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Easily create complex chat commands with no pattern matching.

Created by rubenwardy.\ License: MIT



As a mod developer, you can:

  1. Depend on lib_chatcmdbuilder mod and let the Minetest dependency system install it for you.

  2. OR include the chatcmdbuilder.lua file in your mod, and then dofile it like so:

    local chatcmdbuilder = dofile("chatcmdbuilder.lua")

    It's important that you keep this as a local, to avoid conflict with the mod version if installed.

Registering Chat Commands

chatcmdbuilder.register(name, def) registers a new chat command called name. It returns an object to register subcommands.

Here is an example:

local cmd = chatcmdbuilder.register("admin", {
	description = "Admin tools",
	privs = {
		kick = true,
		ban = true

cmd:sub("kill :target", function(name, target)
	local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(target)
	if player then
		return true, "Killed " .. target
		return false, "Unable to find " .. target

cmd:sub("move :target to :pos:pos", {
	privs = {
		teleport = true

	func = function(name, target, pos)
		local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(target)
		if player then
			return true, "Moved " .. target .. " to " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos)
			return false, "Unable to find " .. target

A player could then do /admin kill player1 to kill player1, or /admin move player1 to 0,0,0 to teleport a user.

Introduction to Routing

A route is a string. Let's look at move :target to :pos:pos:

  • move and to are terminals. They need to be there in order to match.
  • :target and :pos:pos are variables. They're passed to the function.
  • The second pos in :pos:pos after : is the param type. :target has an implicit type of word.

Param Types

  • word: default. Any string without spaces
  • number: Any number, including decimals
  • int: Any integer, no decimals
  • text: Any string
  • pos: 1,2,3 or 1.1,2,3.4567 or (1,2,3) or 1.2, 2 ,3.2
  • modname: a mod name
  • alpha: upper or lower alphabetic characters (A-Za-z)
  • alphascore: above, but with underscores
  • alphanumeric: upper or lower alphabetic characters and numbers (A-Za-z0-9)
  • username: a username
  • itemname: an item name

Registering new Param Types

-- Simple type for lowercase text
--    eg: `:param:lower`
chatcmdbuilder.register_type("lower", "([a-z]+)", function(pop)
	return tonumber(pop())

-- Position type
--    eg: `:param:pos`
chatcmdbuilder.register_type("pos", "%(? *(%-?[%d.]+) *, *(%-?[%d.]+) *, *(%-?[%d.]+) *%)?", function(pop)
	return {
		x = tonumber(pop()),
		y = tonumber(pop()),
		z = tonumber(pop())



  • chatcmdbuilder.register(name, def): registers a chat command
    • Returns a chatcmdbuilder.Builder instance
    • name: chat command name.
    • def: chat command def, can contain everything in register_chatcommand, except for func.
  • chatcmdbuilder.register_type(name, pattern, converter): register a param type
    • name: type name, used in routes
    • pattern: A Lua pattern
    • converter(pop): Optional, a function to convert text into the type
      • pop: function to return the next matched group.
      • returns the converted value.

class chatcmdbuilder.Builder

This is the class returned by chatcmdbuilder.register.


  • chatcmdbuilder.Builder:new(): returns new instance


  • sub(path, func_or_def)
    • path: a route
    • func_or_def: either a function or a def table containing:
      • func: function
      • privs: a list of required privs
  • run(name, params): Execute chat command
    • Returns same as func: boolean, message.
    • Doesn't check chat command privs, but will check subcommand privs.