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Eggwars API

Welcome to the API documentation

The structure of the mod hinges around the arena definitions registered to the mod. There is a default arena definition which you can use as a template for your own arenas. It's structure is a table of key pairs holding all the information required to insert an arena at any location on the map, position vectors used in the definition MUST be relative to x=0, y=0, z=0 of the arena unless stated otherwise.

Arena Definition Structure

	blocked_recipes = {
		{input or output recipe},
	colour = {
		{ rgb table },
	cs = {
		{'colour', 'hex string', 'formatted'},
	description = "short description",
	egg_offset = { -- island relative
	exempt_nodes = {
		['full or partial node name'] = true,
	hub = {
		insert_offset = {vector},
		schem = 'filename'
	island = {
		insert_offset = {vector},
		schem = 'filename'
	name = 'arena name',
	region = {
		p1 = {vector},
		p2 = {vector}
	satellite = {
		offset = {vector},
		pos = {
	spawners = {
		diamond = {
			rate = number of seconds
		gold = { -- island relative
			rate = number of seconds
		ruby = {
			rate = number of seconds
		bot = { -- island relative
			offset = {
				yaw = {degrees, ...}
	timer = {
		max_time = number of seconds,
		suddendeath = number of seconds
	trader = {
		names = {
		offset = { -- island relative
		yaw = {degrees, ...}



Registers an arena definition to eggwars.