 1 eller position 2 genom att stansa noder, eller visa området.
The area @1 does not exist.=Området @1 finns inte.
Unable to get position.=Det går inte att få en position.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Okänt underkommando: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Skyddande block
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Du får inte skydda det området: @1
You have already protected this area.=Du har redan skyddat detta område.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=Området från @1 till @2 har skyddats som ID @3.
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Skyddat område @1, Ägs av @2

locale/areas.tr.tr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=1 size "@2" alanı üzerinde kontrol verdi (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=1, @2x@3x@4'e kadar yayılır.
A regular expression is required.=Düzenli bir ifade gereklidir.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Alan @1 mevcut değil veya size ait değil.
Area closed for faction members.=Bölge hizip üyelerine kapalı.
Area closed.=Bölge kapalı.
Area does not exist.=Alan mevcut değildir.
Area opened for faction members.=Fraksiyon üyeleri için alan açıldı.
Area opened.=Bölge açıldı.
Area protected. ID: @1=Korunan alan. KIMLIK: @1
Area renamed.=Alanın adı değiştirildi.
Area successfully moved.=Alan başarıyla taşındı.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Kimliğini kullanarak bir alanın sahibini değiştirme
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Lua düzenli ifadesi kullanarak alanları bulma
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Alan yapılandırması ve kullanımı hakkında bilgi alın.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Bir oyuncuya zaten korunan iki konum arasındaki bir alt alana erişim izni verin, Ebeveynin ayarlanmasını istemiyorsanız set_owner kullanın.
Invalid regular expression.=Geçersiz düzenli ifade.
Limit: @1 areas=Limit: 1 alan
Limit: no area count limit=Sınır: alan sayısı sınırı yok
List your areas=Alanlarınızı listeleyin
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Bir alanı geçerli konumlara taşıyın (veya yeniden boyutlandırın).
No matches found.=Eşleşme bulunamadı.
No visible areas.=Görünür alan yok.
Too many areas to list all!=Hepsini listelemek için çok fazla alan var!
Owner changed.=Sahibi değişti.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas="@1" ayrıcalığına sahip oyuncular en fazla @2 alanı koruyabilir
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=İki konum arasındaki bir alanı koruyun ve alanın üst öğesini mevcut herhangi bir alana ayarlamadan bir oyuncunun bu alana erişmesini sağlayın
Protect your own area=Kendi alanınızı koruyun
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Bir kimlik kullanarak alanları özyinelemeli olarak kaldırın
Remove an area using an ID=Kimlik kullanarak bir alanı kaldırma
Removed area @1=Kaldırılan alan @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=1 numaralı alan ve alt alanları kaldırıldı.
Removes all ownerless areas=Tüm sahipsiz alanları kaldırır
Rename an area that you own=Sahip olduğunuz bir alanı yeniden adlandırın
Self protection is disabled.=Kendini koruma devre dışı bırakıldı.
Self protection is enabled.=Kendini koruma etkinleştirildi.
That area doesn't exist.=Öyle bir alan yok.
The player "@1" does not exist.="@1" oyuncusu mevcut değil.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Bir alanıık (herkes etkileşime girebilir) veya kapalı olarak değiştirin
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Fraksiyonunuzdaki üyeler için bir alanıık/kapalı olarak değiştirin.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Siz bir alan yöneticisisiniz ("alanlar" ayrıcalığı).
You can protect areas=Alanları koruyabilirsiniz
You can't protect that area.=O bölgeyi koruyamazsınız.
You can't protect that area: @1=O bölgeyi koruyamazsınız: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Gerekli ayrıcalığa sahip değilsiniz ("@1").
You don't own that area.=O bölge senin değil.
You have @1 areas.=1 alanınız var.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Size #@1 alanı üzerinde kontrol yetkisi verildi. Alanlarınızı göstermek için /list_areas yazın.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Genişletilmiş alan koruma sınırlarına ("areas_high_limit" ayrıcalığı) sahipsiniz.
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Gerekli ayrıcalığa sahipsiniz ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Önce bir alan seçmeniz gerekir.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=PvP'yi etkinleştiremezsiniz, bölgede başka oyuncular var: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP @2 alanında @1'de.
disabled=devre dışı
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Geçersiz kullanım, bkz. /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=PvP etkin
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=1, @2 tarafından korunmaktadır.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Vay, vay, sakin ol!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=Bu alanda PvP'ye izin verilmez!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Alan çok büyük.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Kendini koruma devre dışı bırakılmış veya gerekli ayrıcalığa sahip değilsiniz.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Alan @1 [@2] (@3) ile kesişir.
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Korumanıza izin verilen maksimum alan miktarına ulaştınız.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<ayarlanmamış>
Area @1 selected.=Alan @1 seçildi.
Area position @1 set to @2=Alan konumu @1, @2 olarak ayarlandı
Position @1 set to @2=Pozisyon @1, @2 olarak ayarlandı
Position @1:=Pozisyon @1:
Select an area by ID.=Kimliğe göre bir alan seçin.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Bir düğüme basarak @1 konumunu seçin.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=İki düğümü yumruklayarak konumları seçin.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Alan koruma bölgesi konumunu @1 konumunuza veya belirtilen konuma ayarlayın
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Düğümlere basarak alan koruma bölgesini, konum 1'i veya konum 2'yi ayarlayın veya bölgeyi görüntüleyin
The area @1 does not exist.=1 alanı mevcut değildir.
Unable to get position.=Pozisyon alınamıyor.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Bilinmeyen alt komut: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Koruyucu Blok
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Bu alanı korumanıza izin verilmiyor: @1
You have already protected this area.=Bu bölgeyi zaten korumaya aldınız.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=1'den @2'ye kadar olan alan ID @3 olarak korunmuştur
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Korunan alan @1, Sahibi @2

locale/areas.uk.tr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<ParentID>=<Родственний ID>
<newName>=<Нове Ім'я>
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 дав вам контроль над областю "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 охоплює до @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Потрібен регулярний вираз.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Область @1 не існує або не належить вам.
Area closed for faction members.=Зона закрита для членів фракції.
Area closed.=Зона закрита.
Area does not exist.=Зона немає.
Area opened for faction members.=Зона відкрита для членів фракції.
Area opened.=Зона відкрита.
Area protected. ID: @1=Зона захищена. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Зона перейменована.
Area successfully moved.=Зону успішно переміщено.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Змінити власника зони за допомогою його ID
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Знайти області за допомогою регулярного вираження Lua
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Отримайте інформацію про конфігурацію та використання зони.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Надайте гравцеві доступ до підобласті між двома позиціями, які вже були захищені. Використовуйте set_owner, якщо ви не бажаєте, щоб батько був встановлений.
Invalid regular expression.=Неправильне регулярне вираження.
Limit: @1 areas=Ліміт: @1 зон
Limit: no area count limit=Ліміт: немає обмеження щодо кількості зон
List your areas=Список ваших зон
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Перемістити (або змінити розмір) зони до поточного положення.
No matches found.=Збіги не знайдені.
No visible areas.=Нема видимих зон.
Too many areas to list all!=Занадто багато зон, щоб показати все.
Owner changed.=Власника змінено.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Гравці з привілеєм "@1" можуть захистити до @2 областей
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Захистіть область між двома позиціями та надайте гравцеві доступ до неї, без встановлення батьківської області на будь-яку існуючу область
Protect your own area=Захищає вашу територію
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Рекурсивно видаляє зони, використовуючи їх ID
Remove an area using an ID=Видаляє зону, використовуючи її ID
Removed area @1=Видалена зона @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Видалено зону @1 та її підзони.
Removes all ownerless areas=Видаляє всі безхазяйні зони
Rename an area that you own=Перейменовує зону якої ви володієте
Self protection is disabled.=Захист розблоковано.
Self protection is enabled.=Захист увімкнено.
That area doesn't exist.=Ця зона немає.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Гравець "@1" не існує.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Робить зону відкритою (будь-який може взаємодіяти) або закритою
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Переключити стан відкрито/закрито для членів вашої фракції.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Ви є адміністратором зон (привілей "areas").
You can protect areas=Ви можете захистити зону
You can't protect that area.=Ви не можете захистити зону.
You can't protect that area: @1=Ви можете захистити зону: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Ви не маєте потрібного привілею ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Ви не володієте цією зоною.
You have @1 areas.=Ви маєте @1 зон.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Вам надано контроль над зоною #@1. Введіть /list_areas, щоб показати зони.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Ви маєте розширені межі захисту зони (привілей "area_high_limit").
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=У вас є необхідний привілей ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Вам потрібно вибрати зону спочатку.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Ви не можете увімкнути PvP, в зоні є інші гравці: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP @1 в зоне @2.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Неправильне використання дивіться /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
PvP enabled=PvP увімкнено
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 захищено @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Вау-вау, легше!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=PvP вимкнено у цій зоні!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Зона дуже велика.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Захист відключений або у вас немає необхідного привілею.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Область перетинається з @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Ви досягли максимальної кількості областей, які дозволено вам захищати.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<не встановлено>
Area @1 selected.=Зона @1 вибрано.
Area position @1 set to @2=Позиція зони @1 встановлена ​​в @2
Position @1 set to @2=Позиція @1 встановлена ​​в @2
Position @1:=Позиція @1:
Select an area by ID.=Виберіть зону ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Виберіть позицію @1 ударом по блоку.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Виберіть позиції ударами по двох блоках.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Встановіть положення області захисту @1 на ваше місцезнаходження або вказане.
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Встановіть зону захисту області, позицію 1 або 2, ударяючи вузли, або відобразіть область
The area @1 does not exist.=Зона @1 не існує
Unable to get position.=Неможливо одержати позицію.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Невідома підкоманда: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Захисний блок
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Вам не дозволено захищати цю область: @1
You have already protected this area.=Ви вже захистили цю область.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=Зона від @1 до @2 була захищена, ID @3
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Захищена зона @1, Власник: @2

locale/areas.vi.tr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<NewOwner>=<Chủ sở hữu mới>
<newName>=<Tên mới>
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 đã cấp cho bạn quyền kiểm soát khu vực "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 bao gồm tối đa @2x @3x @4.
A regular expression is required.=Biểu thức chính quy là bắt buộc.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Khu vực @1 không tồn tại hoặc không thuộc về bạn.
Area closed for faction members.=Khu vực này bị đóng cửa đối với các thành viên của phe phái.
Area closed.=Khu vực này đã đóng cửa.
Area does not exist.=Vùng không tồn tại.
Area opened for faction members.=Khu vực này mở cửa cho các thành viên trong phe.
Area opened.=Khu vực mở cửa.
Area protected. ID: @1=Khu được bảo vệ. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Khu vực đã được đổi tên.
Area successfully moved.=Khu vực đã được di chuyển thành công.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Thay đổi chủ sở hữu của một khu vực bằng cách sử dụng ID của khu vực đó
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Tìm vùng với Biểu thức chính quy Lua
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Nhận thông tin về cấu hình và sử dụng khu vực.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Cấp cho người chơi quyền truy cập vào vùng phụ giữa hai vị trí đã được bảo vệ Sử dụng set_owner nếu bạn không muốn thiết lập cấp độ chính.
Invalid regular expression.=Biểu thức chính quy không hợp lệ.
Limit: @1 areas=Giới hạn: @1 vùng
Limit: no area count limit=Giới hạn: không giới hạn số lượng khu vực
List your areas=Danh sách các khu vực của bạn
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Di chuyển (hoặc thay đổi kích thước) khu vực đến vị trí hiện tại của nó.
No matches found.=Lọc kết quả tìm thấy.
No visible areas.=Không có khu vực nào có thể nhìn thấy được.
Too many areas to list all!=Quá nhiều khu vực để hiển thị mọi thứ.
Owner changed.=Chủ sở hữu đã được thay đổi.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Người chơi có đặc quyền "@1" có thể bảo vệ tối đa @2 khu vực
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Bảo vệ một khu vực giữa hai vị trí và cấp cho người chơi quyền truy cập vào nó, mà không đặt khu vực chính thành bất kỳ khu vực hiện có nào
Protect your own area=Bảo vệ lãnh thổ của bạn
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Xóa định kỳ các khu vực bằng cách sử dụng ID của họ
Remove an area using an ID=Xóa một vùng bằng cách sử dụng ID của nó
Removed area @1=Đã xóa vùng @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Đã xóa vùng @1 và các vùng con của nó.
Removes all ownerless areas=Loại bỏ tất cả các khu mồ côi
Rename an area that you own=Đổi tên khu vực bạn sở hữu
Self protection is disabled.=Đã mở khóa bảo vệ.
Self protection is enabled.=Bảo vệ trên.
That area doesn't exist.=Vùng này không tồn tại.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Trình phát "@1" không tồn tại.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Làm cho khu vực mở (bất kỳ ai cũng có thể tương tác) hoặc đóng
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Chuyển đổi trạng thái mở / đóng cho các thành viên trong phe của bạn.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Bạn là quản trị viên khu vực (đặc quyền "khu vực").
You can protect areas=Bạn có thể bảo vệ khu vực
You can't protect that area.=Bạn không thể bảo vệ khu vực.
You can't protect that area: @1=Bạn có thể bảo vệ khu vực: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Bạn không có đặc quyền bắt buộc ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Bạn không sở hữu khu vực này.
You have @1 areas.=Bạn có @1 khu vực.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Bạn đã được cấp quyền kiểm soát vùng # @1. Nhập / list_areas để hiển thị các khu vực của bạn.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=Bạn có giới hạn bảo vệ vùng mở rộng (đặc quyền "area_high_limit").
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=Bạn có đặc quyền bắt buộc ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Trước tiên, bạn cần chọn một khu vực.
You cannot enable PvP, there are other players in the area: @1.=Bạn không thể kích hoạt PvP, có những người chơi khác trong khu vực: @1.
PvP is @1 in area @2.=PvP @1 trong vùng @2.
enabled=bao gồm
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Sử dụng sai, xem / help @1.
### hud.lua ###
Areas:=Khu vực:
PvP enabled=PvP trên
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 được bảo vệ bởi @2.
Wow, wow, take it easy!=Chà, từ từ!
PvP is not allowed in this area!=PvP bị tắt trong khu vực này!
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Diện tích quá lớn.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Bảo mật bị vô hiệu hóa hoặc bạn không có đặc quyền cần thiết.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Vùng giao với @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Bạn đã đạt đến số khu vực tối đa mà bạn được phép bảo vệ.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<chưa được cài đặt>
Area @1 selected.=Đã chọn vùng @1.
Area position @1 set to @2=Vị trí vùng @1 được đặt thành @2
Position @1 set to @2=Vị trí @1 được đặt thành @2
Position @1:=Vị trí @1:
Select an area by ID.=Chọn khu vực theo ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Chọn vị trí @1 bằng cách nhấn vào khối.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Chọn vị trí bằng cách đánh hai khối.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Đặt khu vực bảo vệ @1 đến vị trí của bạn hoặc được chỉ định.
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Đặt khu vực phòng thủ khu vực, vị trí 1 hoặc vị trí 2 bằng cách nhấn vào các nút hoặc khu vực hiển thị
The area @1 does not exist.=Vùng @1 không tồn tại
Unable to get position.=Không thể có được vị trí.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Lệnh con không xác định: @1
### protector.lua ###
Protector Block=Khối bảo vệ
You are not allowed to protect that area: @1=Bạn không được phép bảo vệ khu vực này: @1
You have already protected this area.=Bạn đã bảo mật khu vực này.
The area from @1 to @2 has been protected as ID @3=Vùng @1 đến @2 đã được bảo mật, ID @3
Protected area @1, Owned by @2=Khu bảo tồn @1, Chủ sở hữu: @2

View File

@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=
A regular expression is required.=
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=
Area closed for faction members.=
Area closed.=
Area does not exist.=
Area opened for faction members.=
Area opened.=
Area protected. ID: @1=
Area renamed.=
Area successfully moved.=
Change the owner of an area using its ID=
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=
Get information about area configuration and usage.=
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=
Invalid regular expression.=
Limit: @1 areas=
Limit: no area count limit=
List your areas=
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=
No matches found.=
No visible areas.=
Too many areas to list all!=
Owner changed.=
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=
Protect your own area=
Recursively remove areas using an ID=
Remove an area using an ID=
Removed area @1=
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=
Rename an area that you own=
Self protection is disabled.=
Self protection is enabled.=
That area doesn't exist.=
The player "@1" does not exist.=
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=
You can protect areas=
You can't protect that area.=
You can't protect that area: @1=
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=
You don't own that area.=
You have @1 areas.=
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=
You need to select an area first.=
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=
### hud.lua ###
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=
Area @1 selected.=
Area position @1 set to @2=
Position @1 set to @2=
Position @1: =
Select an area by ID.=
Select position @1 by punching a node.=
Select positions by punching two nodes.=
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=
The area @1 does not exist.=
Unable to get position.=
Unknown subcommand: @1=

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("area_pos", {
areas.set_pos[name] = "pos2"
return true, S("Select position @1 by punching a node.", "2")
elseif param == "get" then -- Display current area positions
local pos1str, pos2str = S("Position @1: ", "1"), S("Position @1: ", "2")
local pos1str, pos2str = S("Position @1:", "1") .. " ", S("Position @1:", "2") .. " "
if areas.pos1[name] then
pos1str = pos1str..minetest.pos_to_string(areas.pos1[name])