add support for stack traces on macosx

Add basic address->symbol resolution support.  Uses symtab data from the
MachO image, not external dSYM data; that's left as a future exercise.

The net effect is that we can now map addresses to function names but
not much more.  File names and line number data will have to wait until
a future pull request.

Partially fixes #434.
Ben Noordhuis 2018-02-19 23:06:54 +01:00
parent bde15cf080
commit ab48934e9c
4 changed files with 271 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -386,6 +386,7 @@ set(ZIG_STD_FILES

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ const io =;
const os = std.os;
const elf = std.elf;
const DW = std.dwarf;
const macho = std.macho;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
@ -180,43 +181,57 @@ pub fn writeCurrentStackTrace(out_stream: var, allocator: &mem.Allocator,
fn printSourceAtAddress(debug_info: &ElfStackTrace, out_stream: var, address: usize) !void {
if (builtin.os == {
return error.UnsupportedDebugInfo;
// TODO we really should be able to convert @sizeOf(usize) * 2 to a string literal
// at compile time. I'll call it issue #313
const ptr_hex = if (@sizeOf(usize) == 4) "0x{x8}" else "0x{x16}";
const compile_unit = findCompileUnit(debug_info, address) catch {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: " ++ DIM ++ ptr_hex ++ " in ??? (???)" ++ RESET ++ "\n ???\n\n",
const compile_unit_name = try compile_unit.die.getAttrString(debug_info, DW.AT_name);
if (getLineNumberInfo(debug_info, compile_unit, address - 1)) |line_info| {
defer line_info.deinit();
try out_stream.print(WHITE ++ "{}:{}:{}" ++ RESET ++ ": " ++
DIM ++ ptr_hex ++ " in ??? ({})" ++ RESET ++ "\n",
line_info.file_name, line_info.line, line_info.column,
address, compile_unit_name);
if (printLineFromFile(debug_info.allocator(), out_stream, line_info)) {
if (line_info.column == 0) {
try out_stream.write("\n");
} else {
{var col_i: usize = 1; while (col_i < line_info.column) : (col_i += 1) {
try out_stream.writeByte(' ');
try out_stream.write(GREEN ++ "^" ++ RESET ++ "\n");
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.EndOfFile => {},
else => return err,
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.MissingDebugInfo, error.InvalidDebugInfo => {
try out_stream.print(ptr_hex ++ " in ??? ({})\n", address, compile_unit_name);
switch (builtin.os) { => return error.UnsupportedDebugInfo,
builtin.Os.macosx => {
// TODO(bnoordhuis) It's theoretically possible to obtain the
// compilation unit from the symbtab but it's not that useful
// in practice because the compiler dumps everything in a single
// object file. Future improvement: use external dSYM data when
// available.
const unknown = macho.Symbol { .name = "???", .address = address };
const symbol = ?? &unknown;
try out_stream.print(WHITE ++ "{}" ++ RESET ++ ": " ++
DIM ++ ptr_hex ++ " in ??? (???)" ++ RESET ++ "\n",, address);
else => {
const compile_unit = findCompileUnit(debug_info, address) catch {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: " ++ DIM ++ ptr_hex ++ " in ??? (???)" ++ RESET ++ "\n ???\n\n",
const compile_unit_name = try compile_unit.die.getAttrString(debug_info, DW.AT_name);
if (getLineNumberInfo(debug_info, compile_unit, address - 1)) |line_info| {
defer line_info.deinit();
try out_stream.print(WHITE ++ "{}:{}:{}" ++ RESET ++ ": " ++
DIM ++ ptr_hex ++ " in ??? ({})" ++ RESET ++ "\n",
line_info.file_name, line_info.line, line_info.column,
address, compile_unit_name);
if (printLineFromFile(debug_info.allocator(), out_stream, line_info)) {
if (line_info.column == 0) {
try out_stream.write("\n");
} else {
{var col_i: usize = 1; while (col_i < line_info.column) : (col_i += 1) {
try out_stream.writeByte(' ');
try out_stream.write(GREEN ++ "^" ++ RESET ++ "\n");
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.EndOfFile => {},
else => return err,
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.MissingDebugInfo, error.InvalidDebugInfo => {
try out_stream.print(ptr_hex ++ " in ??? ({})\n", address, compile_unit_name);
else => return err,
else => return err,
@ -249,12 +264,22 @@ pub fn openSelfDebugInfo(allocator: &mem.Allocator) !&ElfStackTrace {
try scanAllCompileUnits(st);
return st;
builtin.ObjectFormat.macho => {
var exe_file = try os.openSelfExe();
defer exe_file.close();
const st = try allocator.create(ElfStackTrace);
errdefer allocator.destroy(st);
*st = ElfStackTrace {
.symbol_table = try macho.loadSymbols(allocator, &io.FileInStream.init(&exe_file)),
return st;
builtin.ObjectFormat.coff => {
return error.TodoSupportCoffDebugInfo;
builtin.ObjectFormat.macho => {
return error.TodoSupportMachoDebugInfo;
builtin.ObjectFormat.wasm => {
return error.TodoSupportCOFFDebugInfo;
@ -297,31 +322,40 @@ fn printLineFromFile(allocator: &mem.Allocator, out_stream: var, line_info: &con
pub const ElfStackTrace = struct {
self_exe_file: os.File,
elf: elf.Elf,
debug_info: &elf.SectionHeader,
debug_abbrev: &elf.SectionHeader,
debug_str: &elf.SectionHeader,
debug_line: &elf.SectionHeader,
debug_ranges: ?&elf.SectionHeader,
abbrev_table_list: ArrayList(AbbrevTableHeader),
compile_unit_list: ArrayList(CompileUnit),
pub const ElfStackTrace = switch (builtin.os) {
builtin.Os.macosx => struct {
symbol_table: macho.SymbolTable,
pub fn allocator(self: &const ElfStackTrace) &mem.Allocator {
return self.abbrev_table_list.allocator;
pub fn close(self: &ElfStackTrace) void {
else => struct {
self_exe_file: os.File,
elf: elf.Elf,
debug_info: &elf.SectionHeader,
debug_abbrev: &elf.SectionHeader,
debug_str: &elf.SectionHeader,
debug_line: &elf.SectionHeader,
debug_ranges: ?&elf.SectionHeader,
abbrev_table_list: ArrayList(AbbrevTableHeader),
compile_unit_list: ArrayList(CompileUnit),
pub fn readString(self: &ElfStackTrace) ![]u8 {
var in_file_stream = io.FileInStream.init(&self.self_exe_file);
const in_stream = &;
return readStringRaw(self.allocator(), in_stream);
pub fn allocator(self: &const ElfStackTrace) &mem.Allocator {
return self.abbrev_table_list.allocator;
pub fn close(self: &ElfStackTrace) void {
pub fn readString(self: &ElfStackTrace) ![]u8 {
var in_file_stream = io.FileInStream.init(&self.self_exe_file);
const in_stream = &;
return readStringRaw(self.allocator(), in_stream);
pub fn close(self: &ElfStackTrace) void {
const PcRange = struct {

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ pub const endian = @import("endian.zig");
pub const fmt = @import("fmt/index.zig");
pub const heap = @import("heap.zig");
pub const io = @import("io.zig");
pub const macho = @import("macho.zig");
pub const math = @import("math/index.zig");
pub const mem = @import("mem.zig");
pub const net = @import("net.zig");
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ test "std" {
_ = @import("endian.zig");
_ = @import("fmt/index.zig");
_ = @import("io.zig");
_ = @import("macho.zig");
_ = @import("math/index.zig");
_ = @import("mem.zig");
_ = @import("heap.zig");

std/macho.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("index.zig");
const io =;
const mem = std.mem;
const MH_MAGIC_64 = 0xFEEDFACF;
const MH_PIE = 0x200000;
const LC_SYMTAB = 2;
const MachHeader64 = packed struct {
magic: u32,
cputype: u32,
cpusubtype: u32,
filetype: u32,
ncmds: u32,
sizeofcmds: u32,
flags: u32,
reserved: u32,
const LoadCommand = packed struct {
cmd: u32,
cmdsize: u32,
const SymtabCommand = packed struct {
symoff: u32,
nsyms: u32,
stroff: u32,
strsize: u32,
const Nlist64 = packed struct {
n_strx: u32,
n_type: u8,
n_sect: u8,
n_desc: u16,
n_value: u64,
pub const Symbol = struct {
name: []const u8,
address: u64,
fn addressLessThan(lhs: &const Symbol, rhs: &const Symbol) bool {
return lhs.address < rhs.address;
pub const SymbolTable = struct {
allocator: &mem.Allocator,
symbols: []const Symbol,
strings: []const u8,
// Doubles as an eyecatcher to calculate the PIE slide, see loadSymbols().
// Ideally we'd use _mh_execute_header because it's always at 0x100000000
// in the image but as it's located in a different section than executable
// code, its displacement is different.
pub fn deinit(self: &SymbolTable) void {;
self.symbols = []const Symbol {};;
self.strings = []const u8 {};
pub fn search(self: &const SymbolTable, address: usize) ?&const Symbol {
var min: usize = 0;
var max: usize = self.symbols.len - 1; // Exclude sentinel.
while (min < max) {
const mid = min + (max - min) / 2;
const curr = &self.symbols[mid];
const next = &self.symbols[mid + 1];
if (address >= next.address) {
min = mid + 1;
} else if (address < curr.address) {
max = mid;
} else {
return curr;
return null;
pub fn loadSymbols(allocator: &mem.Allocator, in: &io.FileInStream) !SymbolTable {
var file = in.file;
try file.seekTo(0);
var hdr: MachHeader64 = undefined;
try readNoEof(in, &hdr);
if (hdr.magic != MH_MAGIC_64) return error.MissingDebugInfo;
const is_pie = MH_PIE == (hdr.flags & MH_PIE);
var pos: usize = @sizeOf(@typeOf(hdr));
var ncmd: u32 = hdr.ncmds;
while (ncmd != 0) : (ncmd -= 1) {
try file.seekTo(pos);
var lc: LoadCommand = undefined;
try readNoEof(in, &lc);
if (lc.cmd == LC_SYMTAB) break;
pos += lc.cmdsize;
} else {
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
var cmd: SymtabCommand = undefined;
try readNoEof(in, &cmd);
try file.seekTo(cmd.symoff);
var syms = try allocator.alloc(Nlist64, cmd.nsyms);
try readNoEof(in, syms);
try file.seekTo(cmd.stroff);
var strings = try allocator.alloc(u8, cmd.strsize);
var nsyms: usize = 0;
for (syms) |sym| if (isSymbol(sym)) nsyms += 1;
if (nsyms == 0) return error.MissingDebugInfo;
var symbols = try allocator.alloc(Symbol, nsyms + 1); // Room for sentinel.
var pie_slide: usize = 0;
var nsym: usize = 0;
for (syms) |sym| {
if (!isSymbol(sym)) continue;
const start = sym.n_strx;
const end = ??mem.indexOfScalarPos(u8, strings, start, 0);
const name = strings[start..end];
const address = sym.n_value;
symbols[nsym] = Symbol { .name = name, .address = address };
nsym += 1;
if (is_pie and mem.eql(u8, name, "_SymbolTable_deinit")) {
pie_slide = @ptrToInt(SymbolTable.deinit) - address;
// Effectively a no-op, lld emits symbols in ascending order.
std.sort.insertionSort(Symbol, symbols[0..nsyms], Symbol.addressLessThan);
// Insert the sentinel. Since we don't know where the last function ends,
// we arbitrarily limit it to the start address + 4 KB.
const top = symbols[nsyms - 1].address + 4096;
symbols[nsyms] = Symbol { .name = "", .address = top };
if (pie_slide != 0) {
for (symbols) |*symbol| symbol.address += pie_slide;
return SymbolTable {
.allocator = allocator,
.symbols = symbols,
.strings = strings,
fn readNoEof(in: &io.FileInStream, sink: var) !void {
if (@typeOf(sink) == []Nlist64) {
const T = @typeOf(sink[0]);
const len = @sizeOf(T) * sink.len;
const bytes = @ptrCast(&u8, &sink[0]);
} else {
const T = @typeOf(*sink);
const len = @sizeOf(T);
const bytes = @ptrCast(&u8, sink);
fn isSymbol(sym: &const Nlist64) bool {
return sym.n_value != 0 and sym.n_desc == 0;