rework code to avoid duplicate operations

Andrew Kelley 2018-09-02 15:58:08 -04:00
parent 6ddbd345aa
commit 98dc943c07
5 changed files with 452 additions and 309 deletions

View File

@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ pub const Coff = struct {
fn loadOptionalHeader(self: *Coff, file_stream: *io.FileInStream) !void {
const in = &;
self.pe_header.magic = try in.readIntLe(u16);
std.debug.warn("reading pe optional\n");
// For now we're only interested in finding the reference to the .pdb,
// so we'll skip most of this header, which size is different in 32
// 64 bits by the way.
@ -97,11 +96,9 @@ pub const Coff = struct {
return error.InvalidPEMagic;
std.debug.warn("skipping {}\n", skip_size);
try self.in_file.seekForward(skip_size);
const number_of_rva_and_sizes = try in.readIntLe(u32);
//std.debug.warn("indicating {} data dirs\n", number_of_rva_and_sizes);
if (number_of_rva_and_sizes != IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES)
return error.InvalidPEHeader;
@ -110,9 +107,7 @@ pub const Coff = struct {
.virtual_address = try in.readIntLe(u32),
.size = try in.readIntLe(u32),
//std.debug.warn("data_dir @ {x}, size {}\n", data_dir.virtual_address, data_dir.size);
std.debug.warn("loaded data directories\n");
pub fn getPdbPath(self: *Coff, buffer: []u8) !usize {
@ -123,7 +118,6 @@ pub const Coff = struct {
// debug_directory.
const debug_dir = &self.pe_header.data_directory[DEBUG_DIRECTORY];
const file_offset = debug_dir.virtual_address - header.virtual_address + header.pointer_to_raw_data;
std.debug.warn("file offset {x}\n", file_offset);
try self.in_file.seekTo(file_offset + debug_dir.size);
var file_stream = io.FileInStream.init(self.in_file);
@ -134,7 +128,6 @@ pub const Coff = struct {
// 'RSDS' indicates PDB70 format, used by lld.
if (!mem.eql(u8, cv_signature, "RSDS"))
return error.InvalidPEMagic;
std.debug.warn("cv_signature {}\n", cv_signature);
try in.readNoEof(self.guid[0..]);
self.age = try in.readIntLe(u32);
@ -181,7 +174,6 @@ pub const Coff = struct {
std.debug.warn("loaded {} sections\n", self.coff_header.number_of_sections);
pub fn getSection(self: *Coff, comptime name: []const u8) ?*Section {

View File

@ -20,6 +20,17 @@ pub const runtime_safety = switch (builtin.mode) {
builtin.Mode.ReleaseFast, builtin.Mode.ReleaseSmall => false,
const Module = struct {
mod_info: pdb.ModInfo,
module_name: []u8,
obj_file_name: []u8,
populated: bool,
symbols: []u8,
subsect_info: []u8,
checksums: []u32,
/// Tries to write to stderr, unbuffered, and ignores any error returned.
/// Does not append a newline.
var stderr_file: os.File = undefined;
@ -258,12 +269,277 @@ pub fn printSourceAtAddress(debug_info: *DebugInfo, out_stream: var, address: us
fn printSourceAtAddressWindows(di: *DebugInfo, out_stream: var, address: usize, tty_color: bool) !void {
fn printSourceAtAddressWindows(di: *DebugInfo, out_stream: var, relocated_address: usize, tty_color: bool) !void {
const allocator = getDebugInfoAllocator();
const base_address = os.getBaseAddress();
const relative_address = address - base_address;
std.debug.warn("{x} - {x} => {x}\n", address, base_address, relative_address);
try di.pdb.getSourceLine(relative_address);
return error.UnsupportedDebugInfo;
const relative_address = relocated_address - base_address;
var coff_section: *coff.Section = undefined;
const mod_index = for (di.sect_contribs) |sect_contrib| {
coff_section = &di.coff.sections.toSlice()[sect_contrib.Section];
const vaddr_start = coff_section.header.virtual_address + sect_contrib.Offset;
const vaddr_end = vaddr_start + sect_contrib.Size;
if (relative_address >= vaddr_start and relative_address < vaddr_end) {
break sect_contrib.ModuleIndex;
} else {
// we have no information to add to the address
if (tty_color) {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: ");
try out_stream.print("0x{x} in ??? (???)", relocated_address);
try out_stream.print("\n\n\n");
} else {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: 0x{x} in ??? (???)\n\n\n", relocated_address);
const mod = &di.modules[mod_index];
try populateModule(di, mod);
const obj_basename = os.path.basename(mod.obj_file_name);
var symbol_i: usize = 0;
const symbol_name = while (symbol_i != mod.symbols.len) {
const prefix = @ptrCast(*pdb.RecordPrefix, &mod.symbols[symbol_i]);
if (prefix.RecordLen < 2)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
switch (prefix.RecordKind) {
pdb.SymbolKind.S_LPROC32 => {
const proc_sym = @ptrCast(*pdb.ProcSym, &mod.symbols[symbol_i + @sizeOf(pdb.RecordPrefix)]);
const vaddr_start = coff_section.header.virtual_address + proc_sym.CodeOffset;
const vaddr_end = vaddr_start + proc_sym.CodeSize;
if (relative_address >= vaddr_start and relative_address < vaddr_end) {
break mem.toSliceConst(u8, @ptrCast([*]u8, proc_sym) + @sizeOf(pdb.ProcSym));
else => {},
symbol_i += prefix.RecordLen + @sizeOf(u16);
if (symbol_i > mod.symbols.len)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
} else "???";
const subsect_info = mod.subsect_info;
var sect_offset: usize = 0;
var skip_len: usize = undefined;
const opt_line_info = subsections: while (sect_offset != subsect_info.len) : (sect_offset += skip_len) {
const subsect_hdr = @ptrCast(*pdb.DebugSubsectionHeader, &subsect_info[sect_offset]);
skip_len = subsect_hdr.Length;
sect_offset += @sizeOf(pdb.DebugSubsectionHeader);
switch (subsect_hdr.Kind) {
pdb.DebugSubsectionKind.Lines => {
var line_index: usize = sect_offset;
const line_hdr = @ptrCast(*pdb.LineFragmentHeader, &subsect_info[line_index]);
if (line_hdr.RelocSegment == 0) return error.MissingDebugInfo;
line_index += @sizeOf(pdb.LineFragmentHeader);
const block_hdr = @ptrCast(*pdb.LineBlockFragmentHeader, &subsect_info[line_index]);
line_index += @sizeOf(pdb.LineBlockFragmentHeader);
const has_column = line_hdr.Flags.LF_HaveColumns;
const frag_vaddr_start = coff_section.header.virtual_address + line_hdr.RelocOffset;
const frag_vaddr_end = frag_vaddr_start + line_hdr.CodeSize;
if (relative_address >= frag_vaddr_start and relative_address < frag_vaddr_end) {
var line_i: usize = 0;
const start_line_index = line_index;
while (line_i < block_hdr.NumLines) : (line_i += 1) {
const line_num_entry = @ptrCast(*pdb.LineNumberEntry, &subsect_info[line_index]);
line_index += @sizeOf(pdb.LineNumberEntry);
const flags = @ptrCast(*pdb.LineNumberEntry.Flags, &line_num_entry.Flags);
const vaddr_start = frag_vaddr_start + line_num_entry.Offset;
const vaddr_end = if (flags.End == 0) frag_vaddr_end else vaddr_start + flags.End;
if (relative_address >= vaddr_start and relative_address < vaddr_end) {
const chksum_index = block_hdr.NameIndex;
std.debug.warn("looking up checksum {}\n", chksum_index);
const strtab_offset = mod.checksums[chksum_index];
try di.pdb.string_table.seekTo(@sizeOf(pdb.PDBStringTableHeader) + strtab_offset);
const source_file_name = try di.pdb.string_table.readNullTermString(allocator);
const line = flags.Start;
const column = if (has_column) blk: {
line_index = start_line_index + @sizeOf(pdb.LineNumberEntry) * block_hdr.NumLines;
line_index += @sizeOf(pdb.ColumnNumberEntry) * line_i;
const col_num_entry = @ptrCast(*pdb.ColumnNumberEntry, &subsect_info[line_index]);
break :blk col_num_entry.StartColumn;
} else 0;
break :subsections LineInfo{
.allocator = allocator,
.file_name = source_file_name,
.line = line,
.column = column,
break :subsections null;
else => {},
if (sect_offset > subsect_info.len)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
} else null;
if (tty_color) {
if (opt_line_info) |li| {
try out_stream.print("{}:{}:{}: ", li.file_name, li.line, li.column);
} else {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: ");
try out_stream.print("0x{x} in {} ({})", relocated_address, symbol_name, obj_basename);
if (opt_line_info) |line_info| {
try out_stream.print("\n");
if (printLineFromFile(out_stream, line_info)) {
if (line_info.column == 0) {
try out_stream.write("\n");
} else {
var col_i: usize = 1;
while (col_i < line_info.column) : (col_i += 1) {
try out_stream.writeByte(' ');
try out_stream.write("^");
try out_stream.write("\n");
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.EndOfFile => {},
else => return err,
} else {
try out_stream.print("\n\n\n");
} else {
if (opt_line_info) |li| {
try out_stream.print("{}:{}:{}: 0x{x} in {} ({})\n\n\n", li.file_name, li.line, li.column, relocated_address, symbol_name, obj_basename);
} else {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: 0x{x} in {} ({})\n\n\n", relocated_address, symbol_name, obj_basename);
const TtyColor = enum{
/// TODO this is a special case hack right now. clean it up and maybe make it part of std.fmt
fn setTtyColor(tty_color: TtyColor) void {
const S = struct {
var attrs: windows.WORD = undefined;
var init_attrs = false;
if (!S.init_attrs) {
S.init_attrs = true;
var info: windows.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO = undefined;
// TODO handle error
_ = windows.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(stderr_file.handle, &info);
S.attrs = info.wAttributes;
// TODO handle errors
switch (tty_color) {
TtyColor.Red => {
_ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle, windows.FOREGROUND_RED|windows.FOREGROUND_INTENSITY);
TtyColor.Green => {
_ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle, windows.FOREGROUND_GREEN|windows.FOREGROUND_INTENSITY);
TtyColor.Cyan => {
_ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle,
TtyColor.White, TtyColor.Bold => {
_ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle,
TtyColor.Dim => {
_ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle,
TtyColor.Reset => {
_ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle, S.attrs);
fn populateModule(di: *DebugInfo, mod: *Module) !void {
if (mod.populated)
const allocator = getDebugInfoAllocator();
if (mod.mod_info.C11ByteSize != 0)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
if (mod.mod_info.C13ByteSize == 0)
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
const modi = di.pdb.getStreamById(mod.mod_info.ModuleSymStream) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo;
const signature = try;
if (signature != 4)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
mod.symbols = try allocator.alloc(u8, mod.mod_info.SymByteSize - 4);
mod.subsect_info = try allocator.alloc(u8, mod.mod_info.C13ByteSize);
var checksum_list = ArrayList(u32).init(allocator);
var sect_offset: usize = 0;
var skip_len: usize = undefined;
while (sect_offset != mod.subsect_info.len) : (sect_offset += skip_len) {
const subsect_hdr = @ptrCast(*pdb.DebugSubsectionHeader, &mod.subsect_info[sect_offset]);
skip_len = subsect_hdr.Length;
sect_offset += @sizeOf(pdb.DebugSubsectionHeader);
switch (subsect_hdr.Kind) {
pdb.DebugSubsectionKind.FileChecksums => {
var chksum_index: usize = sect_offset;
while (chksum_index != mod.subsect_info.len) {
const chksum_hdr = @ptrCast(*pdb.FileChecksumEntryHeader, &mod.subsect_info[chksum_index]);
std.debug.warn("{} {}\n", checksum_list.len, chksum_hdr);
try checksum_list.append(chksum_hdr.FileNameOffset);
const len = @sizeOf(pdb.FileChecksumEntryHeader) + chksum_hdr.ChecksumSize;
chksum_index += len + (len % 4);
if (chksum_index > mod.subsect_info.len)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
else => {},
if (sect_offset > mod.subsect_info.len)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
mod.checksums = checksum_list.toOwnedSlice();
for (mod.checksums) |strtab_offset| {
try di.pdb.string_table.seekTo(@sizeOf(pdb.PDBStringTableHeader) + strtab_offset);
const source_file_name = try di.pdb.string_table.readNullTermString(allocator);
std.debug.warn("{}={}\n", strtab_offset, source_file_name);
mod.populated = true;
fn machoSearchSymbols(symbols: []const MachoSymbol, address: usize) ?*const MachoSymbol {
@ -425,6 +701,8 @@ fn openSelfDebugInfoWindows(allocator: *mem.Allocator) !DebugInfo {
var di = DebugInfo{
.coff = coff_obj,
.pdb = undefined,
.sect_contribs = undefined,
.modules = undefined,
try di.coff.loadHeader();
@ -432,15 +710,12 @@ fn openSelfDebugInfoWindows(allocator: *mem.Allocator) !DebugInfo {
var path_buf: [windows.MAX_PATH]u8 = undefined;
const len = try di.coff.getPdbPath(path_buf[0..]);
const raw_path = path_buf[0..len];
std.debug.warn("pdb raw path {}\n", raw_path);
const path = try os.path.resolve(allocator, raw_path);
std.debug.warn("pdb resolved path {}\n", path);
try di.pdb.openFile(di.coff, path);
var pdb_stream = di.pdb.getStream(pdb.StreamType.Pdb) orelse return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
std.debug.warn("pdb real filepos {}\n", pdb_stream.getFilePos());
const version = try;
const signature = try;
const age = try;
@ -448,51 +723,119 @@ fn openSelfDebugInfoWindows(allocator: *mem.Allocator) !DebugInfo {
if (!mem.eql(u8, di.coff.guid, guid) or di.coff.age != age)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
std.debug.warn("v {} s {} a {}\n", version, signature, age);
// We validated the executable and pdb match.
const name_bytes_len = try;
const name_bytes = try allocator.alloc(u8, name_bytes_len);
const string_table_index = str_tab_index: {
const name_bytes_len = try;
const name_bytes = try allocator.alloc(u8, name_bytes_len);
const HashTableHeader = packed struct {
Size: u32,
Capacity: u32,
const HashTableHeader = packed struct {
Size: u32,
Capacity: u32,
fn maxLoad(cap: u32) u32 {
return cap * 2 / 3 + 1;
fn maxLoad(cap: u32) u32 {
return cap * 2 / 3 + 1;
var hash_tbl_hdr: HashTableHeader = undefined;
try, &hash_tbl_hdr);
if (hash_tbl_hdr.Capacity == 0)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
if (hash_tbl_hdr.Size > HashTableHeader.maxLoad(hash_tbl_hdr.Capacity))
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const present = try readSparseBitVector(&, allocator);
if (present.len != hash_tbl_hdr.Size)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const deleted = try readSparseBitVector(&, allocator);
const Bucket = struct {
first: u32,
second: u32,
const bucket_list = try allocator.alloc(Bucket, present.len);
for (present) |_| {
const name_offset = try;
const name_index = try;
const name = mem.toSlice(u8, name_bytes.ptr + name_offset);
if (mem.eql(u8, name, "/names")) {
break :str_tab_index name_index;
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
var hash_tbl_hdr: HashTableHeader = undefined;
try, &hash_tbl_hdr);
if (hash_tbl_hdr.Capacity == 0)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
if (hash_tbl_hdr.Size > HashTableHeader.maxLoad(hash_tbl_hdr.Capacity))
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
std.debug.warn("{}\n", hash_tbl_hdr);
const present = try readSparseBitVector(&, allocator);
if (present.len != hash_tbl_hdr.Size)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const deleted = try readSparseBitVector(&, allocator);
const Bucket = struct {
first: u32,
second: u32,
const bucket_list = try allocator.alloc(Bucket, present.len);
const string_table_index = for (present) |_| {
const name_offset = try;
const name_index = try;
const name = mem.toSlice(u8, name_bytes.ptr + name_offset);
if (mem.eql(u8, name, "/names")) {
break name_index;
} else return error.MissingDebugInfo;
di.pdb.string_table = di.pdb.getStreamById(string_table_index) orelse return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
di.pdb.dbi = di.pdb.getStream(pdb.StreamType.Dbi) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo;
const dbi = di.pdb.dbi;
// Dbi Header
var dbi_stream_header: pdb.DbiStreamHeader = undefined;
try, &dbi_stream_header);
const mod_info_size = dbi_stream_header.ModInfoSize;
const section_contrib_size = dbi_stream_header.SectionContributionSize;
var modules = ArrayList(Module).init(allocator);
// Module Info Substream
var mod_info_offset: usize = 0;
while (mod_info_offset != mod_info_size) {
var mod_info: pdb.ModInfo = undefined;
try, &mod_info);
var this_record_len: usize = @sizeOf(pdb.ModInfo);
const module_name = try dbi.readNullTermString(allocator);
this_record_len += module_name.len + 1;
const obj_file_name = try dbi.readNullTermString(allocator);
this_record_len += obj_file_name.len + 1;
const march_forward_bytes = this_record_len % 4;
if (march_forward_bytes != 0) {
try dbi.seekForward(march_forward_bytes);
this_record_len += march_forward_bytes;
try modules.append(Module{
.mod_info = mod_info,
.module_name = module_name,
.obj_file_name = obj_file_name,
.populated = false,
.symbols = undefined,
.subsect_info = undefined,
.checksums = undefined,
mod_info_offset += this_record_len;
if (mod_info_offset > mod_info_size)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
di.modules = modules.toOwnedSlice();
// Section Contribution Substream
var sect_contribs = ArrayList(pdb.SectionContribEntry).init(allocator);
var sect_cont_offset: usize = 0;
if (section_contrib_size != 0) {
const ver = @intToEnum(pdb.SectionContrSubstreamVersion, try;
if (ver != pdb.SectionContrSubstreamVersion.Ver60)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
sect_cont_offset += @sizeOf(u32);
while (sect_cont_offset != section_contrib_size) {
const entry = try sect_contribs.addOne();
try, entry);
sect_cont_offset += @sizeOf(pdb.SectionContribEntry);
if (sect_cont_offset > section_contrib_size)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
di.sect_contribs = sect_contribs.toOwnedSlice();
return di;
@ -715,6 +1058,8 @@ pub const DebugInfo = switch (builtin.os) { => struct {
pdb: pdb.Pdb,
coff: *coff.Coff,
sect_contribs: []pdb.SectionContribEntry,
modules: []Module,
builtin.Os.linux => struct {
self_exe_file: os.File,

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ test "import" {
pub const ERROR = @import("error.zig");
pub const SHORT = c_short;
pub const BOOL = c_int;
pub const BOOLEAN = BYTE;
pub const BYTE = u8;
@ -364,3 +365,15 @@ pub const FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS = 0x10000000;
pub const FILE_FLAG_SESSION_AWARE = 0x00800000;
pub const FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN = 0x08000000;
pub const FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH = 0x80000000;
pub const SMALL_RECT = extern struct {
Left: SHORT,
Right: SHORT,
Bottom: SHORT,
pub const COORD = extern struct {

View File

@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ pub extern "kernel32" stdcallcc fn GetCommandLineA() LPSTR;
pub extern "kernel32" stdcallcc fn GetConsoleMode(in_hConsoleHandle: HANDLE, out_lpMode: *DWORD) BOOL;
pub extern "kernel32" stdcallcc fn GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpConsoleScreenBufferInfo: *CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO) BOOL;
pub extern "kernel32" stdcallcc fn GetCurrentDirectoryA(nBufferLength: DWORD, lpBuffer: ?[*]CHAR) DWORD;
pub extern "kernel32" stdcallcc fn GetCurrentDirectoryW(nBufferLength: DWORD, lpBuffer: ?[*]WCHAR) DWORD;
@ -179,6 +181,8 @@ pub extern "kernel32" stdcallcc fn ReadFile(
pub extern "kernel32" stdcallcc fn RemoveDirectoryA(lpPathName: LPCSTR) BOOL;
pub extern "kernel32" stdcallcc fn SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, wAttributes: WORD) BOOL;
pub extern "kernel32" stdcallcc fn SetFilePointerEx(
in_fFile: HANDLE,
in_liDistanceToMove: LARGE_INTEGER,
@ -234,3 +238,17 @@ pub const FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE = 16;
pub const CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO = extern struct {
dwSize: COORD,
dwCursorPosition: COORD,
wAttributes: WORD,
srWindow: SMALL_RECT,
dwMaximumWindowSize: COORD,
pub const FOREGROUND_BLUE = 1;
pub const FOREGROUND_GREEN = 2;
pub const FOREGROUND_RED = 4;

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const coff = std.coff;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const DbiStreamHeader = packed struct {
pub const DbiStreamHeader = packed struct {
VersionSignature: i32,
VersionHeader: u32,
Age: u32,
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ const DbiStreamHeader = packed struct {
Padding: u32,
const SectionContribEntry = packed struct {
pub const SectionContribEntry = packed struct {
Section: u16,
Padding1: [2]u8,
Offset: u32,
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ const SectionContribEntry = packed struct {
RelocCrc: u32,
const ModInfo = packed struct {
pub const ModInfo = packed struct {
Unused1: u32,
SectionContr: SectionContribEntry,
Flags: u16,
@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ const ModInfo = packed struct {
//ObjFileName: char[],
const SectionMapHeader = packed struct {
pub const SectionMapHeader = packed struct {
Count: u16, /// Number of segment descriptors
LogCount: u16, /// Number of logical segment descriptors
const SectionMapEntry = packed struct {
pub const SectionMapEntry = packed struct {
Flags: u16 , /// See the SectionMapEntryFlags enum below.
Ovl: u16 , /// Logical overlay number
Group: u16 , /// Group index into descriptor array.
@ -86,12 +86,6 @@ pub const StreamType = enum(u16) {
Ipi = 4,
const Module = struct {
mod_info: ModInfo,
module_name: []u8,
obj_file_name: []u8,
/// Duplicate copy of SymbolRecordKind, but using the official CV names. Useful
/// for reference purposes and when dealing with unknown record types.
pub const SymbolKind = packed enum(u16) {
@ -293,9 +287,9 @@ pub const SymbolKind = packed enum(u16) {
S_GTHREAD32 = 4371,
const TypeIndex = u32;
pub const TypeIndex = u32;
const ProcSym = packed struct {
pub const ProcSym = packed struct {
Parent: u32 ,
End: u32 ,
Next: u32 ,
@ -310,7 +304,7 @@ const ProcSym = packed struct {
// Name: [*]u8,
const ProcSymFlags = packed struct {
pub const ProcSymFlags = packed struct {
HasFP: bool,
HasIRET: bool,
HasFRET: bool,
@ -321,24 +315,24 @@ const ProcSymFlags = packed struct {
HasOptimizedDebugInfo: bool,
const SectionContrSubstreamVersion = enum(u32) {
pub const SectionContrSubstreamVersion = enum(u32) {
Ver60 = 0xeffe0000 + 19970605,
V2 = 0xeffe0000 + 20140516
const RecordPrefix = packed struct {
pub const RecordPrefix = packed struct {
RecordLen: u16, /// Record length, starting from &RecordKind.
RecordKind: SymbolKind, /// Record kind enum (SymRecordKind or TypeRecordKind)
const LineFragmentHeader = packed struct {
pub const LineFragmentHeader = packed struct {
RelocOffset: u32, /// Code offset of line contribution.
RelocSegment: u16, /// Code segment of line contribution.
Flags: LineFlags,
CodeSize: u32, /// Code size of this line contribution.
const LineFlags = packed struct {
pub const LineFlags = packed struct {
LF_HaveColumns: bool, /// CV_LINES_HAVE_COLUMNS
unused: u15,
@ -347,7 +341,7 @@ const LineFlags = packed struct {
/// header. The structure definitions follow.
/// LineNumberEntry Lines[NumLines];
/// ColumnNumberEntry Columns[NumLines];
const LineBlockFragmentHeader = packed struct {
pub const LineBlockFragmentHeader = packed struct {
/// Offset of FileChecksum entry in File
/// checksums buffer. The checksum entry then
/// contains another offset into the string
@ -358,7 +352,7 @@ const LineBlockFragmentHeader = packed struct {
const LineNumberEntry = packed struct {
pub const LineNumberEntry = packed struct {
Offset: u32, /// Offset to start of code bytes for line number
Flags: u32,
@ -370,19 +364,19 @@ const LineNumberEntry = packed struct {
const ColumnNumberEntry = packed struct {
pub const ColumnNumberEntry = packed struct {
StartColumn: u16,
EndColumn: u16,
/// Checksum bytes follow.
const FileChecksumEntryHeader = packed struct {
pub const FileChecksumEntryHeader = packed struct {
FileNameOffset: u32, /// Byte offset of filename in global string table.
ChecksumSize: u8, /// Number of bytes of checksum.
ChecksumKind: u8, /// FileChecksumKind
const DebugSubsectionKind = packed enum(u32) {
pub const DebugSubsectionKind = packed enum(u32) {
None = 0,
Symbols = 0xf1,
Lines = 0xf2,
@ -402,11 +396,25 @@ const DebugSubsectionKind = packed enum(u32) {
CoffSymbolRVA = 0xfd,
pub const DebugSubsectionHeader = packed struct {
Kind: DebugSubsectionKind, /// codeview::DebugSubsectionKind enum
Length: u32, /// number of bytes occupied by this record.
pub const PDBStringTableHeader = packed struct {
Signature: u32, /// PDBStringTableSignature
HashVersion: u32, /// 1 or 2
ByteSize: u32, /// Number of bytes of names buffer.
pub const Pdb = struct {
in_file: os.File,
allocator: *mem.Allocator,
coff: *coff.Coff,
string_table: *MsfStream,
dbi: *MsfStream,
msf: Msf,
@ -428,230 +436,6 @@ pub const Pdb = struct {
const id = @enumToInt(stream);
return self.getStreamById(id);
pub fn getSourceLine(self: *Pdb, address: usize) !void {
const dbi = self.getStream(StreamType.Dbi) orelse return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
// Dbi Header
var header: DbiStreamHeader = undefined;
try, &header);
std.debug.warn("{}\n", header);
warn("after header dbi stream at {} (file offset)\n", dbi.getFilePos());
var modules = ArrayList(Module).init(self.allocator);
// Module Info Substream
var mod_info_offset: usize = 0;
while (mod_info_offset != header.ModInfoSize) {
var mod_info: ModInfo = undefined;
try, &mod_info);
std.debug.warn("{}\n", mod_info);
var this_record_len: usize = @sizeOf(ModInfo);
const module_name = try dbi.readNullTermString(self.allocator);
std.debug.warn("module_name '{}'\n", module_name);
this_record_len += module_name.len + 1;
const obj_file_name = try dbi.readNullTermString(self.allocator);
std.debug.warn("obj_file_name '{}'\n", obj_file_name);
this_record_len += obj_file_name.len + 1;
const march_forward_bytes = this_record_len % 4;
if (march_forward_bytes != 0) {
try dbi.seekForward(march_forward_bytes);
this_record_len += march_forward_bytes;
try modules.append(Module{
.mod_info = mod_info,
.module_name = module_name,
.obj_file_name = obj_file_name,
mod_info_offset += this_record_len;
if (mod_info_offset > header.ModInfoSize)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
// Section Contribution Substream
var sect_contribs = ArrayList(SectionContribEntry).init(self.allocator);
std.debug.warn("looking at Section Contributinos now\n");
var sect_cont_offset: usize = 0;
if (header.SectionContributionSize != 0) {
const ver = @intToEnum(SectionContrSubstreamVersion, try;
if (ver != SectionContrSubstreamVersion.Ver60)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
sect_cont_offset += @sizeOf(u32);
while (sect_cont_offset != header.SectionContributionSize) {
const entry = try sect_contribs.addOne();
try, entry);
std.debug.warn("{}\n", entry);
sect_cont_offset += @sizeOf(SectionContribEntry);
if (sect_cont_offset > header.SectionContributionSize)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
//std.debug.warn("looking at section map now\n");
//if (header.SectionMapSize == 0)
// return error.MissingDebugInfo;
//var sect_map_hdr: SectionMapHeader = undefined;
//try, &sect_map_hdr);
//const sect_entries = try self.allocator.alloc(SectionMapEntry, sect_map_hdr.Count);
//const as_bytes = @sliceToBytes(sect_entries);
//if (as_bytes.len + @sizeOf(SectionMapHeader) != header.SectionMapSize)
// return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
//for (sect_entries) |sect_entry| {
// std.debug.warn("{}\n", sect_entry);
var coff_section: *coff.Section = undefined;
const mod_index = for (sect_contribs.toSlice()) |sect_contrib| {
coff_section = &self.coff.sections.toSlice()[sect_contrib.Section];
std.debug.warn("looking in coff name: {}\n", mem.toSliceConst(u8, &;
const vaddr_start = coff_section.header.virtual_address + sect_contrib.Offset;
const vaddr_end = vaddr_start + sect_contrib.Size;
if (address >= vaddr_start and address < vaddr_end) {
std.debug.warn("found sect contrib: {}\n", sect_contrib);
break sect_contrib.ModuleIndex;
} else return error.MissingDebugInfo;
const mod = &modules.toSlice()[mod_index];
const modi = self.getStreamById(mod.mod_info.ModuleSymStream) orelse return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const signature = try;
if (signature != 4)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const symbols = try self.allocator.alloc(u8, mod.mod_info.SymByteSize - 4);
std.debug.warn("read {} bytes of symbol info\n", symbols.len);
var symbol_i: usize = 0;
const proc_sym = while (symbol_i != symbols.len) {
const prefix = @ptrCast(*RecordPrefix, &symbols[symbol_i]);
if (prefix.RecordLen < 2)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
switch (prefix.RecordKind) {
SymbolKind.S_LPROC32 => {
const proc_sym = @ptrCast(*ProcSym, &symbols[symbol_i + @sizeOf(RecordPrefix)]);
const vaddr_start = coff_section.header.virtual_address + proc_sym.CodeOffset;
const vaddr_end = vaddr_start + proc_sym.CodeSize;
std.debug.warn(" {}\n", proc_sym);
if (address >= vaddr_start and address < vaddr_end) {
break proc_sym;
else => {},
symbol_i += prefix.RecordLen + @sizeOf(u16);
if (symbol_i > symbols.len)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
} else return error.MissingDebugInfo;
std.debug.warn("found in {s}: {}\n", @ptrCast([*]u8, proc_sym) + @sizeOf(ProcSym), proc_sym);
if (mod.mod_info.C11ByteSize != 0)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
if (mod.mod_info.C13ByteSize == 0) {
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
const subsect_info = try self.allocator.alloc(u8, mod.mod_info.C13ByteSize);
std.debug.warn("read C13 line info {} bytes\n", subsect_info.len);
const line_info_file_pos = modi.getFilePos();
const DebugSubsectionHeader = packed struct {
Kind: DebugSubsectionKind, /// codeview::DebugSubsectionKind enum
Length: u32, /// number of bytes occupied by this record.
var sect_offset: usize = 0;
var skip_len: usize = undefined;
var have_line_info: bool = false;
subsections: while (sect_offset != subsect_info.len) : (sect_offset += skip_len) {
const subsect_hdr = @ptrCast(*DebugSubsectionHeader, &subsect_info[sect_offset]);
skip_len = subsect_hdr.Length;
sect_offset += @sizeOf(DebugSubsectionHeader);
switch (subsect_hdr.Kind) {
DebugSubsectionKind.Lines => {
if (have_line_info)
continue :subsections;
var line_index: usize = sect_offset;
const line_hdr = @ptrCast(*LineFragmentHeader, &subsect_info[line_index]);
if (line_hdr.RelocSegment == 0) return error.MissingDebugInfo;
std.debug.warn("{}\n", line_hdr);
line_index += @sizeOf(LineFragmentHeader);
const block_hdr = @ptrCast(*LineBlockFragmentHeader, &subsect_info[line_index]);
std.debug.warn("{}\n", block_hdr);
line_index += @sizeOf(LineBlockFragmentHeader);
const has_column = line_hdr.Flags.LF_HaveColumns;
std.debug.warn("has column: {}\n", has_column);
const frag_vaddr_start = coff_section.header.virtual_address + line_hdr.RelocOffset;
const frag_vaddr_end = frag_vaddr_start + line_hdr.CodeSize;
if (address >= frag_vaddr_start and address < frag_vaddr_end) {
std.debug.warn("found line listing\n");
var line_i: usize = 0;
const start_line_index = line_index;
while (line_i < block_hdr.NumLines) : (line_i += 1) {
const line_num_entry = @ptrCast(*LineNumberEntry, &subsect_info[line_index]);
line_index += @sizeOf(LineNumberEntry);
const flags = @ptrCast(*LineNumberEntry.Flags, &line_num_entry.Flags);
std.debug.warn("{} {}\n", line_num_entry, flags);
const vaddr_start = frag_vaddr_start + line_num_entry.Offset;
const vaddr_end = if (flags.End == 0) frag_vaddr_end else vaddr_start + flags.End;
std.debug.warn("test {x} <= {x} < {x}\n", vaddr_start, address, vaddr_end);
if (address >= vaddr_start and address < vaddr_end) {
std.debug.warn("{} line {}\n", block_hdr.NameIndex, flags.Start);
if (has_column) {
line_index = start_line_index + @sizeOf(LineNumberEntry) * block_hdr.NumLines;
line_index += @sizeOf(ColumnNumberEntry) * line_i;
const col_num_entry = @ptrCast(*ColumnNumberEntry, &subsect_info[line_index]);
std.debug.warn("col {}\n", col_num_entry.StartColumn);
have_line_info = true;
continue :subsections;
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
DebugSubsectionKind.FileChecksums => {
var chksum_index: usize = sect_offset;
while (chksum_index != subsect_info.len) {
const chksum_hdr = @ptrCast(*FileChecksumEntryHeader, &subsect_info[chksum_index]);
std.debug.warn("{}\n", chksum_hdr);
const len = @sizeOf(FileChecksumEntryHeader) + chksum_hdr.ChecksumSize;
chksum_index += len + (len % 4);
if (chksum_index > subsect_info.len)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
else => {
std.debug.warn("ignore subsection {}\n", @tagName(subsect_hdr.Kind));
if (sect_offset > subsect_info.len)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
std.debug.warn("end subsections\n");
// see
@ -687,13 +471,11 @@ const Msf = struct {
const stream_count = try;
warn("stream count {}\n", stream_count);
const stream_sizes = try allocator.alloc(u32, stream_count);
for (stream_sizes) |*s| {
const size = try;
s.* = blockCountFromSize(size, superblock.BlockSize);
warn("stream {}B {} blocks\n", size, s.*);
self.streams = try allocator.alloc(MsfStream, stream_count);
@ -784,13 +566,10 @@ const MsfStream = struct {
const in = &;
try file.seekTo(pos);
warn("stream with blocks");
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < block_count) : (i += 1) {
stream.blocks[i] = try in.readIntLe(u32);
warn(" {}", stream.blocks[i]);
return stream;
@ -812,10 +591,6 @@ const MsfStream = struct {
var block = self.blocks[block_id];
var offset = self.pos % self.block_size;
//std.debug.warn("seek {} read {}B: block_id={} block={} offset={}\n",
// block * self.block_size + offset,
// buffer.len, block_id, block, offset);
try self.in_file.seekTo(block * self.block_size + offset);
var file_stream = io.FileInStream.init(self.in_file);
const in = &;