Commit Graph

31 Commits (e9a814740bde6d11462819e579f777885f587263)

Author SHA1 Message Date
jp9000 eb459e2adc libobs-d3d11: Remove windowless context #error 2015-08-05 01:07:16 -07:00
jp9000 2b62c33c16 libobs-d3d11: Use windowless context
(Non-compiling commit: windowless-context branch)
2015-08-05 01:07:15 -07:00
jp9000 844123164f libobs-d3d11: Add windowless context #error 2015-08-05 01:07:06 -07:00
jp9000 278fd03a66 libobs-d3d11: Use get_win_ver (not GetVersionEx) 2015-08-01 14:51:23 -07:00
jp9000 cedd894fe7 libobs-d3d11: Make sure current swap is valid 2015-07-30 17:16:24 -07:00
jp9000 be52fa26f9 Add gs_blend_function_separate
This allows the ability to separate the blend states of color and alpha.

The default blend state has also changed so that alpha is always added
together to ensure that the destination image always gets an alpha value
that is actually usable after the operation (for render targets).

Old default state:
  color source: GS_BLEND_SRCALPHA, color dest: GS_BLEND_INVSRCALPHA
  alpha source: GS_BLEND_SRCALPHA, alpha dest: GS_BLEND_INVSRCALPHA

New default state:
  color source: GS_BLEND_SRCALPHA, color dest: GS_BLEND_INVSRCALPHA
  alpha source: GS_BLEND_ONE,      alpha dest: GS_BLEND_ONE
2015-03-27 11:18:02 -07:00
jp9000 86563ea1cd libobs-d3d11: Fix vertical alignment
Someone's going to yell at me about this, but fix vertical alignment for
certain member variables in the main header.

For future reference, if you must use vertical alignment, always give it
plenty of space for the type names to grow in case you need to
add/change variables in the future; don't just align to the 'longest'
value, give it an extra 8-16 spaces for potential future variables.
This is done to prevent having to make commits like this in the future
that sort of pollute the history.
2015-02-09 03:56:12 -08:00
jp9000 3af33b26ac libobs-d3d11: Use integer type with switch
DXGI_FORMAT has too many values we don't need/use, so the value for this
switch should be an integer instead of an enum to prevent warnings.
2015-02-09 03:56:11 -08:00
jp9000 7650df5525 libobs-d3d11: Fill out switch enum values
When using an enumeration value with a switch, it needs to be filled out
with all possible values to prevent compiler warnings.  This warning is
used to prevent the developer from unintentionally forgetting to add new
enum values to any switches the enum is used on later on.  Sadly, only
good compilers actually have this warning (mingw).
2015-02-09 03:56:09 -08:00
jp9000 1b2c3a6176 libobs-d3d11: Fix initializer list ordering
Microsoft's compiler doesn't seem to care about warning about things
like initializer list ordering.  Mingw actually reports on this to
prevent potential confusion about ordering.
2015-02-09 03:56:09 -08:00
jp9000 f4406e71f4 libobs-d3d11: Use member initialization
Instead of using initializer lists, use member initialization to clean
up the default values for member variables
2015-02-09 03:56:08 -08:00
jp9000 44b8c24f34 libobs: Add output duplicator support
This adds support for the windows 8+ output duplicator feature which
allows the efficient capturing of a specific monitor connected to the
currently used device.
2015-01-03 02:37:13 -08:00
jp9000 a5447b5fd8 libobs-d3d11: Move DXGI -> GS format conversion
Move the DXGI -> GS format conversion function to d3d11-subsystem.hpp
instead of being exclusively in the d3d11-texture2d.cpp function.
2015-01-03 02:37:12 -08:00
jp9000 caa32cb6d1 Add support for shared textures to graphics API 2014-10-13 21:56:42 -07:00
jp9000 a1b46c0fa5 libobs-d3d11: Don't depend on specific D3DCompiler
I do not want the D3D11 library to depend on a specific compiler
version.  This way, I do not have to distribute D3D Compiler libraries
with the program (proprietary binary blobs).  Any particular version
works because the API for the D3DCompiler function appears to be the
same; the only things that change are other features and additions
mostly (at least as far as I can tell).  Using any version available on
the system should be more than sufficient rather than depending on some
specific D3D compiler version.

If the user doesn't have it, a download of the latest D3D distributables
should be fine, though it should work with the ones that come with
windows 7+ as well.
2014-10-03 14:33:56 -07:00
jp9000 41fad2d1a4 (API Change) Use const params where applicable
This Fixes a minor flaw with the API where data had to always be mutable
to be usable by the API.

Functions that do not modify the fundamental underlying data of a
structure should be marked as constant, both for safety and to signify
that the parameter is input only and will not be modified by the
function using it.
2014-09-26 17:23:07 -07:00
jp9000 c9df41c1e2 (API Change) Remove pointers from all typedefs
Typedef pointers are unsafe.  If you do:
typedef struct bla *bla_t;
then you cannot use it as a constant, such as: const bla_t, because
that constant will be to the pointer itself rather than to the
underlying data.  I admit this was a fundamental mistake that must
be corrected.

All typedefs that were pointer types will now have their pointers
removed from the type itself, and the pointers will be used when they
are actually used as variables/parameters/returns instead.

This does not break ABI though, which is pretty nice.
2014-09-25 21:48:11 -07:00
jp9000 5780f3f177 (API Change) Improve graphics API consistency
- Prefix all graphics subsystem names with gs_ or GS_
- Unsquish funciton names (for example _setfloat to _set_float)
- Changed create functions to be more consistent with the rest of the
  API elsewhere.  For exmaple, instead of
  gs_create_texture/gs_texture_destroy, it's now
- Renamed gs_stencil_op enum to gs_stencil_op_type

From:                            To:
tvertarray                       gs_tvertarray
vb_data                          gs_vb_data
vbdata_create                    gs_vbdata_create
vbdata_destroy                   gs_vbdata_destroy
shader_param                     gs_shader_param
gs_effect                        gs_effect
effect_technique                 gs_effect_technique
effect_pass                      gs_effect_pass
effect_param                     gs_effect_param
texture_t                        gs_texture_t
stagesurf_t                      gs_stagesurf_t
zstencil_t                       gs_zstencil_t
vertbuffer_t                     gs_vertbuffer_t
indexbuffer_t                    gs_indexbuffer_t
samplerstate_t                   gs_samplerstate_t
swapchain_t                      gs_swapchain_t
texrender_t                      gs_texrender_t
shader_t                         gs_shader_t
sparam_t                         gs_sparam_t
effect_t                         gs_effect_t
technique_t                      gs_technique_t
eparam_t                         gs_eparam_t
device_t                         gs_device_t
graphics_t                       graphics_t
shader_param_type                gs_shader_param_type
shader_param_info                gs_shader_param_info
shader_type                      gs_shader_type
SHADER_PIXEL                     GS_SHADER_PIXEL
shader_destroy                   gs_shader_destroy
shader_numparams                 gs_shader_get_num_params
shader_getparambyidx             gs_shader_get_param_by_idx
shader_getparambyname            gs_shader_get_param_by_name
shader_getviewprojmatrix         gs_shader_get_viewproj_matrix
shader_getworldmatrix            gs_shader_get_world_matrix
shader_getparaminfo              gs_shader_get_param_info
shader_setbool                   gs_shader_set_bool
shader_setfloat                  gs_shader_set_float
shader_setint                    gs_shader_set_int
shader_setmatrix3                gs_shader_setmatrix3
shader_setmatrix4                gs_shader_set_matrix4
shader_setvec2                   gs_shader_set_vec2
shader_setvec3                   gs_shader_set_vec3
shader_setvec4                   gs_shader_set_vec4
shader_settexture                gs_shader_set_texture
shader_setval                    gs_shader_set_val
shader_setdefault                gs_shader_set_default
effect_property_type             gs_effect_property_type
EFFECT_NONE                      GS_EFFECT_NONE
EFFECT_BOOL                      GS_EFFECT_BOOL
EFFECT_FLOAT                     GS_EFFECT_FLOAT
EFFECT_COLOR                     GS_EFFECT_COLOR
effect_param_info                gs_effect_param_info
effect_destroy                   gs_effect_destroy
effect_gettechnique              gs_effect_get_technique
technique_begin                  gs_technique_begin
technique_end                    gs_technique_end
technique_beginpass              gs_technique_begin_pass
technique_beginpassbyname        gs_technique_begin_pass_by_name
technique_endpass                gs_technique_end_pass
effect_numparams                 gs_effect_get_num_params
effect_getparambyidx             gs_effect_get_param_by_idx
effect_getparambyname            gs_effect_get_param_by_name
effect_updateparams              gs_effect_update_params
effect_getviewprojmatrix         gs_effect_get_viewproj_matrix
effect_getworldmatrix            gs_effect_get_world_matrix
effect_getparaminfo              gs_effect_get_param_info
effect_setbool                   gs_effect_set_bool
effect_setfloat                  gs_effect_set_float
effect_setint                    gs_effect_set_int
effect_setmatrix4                gs_effect_set_matrix4
effect_setvec2                   gs_effect_set_vec2
effect_setvec3                   gs_effect_set_vec3
effect_setvec4                   gs_effect_set_vec4
effect_settexture                gs_effect_set_texture
effect_setval                    gs_effect_set_val
effect_setdefault                gs_effect_set_default
texrender_create                 gs_texrender_create
texrender_destroy                gs_texrender_destroy
texrender_begin                  gs_texrender_begin
texrender_end                    gs_texrender_end
texrender_reset                  gs_texrender_reset
texrender_gettexture             gs_texrender_get_texture
gs_device_name                   gs_get_device_name
gs_device_type                   gs_get_device_type
gs_entercontext                  gs_enter_context
gs_leavecontext                  gs_leave_context
gs_getcontext                    gs_get_context
gs_renderstart                   gs_render_start
gs_renderstop                    gs_render_stop
gs_rendersave                    gs_render_save
gs_getinput                      gs_get_input
gs_geteffect                     gs_get_effect
gs_create_effect_from_file       gs_effect_create_from_file
gs_create_effect                 gs_effect_create
gs_create_vertexshader_from_file gs_vertexshader_create_from_file
gs_create_pixelshader_from_file  gs_pixelshader_create_from_file
gs_create_texture_from_file      gs_texture_create_from_file
gs_resetviewport                 gs_reset_viewport
gs_set2dmode                     gs_set_2d_mode
gs_set3dmode                     gs_set_3d_mode
gs_create_swapchain              gs_swapchain_create
gs_getsize                       gs_get_size
gs_getwidth                      gs_get_width
gs_getheight                     gs_get_height
gs_create_texture                gs_texture_create
gs_create_cubetexture            gs_cubetexture_create
gs_create_volumetexture          gs_voltexture_create
gs_create_zstencil               gs_zstencil_create
gs_create_stagesurface           gs_stagesurface_create
gs_create_samplerstate           gs_samplerstate_create
gs_create_vertexshader           gs_vertexshader_create
gs_create_pixelshader            gs_pixelshader_create
gs_create_vertexbuffer           gs_vertexbuffer_create
gs_create_indexbuffer            gs_indexbuffer_create
gs_gettexturetype                gs_get_texture_type
gs_load_defaultsamplerstate      gs_load_default_samplerstate
gs_getvertexshader               gs_get_vertex_shader
gs_getpixelshader                gs_get_pixel_shader
gs_getrendertarget               gs_get_render_target
gs_getzstenciltarget             gs_get_zstencil_target
gs_setrendertarget               gs_set_render_target
gs_setcuberendertarget           gs_set_cube_render_target
gs_beginscene                    gs_begin_scene
gs_draw                          gs_draw
gs_endscene                      gs_end_scene
gs_setcullmode                   gs_set_cull_mode
gs_getcullmode                   gs_get_cull_mode
gs_enable_depthtest              gs_enable_depth_test
gs_enable_stenciltest            gs_enable_stencil_test
gs_enable_stencilwrite           gs_enable_stencil_write
gs_blendfunction                 gs_blend_function
gs_depthfunction                 gs_depth_function
gs_stencilfunction               gs_stencil_function
gs_stencilop                     gs_stencil_op
gs_setviewport                   gs_set_viewport
gs_getviewport                   gs_get_viewport
gs_setscissorrect                gs_set_scissor_rect
gs_create_texture_from_iosurface gs_texture_create_from_iosurface
gs_create_gdi_texture            gs_texture_create_gdi
gs_is_compressed_format          gs_is_compressed_format
gs_num_total_levels              gs_get_total_levels
texture_setimage                 gs_texture_set_image
cubetexture_setimage             gs_cubetexture_set_image
swapchain_destroy                gs_swapchain_destroy
texture_destroy                  gs_texture_destroy
texture_getwidth                 gs_texture_get_width
texture_getheight                gs_texture_get_height
texture_getcolorformat           gs_texture_get_color_format
texture_map                      gs_texture_map
texture_unmap                    gs_texture_unmap
texture_isrect                   gs_texture_is_rect
texture_getobj                   gs_texture_get_obj
cubetexture_destroy              gs_cubetexture_destroy
cubetexture_getsize              gs_cubetexture_get_size
cubetexture_getcolorformat       gs_cubetexture_get_color_format
volumetexture_destroy            gs_voltexture_destroy
volumetexture_getwidth           gs_voltexture_get_width
volumetexture_getheight          gs_voltexture_get_height
volumetexture_getdepth           gs_voltexture_getdepth
volumetexture_getcolorformat     gs_voltexture_get_color_format
stagesurface_destroy             gs_stagesurface_destroy
stagesurface_getwidth            gs_stagesurface_get_width
stagesurface_getheight           gs_stagesurface_get_height
stagesurface_getcolorformat      gs_stagesurface_get_color_format
stagesurface_map                 gs_stagesurface_map
stagesurface_unmap               gs_stagesurface_unmap
zstencil_destroy                 gs_zstencil_destroy
samplerstate_destroy             gs_samplerstate_destroy
vertexbuffer_destroy             gs_vertexbuffer_destroy
vertexbuffer_flush               gs_vertexbuffer_flush
vertexbuffer_getdata             gs_vertexbuffer_get_data
indexbuffer_destroy              gs_indexbuffer_destroy
indexbuffer_flush                gs_indexbuffer_flush
indexbuffer_getdata              gs_indexbuffer_get_data
indexbuffer_numindices           gs_indexbuffer_get_num_indices
indexbuffer_gettype              gs_indexbuffer_get_type
texture_rebind_iosurface         gs_texture_rebind_iosurface
texture_get_dc                   gs_texture_get_dc
texture_release_dc               gs_texture_release_dc
2014-08-09 11:57:38 -07:00
jp9000 7b12133af3 Use uint8_t* instead of void* for texture data
NOTE: In texture_setimage, I had to move variables to the top of the
scope because microsoft's C compiler will give the legacy C90 error of:
'illegal use of this type as an expression'.

To sum it up, microsoft's C compiler is still utter garbage.
2014-06-28 10:12:57 -07:00
jp9000 f37c510f10 d3d11: Fix bug creating static vertex buffers
The vertex data wasn't getting properly freed, it was actually setting
the parameter itself to null for some reason.
2014-06-14 23:37:32 -07:00
jp9000 2838a95066 D3D11: Fix constant position code for good
I had forgotten how constants worked when compiled; constants are
uploaded as constant registers.  When constants are used with shaders,
multiple constants are often packed in to a single register when
possible to reduce constant register count.

For example, one 'float' constant and one 'float3' constant will be
packed in to a single register (c0.x for constant 1, c0.yzw for constant
2), but two 'float' constants and one 'float3' constant must inhabit two
registers (c0.xy for constant 1, for constant 2), so it must
start on a new register boundry (every 16 bytes).

I had first instinctively thought it was just a simple case of
alignment like it is on the CPU, but then I realized that it didn't
sound right, so I went back and did some more tests and then ultimately
remembered how constants actually are uploaded.
2014-05-02 21:38:05 -07:00
BtbN 97c94b183a Add copy_texture_region function 2014-04-12 12:45:18 +02:00
jp9000 0a86e8fb3f Add dummy GL texture flag & direct object access
- Add dummy GL texture support to allow libobs texture references to be
   created for GL without

 - Add a texture_getobj function to allow the retrieval of the
   context-specific object, such as the D3D texture pointer, or the
   OpenGL texture object handle.

 - Also cleaned up the export stuff.  I realized it was all totally
   superfluous.  Kind of a dumb moment, but nice to clean it up
2014-03-29 17:19:31 -07:00
jp9000 8298fa4dc7 With the permission of my fellow contributors, I'm switching obs-studio back to GPL v2+ to prevent issues between this project and the original OBS project, and for personal reasons to avoid legal ambiguity (not political reasons, I admittedly would prefer GPL v3+) 2013-12-02 22:24:38 -07:00
jp9000 e5c99175c5 fixed some build issues on non-windows systems 2013-11-26 23:07:27 -07:00
jp9000 bb329b9278 avoid using 'default' for enum switches 2013-10-24 01:29:06 -07:00
jp9000 dfa2dc6eab fix up the rest of the GL code, add glew to project, add makefiles for opengl, fix makefiles so that it can be built with gcc, update project files to automatically output to the build directory 2013-10-16 23:31:18 -07:00
jp9000 aeea0eadc9 added shader attributes and added vertex buffer loading 2013-10-11 20:14:26 -07:00
jp9000 c1939de49b added z-stencil buffers to GL and made a GS_MAX_TEXTURES macro 2013-10-10 12:37:03 -07:00
jp9000 904725390a changed all references of the old d3d11 filenames to the new filenames 2013-10-10 08:01:09 -07:00
jp9000 47e0700f3f renamed some files to be a bit more consistent 2013-10-10 07:57:09 -07:00