- Signals and dynamic callbacks now require declarations to be made
before being used. What this does is allows us to get information
about the functions dynamically which can be relayed to the user and
plugins for future extended usage (this should have big implications
later for scripting in particular, hopefully).
- Reduced the number of types calldata uses from "everything I could
think of" to simply integer, float, bool, pointer/object, string.
Integer data is now stored as long long. Floats are now stored as
doubles (check em).
- Use a more consistent naming scheme for lexer error/warning macros.
- Fixed a rather nasty bug where switching to an existing scene would
cause it to increment sourceSceneRefs, which would mean that it would
never end up never properly removing the source when the user clicks
removed (stayed in limbo, obs_source_remove never got called)
- Changed glMapBuffer to glMapBufferRange to allow invalidation. Using
just glMapBuffer alone was causing some unacceptable stalls.
- Changed dynamic buffers from GL_DYNAMIC_WRITE to GL_STREAM_WRITE
because I had misunderstood the OpenGL specification
- Added _OPENGL and _D3D11 builtin preprocessor macros to effects to
allow special processing if needed
- Added fmod support to shaders (NOTE: D3D and GL do not function
identically with negative numbers when using this. Positive numbers
however function identically)
- Created a planar conversion shader that converts from packed YUV to
planar 420 right on the GPU without any CPU processing. Reduces
required GPU download size to approximately 37.5% of its normal rate
as well. GPU usage down by 10 entire percentage points despite the
extra required pass.