Commit Graph

101 Commits (328bebb2cb8db0f27d5cb97b20d338d67839d34d)

Author SHA1 Message Date
jp9000 d4f1eacc1f Implement source activation/deactivation
Now sources will be properly activated and deactivated when they are in
use or not in use.

Had to figure out a way to handle child sources, and children of
children, just ended up implementing simple functions that parents use
to signal adding/removal to help with hierarchial activation and
deactivation of child sources.

To prevent the source activate/deactivate callbacks from being called
more than once, added an activation reference counter.  The first
increment will call the activate callback, and the last decrement will
call the deactivate callback.

Added "source-activate" and "source-deactivate" signals to the main obs
signal handler, and "activate" and "deactivate" to individual source
signal handlers.

Also, fixed the main window so it properly selects a source when the
current active scene has been changed.
2014-02-20 22:04:14 -07:00
jp9000 579f026c5b Add more volume options
Added a "master" volume for the entire audio subsystem.

Also, added a "presentation" volume for both the master volume and for
each invidiaul source.  The presentation volume is used to control
things like transitioning volumes, preventing sources from outputting
any audio when they're inactive, as well as some other uses in the
2014-02-20 15:56:51 -07:00
jp9000 2dbbffe4a2 Make a number of key optimizations
- Changed glMapBuffer to glMapBufferRange to allow invalidation.  Using
   just glMapBuffer alone was causing some unacceptable stalls.

 - Changed dynamic buffers from GL_DYNAMIC_WRITE to GL_STREAM_WRITE
   because I had misunderstood the OpenGL specification

 - Added _OPENGL and _D3D11 builtin preprocessor macros to effects to
   allow special processing if needed

 - Added fmod support to shaders (NOTE: D3D and GL do not function
   identically with negative numbers when using this.  Positive numbers
   however function identically)

 - Created a planar conversion shader that converts from packed YUV to
   planar 420 right on the GPU without any CPU processing.  Reduces
   required GPU download size to approximately 37.5% of its normal rate
   as well.  GPU usage down by 10 entire percentage points despite the
   extra required pass.
2014-02-16 19:28:21 -07:00
jp9000 966b943d5b Remove majority of warnings
There were a *lot* of warnings, managed to remove most of them.

Also, put warning flags before C_FLAGS and CXX_FLAGS, rather than after,
as -Wall -Wextra was overwriting flags that came before it.
2014-02-14 15:13:36 -07:00
jp9000 4bc282f5e9 Rename obs_viewport to obs_view
I felt like the name could cause a bit of confusion with typical
graphics viewports, so I just changed it to view instead.
2014-02-13 10:21:16 -07:00
jp9000 515f44be8e Revamp rendering system to allow custom rendering
Originally, the rendering system was designed to only display sources
and such, but I realized there would be a flaw; if you wanted to render
the main viewport in a custom way, or maybe even the entire application
as a graphics-based front end, you wouldn't have been able to do that.

Displays have now been separated in to viewports and displays.  A
viewport is used to store and draw sources, a display is used to handle
draw callbacks.  You can even use displays without using viewports to
draw custom render displays containing graphics calls if you wish, but
usually they would be used in combination with source viewports at

This requires a tiny bit more work to create simple source displays, but
in the end its worth it for the added flexibility and options it brings.
2014-02-13 08:58:31 -07:00
jp9000 8e81d8be56 Revamp API and start using doxygen
The API used to be designed in such a way to where it would expect
exports for each individual source/output/encoder/etc.  You would export
functions for each and it would automatically load those functions based
on a specific naming scheme from the module.

The idea behind this was that I wanted to limit the usage of structures
in the API so only functions could be used.  It was an interesting idea
in theory, but this idea turned out to be flawed in a number of ways:

 1.) Requiring exports to create sources/outputs/encoders/etc meant that
     you could not create them by any other means, which meant that
     things like faruton's .net plugin would become difficult.

 2.) Export function declarations could not be checked, therefore if you
     created a function with the wrong parameters and parameter types,
     the compiler wouldn't know how to check for that.

 3.) Required overly complex load functions in libobs just to handle it.
     It makes much more sense to just have a load function that you call
     manually.  Complexity is the bane of all good programs.

 4.) It required that you have functions of specific names, which looked
     and felt somewhat unsightly.

So, to fix these issues, I replaced it with a more commonly used API
scheme, seen commonly in places like kernels and typical C libraries
with abstraction.  You simply create a structure that contains the
callback definitions, and you pass it to a function to register that
definition (such as obs_register_source), which you call in the
obs_module_load of the module.

It will also automatically check the structure size and ensure that it
only loads the required values if the structure happened to add new
values in an API change.

The "main" source file for each module must include obs-module.h, and
must use OBS_DECLARE_MODULE() within that source file.

Also, started writing some doxygen documentation in to the main library
headers.  Will add more detailed documentation as I go.
2014-02-12 08:04:50 -07:00
jp9000 524ff94912 Move alignment code to obs_reset_video
It wasn't properly being set for the graphics textures as well, so it
would end up causing SSE to crash due to alignment
2014-02-11 05:12:36 -07:00
jp9000 6346662f19 I shouldn't have committed before compiling
Note to self - compile before committing.
2014-02-11 04:24:41 -07:00
jp9000 0a9440afdf Align output width to 16 byte alignment
The 444->420 conversion function will crash if you don't align the
output width to a 16 byte boundry.
2014-02-11 04:19:34 -07:00
jp9000 b067440f73 Use bzalloc instead of bmalloc then memset
Reduces needless code repetition and still allows for proper memory
alignment.  Cleans up the code a bit.
2014-02-09 12:34:07 -07:00
jp9000 6c92cf5841 Implement output, improve video/audio subsystems
- Fill in the rest of the FFmpeg test output code for testing so it
   actually properly outputs data.

 - Improve the main video subsystem to be a bit more optimal and
   automatically output I420 or NV12 if needed.

 - Fix audio subsystem insertation and byte calculation.  Now it will
   seamlessly insert new audio data in to the audio stream based upon
   its timestamp value.  (Be extremely cautious when using floating
   point calculations for important things like this, and always round
   your values and check your values)

 - Use 32 byte alignment in case of future optimizations and export a
   function to get the current alignment.

 - Make os_sleepto_ns return true if slept, false if the time has
   already been passed before the call.

 - Fix sinewave output so that it actually properly calculates a middle
   C sinewave.

 - Change the use of row_bytes to linesize (also makes it a bit more
   consistent with FFmpeg's naming as well)
2014-02-09 05:51:06 -07:00
jp9000 89cfbdc033 Improve naming scheme of libobs core structures 2014-02-05 21:03:06 -07:00
jp9000 ab4ab95790 Implement output scaling/conversion/downloading
- Implement texture scaling/conversion/downloading for the main view so
  we can finally start getting data to output.

  Also, redesign how it works a bit, it will now properly wait one full
  frame for each step in the process:  rendering the main texture,
  scaling the main texture to an output texture, staging/downloading the
  ouput texture, and then outputting that staged data.  This way, the
  GPU will have more than enough time to fully complete each step.

- Fix a bug with OpenGL plugin's texture staging function.  Was using
  glBindBuffer instead of what should have been used:  glBindTexture.

- Change the naming scheme of the variables in default.effect.  It's now
  named with the idea of just "color matrix" in mind instead of "yuv
  matrix", and instead of DrawRGBToYUV, it's now just DrawMatrix.
2014-02-05 20:36:21 -07:00
jp9000 6f51567c93 Simplify/improve UI exporting a bit more
Reduce and simplify the UI export interface.  Having to export functions
with designated names was a bit silly for this case, it makes more sense
for inputs/outputs/etc because they have more functions associated with
them, but in this case the callback can be retrieved simply through the
enumeration exports.  Makes it a bit easier and a little less awkward
for this situation.

Also, changed the exports and names to be a bit more consistent,
labelling them both as either "modal" or "modeless", and changed the UI
function calls to obs_exec_ui and obs_create_ui to imply modal/modeless
functionality a bit more.
2014-02-01 17:43:32 -07:00
jp9000 b31d52d602 Add support for modeless UI creation
I realized that I had intended modeless UI to be usable by plugins, but
it had been pointed out to me that modeless really needs to return a
pointer/handle to the user interface object that was created.
2014-02-01 12:48:35 -07:00
jp9000 a12656bd91 Add module UI export capability
Add the ability to be able to call and use toolkit-specific or
program-specific user interface in modules.

User interface code can be either bundled with the module, or 'split'
out in to separate libraries (recommended).

There are three reasons why splitting is recommended:

  1.) It allows plugins to be able to create custom user interface for
      each toolkit if desired.

  2.) Often, UI will be programmed in one language (the language of the
      toolkit), and core logic may be programmed in another.  This
      allows plugins to keep the languages separated if necessary.

  3.) It prevents direct linkage of UI toolkits libraries with core
      module logic.

Splitting is not required, though is recommended if you want your plugin
to be more flexible with other user interface toolkits or programs.

Will implement a generic properties lookup next, which will be used for
automatic UI handling so that plugin UI isn't necessarily required.
2014-02-01 00:49:50 -07:00
jp9000 de288ac541 Rename obs_data structure to obs_program_data
I'm doing this because I might create another data structure called
obs_data for a different purpose.  That and obs_program_data feels a bit
less vague for what it does.
2014-01-27 09:07:13 -07:00
jp9000 563613db8f Rename obs-data.h to obs-internal.h
Renaming obs-data.h to avoid confusion about its usage
2014-01-26 18:48:14 -07:00
jp9000 4cba9d336a Fix render issues with main preview widget
- I seem to have fixed ths issues with the main preview widget.  It
   seems you just need to set the right window attributes to stop it from
   breaking.  Though when opengl is enabled, there appears to be a weird
   background glitch in the Qt stuff -- I'm not entirely sure what's
   going on.  Bug in Qt?

   Also fixed the layout issues, and the widget now properly resizes and
   centers in to its parent widget.

 - Prevent the render loop from accessing data if the data isn't valid.
   Because obs->data is freed before the graphics stuff, it can cause
   the graphics to keep trying to query the obs->data.displays_mutex
   after it had already been destroyed.
2014-01-23 17:00:42 -07:00
jp9000 fc8851e9f4 Add preliminary ffmpeg plugin (still testing)
- Added some code for FFmpeg output that I'm still playing around with.
  Right now I'm just trying to get it to output to file and try to
  understand the FFmpeg/libav APIs.  Hopefully in the future this plugin
  can be used for any sort of output to FFmpeg.

- Fixed a cast warning in audio-io.c with size_t -> uint32_t

- Renamed the 'video_info' and 'audio_info' structures to
  'video_conver_info' and 'audio_convert_info' to better represent their
  actual purpose, and to avoid confusion with 'audio_output_info' and
  'video_output_info' structures.

- Removed a few macros from obs-def.h that were at one point going to be
  used but no longer going to be used (at least for now)
2014-01-19 03:16:41 -07:00
jp9000 29b7d3621c Add preliminary output/encoder interface
- First, I redid the output interface for libobs.  I feel like it's
  going in a pretty good direction in terms of design.

  Right now, the design is so that outputs and encoders are separate.
  One or more outputs can connect to a specific encoder to receive its
  data, or the output can connect directly to raw data from libobs
  output itself, if the output doesn't want to use a designated encoder.
  Data is received via callbacks set when you connect to the encoder or
  raw output.  Multiple outputs can receive the data from a single
  encoder context if need be (such as for streaming to multiple channels
  at once, and/or recording with the same data).

  When an encoder is first connected to, it will connect to raw output,
  and start encoding.  Additional connections will receive that same
  data being encoded as well after that.  When the last encoder has
  disconnected, it will stop encoding.  If for some reason the encoder
  needs to stop, it will use the callback with NULL to signal that
  encoding has stopped.  Some of these things may be subject to change
  in the future, though it feels pretty good with this design so far.
  Will have to see how well it works out in practice versus theory.

- Second, Started adding preliminary RTMP/x264 output plugin code.

  To speed things up, I might just make a direct raw->FFmpeg output to
  create a quick output plugin that we can start using for testing all
  the subsystems.
2014-01-16 22:34:51 -07:00
jp9000 62c2b1d74e Simplify media i/o interfaces
Completely revamped the entire media i/o data and handlers.  The
original idea was to have a system that would have connecting media
inputs and outputs, but at a certain point I realized that this was an
unnecessary complexity for what we wanted to do.  (Also, it reminded me
of directshow filters, and I HATE directshow with a passion, and
wouldn't wish it upon my greatest enemy)

Now, audio/video outputs are connected to directly, with better callback
handlers, and will eventually have the ability to automatically handle
conversions such as 4:4:4 to 4:2:0 when connecting to an input that uses
them.  Doing this will allow the video/audio i/o handlers to also
prevent duplicate conversion, as well as make it easier/simple to use.

My true goal for this is to make output and encoder plugins as simple to
create as possible.  I want to be able to be able to create an output
plugin with almost no real hassle of having to worry about image
conversions, media inputs/outputs, etc.  A plugin developer shouldn't
have to handle that sort of stuff when he/she doesn't really need to.

Plugins will be able to simply create a callback via obs_video() and/or
obs_audio(), and they will automatically receive the audio/video data in
the formats requested via a simple callback, without needing to do
almost anything else at all.
2014-01-14 01:58:47 -07:00
jp9000 6b8e84844a Add preliminary audio processing
- Mixing still isn't implemented, but the audio system should be able
   to start up, and mix at least once audio line for the time being.
   Will have to write some test audio sources to verify things are
   working properly, and build the rest of the output functionality.
2014-01-09 19:08:20 -07:00
jp9000 21fd6cd2f5 Use recursive mutex for user sources and displays
- Using a recursive mutex fixes issues where objects need to enter the
   main libobs sources mutex while already within the mutex in the same
   thread.  Otherwise it would keep getting locked on itself on
2014-01-08 18:07:04 -07:00
jp9000 a2a8a5f148 Added add/remove signals to scenes
Scenes will now signal via their source when an item has been added
or removed from them.

  "add" - Item added to the scene.
  Parameters:  "scene": Scene that the item was added to.
               "item":  Item that was added.

  "remove" - Item removed from the scene.
  Parameters:  "scene": Scene that the item was removed from.
               "item":  Item that was removed.
2014-01-04 13:47:48 -07:00
jp9000 1302e65ee6 create a sizing callback for the preview panel specifically, apparently on macos the window size isn't guaranteed to be the size it's set to in the main window size handler 2013-12-31 07:10:47 -07:00
jp9000 f3e3aeae74 make sure to include function declarations from calldata.h 2013-12-30 10:09:20 -07:00
jp9000 6fe59f77ec make sure another source by the same name doesn't already exist when choosing a name for that scene 2013-12-29 09:17:00 -07:00
jp9000 cec94b042e implement scene adding callbacks, make a few API tweaks 2013-12-28 05:33:16 -07:00
jp9000 6edcd456fe implement signal/procedure handling into libobs and individual sources 2013-12-26 23:10:15 -07:00
jp9000 399b0c8d10 apply configure video settings on startup 2013-12-22 23:40:07 -07:00
jp9000 19c4ee995e add major optimization to filter processing, and as a nice side effect, make it easier to create new filters and sources 2013-12-22 01:30:18 -07:00
jp9000 9218627892 add obs_source functions to allow name manipulation and lookup based upon name, and a few other functions related to getting/setting source information 2013-12-20 19:35:12 -07:00
jp9000 95a7da2d4c add names to sources, use 'id' for the internal source identifier names rather than 'name' 2013-12-20 17:23:19 -07:00
jp9000 6d5ef2fb62 fixed some warnings (when on earth did I do a bad find/replace on these functions?) 2013-12-17 22:30:22 -07:00
jp9000 ff47b3a2dc added functions to get current audio/video output information 2013-12-06 06:38:19 -07:00
jp9000 8298fa4dc7 With the permission of my fellow contributors, I'm switching obs-studio back to GPL v2+ to prevent issues between this project and the original OBS project, and for personal reasons to avoid legal ambiguity (not political reasons, I admittedly would prefer GPL v3+) 2013-12-02 22:24:38 -07:00
jp9000 74dc470681 made it so that graphics device and associated objects are not lost every time video settings are changed 2013-11-26 22:20:11 -07:00
jp9000 93dd3cec50 made the getframe function a bit more safe and modified a few names for clarity 2013-11-22 16:18:31 -07:00
jp9000 d8b49034c9 added jansson to the main project 2013-11-22 10:02:57 -07:00
jp9000 f1decd08f4 adjusted the way source removal is handled to make it a bit more safe 2013-11-20 18:36:46 -07:00
Palana 5fa2f28577 fixed broken comparison 2013-11-20 23:12:12 +01:00
jp9000 409b011a8e cleaned up main internal data structure design, changed to reference counting for sources to ensure safe destruction of source objects from all parts of the system, added some service-related stuff for testing 2013-11-20 15:00:16 -07:00
jp9000 8847d11e8e adjust file locations to be more portable 2013-11-01 14:33:00 -07:00
jp9000 a6a6118c04 finish up most of the source audio stuff and rename some variables/structs/enum to be a bit more consistent 2013-10-31 10:28:47 -07:00
jp9000 ab08c2c3f2 fixed a minor bug in the gl shader parser 2013-10-29 06:01:19 -07:00
jp9000 a43e291577 fill in the texture_setimage function, fill in a few other functions, and change certain names to be a little more consistent 2013-10-25 10:25:28 -07:00
jp9000 ae3cecf09f make data access in the threads a bit more safe (note: probably will need some more safety measures later on) 2013-10-18 20:25:13 -07:00
jp9000 9570f0b8d7 change names, fix some bugs, minor GL/D3D fixes, update tests, fix effect files, output a little more debug information 2013-10-14 12:37:52 -07:00
jp9000 f255ae1922 first commit 2013-09-30 19:37:13 -07:00