**note**: If you have a previous installation of OpenSpades, you have to uninstall it manually by `sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/games/openspades` before installing a new one.
See the file `E:/Projects/openspades/Sources/Externals/readme.txt` for details (and a pre-compiled set of libraries, make sure to pick the right one for your version of VS).
For your convenience, create the directory: `E:/Projects/openspades/OpenSpades.msvc/os.Resources`, and extract the [Non-free pak](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/37804131/openspades/DevPaks29.zip) (`pak000-Nonfree.pak`) into it. Also, please note you can't distribute this pak separately from OpenSpades releases or binaries, as noted on `Resources/PakLocation.txt`
set `OPENSPADES_RESDIR` to point to `os.Resources`. (Run CMake again, now when running debug builds openspades will also read resources from this directory)
**Note:**`OPENSPADES_RESDIR` must be set using slashes instead of backslashes (`E:/Projects/openspades/os.Resources` instead of `E:\Projects\openspades\os.Resources`). Also, no slashes at end.
6. Open `E:/Projects/openspades/OpenSpades.msvc/OpenSpades.sln` in Visual Studio.
7. Build the solution.
8. Copy all `.dll` files from `Source/Externals/lib` to the build output directory.
9. Download [Windows release of OpenSpades](https://github.com/yvt/openspades/releases), extract it, and copy `openal32.dll` and `YSRSpades.dll` to the build output directory.
10. In case it's a debug build, copy `E:/Projects/openspades/Resources` folder to your build directory, which is probably `E:/Projects/openspades/openspades.msvc/bin/Debug`
In case you haven't set OPENSPADES_RESDIR and extracted the [Non-free pak](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/37804131/openspades/DevPaks29.zip) into it, extract it and merge it inside the `Resources` folder you just copied.
1. Get the latest version of Xcode and OpenSpades source.
2. Download and install [SDL2 development libraries for OS X](http://www.libsdl.org/download-2.0.php) to `/Library/Frameworks`.
3. Download and install [SDL2_image development libraries for OS X](https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_image/) to `/Library/Frameworks`.
4. Download [OS X release of OpenSpades](https://github.com/yvt/openspades/releases), show the package contents, and copy `libysrspades.dylib` to the root of OpenSpades source tree.