Based on what's being dug, rakes can have
different dig volumes and checks.
Lode rake now has 3 modes depending on
what's being dug:
- Loose things, same as wooden rake
- 3x3x3 exfoliating
- 3x1x1 soil tilling/digging
By restricting the recipes we check based
on the name of the central object being
checked, we can do many fewer craft
checks per item and avoid expensive
Register a "rootmatch" property for all
recipes that represents a broader, quicker
test for recipe eligibility. False positives are
allowed but false negatives are not.
Since most recipes are eligible, we can
use this to build an index for fast lookups
of subsets of recipes to run and skip most
of the other ones.
When you have a thing in your hand that doesn't help
you dig a node, but you can dig that node by hand,
then apparently the after_use callback still seems to
trigger, causing the rake effect, and wear-out.
Any items that don't fit in the player's inventory will gather
to the center of the raked area, so they can combine and pile
together for easier pickup later.