11 Jugabilidad
RicardoKlevoksnev3t edited this page 2023-01-01 22:29:31 +00:00

Minetest is an engine quite similar to the popular videogame "Minecraft", (they are relatively identical) in which it can be played in two ways: In creative mode and in "Singleplayer" mode (That is, a mode in which you play as a single player in a private world). Before continuing, what is an engine? Basically an engine would be like a base of the various "servers" or "worlds" in which 2 or more people can access thanks to the internet connection that links them (and always and when they have the respective IP and the respective port, these can be written in the "Play Online" window).

In private worlds, people can do whatever they want, such as exploring, gathering materials, mining, building, etc. In the worlds or public "servers" it is different, since you have to act according to the rules and according to the regulations that said server offers, some of the most popular servers and how to act on them will be explained later.

Basic Controls:

W: Move Forward

A: Move left

S: move back

D: move to the right

Spacebar: Jump

By moving the mouse you control the "vision" of the avatar you are driving, with the left click you can hit monsters and mine blocks (with the respective tools, which are pickaxe, shovel, and axe) with the right click you can interact with some objects and put blocks.

In public games (servers) sometimes you could meet some players, some are friendly and follow the rules, others (named hackers and cheaters) are people who use programs and hacks to gain advantage, some of these programs allow you to fly, When you hit, you take more damage, when you hit them you don't take damage, speed, when you hit, push more than normal, give many hits per second, etc. All these players, if they are reported on time, can be expelled and penalized by the owner or owners who manage the control and order of the server.

Some servers to play Minetest and have a good time:



Capture The Flag/ctf.rubenwardy.com/30001

