
2478 lines
96 KiB
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2019-03-02 13:46:04 -08:00
const std = @import("std.zig");
const math = std.math;
const mem = std.mem;
const io = std.io;
const os = std.os;
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
const fs = std.fs;
const process = std.process;
const elf = std.elf;
const DW = std.dwarf;
const macho = std.macho;
const coff = std.coff;
const pdb = std.pdb;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const root = @import("root");
const maxInt = std.math.maxInt;
2019-05-24 19:52:07 -07:00
const File = std.fs.File;
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
const windows = std.os.windows;
2016-08-17 20:11:04 -07:00
pub const leb = @import("debug/leb128.zig");
2019-05-09 14:46:12 -07:00
2019-03-02 13:46:04 -08:00
pub const FailingAllocator = @import("debug/failing_allocator.zig").FailingAllocator;
pub const failing_allocator = &FailingAllocator.init(global_allocator, 0).allocator;
2017-12-23 20:47:04 -08:00
pub const runtime_safety = switch (builtin.mode) {
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
.Debug, .ReleaseSafe => true,
.ReleaseFast, .ReleaseSmall => false,
const Module = struct {
mod_info: pdb.ModInfo,
module_name: []u8,
obj_file_name: []u8,
populated: bool,
symbols: []u8,
subsect_info: []u8,
2018-09-02 14:58:50 -07:00
checksum_offset: ?usize,
/// Tries to write to stderr, unbuffered, and ignores any error returned.
/// Does not append a newline.
2019-05-24 19:52:07 -07:00
var stderr_file: File = undefined;
var stderr_file_out_stream: File.OutStream = undefined;
2019-05-24 19:52:07 -07:00
var stderr_stream: ?*io.OutStream(File.WriteError) = null;
var stderr_mutex = std.Mutex.init();
pub fn warn(comptime fmt: []const u8, args: ...) void {
const held = stderr_mutex.acquire();
defer held.release();
const stderr = getStderrStream();
stderr.print(fmt, args) catch return;
pub fn getStderrStream() *io.OutStream(File.WriteError) {
if (stderr_stream) |st| {
return st;
} else {
stderr_file = io.getStdErr();
stderr_file_out_stream = stderr_file.outStream();
const st = &stderr_file_out_stream.stream;
stderr_stream = st;
return st;
pub fn getStderrMutex() *std.Mutex {
return &stderr_mutex;
/// TODO multithreaded awareness
var self_debug_info: ?DebugInfo = null;
pub fn getSelfDebugInfo() !*DebugInfo {
if (self_debug_info) |*info| {
return info;
} else {
self_debug_info = try openSelfDebugInfo(getDebugInfoAllocator());
return &self_debug_info.?;
fn wantTtyColor() bool {
var bytes: [128]u8 = undefined;
const allocator = &std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(bytes[0..]).allocator;
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
return if (process.getEnvVarOwned(allocator, "ZIG_DEBUG_COLOR")) |_| true else |_| stderr_file.isTty();
/// Tries to print the current stack trace to stderr, unbuffered, and ignores any error returned.
/// TODO multithreaded awareness
pub fn dumpCurrentStackTrace(start_addr: ?usize) void {
const stderr = getStderrStream();
if (builtin.strip_debug_info) {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: debug info stripped\n") catch return;
2019-05-26 23:16:05 -07:00
const debug_info = getSelfDebugInfo() catch |err| {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: Unable to open debug info: {}\n", @errorName(err)) catch return;
2018-01-14 07:19:21 -08:00
writeCurrentStackTrace(stderr, debug_info, wantTtyColor(), start_addr) catch |err| {
2018-01-14 07:19:21 -08:00
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: {}\n", @errorName(err)) catch return;
/// Tries to print the stack trace starting from the supplied base pointer to stderr,
/// unbuffered, and ignores any error returned.
/// TODO multithreaded awareness
pub fn dumpStackTraceFromBase(bp: usize, ip: usize) void {
const stderr = getStderrStream();
if (builtin.strip_debug_info) {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: debug info stripped\n") catch return;
const debug_info = getSelfDebugInfo() catch |err| {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: Unable to open debug info: {}\n", @errorName(err)) catch return;
const tty_color = wantTtyColor();
printSourceAtAddress(debug_info, stderr, ip, tty_color) catch return;
const first_return_address = @intToPtr(*const usize, bp + @sizeOf(usize)).*;
printSourceAtAddress(debug_info, stderr, first_return_address - 1, tty_color) catch return;
var it = StackIterator{
.first_addr = null,
.fp = bp,
while (it.next()) |return_address| {
printSourceAtAddress(debug_info, stderr, return_address - 1, tty_color) catch return;
/// Returns a slice with the same pointer as addresses, with a potentially smaller len.
/// On Windows, when first_address is not null, we ask for at least 32 stack frames,
/// and then try to find the first address. If addresses.len is more than 32, we
/// capture that many stack frames exactly, and then look for the first address,
/// chopping off the irrelevant frames and shifting so that the returned addresses pointer
/// equals the passed in addresses pointer.
pub fn captureStackTrace(first_address: ?usize, stack_trace: *builtin.StackTrace) void {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
const addrs = stack_trace.instruction_addresses;
const u32_addrs_len = @intCast(u32, addrs.len);
const first_addr = first_address orelse {
stack_trace.index = windows.ntdll.RtlCaptureStackBackTrace(
@ptrCast(**c_void, addrs.ptr),
var addr_buf_stack: [32]usize = undefined;
const addr_buf = if (addr_buf_stack.len > addrs.len) addr_buf_stack[0..] else addrs;
const n = windows.ntdll.RtlCaptureStackBackTrace(0, u32_addrs_len, @ptrCast(**c_void, addr_buf.ptr), null);
const first_index = for (addr_buf[0..n]) |addr, i| {
if (addr == first_addr) {
break i;
} else {
stack_trace.index = 0;
const slice = addr_buf[first_index..n];
// We use a for loop here because slice and addrs may alias.
for (slice) |addr, i| {
addrs[i] = addr;
stack_trace.index = slice.len;
} else {
var it = StackIterator.init(first_address);
for (stack_trace.instruction_addresses) |*addr, i| {
addr.* = it.next() orelse {
stack_trace.index = i;
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
stack_trace.index = stack_trace.instruction_addresses.len;
/// Tries to print a stack trace to stderr, unbuffered, and ignores any error returned.
/// TODO multithreaded awareness
pub fn dumpStackTrace(stack_trace: builtin.StackTrace) void {
const stderr = getStderrStream();
if (builtin.strip_debug_info) {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: debug info stripped\n") catch return;
2019-05-26 23:16:05 -07:00
const debug_info = getSelfDebugInfo() catch |err| {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: Unable to open debug info: {}\n", @errorName(err)) catch return;
2018-01-14 07:19:21 -08:00
writeStackTrace(stack_trace, stderr, getDebugInfoAllocator(), debug_info, wantTtyColor()) catch |err| {
2018-01-14 07:19:21 -08:00
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: {}\n", @errorName(err)) catch return;
/// This function invokes undefined behavior when `ok` is `false`.
/// In Debug and ReleaseSafe modes, calls to this function are always
/// generated, and the `unreachable` statement triggers a panic.
/// In ReleaseFast and ReleaseSmall modes, calls to this function are
/// optimized away, and in fact the optimizer is able to use the assertion
/// in its heuristics.
/// Inside a test block, it is best to use the `std.testing` module rather
/// than this function, because this function may not detect a test failure
2019-07-15 16:48:47 -07:00
/// in ReleaseFast and ReleaseSmall mode. Outside of a test block, this assert
/// function is the correct function to use.
pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
pub fn panic(comptime format: []const u8, args: ...) noreturn {
2018-02-28 18:19:51 -08:00
// TODO: remove conditional once wasi / LLVM defines __builtin_return_address
const first_trace_addr = if (builtin.os == .wasi) null else @returnAddress();
panicExtra(null, first_trace_addr, format, args);
/// TODO multithreaded awareness
var panicking: u8 = 0; // TODO make this a bool
pub fn panicExtra(trace: ?*const builtin.StackTrace, first_trace_addr: ?usize, comptime format: []const u8, args: ...) noreturn {
if (enable_segfault_handler) {
// If a segfault happens while panicking, we want it to actually segfault, not trigger
// the handler.
2018-02-28 18:19:51 -08:00
if (@atomicRmw(u8, &panicking, builtin.AtomicRmwOp.Xchg, 1, builtin.AtomicOrder.SeqCst) == 1) {
// Panicked during a panic.
2018-02-28 18:19:51 -08:00
// TODO detect if a different thread caused the panic, because in that case
// we would want to return here instead of calling abort, so that the thread
// which first called panic can finish printing a stack trace.
const stderr = getStderrStream();
stderr.print(format ++ "\n", args) catch os.abort();
if (trace) |t| {
const RED = "\x1b[31;1m";
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
const GREEN = "\x1b[32;1m";
const CYAN = "\x1b[36;1m";
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
const WHITE = "\x1b[37;1m";
const DIM = "\x1b[2m";
const RESET = "\x1b[0m";
pub fn writeStackTrace(
stack_trace: builtin.StackTrace,
out_stream: var,
allocator: *mem.Allocator,
debug_info: *DebugInfo,
tty_color: bool,
) !void {
if (builtin.strip_debug_info) return error.MissingDebugInfo;
var frame_index: usize = 0;
var frames_left: usize = std.math.min(stack_trace.index, stack_trace.instruction_addresses.len);
2018-01-14 07:19:21 -08:00
while (frames_left != 0) : ({
frames_left -= 1;
frame_index = (frame_index + 1) % stack_trace.instruction_addresses.len;
}) {
const return_address = stack_trace.instruction_addresses[frame_index];
try printSourceAtAddress(debug_info, out_stream, return_address - 1, tty_color);
2018-01-14 07:19:21 -08:00
2018-12-02 15:54:04 -08:00
pub const StackIterator = struct {
first_addr: ?usize,
fp: usize,
pub fn init(first_addr: ?usize) StackIterator {
2018-12-02 15:54:04 -08:00
return StackIterator{
.first_addr = first_addr,
.fp = @frameAddress(),
2018-12-02 15:54:04 -08:00
2018-07-29 20:25:40 -07:00
2018-12-02 15:54:04 -08:00
// On some architectures such as x86 the frame pointer is the address where
// the previous fp is stored, while on some other architectures such as
// RISC-V it points to the "top" of the frame, just above where the previous
// fp and the return address are stored.
const fp_adjust_factor = if (builtin.arch == .riscv32 or builtin.arch == .riscv64)
2 * @sizeOf(usize)
2018-12-02 15:54:04 -08:00
fn next(self: *StackIterator) ?usize {
2019-10-13 08:37:04 -07:00
if (self.fp <= fp_adjust_factor) return null;
self.fp = @intToPtr(*const usize, self.fp - fp_adjust_factor).*;
2019-10-13 08:37:04 -07:00
if (self.fp <= fp_adjust_factor) return null;
2018-12-02 15:54:04 -08:00
if (self.first_addr) |addr| {
2019-10-13 08:37:04 -07:00
while (self.fp > fp_adjust_factor) : (self.fp = @intToPtr(*const usize, self.fp - fp_adjust_factor).*) {
const return_address = @intToPtr(*const usize, self.fp - fp_adjust_factor + @sizeOf(usize)).*;
2018-12-02 15:54:04 -08:00
if (addr == return_address) {
self.first_addr = null;
return return_address;
const return_address = @intToPtr(*const usize, self.fp - fp_adjust_factor + @sizeOf(usize)).*;
2018-12-02 15:54:04 -08:00
return return_address;
2018-07-29 20:25:40 -07:00
pub fn writeCurrentStackTrace(out_stream: var, debug_info: *DebugInfo, tty_color: bool, start_addr: ?usize) !void {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
return writeCurrentStackTraceWindows(out_stream, debug_info, tty_color, start_addr);
var it = StackIterator.init(start_addr);
2018-12-02 15:54:04 -08:00
while (it.next()) |return_address| {
try printSourceAtAddress(debug_info, out_stream, return_address - 1, tty_color);
2018-01-14 07:19:21 -08:00
2018-09-12 11:26:21 -07:00
pub fn writeCurrentStackTraceWindows(
out_stream: var,
debug_info: *DebugInfo,
tty_color: bool,
start_addr: ?usize,
) !void {
var addr_buf: [1024]usize = undefined;
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
const n = windows.ntdll.RtlCaptureStackBackTrace(0, addr_buf.len, @ptrCast(**c_void, &addr_buf), null);
const addrs = addr_buf[0..n];
var start_i: usize = if (start_addr) |saddr| blk: {
for (addrs) |addr, i| {
if (addr == saddr) break :blk i;
} else 0;
for (addrs[start_i..]) |addr| {
try printSourceAtAddress(debug_info, out_stream, addr, tty_color);
/// TODO once https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/3157 is fully implemented,
/// make this `noasync fn` and remove the individual noasync calls.
pub fn printSourceAtAddress(debug_info: *DebugInfo, out_stream: var, address: usize, tty_color: bool) !void {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return noasync printSourceAtAddressWindows(debug_info, out_stream, address, tty_color);
if (comptime std.Target.current.isDarwin()) {
return noasync printSourceAtAddressMacOs(debug_info, out_stream, address, tty_color);
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
return noasync printSourceAtAddressPosix(debug_info, out_stream, address, tty_color);
fn printSourceAtAddressWindows(di: *DebugInfo, out_stream: var, relocated_address: usize, tty_color: bool) !void {
const allocator = getDebugInfoAllocator();
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
const base_address = process.getBaseAddress();
const relative_address = relocated_address - base_address;
var coff_section: *coff.Section = undefined;
const mod_index = for (di.sect_contribs) |sect_contrib| {
2018-11-27 15:24:06 -08:00
if (sect_contrib.Section > di.coff.sections.len) continue;
// Remember that SectionContribEntry.Section is 1-based.
coff_section = &di.coff.sections.toSlice()[sect_contrib.Section - 1];
const vaddr_start = coff_section.header.virtual_address + sect_contrib.Offset;
const vaddr_end = vaddr_start + sect_contrib.Size;
if (relative_address >= vaddr_start and relative_address < vaddr_end) {
break sect_contrib.ModuleIndex;
} else {
// we have no information to add to the address
if (tty_color) {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: ");
try out_stream.print("0x{x} in ??? (???)", relocated_address);
try out_stream.print("\n\n\n");
} else {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: 0x{x} in ??? (???)\n\n\n", relocated_address);
const mod = &di.modules[mod_index];
try populateModule(di, mod);
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
const obj_basename = fs.path.basename(mod.obj_file_name);
var symbol_i: usize = 0;
const symbol_name = if (!mod.populated) "???" else while (symbol_i != mod.symbols.len) {
const prefix = @ptrCast(*pdb.RecordPrefix, &mod.symbols[symbol_i]);
if (prefix.RecordLen < 2)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
switch (prefix.RecordKind) {
pdb.SymbolKind.S_LPROC32 => {
const proc_sym = @ptrCast(*pdb.ProcSym, &mod.symbols[symbol_i + @sizeOf(pdb.RecordPrefix)]);
const vaddr_start = coff_section.header.virtual_address + proc_sym.CodeOffset;
const vaddr_end = vaddr_start + proc_sym.CodeSize;
if (relative_address >= vaddr_start and relative_address < vaddr_end) {
break mem.toSliceConst(u8, @ptrCast([*:0]u8, proc_sym) + @sizeOf(pdb.ProcSym));
else => {},
symbol_i += prefix.RecordLen + @sizeOf(u16);
if (symbol_i > mod.symbols.len)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
} else "???";
const subsect_info = mod.subsect_info;
var sect_offset: usize = 0;
var skip_len: usize = undefined;
2018-09-02 14:58:50 -07:00
const opt_line_info = subsections: {
const checksum_offset = mod.checksum_offset orelse break :subsections null;
while (sect_offset != subsect_info.len) : (sect_offset += skip_len) {
const subsect_hdr = @ptrCast(*pdb.DebugSubsectionHeader, &subsect_info[sect_offset]);
skip_len = subsect_hdr.Length;
sect_offset += @sizeOf(pdb.DebugSubsectionHeader);
switch (subsect_hdr.Kind) {
pdb.DebugSubsectionKind.Lines => {
var line_index = sect_offset;
2018-09-02 14:58:50 -07:00
const line_hdr = @ptrCast(*pdb.LineFragmentHeader, &subsect_info[line_index]);
if (line_hdr.RelocSegment == 0) return error.MissingDebugInfo;
line_index += @sizeOf(pdb.LineFragmentHeader);
const frag_vaddr_start = coff_section.header.virtual_address + line_hdr.RelocOffset;
const frag_vaddr_end = frag_vaddr_start + line_hdr.CodeSize;
if (relative_address >= frag_vaddr_start and relative_address < frag_vaddr_end) {
// There is an unknown number of LineBlockFragmentHeaders (and their accompanying line and column records)
// from now on. We will iterate through them, and eventually find a LineInfo that we're interested in,
// breaking out to :subsections. If not, we will make sure to not read anything outside of this subsection.
const subsection_end_index = sect_offset + subsect_hdr.Length;
while (line_index < subsection_end_index) {
const block_hdr = @ptrCast(*pdb.LineBlockFragmentHeader, &subsect_info[line_index]);
line_index += @sizeOf(pdb.LineBlockFragmentHeader);
const start_line_index = line_index;
const has_column = line_hdr.Flags.LF_HaveColumns;
// All line entries are stored inside their line block by ascending start address.
// Heuristic: we want to find the last line entry that has a vaddr_start <= relative_address.
// This is done with a simple linear search.
var line_i: u32 = 0;
while (line_i < block_hdr.NumLines) : (line_i += 1) {
const line_num_entry = @ptrCast(*pdb.LineNumberEntry, &subsect_info[line_index]);
line_index += @sizeOf(pdb.LineNumberEntry);
const vaddr_start = frag_vaddr_start + line_num_entry.Offset;
if (relative_address <= vaddr_start) {
// line_i == 0 would mean that no matching LineNumberEntry was found.
if (line_i > 0) {
2018-09-02 14:58:50 -07:00
const subsect_index = checksum_offset + block_hdr.NameIndex;
const chksum_hdr = @ptrCast(*pdb.FileChecksumEntryHeader, &mod.subsect_info[subsect_index]);
const strtab_offset = @sizeOf(pdb.PDBStringTableHeader) + chksum_hdr.FileNameOffset;
try di.pdb.string_table.seekTo(strtab_offset);
const source_file_name = try di.pdb.string_table.readNullTermString(allocator);
const line_entry_idx = line_i - 1;
2018-09-02 14:58:50 -07:00
const column = if (has_column) blk: {
const start_col_index = start_line_index + @sizeOf(pdb.LineNumberEntry) * block_hdr.NumLines;
const col_index = start_col_index + @sizeOf(pdb.ColumnNumberEntry) * line_entry_idx;
const col_num_entry = @ptrCast(*pdb.ColumnNumberEntry, &subsect_info[col_index]);
2018-09-02 14:58:50 -07:00
break :blk col_num_entry.StartColumn;
} else 0;
const found_line_index = start_line_index + line_entry_idx * @sizeOf(pdb.LineNumberEntry);
const line_num_entry = @ptrCast(*pdb.LineNumberEntry, &subsect_info[found_line_index]);
const flags = @ptrCast(*pdb.LineNumberEntry.Flags, &line_num_entry.Flags);
break :subsections LineInfo{
2018-09-02 14:58:50 -07:00
.allocator = allocator,
.file_name = source_file_name,
.line = flags.Start,
2018-09-02 14:58:50 -07:00
.column = column,
// Checking that we are not reading garbage after the (possibly) multiple block fragments.
if (line_index != subsection_end_index) {
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
2018-09-02 14:58:50 -07:00
else => {},
2018-09-02 14:58:50 -07:00
if (sect_offset > subsect_info.len)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
} else {
break :subsections null;
2018-09-12 11:26:21 -07:00
if (tty_color) {
2018-09-02 14:58:50 -07:00
if (opt_line_info) |li| {
2018-09-02 14:58:50 -07:00
try out_stream.print("{}:{}:{}", li.file_name, li.line, li.column);
} else {
2018-09-02 14:58:50 -07:00
try out_stream.print("???:?:?");
2018-09-02 14:58:50 -07:00
try out_stream.print(": ");
try out_stream.print("0x{x} in {} ({})", relocated_address, symbol_name, obj_basename);
if (opt_line_info) |line_info| {
try out_stream.print("\n");
if (printLineFromFileAnyOs(out_stream, line_info)) {
if (line_info.column == 0) {
try out_stream.write("\n");
} else {
var col_i: usize = 1;
while (col_i < line_info.column) : (col_i += 1) {
try out_stream.writeByte(' ');
try out_stream.write("^");
try out_stream.write("\n");
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.EndOfFile => {},
error.FileNotFound => {
try out_stream.write("file not found\n\n");
else => return err,
} else {
try out_stream.print("\n\n\n");
} else {
if (opt_line_info) |li| {
try out_stream.print("{}:{}:{}: 0x{x} in {} ({})\n\n\n", li.file_name, li.line, li.column, relocated_address, symbol_name, obj_basename);
} else {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: 0x{x} in {} ({})\n\n\n", relocated_address, symbol_name, obj_basename);
const TtyColor = enum {
/// TODO this is a special case hack right now. clean it up and maybe make it part of std.fmt
fn setTtyColor(tty_color: TtyColor) void {
2019-05-26 21:48:56 -07:00
if (stderr_file.supportsAnsiEscapeCodes()) {
switch (tty_color) {
TtyColor.Red => {
stderr_file.write(RED) catch return;
TtyColor.Green => {
stderr_file.write(GREEN) catch return;
TtyColor.Cyan => {
stderr_file.write(CYAN) catch return;
TtyColor.White, TtyColor.Bold => {
stderr_file.write(WHITE) catch return;
TtyColor.Dim => {
stderr_file.write(DIM) catch return;
TtyColor.Reset => {
stderr_file.write(RESET) catch return;
} else {
const S = struct {
var attrs: windows.WORD = undefined;
var init_attrs = false;
if (!S.init_attrs) {
S.init_attrs = true;
var info: windows.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO = undefined;
// TODO handle error
2019-05-26 21:48:56 -07:00
_ = windows.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(stderr_file.handle, &info);
S.attrs = info.wAttributes;
// TODO handle errors
switch (tty_color) {
TtyColor.Red => {
2019-05-26 21:48:56 -07:00
_ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle, windows.FOREGROUND_RED | windows.FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) catch {};
TtyColor.Green => {
2019-05-26 21:48:56 -07:00
_ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle, windows.FOREGROUND_GREEN | windows.FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) catch {};
TtyColor.Cyan => {
2019-05-26 21:48:56 -07:00
_ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle, windows.FOREGROUND_GREEN | windows.FOREGROUND_BLUE | windows.FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) catch {};
TtyColor.White, TtyColor.Bold => {
2019-05-26 21:48:56 -07:00
_ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle, windows.FOREGROUND_RED | windows.FOREGROUND_GREEN | windows.FOREGROUND_BLUE | windows.FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) catch {};
TtyColor.Dim => {
2019-05-26 21:48:56 -07:00
_ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle, windows.FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) catch {};
TtyColor.Reset => {
2019-05-26 21:48:56 -07:00
_ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle, S.attrs) catch {};
fn populateModule(di: *DebugInfo, mod: *Module) !void {
if (mod.populated)
const allocator = getDebugInfoAllocator();
// At most one can be non-zero.
if (mod.mod_info.C11ByteSize != 0 and mod.mod_info.C13ByteSize != 0)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
if (mod.mod_info.C13ByteSize == 0)
const modi = di.pdb.getStreamById(mod.mod_info.ModuleSymStream) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo;
breaking API changes to all readInt/writeInt functions & more * add `@bswap` builtin function. See #767 * comptime evaluation facilities are improved to be able to handle a `@ptrCast` with a backing array. * `@truncate` allows "truncating" a u0 value to any integer type, and the result is always comptime known to be `0`. * when specifying pointer alignment in a type expression, the alignment value of pointers which do not have addresses at runtime is ignored, and always has the default/ABI alignment * threw in a fix to freebsd/x86_64.zig to update syntax from language changes * some improvements are pending #863 closes #638 closes #1733 std lib API changes * io.InStream().readIntNe renamed to readIntNative * io.InStream().readIntLe renamed to readIntLittle * io.InStream().readIntBe renamed to readIntBig * introduced io.InStream().readIntForeign * io.InStream().readInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().readVarInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().writeIntNe renamed to writeIntNative * introduced io.InStream().writeIntForeign * io.InStream().writeIntLe renamed to writeIntLittle * io.InStream().writeIntBe renamed to writeIntBig * io.InStream().writeInt has parameter order changed * mem.readInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.readIntNative * introduced mem.readIntForeign * mem.readIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different API * mem.readIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different API * introduced mem.readIntSliceNative * introduced mem.readIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.readIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.readIntSliceBig * introduced mem.readIntSlice * mem.writeInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.writeIntNative * introduced mem.writeIntForeign * mem.writeIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different semantics * mem.writeIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different semantics * introduced mem.writeIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.writeIntSliceNative * introduced mem.writeIntSliceBig * introduced mem.writeIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.writeIntSlice * removed mem.endianSwapIfLe * removed mem.endianSwapIfBe * removed mem.endianSwapIf * added mem.littleToNative * added mem.bigToNative * added mem.toNative * added mem.nativeTo * added mem.nativeToLittle * added mem.nativeToBig
2018-12-12 17:19:46 -08:00
const signature = try modi.stream.readIntLittle(u32);
if (signature != 4)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
mod.symbols = try allocator.alloc(u8, mod.mod_info.SymByteSize - 4);
try modi.stream.readNoEof(mod.symbols);
mod.subsect_info = try allocator.alloc(u8, mod.mod_info.C13ByteSize);
try modi.stream.readNoEof(mod.subsect_info);
var sect_offset: usize = 0;
var skip_len: usize = undefined;
while (sect_offset != mod.subsect_info.len) : (sect_offset += skip_len) {
const subsect_hdr = @ptrCast(*pdb.DebugSubsectionHeader, &mod.subsect_info[sect_offset]);
skip_len = subsect_hdr.Length;
sect_offset += @sizeOf(pdb.DebugSubsectionHeader);
switch (subsect_hdr.Kind) {
pdb.DebugSubsectionKind.FileChecksums => {
2018-09-02 14:58:50 -07:00
mod.checksum_offset = sect_offset;
else => {},
if (sect_offset > mod.subsect_info.len)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
mod.populated = true;
fn machoSearchSymbols(symbols: []const MachoSymbol, address: usize) ?*const MachoSymbol {
var min: usize = 0;
var max: usize = symbols.len - 1; // Exclude sentinel.
while (min < max) {
const mid = min + (max - min) / 2;
const curr = &symbols[mid];
const next = &symbols[mid + 1];
if (address >= next.address()) {
min = mid + 1;
} else if (address < curr.address()) {
max = mid;
} else {
return curr;
return null;
fn printSourceAtAddressMacOs(di: *DebugInfo, out_stream: var, address: usize, tty_color: bool) !void {
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
const base_addr = process.getBaseAddress();
const adjusted_addr = 0x100000000 + (address - base_addr);
const symbol = machoSearchSymbols(di.symbols, adjusted_addr) orelse {
if (tty_color) {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: " ++ DIM ++ "0x{x} in ??? (???)" ++ RESET ++ "\n\n\n", address);
} else {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: 0x{x} in ??? (???)\n\n\n", address);
const symbol_name = mem.toSliceConst(u8, @ptrCast([*:0]const u8, di.strings.ptr + symbol.nlist.n_strx));
const compile_unit_name = if (symbol.ofile) |ofile| blk: {
const ofile_path = mem.toSliceConst(u8, @ptrCast([*:0]const u8, di.strings.ptr + ofile.n_strx));
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
break :blk fs.path.basename(ofile_path);
} else "???";
if (getLineNumberInfoMacOs(di, symbol.*, adjusted_addr)) |line_info| {
defer line_info.deinit();
try printLineInfo(
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.MissingDebugInfo, error.InvalidDebugInfo => {
if (tty_color) {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: " ++ DIM ++ "0x{x} in {} ({})" ++ RESET ++ "\n\n\n", address, symbol_name, compile_unit_name);
} else {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: 0x{x} in {} ({})\n\n\n", address, symbol_name, compile_unit_name);
else => return err,
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
pub fn printSourceAtAddressPosix(debug_info: *DebugInfo, out_stream: var, address: usize, tty_color: bool) !void {
return debug_info.printSourceAtAddress(out_stream, address, tty_color, printLineFromFileAnyOs);
fn printLineInfo(
out_stream: var,
line_info: LineInfo,
address: usize,
symbol_name: []const u8,
compile_unit_name: []const u8,
tty_color: bool,
comptime printLineFromFile: var,
) !void {
if (tty_color) {
try out_stream.print(
WHITE ++ "{}:{}:{}" ++ RESET ++ ": " ++ DIM ++ "0x{x} in {} ({})" ++ RESET ++ "\n",
if (printLineFromFile(out_stream, line_info)) {
if (line_info.column == 0) {
try out_stream.write("\n");
} else {
var col_i: usize = 1;
while (col_i < line_info.column) : (col_i += 1) {
try out_stream.writeByte(' ');
try out_stream.write(GREEN ++ "^" ++ RESET ++ "\n");
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.EndOfFile, error.FileNotFound => {},
else => return err,
} else {
try out_stream.print(
"{}:{}:{}: 0x{x} in {} ({})\n",
// TODO use this
pub const OpenSelfDebugInfoError = error{
/// TODO once https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/3157 is fully implemented,
/// make this `noasync fn` and remove the individual noasync calls.
pub fn openSelfDebugInfo(allocator: *mem.Allocator) !DebugInfo {
if (builtin.strip_debug_info)
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
if (@hasDecl(root, "os") and @hasDecl(root.os, "debug") and @hasDecl(root.os.debug, "openSelfDebugInfo")) {
return noasync root.os.debug.openSelfDebugInfo(allocator);
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return noasync openSelfDebugInfoWindows(allocator);
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
if (comptime std.Target.current.isDarwin()) {
return noasync openSelfDebugInfoMacOs(allocator);
return noasync openSelfDebugInfoPosix(allocator);
fn openSelfDebugInfoWindows(allocator: *mem.Allocator) !DebugInfo {
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
const self_file = try fs.openSelfExe();
defer self_file.close();
const coff_obj = try allocator.create(coff.Coff);
2019-06-29 11:56:23 -07:00
coff_obj.* = coff.Coff.init(allocator, self_file);
var di = DebugInfo{
.coff = coff_obj,
.pdb = undefined,
.sect_contribs = undefined,
.modules = undefined,
try di.coff.loadHeader();
var path_buf: [windows.MAX_PATH]u8 = undefined;
const len = try di.coff.getPdbPath(path_buf[0..]);
const raw_path = path_buf[0..len];
2019-11-29 18:55:27 -08:00
const path = try fs.path.resolve(allocator, &[_][]const u8{raw_path});
try di.pdb.openFile(di.coff, path);
var pdb_stream = di.pdb.getStream(pdb.StreamType.Pdb) orelse return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
breaking API changes to all readInt/writeInt functions & more * add `@bswap` builtin function. See #767 * comptime evaluation facilities are improved to be able to handle a `@ptrCast` with a backing array. * `@truncate` allows "truncating" a u0 value to any integer type, and the result is always comptime known to be `0`. * when specifying pointer alignment in a type expression, the alignment value of pointers which do not have addresses at runtime is ignored, and always has the default/ABI alignment * threw in a fix to freebsd/x86_64.zig to update syntax from language changes * some improvements are pending #863 closes #638 closes #1733 std lib API changes * io.InStream().readIntNe renamed to readIntNative * io.InStream().readIntLe renamed to readIntLittle * io.InStream().readIntBe renamed to readIntBig * introduced io.InStream().readIntForeign * io.InStream().readInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().readVarInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().writeIntNe renamed to writeIntNative * introduced io.InStream().writeIntForeign * io.InStream().writeIntLe renamed to writeIntLittle * io.InStream().writeIntBe renamed to writeIntBig * io.InStream().writeInt has parameter order changed * mem.readInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.readIntNative * introduced mem.readIntForeign * mem.readIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different API * mem.readIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different API * introduced mem.readIntSliceNative * introduced mem.readIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.readIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.readIntSliceBig * introduced mem.readIntSlice * mem.writeInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.writeIntNative * introduced mem.writeIntForeign * mem.writeIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different semantics * mem.writeIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different semantics * introduced mem.writeIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.writeIntSliceNative * introduced mem.writeIntSliceBig * introduced mem.writeIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.writeIntSlice * removed mem.endianSwapIfLe * removed mem.endianSwapIfBe * removed mem.endianSwapIf * added mem.littleToNative * added mem.bigToNative * added mem.toNative * added mem.nativeTo * added mem.nativeToLittle * added mem.nativeToBig
2018-12-12 17:19:46 -08:00
const version = try pdb_stream.stream.readIntLittle(u32);
const signature = try pdb_stream.stream.readIntLittle(u32);
const age = try pdb_stream.stream.readIntLittle(u32);
var guid: [16]u8 = undefined;
2019-11-29 18:55:27 -08:00
try pdb_stream.stream.readNoEof(&guid);
if (version != 20000404) // VC70, only value observed by LLVM team
return error.UnknownPDBVersion;
2019-11-29 18:55:27 -08:00
if (!mem.eql(u8, &di.coff.guid, &guid) or di.coff.age != age)
return error.PDBMismatch;
// We validated the executable and pdb match.
const string_table_index = str_tab_index: {
breaking API changes to all readInt/writeInt functions & more * add `@bswap` builtin function. See #767 * comptime evaluation facilities are improved to be able to handle a `@ptrCast` with a backing array. * `@truncate` allows "truncating" a u0 value to any integer type, and the result is always comptime known to be `0`. * when specifying pointer alignment in a type expression, the alignment value of pointers which do not have addresses at runtime is ignored, and always has the default/ABI alignment * threw in a fix to freebsd/x86_64.zig to update syntax from language changes * some improvements are pending #863 closes #638 closes #1733 std lib API changes * io.InStream().readIntNe renamed to readIntNative * io.InStream().readIntLe renamed to readIntLittle * io.InStream().readIntBe renamed to readIntBig * introduced io.InStream().readIntForeign * io.InStream().readInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().readVarInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().writeIntNe renamed to writeIntNative * introduced io.InStream().writeIntForeign * io.InStream().writeIntLe renamed to writeIntLittle * io.InStream().writeIntBe renamed to writeIntBig * io.InStream().writeInt has parameter order changed * mem.readInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.readIntNative * introduced mem.readIntForeign * mem.readIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different API * mem.readIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different API * introduced mem.readIntSliceNative * introduced mem.readIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.readIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.readIntSliceBig * introduced mem.readIntSlice * mem.writeInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.writeIntNative * introduced mem.writeIntForeign * mem.writeIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different semantics * mem.writeIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different semantics * introduced mem.writeIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.writeIntSliceNative * introduced mem.writeIntSliceBig * introduced mem.writeIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.writeIntSlice * removed mem.endianSwapIfLe * removed mem.endianSwapIfBe * removed mem.endianSwapIf * added mem.littleToNative * added mem.bigToNative * added mem.toNative * added mem.nativeTo * added mem.nativeToLittle * added mem.nativeToBig
2018-12-12 17:19:46 -08:00
const name_bytes_len = try pdb_stream.stream.readIntLittle(u32);
const name_bytes = try allocator.alloc(u8, name_bytes_len);
try pdb_stream.stream.readNoEof(name_bytes);
2018-08-31 12:02:41 -07:00
const HashTableHeader = packed struct {
Size: u32,
Capacity: u32,
2018-08-31 16:50:03 -07:00
fn maxLoad(cap: u32) u32 {
return cap * 2 / 3 + 1;
2018-11-15 13:16:08 -08:00
const hash_tbl_hdr = try pdb_stream.stream.readStruct(HashTableHeader);
if (hash_tbl_hdr.Capacity == 0)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
if (hash_tbl_hdr.Size > HashTableHeader.maxLoad(hash_tbl_hdr.Capacity))
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const present = try readSparseBitVector(&pdb_stream.stream, allocator);
if (present.len != hash_tbl_hdr.Size)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const deleted = try readSparseBitVector(&pdb_stream.stream, allocator);
const Bucket = struct {
first: u32,
second: u32,
const bucket_list = try allocator.alloc(Bucket, present.len);
for (present) |_| {
breaking API changes to all readInt/writeInt functions & more * add `@bswap` builtin function. See #767 * comptime evaluation facilities are improved to be able to handle a `@ptrCast` with a backing array. * `@truncate` allows "truncating" a u0 value to any integer type, and the result is always comptime known to be `0`. * when specifying pointer alignment in a type expression, the alignment value of pointers which do not have addresses at runtime is ignored, and always has the default/ABI alignment * threw in a fix to freebsd/x86_64.zig to update syntax from language changes * some improvements are pending #863 closes #638 closes #1733 std lib API changes * io.InStream().readIntNe renamed to readIntNative * io.InStream().readIntLe renamed to readIntLittle * io.InStream().readIntBe renamed to readIntBig * introduced io.InStream().readIntForeign * io.InStream().readInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().readVarInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().writeIntNe renamed to writeIntNative * introduced io.InStream().writeIntForeign * io.InStream().writeIntLe renamed to writeIntLittle * io.InStream().writeIntBe renamed to writeIntBig * io.InStream().writeInt has parameter order changed * mem.readInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.readIntNative * introduced mem.readIntForeign * mem.readIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different API * mem.readIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different API * introduced mem.readIntSliceNative * introduced mem.readIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.readIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.readIntSliceBig * introduced mem.readIntSlice * mem.writeInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.writeIntNative * introduced mem.writeIntForeign * mem.writeIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different semantics * mem.writeIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different semantics * introduced mem.writeIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.writeIntSliceNative * introduced mem.writeIntSliceBig * introduced mem.writeIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.writeIntSlice * removed mem.endianSwapIfLe * removed mem.endianSwapIfBe * removed mem.endianSwapIf * added mem.littleToNative * added mem.bigToNative * added mem.toNative * added mem.nativeTo * added mem.nativeToLittle * added mem.nativeToBig
2018-12-12 17:19:46 -08:00
const name_offset = try pdb_stream.stream.readIntLittle(u32);
const name_index = try pdb_stream.stream.readIntLittle(u32);
const name = mem.toSlice(u8, @ptrCast([*:0]u8, name_bytes.ptr + name_offset));
if (mem.eql(u8, name, "/names")) {
break :str_tab_index name_index;
2018-08-31 16:50:03 -07:00
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
2018-08-31 16:50:03 -07:00
di.pdb.string_table = di.pdb.getStreamById(string_table_index) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo;
di.pdb.dbi = di.pdb.getStream(pdb.StreamType.Dbi) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo;
2018-08-31 16:50:03 -07:00
const dbi = di.pdb.dbi;
2018-08-31 16:50:03 -07:00
// Dbi Header
2018-11-15 13:16:08 -08:00
const dbi_stream_header = try dbi.stream.readStruct(pdb.DbiStreamHeader);
if (dbi_stream_header.VersionHeader != 19990903) // V70, only value observed by LLVM team
return error.UnknownPDBVersion;
if (dbi_stream_header.Age != age)
return error.UnmatchingPDB;
const mod_info_size = dbi_stream_header.ModInfoSize;
const section_contrib_size = dbi_stream_header.SectionContributionSize;
2018-08-31 16:50:03 -07:00
var modules = ArrayList(Module).init(allocator);
// Module Info Substream
var mod_info_offset: usize = 0;
while (mod_info_offset != mod_info_size) {
2018-11-15 13:16:08 -08:00
const mod_info = try dbi.stream.readStruct(pdb.ModInfo);
var this_record_len: usize = @sizeOf(pdb.ModInfo);
const module_name = try dbi.readNullTermString(allocator);
this_record_len += module_name.len + 1;
const obj_file_name = try dbi.readNullTermString(allocator);
this_record_len += obj_file_name.len + 1;
if (this_record_len % 4 != 0) {
const round_to_next_4 = (this_record_len | 0x3) + 1;
const march_forward_bytes = round_to_next_4 - this_record_len;
2019-05-26 21:48:56 -07:00
try dbi.seekBy(@intCast(isize, march_forward_bytes));
this_record_len += march_forward_bytes;
2018-08-31 16:50:03 -07:00
try modules.append(Module{
.mod_info = mod_info,
.module_name = module_name,
.obj_file_name = obj_file_name,
.populated = false,
.symbols = undefined,
.subsect_info = undefined,
2018-09-02 14:58:50 -07:00
.checksum_offset = null,
mod_info_offset += this_record_len;
if (mod_info_offset > mod_info_size)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
di.modules = modules.toOwnedSlice();
// Section Contribution Substream
var sect_contribs = ArrayList(pdb.SectionContribEntry).init(allocator);
var sect_cont_offset: usize = 0;
if (section_contrib_size != 0) {
breaking API changes to all readInt/writeInt functions & more * add `@bswap` builtin function. See #767 * comptime evaluation facilities are improved to be able to handle a `@ptrCast` with a backing array. * `@truncate` allows "truncating" a u0 value to any integer type, and the result is always comptime known to be `0`. * when specifying pointer alignment in a type expression, the alignment value of pointers which do not have addresses at runtime is ignored, and always has the default/ABI alignment * threw in a fix to freebsd/x86_64.zig to update syntax from language changes * some improvements are pending #863 closes #638 closes #1733 std lib API changes * io.InStream().readIntNe renamed to readIntNative * io.InStream().readIntLe renamed to readIntLittle * io.InStream().readIntBe renamed to readIntBig * introduced io.InStream().readIntForeign * io.InStream().readInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().readVarInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().writeIntNe renamed to writeIntNative * introduced io.InStream().writeIntForeign * io.InStream().writeIntLe renamed to writeIntLittle * io.InStream().writeIntBe renamed to writeIntBig * io.InStream().writeInt has parameter order changed * mem.readInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.readIntNative * introduced mem.readIntForeign * mem.readIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different API * mem.readIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different API * introduced mem.readIntSliceNative * introduced mem.readIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.readIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.readIntSliceBig * introduced mem.readIntSlice * mem.writeInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.writeIntNative * introduced mem.writeIntForeign * mem.writeIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different semantics * mem.writeIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different semantics * introduced mem.writeIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.writeIntSliceNative * introduced mem.writeIntSliceBig * introduced mem.writeIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.writeIntSlice * removed mem.endianSwapIfLe * removed mem.endianSwapIfBe * removed mem.endianSwapIf * added mem.littleToNative * added mem.bigToNative * added mem.toNative * added mem.nativeTo * added mem.nativeToLittle * added mem.nativeToBig
2018-12-12 17:19:46 -08:00
const ver = @intToEnum(pdb.SectionContrSubstreamVersion, try dbi.stream.readIntLittle(u32));
if (ver != pdb.SectionContrSubstreamVersion.Ver60)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
sect_cont_offset += @sizeOf(u32);
while (sect_cont_offset != section_contrib_size) {
const entry = try sect_contribs.addOne();
2018-11-15 13:16:08 -08:00
entry.* = try dbi.stream.readStruct(pdb.SectionContribEntry);
sect_cont_offset += @sizeOf(pdb.SectionContribEntry);
if (sect_cont_offset > section_contrib_size)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
di.sect_contribs = sect_contribs.toOwnedSlice();
2018-08-31 12:02:41 -07:00
return di;
2018-08-31 16:50:03 -07:00
fn readSparseBitVector(stream: var, allocator: *mem.Allocator) ![]usize {
breaking API changes to all readInt/writeInt functions & more * add `@bswap` builtin function. See #767 * comptime evaluation facilities are improved to be able to handle a `@ptrCast` with a backing array. * `@truncate` allows "truncating" a u0 value to any integer type, and the result is always comptime known to be `0`. * when specifying pointer alignment in a type expression, the alignment value of pointers which do not have addresses at runtime is ignored, and always has the default/ABI alignment * threw in a fix to freebsd/x86_64.zig to update syntax from language changes * some improvements are pending #863 closes #638 closes #1733 std lib API changes * io.InStream().readIntNe renamed to readIntNative * io.InStream().readIntLe renamed to readIntLittle * io.InStream().readIntBe renamed to readIntBig * introduced io.InStream().readIntForeign * io.InStream().readInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().readVarInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().writeIntNe renamed to writeIntNative * introduced io.InStream().writeIntForeign * io.InStream().writeIntLe renamed to writeIntLittle * io.InStream().writeIntBe renamed to writeIntBig * io.InStream().writeInt has parameter order changed * mem.readInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.readIntNative * introduced mem.readIntForeign * mem.readIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different API * mem.readIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different API * introduced mem.readIntSliceNative * introduced mem.readIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.readIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.readIntSliceBig * introduced mem.readIntSlice * mem.writeInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.writeIntNative * introduced mem.writeIntForeign * mem.writeIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different semantics * mem.writeIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different semantics * introduced mem.writeIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.writeIntSliceNative * introduced mem.writeIntSliceBig * introduced mem.writeIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.writeIntSlice * removed mem.endianSwapIfLe * removed mem.endianSwapIfBe * removed mem.endianSwapIf * added mem.littleToNative * added mem.bigToNative * added mem.toNative * added mem.nativeTo * added mem.nativeToLittle * added mem.nativeToBig
2018-12-12 17:19:46 -08:00
const num_words = try stream.readIntLittle(u32);
2018-08-31 16:50:03 -07:00
var word_i: usize = 0;
var list = ArrayList(usize).init(allocator);
while (word_i != num_words) : (word_i += 1) {
breaking API changes to all readInt/writeInt functions & more * add `@bswap` builtin function. See #767 * comptime evaluation facilities are improved to be able to handle a `@ptrCast` with a backing array. * `@truncate` allows "truncating" a u0 value to any integer type, and the result is always comptime known to be `0`. * when specifying pointer alignment in a type expression, the alignment value of pointers which do not have addresses at runtime is ignored, and always has the default/ABI alignment * threw in a fix to freebsd/x86_64.zig to update syntax from language changes * some improvements are pending #863 closes #638 closes #1733 std lib API changes * io.InStream().readIntNe renamed to readIntNative * io.InStream().readIntLe renamed to readIntLittle * io.InStream().readIntBe renamed to readIntBig * introduced io.InStream().readIntForeign * io.InStream().readInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().readVarInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().writeIntNe renamed to writeIntNative * introduced io.InStream().writeIntForeign * io.InStream().writeIntLe renamed to writeIntLittle * io.InStream().writeIntBe renamed to writeIntBig * io.InStream().writeInt has parameter order changed * mem.readInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.readIntNative * introduced mem.readIntForeign * mem.readIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different API * mem.readIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different API * introduced mem.readIntSliceNative * introduced mem.readIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.readIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.readIntSliceBig * introduced mem.readIntSlice * mem.writeInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.writeIntNative * introduced mem.writeIntForeign * mem.writeIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different semantics * mem.writeIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different semantics * introduced mem.writeIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.writeIntSliceNative * introduced mem.writeIntSliceBig * introduced mem.writeIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.writeIntSlice * removed mem.endianSwapIfLe * removed mem.endianSwapIfBe * removed mem.endianSwapIf * added mem.littleToNative * added mem.bigToNative * added mem.toNative * added mem.nativeTo * added mem.nativeToLittle * added mem.nativeToBig
2018-12-12 17:19:46 -08:00
const word = try stream.readIntLittle(u32);
2018-08-31 16:50:03 -07:00
var bit_i: u5 = 0;
while (true) : (bit_i += 1) {
2019-11-06 20:25:57 -08:00
if (word & (@as(u32, 1) << bit_i) != 0) {
2018-08-31 16:50:03 -07:00
try list.append(word_i * 32 + bit_i);
if (bit_i == maxInt(u5)) break;
2018-08-31 16:50:03 -07:00
return list.toOwnedSlice();
fn findDwarfSectionFromElf(elf_file: *elf.Elf, name: []const u8) !?DwarfInfo.Section {
const elf_header = (try elf_file.findSection(name)) orelse return null;
return DwarfInfo.Section{
.offset = elf_header.offset,
.size = elf_header.size,
/// Initialize DWARF info. The caller has the responsibility to initialize most
/// the DwarfInfo fields before calling. These fields can be left undefined:
/// * abbrev_table_list
/// * compile_unit_list
pub fn openDwarfDebugInfo(di: *DwarfInfo, allocator: *mem.Allocator) !void {
di.abbrev_table_list = ArrayList(AbbrevTableHeader).init(allocator);
di.compile_unit_list = ArrayList(CompileUnit).init(allocator);
di.func_list = ArrayList(Func).init(allocator);
try di.scanAllFunctions();
try di.scanAllCompileUnits();
pub fn openElfDebugInfo(
allocator: *mem.Allocator,
elf_seekable_stream: *DwarfSeekableStream,
elf_in_stream: *DwarfInStream,
) !DwarfInfo {
var efile = try elf.Elf.openStream(allocator, elf_seekable_stream, elf_in_stream);
errdefer efile.close();
var di = DwarfInfo{
.dwarf_seekable_stream = elf_seekable_stream,
.dwarf_in_stream = elf_in_stream,
.endian = efile.endian,
.debug_info = (try findDwarfSectionFromElf(&efile, ".debug_info")) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo,
.debug_abbrev = (try findDwarfSectionFromElf(&efile, ".debug_abbrev")) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo,
.debug_str = (try findDwarfSectionFromElf(&efile, ".debug_str")) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo,
.debug_line = (try findDwarfSectionFromElf(&efile, ".debug_line")) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo,
.debug_ranges = (try findDwarfSectionFromElf(&efile, ".debug_ranges")),
.abbrev_table_list = undefined,
.compile_unit_list = undefined,
.func_list = undefined,
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
try openDwarfDebugInfo(&di, allocator);
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
return di;
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
fn openSelfDebugInfoPosix(allocator: *mem.Allocator) !DwarfInfo {
const S = struct {
2019-05-24 19:52:07 -07:00
var self_exe_file: File = undefined;
2019-05-13 01:04:25 -07:00
var self_exe_mmap_seekable: io.SliceSeekableInStream = undefined;
2019-05-13 01:04:25 -07:00
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
S.self_exe_file = try fs.openSelfExe();
errdefer S.self_exe_file.close();
const self_exe_len = math.cast(usize, try S.self_exe_file.getEndPos()) catch return error.DebugInfoTooLarge;
const self_exe_mmap_len = mem.alignForward(self_exe_len, mem.page_size);
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
const self_exe_mmap = try os.mmap(
2019-05-13 01:04:25 -07:00
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
2019-05-13 01:04:25 -07:00
2019-05-26 16:56:37 -07:00
errdefer os.munmap(self_exe_mmap);
2019-05-13 01:04:25 -07:00
2019-05-26 16:56:37 -07:00
S.self_exe_mmap_seekable = io.SliceSeekableInStream.init(self_exe_mmap);
return openElfDebugInfo(
// TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/764
2019-05-13 01:04:25 -07:00
@ptrCast(*DwarfSeekableStream, &S.self_exe_mmap_seekable.seekable_stream),
// TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/764
2019-05-13 01:04:25 -07:00
@ptrCast(*DwarfInStream, &S.self_exe_mmap_seekable.stream),
fn openSelfDebugInfoMacOs(allocator: *mem.Allocator) !DebugInfo {
const hdr = &std.c._mh_execute_header;
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
assert(hdr.magic == std.macho.MH_MAGIC_64);
const hdr_base = @ptrCast([*]u8, hdr);
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
var ptr = hdr_base + @sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64);
var ncmd: u32 = hdr.ncmds;
const symtab = while (ncmd != 0) : (ncmd -= 1) {
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
const lc = @ptrCast(*std.macho.load_command, ptr);
switch (lc.cmd) {
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
std.macho.LC_SYMTAB => break @ptrCast(*std.macho.symtab_command, ptr),
else => {},
ptr += lc.cmdsize; // TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1403
} else {
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
const syms = @ptrCast([*]macho.nlist_64, @alignCast(@alignOf(macho.nlist_64), hdr_base + symtab.symoff))[0..symtab.nsyms];
const strings = @ptrCast([*]u8, hdr_base + symtab.stroff)[0..symtab.strsize];
const symbols_buf = try allocator.alloc(MachoSymbol, syms.len);
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
var ofile: ?*macho.nlist_64 = null;
var reloc: u64 = 0;
var symbol_index: usize = 0;
var last_len: u64 = 0;
for (syms) |*sym| {
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
if (sym.n_type & std.macho.N_STAB != 0) {
switch (sym.n_type) {
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
std.macho.N_OSO => {
ofile = sym;
reloc = 0;
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
std.macho.N_FUN => {
if (sym.n_sect == 0) {
last_len = sym.n_value;
} else {
symbols_buf[symbol_index] = MachoSymbol{
.nlist = sym,
.ofile = ofile,
.reloc = reloc,
symbol_index += 1;
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
std.macho.N_BNSYM => {
if (reloc == 0) {
reloc = sym.n_value;
else => continue,
const sentinel = try allocator.create(macho.nlist_64);
sentinel.* = macho.nlist_64{
.n_strx = 0,
.n_type = 36,
.n_sect = 0,
.n_desc = 0,
.n_value = symbols_buf[symbol_index - 1].nlist.n_value + last_len,
const symbols = allocator.shrink(symbols_buf, symbol_index);
// Even though lld emits symbols in ascending order, this debug code
// should work for programs linked in any valid way.
// This sort is so that we can binary search later.
std.sort.sort(MachoSymbol, symbols, MachoSymbol.addressLessThan);
return DebugInfo{
.ofiles = DebugInfo.OFileTable.init(allocator),
.symbols = symbols,
.strings = strings,
fn printLineFromFileAnyOs(out_stream: var, line_info: LineInfo) !void {
var f = try fs.cwd().openFile(line_info.file_name, .{});
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
defer f.close();
// TODO fstat and make sure that the file has the correct size
var buf: [mem.page_size]u8 = undefined;
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
var line: usize = 1;
var column: usize = 1;
var abs_index: usize = 0;
while (true) {
const amt_read = try f.read(buf[0..]);
const slice = buf[0..amt_read];
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
for (slice) |byte| {
if (line == line_info.line) {
try out_stream.writeByte(byte);
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
if (byte == '\n') {
if (byte == '\n') {
line += 1;
column = 1;
} else {
column += 1;
if (amt_read < buf.len) return error.EndOfFile;
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
const MachoSymbol = struct {
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
nlist: *macho.nlist_64,
ofile: ?*macho.nlist_64,
reloc: u64,
/// Returns the address from the macho file
fn address(self: MachoSymbol) u64 {
return self.nlist.n_value;
fn addressLessThan(lhs: MachoSymbol, rhs: MachoSymbol) bool {
return lhs.address() < rhs.address();
const MachOFile = struct {
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
bytes: []align(@alignOf(macho.mach_header_64)) const u8,
sect_debug_info: ?*const macho.section_64,
sect_debug_line: ?*const macho.section_64,
pub const DwarfSeekableStream = io.SeekableStream(anyerror, anyerror);
pub const DwarfInStream = io.InStream(anyerror);
pub const DwarfInfo = struct {
dwarf_seekable_stream: *DwarfSeekableStream,
dwarf_in_stream: *DwarfInStream,
endian: builtin.Endian,
debug_info: Section,
debug_abbrev: Section,
debug_str: Section,
debug_line: Section,
debug_ranges: ?Section,
abbrev_table_list: ArrayList(AbbrevTableHeader),
compile_unit_list: ArrayList(CompileUnit),
func_list: ArrayList(Func),
pub const Section = struct {
offset: u64,
size: u64,
pub fn allocator(self: DwarfInfo) *mem.Allocator {
return self.abbrev_table_list.allocator;
pub fn readString(self: *DwarfInfo) ![]u8 {
return readStringRaw(self.allocator(), self.dwarf_in_stream);
/// This function works in freestanding mode.
/// fn printLineFromFile(out_stream: var, line_info: LineInfo) !void
pub fn printSourceAtAddress(
self: *DwarfInfo,
out_stream: var,
address: usize,
tty_color: bool,
comptime printLineFromFile: var,
) !void {
const compile_unit = self.findCompileUnit(address) catch {
if (tty_color) {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: " ++ DIM ++ "0x{x} in ??? (???)" ++ RESET ++ "\n\n\n", address);
} else {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: 0x{x} in ??? (???)\n\n\n", address);
const compile_unit_name = try compile_unit.die.getAttrString(self, DW.AT_name);
if (self.getLineNumberInfo(compile_unit.*, address)) |line_info| {
defer line_info.deinit();
const symbol_name = self.getSymbolName(address) orelse "???";
try printLineInfo(
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.MissingDebugInfo, error.InvalidDebugInfo => {
if (tty_color) {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: " ++ DIM ++ "0x{x} in ??? ({})" ++ RESET ++ "\n\n\n", address, compile_unit_name);
} else {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: 0x{x} in ??? ({})\n\n\n", address, compile_unit_name);
else => return err,
fn getSymbolName(di: *DwarfInfo, address: u64) ?[]const u8 {
for (di.func_list.toSliceConst()) |*func| {
if (func.pc_range) |range| {
if (address >= range.start and address < range.end) {
return func.name;
return null;
fn scanAllFunctions(di: *DwarfInfo) !void {
const debug_info_end = di.debug_info.offset + di.debug_info.size;
var this_unit_offset = di.debug_info.offset;
while (this_unit_offset < debug_info_end) {
try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(this_unit_offset);
var is_64: bool = undefined;
const unit_length = try readInitialLength(@typeOf(di.dwarf_in_stream.readFn).ReturnType.ErrorSet, di.dwarf_in_stream, &is_64);
if (unit_length == 0) return;
const next_offset = unit_length + (if (is_64) @as(usize, 12) else @as(usize, 4));
const version = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(u16, di.endian);
if (version < 2 or version > 5) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const debug_abbrev_offset = if (is_64) try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(u64, di.endian) else try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(u32, di.endian);
const address_size = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte();
if (address_size != @sizeOf(usize)) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const compile_unit_pos = try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.getPos();
const abbrev_table = try di.getAbbrevTable(debug_abbrev_offset);
try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(compile_unit_pos);
const next_unit_pos = this_unit_offset + next_offset;
while ((try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.getPos()) < next_unit_pos) {
const die_obj = (try di.parseDie(abbrev_table, is_64)) orelse continue;
const after_die_offset = try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.getPos();
switch (die_obj.tag_id) {
DW.TAG_subprogram, DW.TAG_inlined_subroutine, DW.TAG_subroutine, DW.TAG_entry_point => {
const fn_name = x: {
var depth: i32 = 3;
var this_die_obj = die_obj;
// Prenvent endless loops
while (depth > 0) : (depth -= 1) {
if (this_die_obj.getAttr(DW.AT_name)) |_| {
const name = try this_die_obj.getAttrString(di, DW.AT_name);
break :x name;
} else if (this_die_obj.getAttr(DW.AT_abstract_origin)) |ref| {
// Follow the DIE it points to and repeat
const ref_offset = try this_die_obj.getAttrRef(DW.AT_abstract_origin);
if (ref_offset > next_offset) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(this_unit_offset + ref_offset);
this_die_obj = (try di.parseDie(abbrev_table, is_64)) orelse return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
} else if (this_die_obj.getAttr(DW.AT_specification)) |ref| {
// Follow the DIE it points to and repeat
const ref_offset = try this_die_obj.getAttrRef(DW.AT_specification);
if (ref_offset > next_offset) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(this_unit_offset + ref_offset);
this_die_obj = (try di.parseDie(abbrev_table, is_64)) orelse return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
} else {
break :x null;
break :x null;
const pc_range = x: {
if (die_obj.getAttrAddr(DW.AT_low_pc)) |low_pc| {
if (die_obj.getAttr(DW.AT_high_pc)) |high_pc_value| {
const pc_end = switch (high_pc_value.*) {
FormValue.Address => |value| value,
FormValue.Const => |value| b: {
const offset = try value.asUnsignedLe();
break :b (low_pc + offset);
else => return error.InvalidDebugInfo,
break :x PcRange{
.start = low_pc,
.end = pc_end,
} else {
break :x null;
} else |err| {
if (err != error.MissingDebugInfo) return err;
break :x null;
try di.func_list.append(Func{
.name = fn_name,
.pc_range = pc_range,
else => {
try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(after_die_offset);
this_unit_offset += next_offset;
fn scanAllCompileUnits(di: *DwarfInfo) !void {
const debug_info_end = di.debug_info.offset + di.debug_info.size;
var this_unit_offset = di.debug_info.offset;
while (this_unit_offset < debug_info_end) {
try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(this_unit_offset);
var is_64: bool = undefined;
const unit_length = try readInitialLength(@typeOf(di.dwarf_in_stream.readFn).ReturnType.ErrorSet, di.dwarf_in_stream, &is_64);
if (unit_length == 0) return;
const next_offset = unit_length + (if (is_64) @as(usize, 12) else @as(usize, 4));
const version = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(u16, di.endian);
if (version < 2 or version > 5) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const debug_abbrev_offset = if (is_64) try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(u64, di.endian) else try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(u32, di.endian);
const address_size = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte();
if (address_size != @sizeOf(usize)) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const compile_unit_pos = try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.getPos();
const abbrev_table = try di.getAbbrevTable(debug_abbrev_offset);
try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(compile_unit_pos);
const compile_unit_die = try di.allocator().create(Die);
compile_unit_die.* = (try di.parseDie(abbrev_table, is_64)) orelse return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
if (compile_unit_die.tag_id != DW.TAG_compile_unit) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const pc_range = x: {
if (compile_unit_die.getAttrAddr(DW.AT_low_pc)) |low_pc| {
if (compile_unit_die.getAttr(DW.AT_high_pc)) |high_pc_value| {
const pc_end = switch (high_pc_value.*) {
FormValue.Address => |value| value,
FormValue.Const => |value| b: {
const offset = try value.asUnsignedLe();
break :b (low_pc + offset);
else => return error.InvalidDebugInfo,
break :x PcRange{
.start = low_pc,
.end = pc_end,
} else {
break :x null;
} else |err| {
if (err != error.MissingDebugInfo) return err;
break :x null;
try di.compile_unit_list.append(CompileUnit{
.version = version,
.is_64 = is_64,
.pc_range = pc_range,
.die = compile_unit_die,
this_unit_offset += next_offset;
fn findCompileUnit(di: *DwarfInfo, target_address: u64) !*const CompileUnit {
for (di.compile_unit_list.toSlice()) |*compile_unit| {
if (compile_unit.pc_range) |range| {
if (target_address >= range.start and target_address < range.end) return compile_unit;
if (compile_unit.die.getAttrSecOffset(DW.AT_ranges)) |ranges_offset| {
var base_address: usize = 0;
if (di.debug_ranges) |debug_ranges| {
try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(debug_ranges.offset + ranges_offset);
while (true) {
const begin_addr = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readIntLittle(usize);
const end_addr = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readIntLittle(usize);
if (begin_addr == 0 and end_addr == 0) {
if (begin_addr == maxInt(usize)) {
base_address = begin_addr;
if (target_address >= begin_addr and target_address < end_addr) {
return compile_unit;
} else |err| {
if (err != error.MissingDebugInfo) return err;
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
/// Gets an already existing AbbrevTable given the abbrev_offset, or if not found,
/// seeks in the stream and parses it.
fn getAbbrevTable(di: *DwarfInfo, abbrev_offset: u64) !*const AbbrevTable {
for (di.abbrev_table_list.toSlice()) |*header| {
if (header.offset == abbrev_offset) {
return &header.table;
try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(di.debug_abbrev.offset + abbrev_offset);
try di.abbrev_table_list.append(AbbrevTableHeader{
.offset = abbrev_offset,
.table = try di.parseAbbrevTable(),
return &di.abbrev_table_list.items[di.abbrev_table_list.len - 1].table;
fn parseAbbrevTable(di: *DwarfInfo) !AbbrevTable {
var result = AbbrevTable.init(di.allocator());
while (true) {
const abbrev_code = try leb.readULEB128(u64, di.dwarf_in_stream);
if (abbrev_code == 0) return result;
try result.append(AbbrevTableEntry{
.abbrev_code = abbrev_code,
.tag_id = try leb.readULEB128(u64, di.dwarf_in_stream),
.has_children = (try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte()) == DW.CHILDREN_yes,
.attrs = ArrayList(AbbrevAttr).init(di.allocator()),
const attrs = &result.items[result.len - 1].attrs;
while (true) {
const attr_id = try leb.readULEB128(u64, di.dwarf_in_stream);
const form_id = try leb.readULEB128(u64, di.dwarf_in_stream);
if (attr_id == 0 and form_id == 0) break;
try attrs.append(AbbrevAttr{
.attr_id = attr_id,
.form_id = form_id,
fn parseDie(di: *DwarfInfo, abbrev_table: *const AbbrevTable, is_64: bool) !?Die {
const abbrev_code = try leb.readULEB128(u64, di.dwarf_in_stream);
if (abbrev_code == 0) return null;
const table_entry = getAbbrevTableEntry(abbrev_table, abbrev_code) orelse return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
var result = Die{
.tag_id = table_entry.tag_id,
.has_children = table_entry.has_children,
.attrs = ArrayList(Die.Attr).init(di.allocator()),
try result.attrs.resize(table_entry.attrs.len);
for (table_entry.attrs.toSliceConst()) |attr, i| {
result.attrs.items[i] = Die.Attr{
.id = attr.attr_id,
.value = try parseFormValue(di.allocator(), di.dwarf_in_stream, attr.form_id, is_64),
return result;
fn getLineNumberInfo(di: *DwarfInfo, compile_unit: CompileUnit, target_address: usize) !LineInfo {
const compile_unit_cwd = try compile_unit.die.getAttrString(di, DW.AT_comp_dir);
const line_info_offset = try compile_unit.die.getAttrSecOffset(DW.AT_stmt_list);
assert(line_info_offset < di.debug_line.size);
try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(di.debug_line.offset + line_info_offset);
var is_64: bool = undefined;
const unit_length = try readInitialLength(@typeOf(di.dwarf_in_stream.readFn).ReturnType.ErrorSet, di.dwarf_in_stream, &is_64);
if (unit_length == 0) {
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
const next_offset = unit_length + (if (is_64) @as(usize, 12) else @as(usize, 4));
const version = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(u16, di.endian);
// TODO support 3 and 5
if (version != 2 and version != 4) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const prologue_length = if (is_64) try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(u64, di.endian) else try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(u32, di.endian);
const prog_start_offset = (try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.getPos()) + prologue_length;
const minimum_instruction_length = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte();
if (minimum_instruction_length == 0) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
if (version >= 4) {
// maximum_operations_per_instruction
_ = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte();
const default_is_stmt = (try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte()) != 0;
const line_base = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByteSigned();
const line_range = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte();
if (line_range == 0) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const opcode_base = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte();
const standard_opcode_lengths = try di.allocator().alloc(u8, opcode_base - 1);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < opcode_base - 1) : (i += 1) {
standard_opcode_lengths[i] = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte();
var include_directories = ArrayList([]u8).init(di.allocator());
try include_directories.append(compile_unit_cwd);
while (true) {
const dir = try di.readString();
if (dir.len == 0) break;
try include_directories.append(dir);
var file_entries = ArrayList(FileEntry).init(di.allocator());
var prog = LineNumberProgram.init(default_is_stmt, include_directories.toSliceConst(), &file_entries, target_address);
while (true) {
const file_name = try di.readString();
if (file_name.len == 0) break;
const dir_index = try leb.readULEB128(usize, di.dwarf_in_stream);
const mtime = try leb.readULEB128(usize, di.dwarf_in_stream);
const len_bytes = try leb.readULEB128(usize, di.dwarf_in_stream);
try file_entries.append(FileEntry{
.file_name = file_name,
.dir_index = dir_index,
.mtime = mtime,
.len_bytes = len_bytes,
try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(prog_start_offset);
while (true) {
const opcode = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte();
if (opcode == DW.LNS_extended_op) {
const op_size = try leb.readULEB128(u64, di.dwarf_in_stream);
if (op_size < 1) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
var sub_op = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte();
switch (sub_op) {
DW.LNE_end_sequence => {
prog.end_sequence = true;
if (try prog.checkLineMatch()) |info| return info;
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
DW.LNE_set_address => {
const addr = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(usize, di.endian);
prog.address = addr;
DW.LNE_define_file => {
const file_name = try di.readString();
const dir_index = try leb.readULEB128(usize, di.dwarf_in_stream);
const mtime = try leb.readULEB128(usize, di.dwarf_in_stream);
const len_bytes = try leb.readULEB128(usize, di.dwarf_in_stream);
try file_entries.append(FileEntry{
.file_name = file_name,
.dir_index = dir_index,
.mtime = mtime,
.len_bytes = len_bytes,
else => {
const fwd_amt = math.cast(isize, op_size - 1) catch return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekBy(fwd_amt);
} else if (opcode >= opcode_base) {
// special opcodes
const adjusted_opcode = opcode - opcode_base;
const inc_addr = minimum_instruction_length * (adjusted_opcode / line_range);
const inc_line = @as(i32, line_base) + @as(i32, adjusted_opcode % line_range);
prog.line += inc_line;
prog.address += inc_addr;
if (try prog.checkLineMatch()) |info| return info;
prog.basic_block = false;
} else {
switch (opcode) {
DW.LNS_copy => {
if (try prog.checkLineMatch()) |info| return info;
prog.basic_block = false;
DW.LNS_advance_pc => {
const arg = try leb.readULEB128(usize, di.dwarf_in_stream);
prog.address += arg * minimum_instruction_length;
DW.LNS_advance_line => {
const arg = try leb.readILEB128(i64, di.dwarf_in_stream);
prog.line += arg;
DW.LNS_set_file => {
const arg = try leb.readULEB128(usize, di.dwarf_in_stream);
prog.file = arg;
DW.LNS_set_column => {
const arg = try leb.readULEB128(u64, di.dwarf_in_stream);
prog.column = arg;
DW.LNS_negate_stmt => {
prog.is_stmt = !prog.is_stmt;
DW.LNS_set_basic_block => {
prog.basic_block = true;
DW.LNS_const_add_pc => {
const inc_addr = minimum_instruction_length * ((255 - opcode_base) / line_range);
prog.address += inc_addr;
DW.LNS_fixed_advance_pc => {
const arg = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(u16, di.endian);
prog.address += arg;
DW.LNS_set_prologue_end => {},
else => {
if (opcode - 1 >= standard_opcode_lengths.len) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const len_bytes = standard_opcode_lengths[opcode - 1];
try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekBy(len_bytes);
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
fn getString(di: *DwarfInfo, offset: u64) ![]u8 {
const pos = di.debug_str.offset + offset;
try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(pos);
return di.readString();
pub const DebugInfo = switch (builtin.os) {
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
.macosx, .ios, .watchos, .tvos => struct {
symbols: []const MachoSymbol,
strings: []const u8,
ofiles: OFileTable,
const OFileTable = std.HashMap(
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
pub fn allocator(self: DebugInfo) *mem.Allocator {
return self.ofiles.allocator;
2019-05-26 10:17:34 -07:00
.uefi, .windows => struct {
pdb: pdb.Pdb,
coff: *coff.Coff,
sect_contribs: []pdb.SectionContribEntry,
modules: []Module,
else => DwarfInfo,
2016-12-18 16:40:26 -08:00
const PcRange = struct {
start: u64,
end: u64,
const CompileUnit = struct {
version: u16,
is_64: bool,
die: *Die,
pc_range: ?PcRange,
2016-12-18 16:40:26 -08:00
const AbbrevTable = ArrayList(AbbrevTableEntry);
const AbbrevTableHeader = struct {
// offset from .debug_abbrev
offset: u64,
table: AbbrevTable,
2016-12-18 16:40:26 -08:00
const AbbrevTableEntry = struct {
has_children: bool,
abbrev_code: u64,
tag_id: u64,
attrs: ArrayList(AbbrevAttr),
2016-12-18 16:40:26 -08:00
const AbbrevAttr = struct {
attr_id: u64,
form_id: u64,
2016-12-18 16:40:26 -08:00
const FormValue = union(enum) {
Address: u64,
Block: []u8,
Const: Constant,
ExprLoc: []u8,
Flag: bool,
SecOffset: u64,
Ref: u64,
RefAddr: u64,
String: []u8,
StrPtr: u64,
2016-12-18 16:40:26 -08:00
const Constant = struct {
payload: u64,
signed: bool,
fn asUnsignedLe(self: *const Constant) !u64 {
if (self.signed) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
return self.payload;
2016-12-18 16:40:26 -08:00
const Die = struct {
tag_id: u64,
has_children: bool,
attrs: ArrayList(Attr),
const Attr = struct {
id: u64,
value: FormValue,
2016-12-18 16:40:26 -08:00
fn getAttr(self: *const Die, id: u64) ?*const FormValue {
for (self.attrs.toSliceConst()) |*attr| {
if (attr.id == id) return &attr.value;
return null;
fn getAttrAddr(self: *const Die, id: u64) !u64 {
const form_value = self.getAttr(id) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo;
return switch (form_value.*) {
FormValue.Address => |value| value,
else => error.InvalidDebugInfo,
fn getAttrSecOffset(self: *const Die, id: u64) !u64 {
const form_value = self.getAttr(id) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo;
return switch (form_value.*) {
FormValue.Const => |value| value.asUnsignedLe(),
FormValue.SecOffset => |value| value,
else => error.InvalidDebugInfo,
fn getAttrUnsignedLe(self: *const Die, id: u64) !u64 {
const form_value = self.getAttr(id) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo;
return switch (form_value.*) {
FormValue.Const => |value| value.asUnsignedLe(),
else => error.InvalidDebugInfo,
fn getAttrRef(self: *const Die, id: u64) !u64 {
const form_value = self.getAttr(id) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo;
return switch (form_value.*) {
FormValue.Ref => |value| value,
else => error.InvalidDebugInfo,
fn getAttrString(self: *const Die, di: *DwarfInfo, id: u64) ![]u8 {
const form_value = self.getAttr(id) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo;
return switch (form_value.*) {
FormValue.String => |value| value,
FormValue.StrPtr => |offset| di.getString(offset),
else => error.InvalidDebugInfo,
2016-12-18 16:40:26 -08:00
const FileEntry = struct {
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
file_name: []const u8,
dir_index: usize,
mtime: usize,
len_bytes: usize,
pub const LineInfo = struct {
line: u64,
column: u64,
file_name: []const u8,
allocator: ?*mem.Allocator,
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
fn deinit(self: LineInfo) void {
const allocator = self.allocator orelse return;
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
const LineNumberProgram = struct {
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
address: usize,
file: usize,
line: i64,
column: u64,
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
is_stmt: bool,
basic_block: bool,
end_sequence: bool,
target_address: usize,
include_dirs: []const []const u8,
file_entries: *ArrayList(FileEntry),
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
prev_address: usize,
prev_file: usize,
prev_line: i64,
prev_column: u64,
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
prev_is_stmt: bool,
prev_basic_block: bool,
prev_end_sequence: bool,
pub fn init(is_stmt: bool, include_dirs: []const []const u8, file_entries: *ArrayList(FileEntry), target_address: usize) LineNumberProgram {
return LineNumberProgram{
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
.address = 0,
.file = 1,
.line = 1,
.column = 0,
.is_stmt = is_stmt,
.basic_block = false,
.end_sequence = false,
.include_dirs = include_dirs,
.file_entries = file_entries,
.target_address = target_address,
.prev_address = 0,
.prev_file = undefined,
.prev_line = undefined,
.prev_column = undefined,
.prev_is_stmt = undefined,
.prev_basic_block = undefined,
.prev_end_sequence = undefined,
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
pub fn checkLineMatch(self: *LineNumberProgram) !?LineInfo {
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
if (self.target_address >= self.prev_address and self.target_address < self.address) {
const file_entry = if (self.prev_file == 0) {
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
} else if (self.prev_file - 1 >= self.file_entries.len) {
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
} else
&self.file_entries.items[self.prev_file - 1];
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
const dir_name = if (file_entry.dir_index >= self.include_dirs.len) {
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
} else
const file_name = try fs.path.join(self.file_entries.allocator, &[_][]const u8{ dir_name, file_entry.file_name });
errdefer self.file_entries.allocator.free(file_name);
return LineInfo{
.line = if (self.prev_line >= 0) @intCast(u64, self.prev_line) else 0,
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
.column = self.prev_column,
.file_name = file_name,
.allocator = self.file_entries.allocator,
self.prev_address = self.address;
self.prev_file = self.file;
self.prev_line = self.line;
self.prev_column = self.column;
self.prev_is_stmt = self.is_stmt;
self.prev_basic_block = self.basic_block;
self.prev_end_sequence = self.end_sequence;
return null;
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
// TODO the noasyncs here are workarounds
fn readStringRaw(allocator: *mem.Allocator, in_stream: var) ![]u8 {
var buf = ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
while (true) {
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
const byte = try noasync in_stream.readByte();
if (byte == 0) break;
try buf.append(byte);
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
return buf.toSlice();
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
// TODO the noasyncs here are workarounds
fn readAllocBytes(allocator: *mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, size: usize) ![]u8 {
const buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, size);
errdefer allocator.free(buf);
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
if ((try noasync in_stream.read(buf)) < size) return error.EndOfFile;
return buf;
fn parseFormValueBlockLen(allocator: *mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, size: usize) !FormValue {
const buf = try readAllocBytes(allocator, in_stream, size);
return FormValue{ .Block = buf };
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
// TODO the noasyncs here are workarounds
fn parseFormValueBlock(allocator: *mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, size: usize) !FormValue {
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
const block_len = try noasync in_stream.readVarInt(usize, builtin.Endian.Little, size);
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
return parseFormValueBlockLen(allocator, in_stream, block_len);
fn parseFormValueConstant(allocator: *mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, signed: bool, comptime size: i32) !FormValue {
// TODO: Please forgive me, I've worked around zig not properly spilling some intermediate values here.
// `noasync` should be removed from all the function calls once it is fixed.
return FormValue{
.Const = Constant{
.signed = signed,
.payload = switch (size) {
1 => try noasync in_stream.readIntLittle(u8),
2 => try noasync in_stream.readIntLittle(u16),
4 => try noasync in_stream.readIntLittle(u32),
8 => try noasync in_stream.readIntLittle(u64),
-1 => blk: {
if (signed) {
const x = try noasync leb.readILEB128(i64, in_stream);
break :blk @bitCast(u64, x);
} else {
const x = try noasync leb.readULEB128(u64, in_stream);
break :blk x;
else => @compileError("Invalid size"),
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
// TODO the noasyncs here are workarounds
fn parseFormValueDwarfOffsetSize(in_stream: var, is_64: bool) !u64 {
2019-11-06 20:25:57 -08:00
return if (is_64) try noasync in_stream.readIntLittle(u64) else @as(u64, try noasync in_stream.readIntLittle(u32));
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
// TODO the noasyncs here are workarounds
fn parseFormValueTargetAddrSize(in_stream: var) !u64 {
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
if (@sizeOf(usize) == 4) {
2019-11-06 20:25:57 -08:00
// TODO this cast should not be needed
return @as(u64, try noasync in_stream.readIntLittle(u32));
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
} else if (@sizeOf(usize) == 8) {
return noasync in_stream.readIntLittle(u64);
} else {
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
// TODO the noasyncs here are workarounds
2019-04-11 01:35:35 -07:00
fn parseFormValueRef(allocator: *mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, size: i32) !FormValue {
2019-05-19 13:26:43 -07:00
return FormValue{
.Ref = switch (size) {
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
1 => try noasync in_stream.readIntLittle(u8),
2 => try noasync in_stream.readIntLittle(u16),
4 => try noasync in_stream.readIntLittle(u32),
8 => try noasync in_stream.readIntLittle(u64),
-1 => try noasync leb.readULEB128(u64, in_stream),
2019-05-19 13:26:43 -07:00
else => unreachable,
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
// TODO the noasyncs here are workarounds
fn parseFormValue(allocator: *mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, form_id: u64, is_64: bool) anyerror!FormValue {
return switch (form_id) {
DW.FORM_addr => FormValue{ .Address = try parseFormValueTargetAddrSize(in_stream) },
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
DW.FORM_block1 => parseFormValueBlock(allocator, in_stream, 1),
DW.FORM_block2 => parseFormValueBlock(allocator, in_stream, 2),
DW.FORM_block4 => parseFormValueBlock(allocator, in_stream, 4),
DW.FORM_block => x: {
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
const block_len = try noasync leb.readULEB128(usize, in_stream);
return parseFormValueBlockLen(allocator, in_stream, block_len);
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
DW.FORM_data1 => parseFormValueConstant(allocator, in_stream, false, 1),
DW.FORM_data2 => parseFormValueConstant(allocator, in_stream, false, 2),
DW.FORM_data4 => parseFormValueConstant(allocator, in_stream, false, 4),
DW.FORM_data8 => parseFormValueConstant(allocator, in_stream, false, 8),
DW.FORM_udata, DW.FORM_sdata => {
const signed = form_id == DW.FORM_sdata;
return parseFormValueConstant(allocator, in_stream, signed, -1);
DW.FORM_exprloc => {
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
const size = try noasync leb.readULEB128(usize, in_stream);
const buf = try readAllocBytes(allocator, in_stream, size);
return FormValue{ .ExprLoc = buf };
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
DW.FORM_flag => FormValue{ .Flag = (try noasync in_stream.readByte()) != 0 },
DW.FORM_flag_present => FormValue{ .Flag = true },
DW.FORM_sec_offset => FormValue{ .SecOffset = try parseFormValueDwarfOffsetSize(in_stream, is_64) },
2019-04-11 01:35:35 -07:00
DW.FORM_ref1 => parseFormValueRef(allocator, in_stream, 1),
DW.FORM_ref2 => parseFormValueRef(allocator, in_stream, 2),
DW.FORM_ref4 => parseFormValueRef(allocator, in_stream, 4),
DW.FORM_ref8 => parseFormValueRef(allocator, in_stream, 8),
DW.FORM_ref_udata => parseFormValueRef(allocator, in_stream, -1),
DW.FORM_ref_addr => FormValue{ .RefAddr = try parseFormValueDwarfOffsetSize(in_stream, is_64) },
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
DW.FORM_ref_sig8 => FormValue{ .Ref = try noasync in_stream.readIntLittle(u64) },
DW.FORM_string => FormValue{ .String = try readStringRaw(allocator, in_stream) },
DW.FORM_strp => FormValue{ .StrPtr = try parseFormValueDwarfOffsetSize(in_stream, is_64) },
DW.FORM_indirect => {
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
const child_form_id = try noasync leb.readULEB128(u64, in_stream);
const F = @typeOf(async parseFormValue(allocator, in_stream, child_form_id, is_64));
var frame = try allocator.create(F);
defer allocator.destroy(frame);
return await @asyncCall(frame, {}, parseFormValue, allocator, in_stream, child_form_id, is_64);
else => error.InvalidDebugInfo,
2016-08-17 20:11:04 -07:00
fn getAbbrevTableEntry(abbrev_table: *const AbbrevTable, abbrev_code: u64) ?*const AbbrevTableEntry {
for (abbrev_table.toSliceConst()) |*table_entry| {
if (table_entry.abbrev_code == abbrev_code) return table_entry;
return null;
fn getLineNumberInfoMacOs(di: *DebugInfo, symbol: MachoSymbol, target_address: usize) !LineInfo {
const ofile = symbol.ofile orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo;
const gop = try di.ofiles.getOrPut(ofile);
const mach_o_file = if (gop.found_existing) &gop.kv.value else blk: {
errdefer _ = di.ofiles.remove(ofile);
const ofile_path = mem.toSliceConst(u8, @ptrCast([*:0]const u8, di.strings.ptr + ofile.n_strx));
gop.kv.value = MachOFile{
.bytes = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAllocAligned(
.sect_debug_info = null,
.sect_debug_line = null,
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
const hdr = @ptrCast(*const macho.mach_header_64, gop.kv.value.bytes.ptr);
if (hdr.magic != std.macho.MH_MAGIC_64) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const hdr_base = @ptrCast([*]const u8, hdr);
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
var ptr = hdr_base + @sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64);
var ncmd: u32 = hdr.ncmds;
const segcmd = while (ncmd != 0) : (ncmd -= 1) {
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
const lc = @ptrCast(*const std.macho.load_command, ptr);
switch (lc.cmd) {
std.macho.LC_SEGMENT_64 => break @ptrCast(*const std.macho.segment_command_64, @alignCast(@alignOf(std.macho.segment_command_64), ptr)),
else => {},
ptr += lc.cmdsize; // TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1403
} else {
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
const sections = @ptrCast([*]const macho.section_64, @alignCast(@alignOf(macho.section_64), ptr + @sizeOf(std.macho.segment_command_64)))[0..segcmd.nsects];
for (sections) |*sect| {
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
if (sect.flags & macho.SECTION_TYPE == macho.S_REGULAR and
(sect.flags & macho.SECTION_ATTRIBUTES) & macho.S_ATTR_DEBUG == macho.S_ATTR_DEBUG)
const sect_name = mem.toSliceConst(u8, @ptrCast([*:0]const u8, &sect.sectname));
if (mem.eql(u8, sect_name, "__debug_line")) {
gop.kv.value.sect_debug_line = sect;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, sect_name, "__debug_info")) {
gop.kv.value.sect_debug_info = sect;
break :blk &gop.kv.value;
const sect_debug_line = mach_o_file.sect_debug_line orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo;
var ptr = mach_o_file.bytes.ptr + sect_debug_line.offset;
var is_64: bool = undefined;
const unit_length = try readInitialLengthMem(&ptr, &is_64);
if (unit_length == 0) return error.MissingDebugInfo;
const version = readIntMem(&ptr, u16, builtin.Endian.Little);
// TODO support 3 and 5
if (version != 2 and version != 4) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const prologue_length = if (is_64)
readIntMem(&ptr, u64, builtin.Endian.Little)
readIntMem(&ptr, u32, builtin.Endian.Little);
const prog_start = ptr + prologue_length;
const minimum_instruction_length = readByteMem(&ptr);
if (minimum_instruction_length == 0) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
if (version >= 4) {
// maximum_operations_per_instruction
ptr += 1;
const default_is_stmt = readByteMem(&ptr) != 0;
const line_base = readByteSignedMem(&ptr);
const line_range = readByteMem(&ptr);
if (line_range == 0) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const opcode_base = readByteMem(&ptr);
2018-08-25 00:07:37 -07:00
const standard_opcode_lengths = ptr[0 .. opcode_base - 1];
ptr += opcode_base - 1;
var include_directories = ArrayList([]const u8).init(di.allocator());
try include_directories.append("");
while (true) {
const dir = readStringMem(&ptr);
if (dir.len == 0) break;
try include_directories.append(dir);
var file_entries = ArrayList(FileEntry).init(di.allocator());
var prog = LineNumberProgram.init(default_is_stmt, include_directories.toSliceConst(), &file_entries, target_address);
while (true) {
const file_name = readStringMem(&ptr);
if (file_name.len == 0) break;
2019-05-09 15:44:24 -07:00
const dir_index = try leb.readULEB128Mem(usize, &ptr);
const mtime = try leb.readULEB128Mem(usize, &ptr);
const len_bytes = try leb.readULEB128Mem(usize, &ptr);
try file_entries.append(FileEntry{
.file_name = file_name,
.dir_index = dir_index,
.mtime = mtime,
.len_bytes = len_bytes,
ptr = prog_start;
while (true) {
const opcode = readByteMem(&ptr);
if (opcode == DW.LNS_extended_op) {
2019-05-09 14:46:12 -07:00
const op_size = try leb.readULEB128Mem(u64, &ptr);
if (op_size < 1) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
var sub_op = readByteMem(&ptr);
switch (sub_op) {
DW.LNE_end_sequence => {
prog.end_sequence = true;
if (try prog.checkLineMatch()) |info| return info;
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
DW.LNE_set_address => {
const addr = readIntMem(&ptr, usize, builtin.Endian.Little);
prog.address = symbol.reloc + addr;
DW.LNE_define_file => {
const file_name = readStringMem(&ptr);
2019-05-09 15:44:24 -07:00
const dir_index = try leb.readULEB128Mem(usize, &ptr);
const mtime = try leb.readULEB128Mem(usize, &ptr);
const len_bytes = try leb.readULEB128Mem(usize, &ptr);
try file_entries.append(FileEntry{
.file_name = file_name,
.dir_index = dir_index,
.mtime = mtime,
.len_bytes = len_bytes,
else => {
ptr += op_size - 1;
} else if (opcode >= opcode_base) {
// special opcodes
const adjusted_opcode = opcode - opcode_base;
const inc_addr = minimum_instruction_length * (adjusted_opcode / line_range);
2019-11-06 20:25:57 -08:00
const inc_line = @as(i32, line_base) + @as(i32, adjusted_opcode % line_range);
prog.line += inc_line;
prog.address += inc_addr;
if (try prog.checkLineMatch()) |info| return info;
prog.basic_block = false;
} else {
switch (opcode) {
DW.LNS_copy => {
if (try prog.checkLineMatch()) |info| return info;
prog.basic_block = false;
DW.LNS_advance_pc => {
const arg = try leb.readULEB128Mem(usize, &ptr);
prog.address += arg * minimum_instruction_length;
DW.LNS_advance_line => {
2019-05-09 14:46:12 -07:00
const arg = try leb.readILEB128Mem(i64, &ptr);
prog.line += arg;
DW.LNS_set_file => {
const arg = try leb.readULEB128Mem(usize, &ptr);
prog.file = arg;
DW.LNS_set_column => {
2019-05-09 14:46:12 -07:00
const arg = try leb.readULEB128Mem(u64, &ptr);
prog.column = arg;
DW.LNS_negate_stmt => {
prog.is_stmt = !prog.is_stmt;
DW.LNS_set_basic_block => {
prog.basic_block = true;
DW.LNS_const_add_pc => {
const inc_addr = minimum_instruction_length * ((255 - opcode_base) / line_range);
prog.address += inc_addr;
DW.LNS_fixed_advance_pc => {
const arg = readIntMem(&ptr, u16, builtin.Endian.Little);
prog.address += arg;
DW.LNS_set_prologue_end => {},
else => {
if (opcode - 1 >= standard_opcode_lengths.len) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const len_bytes = standard_opcode_lengths[opcode - 1];
ptr += len_bytes;
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
2017-04-24 09:01:19 -07:00
const Func = struct {
pc_range: ?PcRange,
name: ?[]u8,
fn readIntMem(ptr: *[*]const u8, comptime T: type, endian: builtin.Endian) T {
breaking API changes to all readInt/writeInt functions & more * add `@bswap` builtin function. See #767 * comptime evaluation facilities are improved to be able to handle a `@ptrCast` with a backing array. * `@truncate` allows "truncating" a u0 value to any integer type, and the result is always comptime known to be `0`. * when specifying pointer alignment in a type expression, the alignment value of pointers which do not have addresses at runtime is ignored, and always has the default/ABI alignment * threw in a fix to freebsd/x86_64.zig to update syntax from language changes * some improvements are pending #863 closes #638 closes #1733 std lib API changes * io.InStream().readIntNe renamed to readIntNative * io.InStream().readIntLe renamed to readIntLittle * io.InStream().readIntBe renamed to readIntBig * introduced io.InStream().readIntForeign * io.InStream().readInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().readVarInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().writeIntNe renamed to writeIntNative * introduced io.InStream().writeIntForeign * io.InStream().writeIntLe renamed to writeIntLittle * io.InStream().writeIntBe renamed to writeIntBig * io.InStream().writeInt has parameter order changed * mem.readInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.readIntNative * introduced mem.readIntForeign * mem.readIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different API * mem.readIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different API * introduced mem.readIntSliceNative * introduced mem.readIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.readIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.readIntSliceBig * introduced mem.readIntSlice * mem.writeInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.writeIntNative * introduced mem.writeIntForeign * mem.writeIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different semantics * mem.writeIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different semantics * introduced mem.writeIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.writeIntSliceNative * introduced mem.writeIntSliceBig * introduced mem.writeIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.writeIntSlice * removed mem.endianSwapIfLe * removed mem.endianSwapIfBe * removed mem.endianSwapIf * added mem.littleToNative * added mem.bigToNative * added mem.toNative * added mem.nativeTo * added mem.nativeToLittle * added mem.nativeToBig
2018-12-12 17:19:46 -08:00
// TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/863
const size = (T.bit_count + 7) / 8;
const result = mem.readIntSlice(T, ptr.*[0..size], endian);
ptr.* += size;
return result;
fn readByteMem(ptr: *[*]const u8) u8 {
const result = ptr.*[0];
ptr.* += 1;
return result;
fn readByteSignedMem(ptr: *[*]const u8) i8 {
return @bitCast(i8, readByteMem(ptr));
fn readInitialLengthMem(ptr: *[*]const u8, is_64: *bool) !u64 {
breaking API changes to all readInt/writeInt functions & more * add `@bswap` builtin function. See #767 * comptime evaluation facilities are improved to be able to handle a `@ptrCast` with a backing array. * `@truncate` allows "truncating" a u0 value to any integer type, and the result is always comptime known to be `0`. * when specifying pointer alignment in a type expression, the alignment value of pointers which do not have addresses at runtime is ignored, and always has the default/ABI alignment * threw in a fix to freebsd/x86_64.zig to update syntax from language changes * some improvements are pending #863 closes #638 closes #1733 std lib API changes * io.InStream().readIntNe renamed to readIntNative * io.InStream().readIntLe renamed to readIntLittle * io.InStream().readIntBe renamed to readIntBig * introduced io.InStream().readIntForeign * io.InStream().readInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().readVarInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().writeIntNe renamed to writeIntNative * introduced io.InStream().writeIntForeign * io.InStream().writeIntLe renamed to writeIntLittle * io.InStream().writeIntBe renamed to writeIntBig * io.InStream().writeInt has parameter order changed * mem.readInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.readIntNative * introduced mem.readIntForeign * mem.readIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different API * mem.readIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different API * introduced mem.readIntSliceNative * introduced mem.readIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.readIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.readIntSliceBig * introduced mem.readIntSlice * mem.writeInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.writeIntNative * introduced mem.writeIntForeign * mem.writeIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different semantics * mem.writeIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different semantics * introduced mem.writeIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.writeIntSliceNative * introduced mem.writeIntSliceBig * introduced mem.writeIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.writeIntSlice * removed mem.endianSwapIfLe * removed mem.endianSwapIfBe * removed mem.endianSwapIf * added mem.littleToNative * added mem.bigToNative * added mem.toNative * added mem.nativeTo * added mem.nativeToLittle * added mem.nativeToBig
2018-12-12 17:19:46 -08:00
// TODO this code can be improved with https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/863
const first_32_bits = mem.readIntSliceLittle(u32, ptr.*[0..4]);
is_64.* = (first_32_bits == 0xffffffff);
if (is_64.*) {
ptr.* += 4;
breaking API changes to all readInt/writeInt functions & more * add `@bswap` builtin function. See #767 * comptime evaluation facilities are improved to be able to handle a `@ptrCast` with a backing array. * `@truncate` allows "truncating" a u0 value to any integer type, and the result is always comptime known to be `0`. * when specifying pointer alignment in a type expression, the alignment value of pointers which do not have addresses at runtime is ignored, and always has the default/ABI alignment * threw in a fix to freebsd/x86_64.zig to update syntax from language changes * some improvements are pending #863 closes #638 closes #1733 std lib API changes * io.InStream().readIntNe renamed to readIntNative * io.InStream().readIntLe renamed to readIntLittle * io.InStream().readIntBe renamed to readIntBig * introduced io.InStream().readIntForeign * io.InStream().readInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().readVarInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().writeIntNe renamed to writeIntNative * introduced io.InStream().writeIntForeign * io.InStream().writeIntLe renamed to writeIntLittle * io.InStream().writeIntBe renamed to writeIntBig * io.InStream().writeInt has parameter order changed * mem.readInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.readIntNative * introduced mem.readIntForeign * mem.readIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different API * mem.readIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different API * introduced mem.readIntSliceNative * introduced mem.readIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.readIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.readIntSliceBig * introduced mem.readIntSlice * mem.writeInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.writeIntNative * introduced mem.writeIntForeign * mem.writeIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different semantics * mem.writeIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different semantics * introduced mem.writeIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.writeIntSliceNative * introduced mem.writeIntSliceBig * introduced mem.writeIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.writeIntSlice * removed mem.endianSwapIfLe * removed mem.endianSwapIfBe * removed mem.endianSwapIf * added mem.littleToNative * added mem.bigToNative * added mem.toNative * added mem.nativeTo * added mem.nativeToLittle * added mem.nativeToBig
2018-12-12 17:19:46 -08:00
const result = mem.readIntSliceLittle(u64, ptr.*[0..8]);
ptr.* += 8;
return result;
} else {
if (first_32_bits >= 0xfffffff0) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
ptr.* += 4;
2019-11-06 20:25:57 -08:00
// TODO this cast should not be needed
return @as(u64, first_32_bits);
fn readStringMem(ptr: *[*]const u8) [:0]const u8 {
const result = mem.toSliceConst(u8, @ptrCast([*:0]const u8, ptr.*));
ptr.* += result.len + 1;
return result;
fn readInitialLength(comptime E: type, in_stream: *io.InStream(E), is_64: *bool) !u64 {
breaking API changes to all readInt/writeInt functions & more * add `@bswap` builtin function. See #767 * comptime evaluation facilities are improved to be able to handle a `@ptrCast` with a backing array. * `@truncate` allows "truncating" a u0 value to any integer type, and the result is always comptime known to be `0`. * when specifying pointer alignment in a type expression, the alignment value of pointers which do not have addresses at runtime is ignored, and always has the default/ABI alignment * threw in a fix to freebsd/x86_64.zig to update syntax from language changes * some improvements are pending #863 closes #638 closes #1733 std lib API changes * io.InStream().readIntNe renamed to readIntNative * io.InStream().readIntLe renamed to readIntLittle * io.InStream().readIntBe renamed to readIntBig * introduced io.InStream().readIntForeign * io.InStream().readInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().readVarInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().writeIntNe renamed to writeIntNative * introduced io.InStream().writeIntForeign * io.InStream().writeIntLe renamed to writeIntLittle * io.InStream().writeIntBe renamed to writeIntBig * io.InStream().writeInt has parameter order changed * mem.readInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.readIntNative * introduced mem.readIntForeign * mem.readIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different API * mem.readIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different API * introduced mem.readIntSliceNative * introduced mem.readIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.readIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.readIntSliceBig * introduced mem.readIntSlice * mem.writeInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.writeIntNative * introduced mem.writeIntForeign * mem.writeIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different semantics * mem.writeIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different semantics * introduced mem.writeIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.writeIntSliceNative * introduced mem.writeIntSliceBig * introduced mem.writeIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.writeIntSlice * removed mem.endianSwapIfLe * removed mem.endianSwapIfBe * removed mem.endianSwapIf * added mem.littleToNative * added mem.bigToNative * added mem.toNative * added mem.nativeTo * added mem.nativeToLittle * added mem.nativeToBig
2018-12-12 17:19:46 -08:00
const first_32_bits = try in_stream.readIntLittle(u32);
is_64.* = (first_32_bits == 0xffffffff);
if (is_64.*) {
breaking API changes to all readInt/writeInt functions & more * add `@bswap` builtin function. See #767 * comptime evaluation facilities are improved to be able to handle a `@ptrCast` with a backing array. * `@truncate` allows "truncating" a u0 value to any integer type, and the result is always comptime known to be `0`. * when specifying pointer alignment in a type expression, the alignment value of pointers which do not have addresses at runtime is ignored, and always has the default/ABI alignment * threw in a fix to freebsd/x86_64.zig to update syntax from language changes * some improvements are pending #863 closes #638 closes #1733 std lib API changes * io.InStream().readIntNe renamed to readIntNative * io.InStream().readIntLe renamed to readIntLittle * io.InStream().readIntBe renamed to readIntBig * introduced io.InStream().readIntForeign * io.InStream().readInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().readVarInt has parameter order changed * io.InStream().writeIntNe renamed to writeIntNative * introduced io.InStream().writeIntForeign * io.InStream().writeIntLe renamed to writeIntLittle * io.InStream().writeIntBe renamed to writeIntBig * io.InStream().writeInt has parameter order changed * mem.readInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.readIntNative * introduced mem.readIntForeign * mem.readIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different API * mem.readIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different API * introduced mem.readIntSliceNative * introduced mem.readIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.readIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.readIntSliceBig * introduced mem.readIntSlice * mem.writeInt has different parameters and semantics * introduced mem.writeIntNative * introduced mem.writeIntForeign * mem.writeIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different semantics * mem.writeIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different semantics * introduced mem.writeIntSliceForeign * introduced mem.writeIntSliceNative * introduced mem.writeIntSliceBig * introduced mem.writeIntSliceLittle * introduced mem.writeIntSlice * removed mem.endianSwapIfLe * removed mem.endianSwapIfBe * removed mem.endianSwapIf * added mem.littleToNative * added mem.bigToNative * added mem.toNative * added mem.nativeTo * added mem.nativeToLittle * added mem.nativeToBig
2018-12-12 17:19:46 -08:00
return in_stream.readIntLittle(u64);
} else {
if (first_32_bits >= 0xfffffff0) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
2019-11-06 20:25:57 -08:00
// TODO this cast should not be needed
return @as(u64, first_32_bits);
/// This should only be used in temporary test programs.
pub const global_allocator = &global_fixed_allocator.allocator;
var global_fixed_allocator = std.heap.ThreadSafeFixedBufferAllocator.init(global_allocator_mem[0..]);
var global_allocator_mem: [100 * 1024]u8 = undefined;
/// TODO multithreaded awareness
var debug_info_allocator: ?*mem.Allocator = null;
var debug_info_arena_allocator: std.heap.ArenaAllocator = undefined;
fn getDebugInfoAllocator() *mem.Allocator {
if (debug_info_allocator) |a| return a;
debug_info_arena_allocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
debug_info_allocator = &debug_info_arena_allocator.allocator;
return &debug_info_arena_allocator.allocator;
/// Whether or not the current target can print useful debug information when a segfault occurs.
pub const have_segfault_handling_support = builtin.os == .linux or builtin.os == .windows;
pub const enable_segfault_handler: bool = if (@hasDecl(root, "enable_segfault_handler"))
runtime_safety and have_segfault_handling_support;
pub fn maybeEnableSegfaultHandler() void {
if (enable_segfault_handler) {
var windows_segfault_handle: ?windows.HANDLE = null;
/// Attaches a global SIGSEGV handler which calls @panic("segmentation fault");
pub fn attachSegfaultHandler() void {
if (!have_segfault_handling_support) {
@compileError("segfault handler not supported for this target");
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
windows_segfault_handle = windows.kernel32.AddVectoredExceptionHandler(0, handleSegfaultWindows);
var act = os.Sigaction{
.sigaction = handleSegfaultLinux,
.mask = os.empty_sigset,
.flags = (os.SA_SIGINFO | os.SA_RESTART | os.SA_RESETHAND),
os.sigaction(os.SIGSEGV, &act, null);
fn resetSegfaultHandler() void {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
if (windows_segfault_handle) |handle| {
assert(windows.kernel32.RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(handle) != 0);
windows_segfault_handle = null;
var act = os.Sigaction{
.sigaction = os.SIG_DFL,
.mask = os.empty_sigset,
.flags = 0,
os.sigaction(os.SIGSEGV, &act, null);
extern fn handleSegfaultLinux(sig: i32, info: *const os.siginfo_t, ctx_ptr: *const c_void) noreturn {
// Reset to the default handler so that if a segfault happens in this handler it will crash
// the process. Also when this handler returns, the original instruction will be repeated
// and the resulting segfault will crash the process rather than continually dump stack traces.
const addr = @ptrToInt(info.fields.sigfault.addr);
std.debug.warn("Segmentation fault at address 0x{x}\n", addr);
switch (builtin.arch) {
2019-11-30 07:13:33 -08:00
.i386 => {
const ctx = @ptrCast(*const os.ucontext_t, @alignCast(@alignOf(os.ucontext_t), ctx_ptr));
const ip = @intCast(usize, ctx.mcontext.gregs[os.REG_EIP]);
const bp = @intCast(usize, ctx.mcontext.gregs[os.REG_EBP]);
dumpStackTraceFromBase(bp, ip);
.x86_64 => {
const ctx = @ptrCast(*const os.ucontext_t, @alignCast(@alignOf(os.ucontext_t), ctx_ptr));
const ip = @intCast(usize, ctx.mcontext.gregs[os.REG_RIP]);
const bp = @intCast(usize, ctx.mcontext.gregs[os.REG_RBP]);
dumpStackTraceFromBase(bp, ip);
.arm => {
const ctx = @ptrCast(*const os.ucontext_t, @alignCast(@alignOf(os.ucontext_t), ctx_ptr));
const ip = @intCast(usize, ctx.mcontext.arm_pc);
const bp = @intCast(usize, ctx.mcontext.arm_fp);
dumpStackTraceFromBase(bp, ip);
.aarch64 => {
const ctx = @ptrCast(*const os.ucontext_t, @alignCast(@alignOf(os.ucontext_t), ctx_ptr));
const ip = @intCast(usize, ctx.mcontext.pc);
// x29 is the ABI-designated frame pointer
const bp = @intCast(usize, ctx.mcontext.regs[29]);
dumpStackTraceFromBase(bp, ip);
else => {},
// We cannot allow the signal handler to return because when it runs the original instruction
// again, the memory may be mapped and undefined behavior would occur rather than repeating
// the segfault. So we simply abort here.
stdcallcc fn handleSegfaultWindows(info: *windows.EXCEPTION_POINTERS) c_long {
const exception_address = @ptrToInt(info.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress);
switch (info.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode) {
windows.EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT => panicExtra(null, exception_address, "Unaligned Memory Access"),
windows.EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION => panicExtra(null, exception_address, "Segmentation fault at address 0x{x}", info.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[1]),
windows.EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION => panicExtra(null, exception_address, "Illegal Instruction"),
windows.EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW => panicExtra(null, exception_address, "Stack Overflow"),
else => return windows.EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH,
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
pub fn dumpStackPointerAddr(prefix: []const u8) void {
2019-09-25 08:17:29 -07:00
const sp = asm (""
: [argc] "={rsp}" (-> usize)
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-11 17:22:49 -07:00
std.debug.warn("{} sp = 0x{x}\n", prefix, sp);
// Reference everything so it gets tested.
test "" {
_ = leb;