awareness of debug subsections

Andrew Kelley 2018-08-31 15:02:41 -04:00
parent 99170aa13d
commit b36b93fb3e
2 changed files with 142 additions and 123 deletions

View File

@ -451,6 +451,34 @@ fn openSelfDebugInfoWindows(allocator: *mem.Allocator) !DebugInfo {
std.debug.warn("v {} s {} a {}\n", version, signature, age);
// We validated the executable and pdb match.
const name_bytes_len = try;
const name_bytes = try allocator.alloc(u8, name_bytes_len);
//const HashTableHeader = packed struct {
// Size: u32,
// Capacity: u32,
// fn maxLoad(cap: u32) u32 {
// return cap * 2 / 3 + 1;
// }
//var hash_tbl_hdr: HashTableHeader = undefined;
//try, &hash_tbl_hdr);
//if (hash_tbl_hdr.Capacity == 0)
// return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
//if (hash_tbl_hdr.Size > HashTableHeader.maxLoad(hash_tbl_hdr.Capacity))
// return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
//std.debug.warn("{}\n", hash_tbl_hdr);
//var more_buf: [100]u8 = undefined;
//const more_len = try[0..]);
//for (more_buf[0..more_len]) |x| {
// std.debug.warn("{x2} {c}\n", x, x);
return di;

View File

@ -92,65 +92,6 @@ const Module = struct {
obj_file_name: []u8,
/// Distinguishes individual records in the Symbols subsection of a .debug$S
/// section. Equivalent to SYM_ENUM_e in cvinfo.h.
pub const SymbolRecordKind = enum(u16) {
InlineesSym = 4456,
ScopeEndSym = 6,
InlineSiteEnd = 4430,
ProcEnd = 4431,
Thunk32Sym = 4354,
TrampolineSym = 4396,
SectionSym = 4406,
CoffGroupSym = 4407,
ExportSym = 4408,
ProcSym = 4367,
GlobalProcSym = 4368,
ProcIdSym = 4422,
GlobalProcIdSym = 4423,
DPCProcSym = 4437,
DPCProcIdSym = 4438,
RegisterSym = 4358,
PublicSym32 = 4366,
ProcRefSym = 4389,
LocalProcRef = 4391,
EnvBlockSym = 4413,
InlineSiteSym = 4429,
LocalSym = 4414,
DefRangeSym = 4415,
DefRangeSubfieldSym = 4416,
DefRangeRegisterSym = 4417,
DefRangeFramePointerRelSym = 4418,
DefRangeSubfieldRegisterSym = 4419,
DefRangeFramePointerRelFullScopeSym = 4420,
DefRangeRegisterRelSym = 4421,
BlockSym = 4355,
LabelSym = 4357,
ObjNameSym = 4353,
Compile2Sym = 4374,
Compile3Sym = 4412,
FrameProcSym = 4114,
CallSiteInfoSym = 4409,
FileStaticSym = 4435,
HeapAllocationSiteSym = 4446,
FrameCookieSym = 4410,
CallerSym = 4442,
CalleeSym = 4443,
UDTSym = 4360,
CobolUDT = 4361,
BuildInfoSym = 4428,
BPRelativeSym = 4363,
RegRelativeSym = 4369,
ConstantSym = 4359,
ManagedConstant = 4397,
DataSym = 4364,
GlobalData = 4365,
ManagedLocalData = 4380,
ManagedGlobalData = 4381,
ThreadLocalDataSym = 4370,
GlobalTLS = 4371,
/// Duplicate copy of SymbolRecordKind, but using the official CV names. Useful
/// for reference purposes and when dealing with unknown record types.
pub const SymbolKind = packed enum(u16) {
@ -434,6 +375,32 @@ const ColumnNumberEntry = packed struct {
EndColumn: u16,
/// Checksum bytes follow.
const FileChecksumEntryHeader = packed struct {
FileNameOffset: u32, /// Byte offset of filename in global string table.
ChecksumSize: u8, /// Number of bytes of checksum.
ChecksumKind: u8, /// FileChecksumKind
const DebugSubsectionKind = packed enum(u32) {
None = 0,
Symbols = 0xf1,
Lines = 0xf2,
StringTable = 0xf3,
FileChecksums = 0xf4,
FrameData = 0xf5,
InlineeLines = 0xf6,
CrossScopeImports = 0xf7,
CrossScopeExports = 0xf8,
// These appear to relate to .Net assembly info.
ILLines = 0xf9,
FuncMDTokenMap = 0xfa,
TypeMDTokenMap = 0xfb,
MergedAssemblyInput = 0xfc,
CoffSymbolRVA = 0xfd,
pub const Pdb = struct {
in_file: os.File,
@ -569,14 +536,17 @@ pub const Pdb = struct {
const prefix = @ptrCast(*RecordPrefix, &symbols[symbol_i]);
if (prefix.RecordLen < 2)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
if (prefix.RecordKind == SymbolKind.S_LPROC32) {
const proc_sym = @ptrCast(*ProcSym, &symbols[symbol_i + @sizeOf(RecordPrefix)]);
const vaddr_start = coff_section.header.virtual_address + proc_sym.CodeOffset;
const vaddr_end = vaddr_start + proc_sym.CodeSize;
std.debug.warn(" {}\n", proc_sym);
if (address >= vaddr_start and address < vaddr_end) {
break proc_sym;
switch (prefix.RecordKind) {
SymbolKind.S_LPROC32 => {
const proc_sym = @ptrCast(*ProcSym, &symbols[symbol_i + @sizeOf(RecordPrefix)]);
const vaddr_start = coff_section.header.virtual_address + proc_sym.CodeOffset;
const vaddr_end = vaddr_start + proc_sym.CodeSize;
std.debug.warn(" {}\n", proc_sym);
if (address >= vaddr_start and address < vaddr_end) {
break proc_sym;
else => {},
symbol_i += prefix.RecordLen + @sizeOf(u16);
if (symbol_i > symbols.len)
@ -592,73 +562,94 @@ pub const Pdb = struct {
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
const line_info = try self.allocator.alloc(u8, mod.mod_info.C13ByteSize);
std.debug.warn("read C13 line info {} bytes\n", line_info.len);
const subsect_info = try self.allocator.alloc(u8, mod.mod_info.C13ByteSize);
std.debug.warn("read C13 line info {} bytes\n", subsect_info.len);
const line_info_file_pos = modi.getFilePos();
var line_index: usize = 0;
while (line_index != line_info.len) {
std.debug.warn("unknown bytes: {x2} {x2} {x2} {x2} {x2} {x2} {x2} {x2}\n",
line_index += 8;
const DebugSubsectionHeader = packed struct {
Kind: DebugSubsectionKind, /// codeview::DebugSubsectionKind enum
Length: u32, /// number of bytes occupied by this record.
var sect_offset: usize = 0;
var skip_len: usize = undefined;
var have_line_info: bool = false;
subsections: while (sect_offset != subsect_info.len) : (sect_offset += skip_len) {
const subsect_hdr = @ptrCast(*DebugSubsectionHeader, &subsect_info[sect_offset]);
skip_len = subsect_hdr.Length;
sect_offset += @sizeOf(DebugSubsectionHeader);
const line_hdr = @ptrCast(*LineFragmentHeader, &line_info[line_index]);
if (line_hdr.RelocSegment == 0) return error.MissingDebugInfo;
std.debug.warn("{}\n", line_hdr);
line_index += @sizeOf(LineFragmentHeader);
switch (subsect_hdr.Kind) {
DebugSubsectionKind.Lines => {
if (have_line_info)
continue :subsections;
const block_hdr = @ptrCast(*LineBlockFragmentHeader, &line_info[line_index]);
std.debug.warn("{}\n", block_hdr);
line_index += @sizeOf(LineBlockFragmentHeader);
var line_index: usize = sect_offset;
const has_column = line_hdr.Flags.LF_HaveColumns;
std.debug.warn("has column: {}\n", has_column);
const line_hdr = @ptrCast(*LineFragmentHeader, &subsect_info[line_index]);
if (line_hdr.RelocSegment == 0) return error.MissingDebugInfo;
std.debug.warn("{}\n", line_hdr);
line_index += @sizeOf(LineFragmentHeader);
const frag_vaddr_start = coff_section.header.virtual_address + line_hdr.RelocOffset;
const frag_vaddr_end = frag_vaddr_start + line_hdr.CodeSize;
if (address >= frag_vaddr_start and address < frag_vaddr_end) {
std.debug.warn("found line listing\n");
var line_i: usize = 0;
const start_line_index = line_index;
while (line_i < block_hdr.NumLines) : (line_i += 1) {
const line_num_entry = @ptrCast(*LineNumberEntry, &line_info[line_index]);
line_index += @sizeOf(LineNumberEntry);
const flags = @ptrCast(*LineNumberEntry.Flags, &line_num_entry.Flags);
std.debug.warn("{} {}\n", line_num_entry, flags);
const vaddr_start = frag_vaddr_start + line_num_entry.Offset;
const vaddr_end = if (flags.End == 0) frag_vaddr_end else vaddr_start + flags.End;
std.debug.warn("test {x} <= {x} < {x}\n", vaddr_start, address, vaddr_end);
if (address >= vaddr_start and address < vaddr_end) {
std.debug.warn("{} line {}\n", block_hdr.NameIndex, flags.Start);
if (has_column) {
line_index = start_line_index + @sizeOf(LineNumberEntry) * block_hdr.NumLines;
line_index += @sizeOf(ColumnNumberEntry) * line_i;
const col_num_entry = @ptrCast(*ColumnNumberEntry, &line_info[line_index]);
std.debug.warn("col {}\n", col_num_entry.StartColumn);
const block_hdr = @ptrCast(*LineBlockFragmentHeader, &subsect_info[line_index]);
std.debug.warn("{}\n", block_hdr);
line_index += @sizeOf(LineBlockFragmentHeader);
const has_column = line_hdr.Flags.LF_HaveColumns;
std.debug.warn("has column: {}\n", has_column);
const frag_vaddr_start = coff_section.header.virtual_address + line_hdr.RelocOffset;
const frag_vaddr_end = frag_vaddr_start + line_hdr.CodeSize;
if (address >= frag_vaddr_start and address < frag_vaddr_end) {
std.debug.warn("found line listing\n");
var line_i: usize = 0;
const start_line_index = line_index;
while (line_i < block_hdr.NumLines) : (line_i += 1) {
const line_num_entry = @ptrCast(*LineNumberEntry, &subsect_info[line_index]);
line_index += @sizeOf(LineNumberEntry);
const flags = @ptrCast(*LineNumberEntry.Flags, &line_num_entry.Flags);
std.debug.warn("{} {}\n", line_num_entry, flags);
const vaddr_start = frag_vaddr_start + line_num_entry.Offset;
const vaddr_end = if (flags.End == 0) frag_vaddr_end else vaddr_start + flags.End;
std.debug.warn("test {x} <= {x} < {x}\n", vaddr_start, address, vaddr_end);
if (address >= vaddr_start and address < vaddr_end) {
std.debug.warn("{} line {}\n", block_hdr.NameIndex, flags.Start);
if (has_column) {
line_index = start_line_index + @sizeOf(LineNumberEntry) * block_hdr.NumLines;
line_index += @sizeOf(ColumnNumberEntry) * line_i;
const col_num_entry = @ptrCast(*ColumnNumberEntry, &subsect_info[line_index]);
std.debug.warn("col {}\n", col_num_entry.StartColumn);
have_line_info = true;
continue :subsections;
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
} else {
line_index += @sizeOf(LineNumberEntry) * block_hdr.NumLines;
if (has_column)
line_index += @sizeOf(ColumnNumberEntry) * block_hdr.NumLines;
DebugSubsectionKind.FileChecksums => {
var chksum_index: usize = sect_offset;
while (chksum_index != subsect_info.len) {
const chksum_hdr = @ptrCast(*FileChecksumEntryHeader, &subsect_info[chksum_index]);
std.debug.warn("{}\n", chksum_hdr);
const len = @sizeOf(FileChecksumEntryHeader) + chksum_hdr.ChecksumSize;
chksum_index += len + (len % 4);
if (chksum_index > subsect_info.len)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
else => {
std.debug.warn("ignore subsection {}\n", @tagName(subsect_hdr.Kind));
if (line_index > mod.mod_info.C13ByteSize)
if (sect_offset > subsect_info.len)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
std.debug.warn("end line info\n");
std.debug.warn("end subsections\n");