* Update init.lua
Implements quick escape for newly buried drops.
* Update init.lua
Added param to distinguish resting and newly buried drops, restoring reload consistency. Pruned a pointless cond.
* Update init.lua (feature complete)
Added one public function for other mods to invoke mechanism in cases droplift ignores.
Restored fix for default sink-on-load behaviour of buried drops.
* More precise and specific information.
* Reduce MT-specific terminology
Improved consistency across reload using staticdata. Specifically, drops at rest on irregular node boxes are not read as entombed.
Rearranged conditionals to simplify planned behaviour extension.
I've removed all tunables and reduced the code to it's effective
working code. Going forward, This means less confusion for others
to contribute and understand the concepts and less likely to
introduce new errors.
Droplift lifts drops out of walkable nodes. This mod adds no in-world
items or blocks, just additional physics.
Mod dependencies: none
Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w1ujrkh96zbtf8e/droplift.zip?dl=0
Licensing: - Code: LGPLv2.1 or LGPLv3
Target: Minetest 0.4.10
Optionally supports declaring some drop item types to be ignored
so they are not lifted. Includes code for two timing mechanisms so
developers can easily choose which they prefer.
I've done a lot of testing with all the options, and can't find
anything I want to fix or change. It's exactly as I intended.
I'll be happy to consider any opinions about whether it should function
differently. And any criticism of my coding choices is welcome if
you know of a better way.