
1428 lines
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# Note to translators: *DO NOT* translate this file directly. Instead, visit http://crowdin.com/project/obs-studio and submit your translations there.
2019-03-18 15:18:03 -07:00
# Pull requests for translations outside of Crowdin will not be accepted.
# Read this forum post for more instructions on submitting translations: https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/how-to-contribute-translations-for-obs.16327/
2020-03-27 16:53:39 -07:00
# Language of this file
2013-12-18 09:08:31 -08:00
# commonly shared locale
2015-02-25 21:23:57 -08:00
MoveUp="Move Up"
MoveDown="Move Down"
2013-12-10 10:22:09 -08:00
2019-08-10 00:27:02 -07:00
Mixer="Audio Mixer"
DroppedFrames="Dropped Frames %1 (%2%)"
StudioProgramProjector="Fullscreen Projector (Program)"
PreviewProjector="Fullscreen Projector (Preview)"
SceneProjector="Fullscreen Projector (Scene)"
SourceProjector="Fullscreen Projector (Source)"
StudioProgramWindow="Windowed Projector (Program)"
PreviewWindow="Windowed Projector (Preview)"
SceneWindow="Windowed Projector (Scene)"
SourceWindow="Windowed Projector (Source)"
MultiviewProjector="Multiview (Fullscreen)"
MultiviewWindowed="Multiview (Windowed)"
ResizeProjectorWindowToContent="Fit window to content"
UnhideAll="Unhide All"
DisableOSXVSync="Disable macOS V-Sync"
ResetOSXVSyncOnExit="Reset macOS V-Sync on Exit"
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
HighResourceUsage="Encoding overloaded! Consider turning down video settings or using a faster encoding preset."
QuickTransitions="Quick Transitions"
2019-10-23 14:11:14 -07:00
FadeToBlack="Fade to Black"
2016-03-31 10:12:13 -07:00
ReplayBuffer="Replay Buffer"
PasteReference="Paste (Reference)"
PasteDuplicate="Paste (Duplicate)"
2017-04-08 23:31:29 -07:00
RemuxRecordings="Remux Recordings"
HideMixer="Hide in Mixer"
TransitionOverride="Transition Override"
ShowTransition="Show Transition"
HideTransition="Hide Transition"
StudioMode.PreviewSceneName="Preview: %1"
StudioMode.ProgramSceneName="Program: %1"
ShowInMultiview="Show in Multiview"
2018-04-27 19:49:48 -07:00
VerticalLayout="Vertical Layout"
2018-06-02 09:45:01 -07:00
DoNotShowAgain="Do not show again"
AspectRatio="Aspect Ratio <b>%1:%2</b>"
2020-02-16 16:32:00 -08:00
LockVolume="Lock Volume"
2020-05-15 05:34:54 -07:00
LogViewer="Log Viewer"
ShowOnStartup="Show on startup"
OpenFile="Open file"
2020-09-27 05:30:14 -07:00
AddValue="Add %1"
AddSource="Add Source"
RemoveScene="Remove Selected Scene"
RemoveSource="Remove Selected Source(s)"
MoveSceneUp="Move Scene Up"
MoveSceneDown="Move Scene Down"
MoveSourceUp="Move Source(s) Up"
MoveSourceDown="Move Source(s) Down"
SourceProperties="Open Source Properties"
SourceFilters="Open Source Filters"
MixerToolbarMenu="Audio Mixer Menu"
# warning for plugin load failures
PluginsFailedToLoad.Title="Plugin Load Error"
PluginsFailedToLoad.Text="The following OBS plugins failed to load:\n\n%1\nPlease update or remove these plugins."
# warning if program already open
AlreadyRunning.Title="OBS is already running"
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
AlreadyRunning.Text="OBS is already running! Unless you meant to do this, please shut down any existing instances of OBS before trying to run a new instance. If you have OBS set to minimize to the system tray, please check to see if it's still running there."
AlreadyRunning.LaunchAnyway="Launch Anyway"
ChromeOS.Title="Unsupported Platform"
ChromeOS.Text="OBS appears to be running inside a ChromeOS container. This platform is unsupported."
Wine.Title="Wine detected"
Wine.Text="Running OBS in Wine is unsupported, and many features such as capture or device sources will not work or only in limited capacity.<br><br>It is recommended to run a native version of OBS instead, for example <a href='https://flathub.org/apps/details/com.obsproject.Studio'>our Flatpak version</a> or your operating system's packages."
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
# warning when closing docks. it's frustrating that we actually need this.
DockCloseWarning.Title="Closing Dockable Window"
DockCloseWarning.Text="You just closed a dockable window. If you'd like to show it again, use the Docks menu on the menu bar."
# extra browser panels dialog
ExtraBrowsers="Custom Browser Docks"
2019-08-16 05:06:08 -07:00
ExtraBrowsers.Info="Add docks by giving them a name and URL, then click Apply or Close to open the docks. You can add or remove docks at any time."
ExtraBrowsers.DockName="Dock Name"
# Auth
Auth.Authing.Text="Authenticating with %1, please wait..."
Auth.AuthFailure.Title="Authentication Failure"
Auth.AuthFailure.Text="Failed to authenticate with %1:\n\n%2: %3"
Auth.InvalidScope.Title="Authentication Required"
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
Auth.InvalidScope.Text="The authentication requirements for %1 have changed. Some features may not be available."
Auth.LoadingChannel.Title="Loading channel information..."
Auth.LoadingChannel.Text="Loading channel information for %1, please wait..."
2021-06-27 15:30:00 -07:00
Auth.LoadingChannel.Error="Couldn't get channel information."
Auth.ChannelFailure.Title="Failed to load channel"
Auth.ChannelFailure.Text="Failed to load channel information for %1\n\n%2: %3"
2019-02-06 22:44:28 -08:00
2019-02-06 22:45:06 -08:00
Auth.StreamInfo="Stream Information"
TwitchAuth.Stats="Twitch Stats"
TwitchAuth.Feed="Twitch Activity Feed"
TwitchAuth.TwoFactorFail.Title="Could not query stream key"
TwitchAuth.TwoFactorFail.Text="OBS was unable to connect to your Twitch account. Please make sure two-factor authentication is set up in your <a href='https://www.twitch.tv/settings/security'>Twitch security settings</a> as this is required to stream."
RestreamAuth.Channels="Restream Channels"
# copy filters
Copy.Filters="Copy Filters"
Paste.Filters="Paste Filters"
# browser initialization dialog
BrowserPanelInit.Title="Initializing Browser..."
BrowserPanelInit.Text="Initializing browser, please wait..."
# bandwidth test
BandwidthTest.Region.US="United States"
# auto config wizard
Basic.AutoConfig="Auto-Configuration Wizard"
Basic.AutoConfig.ApplySettings="Apply Settings"
Basic.AutoConfig.StartPage="Usage Information"
Basic.AutoConfig.StartPage.SubTitle="Specify what you want to use the program for"
Basic.AutoConfig.StartPage.PrioritizeStreaming="Optimize for streaming, recording is secondary"
Basic.AutoConfig.StartPage.PrioritizeRecording="Optimize just for recording, I will not be streaming"
Basic.AutoConfig.StartPage.PrioritizeVirtualCam="I will only be using the virtual camera"
Basic.AutoConfig.VideoPage="Video Settings"
Basic.AutoConfig.VideoPage.SubTitle="Specify the video settings you would like to use"
Basic.AutoConfig.VideoPage.BaseResolution.UseCurrent="Use Current (%1x%2)"
Basic.AutoConfig.VideoPage.BaseResolution.Display="Display %1 (%2x%3)"
Basic.AutoConfig.VideoPage.FPS.UseCurrent="Use Current (%1)"
Basic.AutoConfig.VideoPage.FPS.PreferHighFPS="Either 60 or 30, but prefer 60 when possible"
Basic.AutoConfig.VideoPage.FPS.PreferHighRes="Either 60 or 30, but prefer high resolution"
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
Basic.AutoConfig.VideoPage.CanvasExplanation="Note: The canvas (base) resolution is not necessarily the same as the resolution you will stream or record with. Your actual stream/recording resolution may be scaled down from the canvas resolution to reduce resource usage or bitrate requirements."
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage="Stream Information"
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.SubTitle="Please enter your stream information"
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.ConnectAccount="Connect Account (recommended)"
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.DisconnectAccount="Disconnect Account"
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.DisconnectAccount.Confirm.Title="Disconnect Account?"
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.DisconnectAccount.Confirm.Text="This change will apply immediately. Are you sure you want to disconnect your account?"
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.GetStreamKey="Get Stream Key"
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.MoreInfo="More Info"
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.UseStreamKey="Use Stream Key"
2021-06-27 15:30:00 -07:00
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.UseStreamKeyAdvanced="Use Stream Key (advanced)"
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.Service.ShowAll="Show All..."
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.StreamKey="Stream Key"
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.EncoderKey="Encoder Key"
2021-06-27 15:30:00 -07:00
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.ConnectedAccount="Connected account"
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.PerformBandwidthTest="Estimate bitrate with bandwidth test (may take a few minutes)"
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.PreferHardwareEncoding="Prefer hardware encoding"
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.PreferHardwareEncoding.ToolTip="Hardware Encoding eliminates most CPU usage, but may require more bitrate to obtain the same level of quality."
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.StreamWarning.Title="Stream warning"
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.StreamWarning.Text="The bandwidth test is about to stream randomized video data without audio to your channel. If you're able, it's recommended to temporarily turn off saving videos of streams and set the stream to private until after the test has completed. Continue?"
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage="Final Results"
2021-02-27 05:21:20 -08:00
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.SubTitle.Testing="The program is now executing a set of tests to estimate the ideal settings"
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.SubTitle.Complete="Testing complete"
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.TestingBandwidth="Performing bandwidth test, this may take a few minutes..."
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.TestingBandwidth.Connecting="Connecting to: %1..."
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.TestingBandwidth.ConnectFailed="Failed to connect to any servers, please check your internet connection and try again."
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.TestingBandwidth.Server="Testing bandwidth for: %1"
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.TestingStreamEncoder="Testing stream encoder, this may take a minute..."
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.TestingRecordingEncoder="Testing recording encoder, this may take a minute..."
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.TestingRes="Testing resolutions, this may take a few minutes..."
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.TestingRes.Fail="Failed to start up encoder"
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.TestingRes.Resolution="Testing %1x%2 %3 FPS..."
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.Result.StreamingEncoder="Streaming Encoder"
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.Result.RecordingEncoder="Recording Encoder"
2021-03-01 18:27:56 -08:00
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.Result.Header="The program has determined that these estimated settings are ideal for you:"
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.Result.Footer="To use these settings, click Apply Settings. To reconfigure the wizard and try again, click Back. To manually configure settings yourself, click Cancel and open Settings."
Basic.AutoConfig.Info="The auto-configuration wizard will determine the best settings based on your computer specs and internet speed."
Basic.AutoConfig.RunAnytime="This can be run at any time by going to the Tools menu."
# stats
Basic.Stats.CPUUsage="CPU Usage"
2019-03-09 01:25:01 -08:00
Basic.Stats.HDDSpaceAvailable="Disk space available"
Basic.Stats.MemoryUsage="Memory Usage"
Basic.Stats.AverageTimeToRender="Average time to render frame"
Basic.Stats.SkippedFrames="Skipped frames due to encoding lag"
Basic.Stats.MissedFrames="Frames missed due to rendering lag"
Basic.Stats.DroppedFrames="Dropped Frames (Network)"
Basic.Stats.MegabytesSent="Total Data Output"
Basic.Stats.DiskFullIn="Disk full in (approx.)"
2019-10-15 21:20:35 -07:00
Basic.Stats.ResetStats="Reset Stats"
ResetUIWarning.Title="Are you sure you want to reset the UI?"
ResetUIWarning.Text="Resetting the UI will hide additional docks. You will need to unhide these docks from the Docks menu if you want them to be visible.\n\nAre you sure you want to reset the UI?"
2017-02-20 04:46:29 -08:00
# updater
Updater.Title="New update available"
Updater.Text="There is a new update available:"
Updater.UpdateNow="Update Now"
Updater.RemindMeLater="Remind me Later"
Updater.Skip="Skip Version"
Updater.Running.Title="Program currently active"
Updater.Running.Text="Outputs are currently active, please shut down any active outputs before attempting to update"
Updater.NoUpdatesAvailable.Title="No updates available"
Updater.NoUpdatesAvailable.Text="No updates are currently available"
2022-04-12 01:10:00 -07:00
Updater.RepairButUpdatesAvailable.Title="Integrity Check Unavailable"
Updater.RepairButUpdatesAvailable.Text="Checking file integrity is only possible for the latest version available. Use Help → Check For Updates to verify and update your OBS installation."
Updater.RepairConfirm.Title="Confirm Integrity Check"
Updater.RepairConfirm.Text="Starting the integrity check will scan your OBS installation for corruption and redownload broken/modified files. This may take a moment.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?"
2017-02-20 04:46:29 -08:00
Updater.FailedToLaunch="Failed to launch updater"
Updater.GameCaptureActive.Title="Game capture active"
Updater.GameCaptureActive.Text="Game capture hook library is currently in use. Please close any games/programs being captured (or restart Windows) and try again."
2017-02-20 04:46:29 -08:00
# quick transitions
QuickTransitions.SwapScenes="Swap Preview/Program Scenes After Transitioning"
QuickTransitions.SwapScenesTT="Swaps the preview and program scenes after transitioning (if the program's original scene still exists).\nThis will not undo any changes that may have been made to the program's original scene."
QuickTransitions.DuplicateScene="Duplicate Scene"
QuickTransitions.DuplicateSceneTT="When editing the same scene, allows editing transform/visibility of sources without modifying the program output.\nTo edit properties of sources without modifying the program output, enable 'Duplicate Sources'.\nChanging this value will reset the current program scene (if it still exists)."
QuickTransitions.EditProperties="Duplicate Sources"
QuickTransitions.EditPropertiesTT="When editing the same scene, allows editing properties of sources without modifying the program output.\nThis can only be used if 'Duplicate Scene' is enabled.\nCertain sources (such as capture or media sources) do not support this and cannot be edited separately.\nChanging this value will reset the current program scene (if it still exists).\n\nWarning: Because sources will be duplicated, this may require extra system or video resources."
QuickTransitions.HotkeyName="Quick Transition: %1"
# transitions
2016-02-27 02:50:04 -08:00
Basic.AddTransition="Add Configurable Transition"
Basic.RemoveTransition="Remove Configurable Transition"
Basic.TransitionProperties="Transition Properties"
Basic.SceneTransitions="Scene Transitions"
Basic.TogglePreviewProgramMode="Studio Mode"
# undo
Undo.Add="Add '%1'"
Undo.Delete="Delete '%1'"
Undo.Rename="Rename '%1'"
Undo.SceneCollection.Switch="Switch to '%1'"
Undo.Item.Undo="Undo %1"
Undo.Item.Redo="Redo %1"
Undo.Sources.Multi="Delete %1 Sources"
Undo.Filters="Filter Changes on '%1'"
Undo.Filters.Paste.Single="Paste Filter '%1' to '%2'"
Undo.Filters.Paste.Multiple="Copy Filters from '%1' to '%2'"
Undo.Transform="Transform source(s) In '%1'"
Undo.Transform.Paste="Paste Transformation in '%1'"
Undo.Transform.Rotate="Rotation In '%1'"
Undo.Transform.Reset="Transform Reset In '%1'"
Undo.Transform.HFlip="Horizontal Flip In '%1'"
Undo.Transform.VFlip="Vertical Flip In '%1'"
2021-03-30 04:35:36 -07:00
Undo.Transform.FitToScreen="Fit to Screen In '%1'"
Undo.Transform.StretchToScreen="Stretch to Screen in '%1'"
Undo.Transform.Center="Center to Screen in '%1'"
Undo.Transform.VCenter="Vertical Center to Screen in '%1'"
Undo.Transform.HCenter="Horizontal Center to Screen in '%1'"
Undo.Volume.Change="Volume Change on '%1'"
Undo.Volume.Mute="Mute '%1'"
Undo.Volume.Unmute="Unmute '%1'"
Undo.Balance.Change="Audio Balance Change on '%1'"
Undo.SyncOffset.Change="Audio Sync Offset Change on '%1'"
Undo.MonitoringType.Change="Change Audio Monitoring on '%1'"
Undo.Mixers.Change="Change Audio Mixers on '%1'"
Undo.ForceMono.On="Enable Force Mono on '%1'"
Undo.ForceMono.Off="Disable Force Mono on '%1'"
Undo.Properties="Property Change on '%1'"
Undo.Scene.Duplicate="Duplicate Scene '%1'"
Undo.ShowTransition="Show Transition on '%1'"
Undo.HideTransition="Hide Transition on '%1'"
Undo.ShowSceneItem="Show '%1' in '%2'"
Undo.HideSceneItem="Hide '%1' in '%2'"
Undo.ReorderSources="Reorder sources in '%1'"
Undo.MoveUp="Move '%1' up in '%2'"
Undo.MoveDown="Move '%1' down in '%2'"
Undo.MoveToTop="Move '%1' to top in '%2'"
Undo.MoveToBottom="Move '%1' to bottom in '%2'"
2021-05-12 22:07:40 -07:00
Undo.PasteSource="Paste Source(s) in '%1'"
Undo.PasteSourceRef="Paste Source Reference(s) in '%1'"
Undo.GroupItems="Group Items into '%1'"
2016-02-27 02:50:04 -08:00
# transition name dialog
TransitionNameDlg.Text="Please enter the name of the transition"
TransitionNameDlg.Title="Transition Name"
# title bar strings
# "name already exists" dialog box
NameExists.Title="Name already exists"
NameExists.Text="The name is already in use."
NoNameEntered.Title="Please enter a valid name"
NoNameEntered.Text="You cannot use empty names."
# confirm start stream dialog box
ConfirmStart.Title="Start Stream?"
ConfirmStart.Text="Are you sure you want to start the stream?"
# confirm stop stream dialog box
ConfirmStop.Title="Stop Stream?"
ConfirmStop.Text="Are you sure you want to stop the stream?"
# confirm stop record dialog box
ConfirmStopRecord.Title="Stop Recording?"
ConfirmStopRecord.Text="Are you sure you want to stop recording?"
# confirm bandwidth test dialog box
ConfirmBWTest.Title="Start Bandwidth Test?"
ConfirmBWTest.Text="You have OBS configured in bandwidth test mode. This mode allows for network testing without your channel going live. Once you are done testing, you will need to disable it in order for viewers to be able to see your stream.\n\nDo you want to continue?"
# confirm exit dialog box
ConfirmExit.Title="Exit OBS?"
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
ConfirmExit.Text="OBS is currently active. All streams/recordings will be shut down. Are you sure you wish to exit?"
# confirm delete dialog box
ConfirmRemove.Title="Confirm Remove"
ConfirmRemove.Text="Are you sure you wish to remove '%1'?"
ConfirmRemove.TextMultiple="Are you sure you wish to remove %1 items?"
# output start messages
Output.StartStreamFailed="Failed to start streaming"
Output.StartRecordingFailed="Failed to start recording"
Output.StartReplayFailed="Failed to start replay buffer"
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
Output.StartFailedGeneric="Starting the output failed. Please check the log for details.\n\nNote: If you are using the NVENC or AMD encoders, make sure your video drivers are up to date."
# replay buffer + pause warning message
Output.ReplayBuffer.PauseWarning.Title="Cannot save replays while paused"
Output.ReplayBuffer.PauseWarning.Text="Warning: Replays cannot be saved while recording is paused."
# output connect messages
Output.ConnectFail.Title="Failed to connect"
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
Output.ConnectFail.BadPath="Invalid Path or Connection URL. Please check your settings to confirm that they are valid."
Output.ConnectFail.ConnectFailed="Failed to connect to server"
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
Output.ConnectFail.InvalidStream="Could not access the specified channel or stream key, please double-check your stream key. If it is correct, there may be a problem connecting to the server."
Output.ConnectFail.Error="An unexpected error occurred when trying to connect to the server. More information in the log file."
Output.ConnectFail.Disconnected="Disconnected from server."
# output streaming-related messages
Output.StreamEncodeError.Title="Encoding error"
Output.StreamEncodeError.Msg="An encoder error occurred while streaming."
Output.StreamEncodeError.Msg.LastError="An encoder error occurred while streaming:\n\n%1"
# output recording-related messages
Output.RecordFail.Title="Failed to start recording"
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
Output.RecordFail.Unsupported="The output format is either unsupported or does not support more than one audio track. Please check your settings and try again."
Output.RecordNoSpace.Title="Insufficient disk space"
Output.RecordNoSpace.Msg="There is not sufficient disk space to continue recording."
Output.RecordError.Title="Recording error"
Output.RecordError.Msg="An unspecified error occurred while recording."
Output.RecordError.EncodeErrorMsg="An encoder error occurred while recording."
Output.RecordError.EncodeErrorMsg.LastError="An encoder error occurred while recording:\n\n%1"
# output recording messages
Output.BadPath.Title="Bad File Path"
# "Recording Path" should match Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.SavePath
Output.BadPath.Text="The configured Recording Path could not be opened. Please check your Recording Path under Settings → Output → Recording."
# broadcast setup messages
Output.NoBroadcast.Title="No Broadcast Configured"
Output.NoBroadcast.Text="You need to set up a broadcast before you can start streaming."
Output.BroadcastStartFailed="Failed to start broadcast"
Output.BroadcastStopFailed="Failed to stop broadcast"
# log upload dialog text and messages
LogReturnDialog="Log Upload Successful"
LogReturnDialog.Description="Your log file has been uploaded. You can now share the URL for debugging or support purposes."
LogReturnDialog.Description.Crash="Your crash report has been uploaded. You can now share the URL for debugging purposes."
LogReturnDialog.CopyURL="Copy URL"
LogReturnDialog.ErrorUploadingLog="Error uploading log file"
# remux dialog
Remux.SourceFile="OBS Recording"
Remux.TargetFile="Target File"
Remux.Stop="Stop Remuxing"
Remux.ClearFinished="Clear Finished Items"
Remux.ClearAll="Clear All Items"
Remux.OBSRecording="OBS Recording"
Remux.FinishedTitle="Remuxing finished"
Remux.Finished="Recording remuxed"
Remux.FinishedError="Recording remuxed, but the file may be incomplete"
Remux.SelectRecording="Select OBS Recording..."
Remux.SelectTarget="Select target file..."
Remux.FileExistsTitle="Target files exist"
Remux.FileExists="The following target files already exist. Do you want to replace them?"
Remux.ExitUnfinishedTitle="Remuxing in progress"
Remux.ExitUnfinished="Remuxing is not finished, stopping now may render the target file unusable.\nAre you sure you want to stop remuxing?"
Remux.HelpText="Drop files in this window to remux, or select an empty \"OBS Recording\" cell to browse for a file."
2020-02-18 00:06:17 -08:00
# missing file dialog
MissingFiles="Missing Files"
MissingFiles.MissingFile="Missing File"
MissingFiles.NewFile="New File"
2021-02-02 06:13:51 -08:00
MissingFiles.HelpText="Some files are missing since you last used OBS."
2020-02-18 00:06:17 -08:00
MissingFiles.NumFound="Found %1 of %2"
2020-02-18 00:06:17 -08:00
MissingFiles.Search="Search Directory..."
MissingFiles.SelectFile="Select file..."
MissingFiles.SelectDir="Select Folder to Search in"
MissingFiles.AutoSearch="Additional file matches found"
MissingFiles.AutoSearchText="OBS has found additional matches for missing files in that directory. Would you like to add them?"
MissingFiles.NoMissing.Title="Missing Files Check"
MissingFiles.NoMissing.Text="No files appear to be missing."
2020-02-18 00:06:17 -08:00
# macOS permissions dialog
MacPermissions.Title="Review App Permissions"
MacPermissions.Description="OBS Studio requires your permission to be able to provide certain features. It is recommended to enable these permissions, but they are not required to use the app. You can always enable them later."
MacPermissions.Description.OpenDialog="You can re-open this dialog via the OBS Studio menu."
MacPermissions.AccessGranted="Access Granted"
MacPermissions.RequestAccess="Request Access"
MacPermissions.OpenPreferences="Open %1 Preferences"
MacPermissions.Item.ScreenRecording="Screen Recording"
MacPermissions.Item.ScreenRecording.Details="OBS requires this permission to be able to capture your screen."
MacPermissions.Item.Camera.Details="This permission is needed in order to capture content from a webcam or capture card."
MacPermissions.Item.Microphone.Details="OBS requires this permission if you want to capture your microphone."
MacPermissions.Item.Accessibility.Details="For keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys) to work while other apps are focused, please enable this permission."
2014-07-13 23:56:28 -07:00
# update dialog
UpdateAvailable="New Update Available"
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
UpdateAvailable.Text="Version %1.%2.%3 is now available. <a href='%4'>Click here to download</a>"
2014-07-13 23:56:28 -07:00
# audio device names
Basic.DesktopDevice1="Desktop Audio"
Basic.DesktopDevice2="Desktop Audio 2"
Basic.AuxDevice2="Mic/Aux 2"
Basic.AuxDevice3="Mic/Aux 3"
Basic.AuxDevice4="Mic/Aux 4"
# startup scene/capture
Basic.DisplayCapture="Display Capture"
# display context menu
Basic.Main.PreviewConextMenu.Enable="Enable Preview"
2019-03-04 15:29:37 -08:00
# disable preview
Basic.Main.Preview.Disable="Disable Preview"
# scale filtering
ScaleFiltering="Scale Filtering"
# blending methods
BlendingMethod="Blending Method"
BlendingMethod.SrgbOff="SRGB Off"
# blending modes
BlendingMode="Blending Mode"
# deinterlacing
Deinterlacing.Blend2x="Blend 2x"
Deinterlacing.Linear2x="Linear 2x"
Deinterlacing.Yadif2x="Yadif 2x"
Deinterlacing.TopFieldFirst="Top Field First"
Deinterlacing.BottomFieldFirst="Bottom Field First"
# volume control accessibility text
VolControl.SliderUnmuted="Volume slider for '%1':"
VolControl.SliderMuted="Volume slider for '%1': (currently muted)"
VolControl.Mute="Mute '%1'"
VolControl.Properties="Properties for '%1'"
# add scene dialog
Basic.Main.AddSceneDlg.Title="Add Scene"
Basic.Main.AddSceneDlg.Text="Please enter the name of the scene"
# add scene suggested name
Basic.Main.DefaultSceneName.Text="Scene %1"
# add scene collection dialog
Basic.Main.AddSceneCollection.Title="Add Scene Collection"
Basic.Main.AddSceneCollection.Text="Please enter the name of the scene collection"
# rename scene collection dialog
Basic.Main.RenameSceneCollection.Title="Rename Scene Collection"
# add profile dialog
AddProfile.Title="Add Profile"
AddProfile.Text="Please enter the name of the profile"
AddProfile.WizardCheckbox="Show auto-configuration wizard"
# rename profile dialog
RenameProfile.Title="Rename Profile"
# rename audio source in mixer
Basic.Main.MixerRename.Title="Rename Audio Source"
Basic.Main.MixerRename.Text="Please enter the name of the audio source"
# preview window disabled
Basic.Main.PreviewDisabled="Preview is currently disabled"
# add source dialog
2014-07-13 13:09:56 -07:00
Basic.SourceSelect="Create/Select Source"
Basic.SourceSelect.CreateNew="Create new"
Basic.SourceSelect.AddExisting="Add Existing"
Basic.SourceSelect.AddVisible="Make source visible"
# source box
Basic.Main.Sources.VisibilityDescription="Controls the visibility of '%1' in the canvas"
Basic.Main.Sources.LockDescription="Locks the position and scale of '%1' in the canvas"
# properties window
2014-07-12 02:08:51 -07:00
Basic.PropertiesWindow="Properties for '%1'"
Basic.PropertiesWindow.AutoSelectFormat="%1 (autoselect: %2)"
2014-07-19 12:00:14 -07:00
Basic.PropertiesWindow.SelectColor="Select color"
Basic.PropertiesWindow.SelectFont="Select font"
Basic.PropertiesWindow.ConfirmTitle="Settings Changed"
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
Basic.PropertiesWindow.Confirm="There are unsaved changes. Do you want to keep them?"
Basic.PropertiesWindow.NoProperties="No properties available"
Basic.PropertiesWindow.AddFiles="Add Files"
Basic.PropertiesWindow.AddDir="Add Directory"
Basic.PropertiesWindow.AddURL="Add Path/URL"
Basic.PropertiesWindow.AddEditableListDir="Add directory to '%1'"
Basic.PropertiesWindow.AddEditableListFiles="Add files to '%1'"
Basic.PropertiesWindow.AddEditableListEntry="Add entry to '%1'"
Basic.PropertiesWindow.EditEditableListEntry="Edit entry from '%1'"
# properties view
Basic.PropertiesView.FPS.Simple="Simple FPS Values"
Basic.PropertiesView.FPS.Rational="Rational FPS Values"
Basic.PropertiesView.FPS.ValidFPSRanges="Valid FPS Ranges:"
Basic.PropertiesView.UrlButton.Text="Open this link in your default web browser?"
Basic.PropertiesView.UrlButton.Text.Url="URL: %1"
Basic.PropertiesView.UrlButton.OpenUrl="Open URL"
2014-09-15 16:16:16 -07:00
# interaction window
Basic.InteractionWindow="Interacting with '%1'"
# status bar
Basic.StatusBar.Reconnecting="Disconnected, reconnecting in %2 second(s) (attempt %1)"
Basic.StatusBar.AttemptingReconnect="Attempting to reconnect... (attempt %1)"
Basic.StatusBar.ReconnectSuccessful="Reconnection successful"
Basic.StatusBar.Delay="Delay (%1 sec)"
Basic.StatusBar.DelayStartingIn="Delay (starting in %1 sec)"
Basic.StatusBar.DelayStoppingIn="Delay (stopping in %1 sec)"
Basic.StatusBar.DelayStartingStoppingIn="Delay (stopping in %1 sec, starting in %2 sec)"
Basic.StatusBar.RecordingSavedTo="Recording saved to '%1'"
Basic.StatusBar.ReplayBufferSavedTo="Replay buffer saved to '%1'"
Basic.StatusBar.ScreenshotSavedTo="Screenshot saved to '%1'"
Basic.StatusBar.AutoRemuxedTo="Recording auto remuxed to '%1'"
2015-02-25 21:23:57 -08:00
# filters window
Basic.Filters.AsyncFilters="Audio/Video Filters"
Basic.Filters.AudioFilters="Audio Filters"
Basic.Filters.EffectFilters="Effect Filters"
Basic.Filters.Title="Filters for '%1'"
Basic.Filters.AddFilter.Title="Filter name"
Basic.Filters.AddFilter.Text="Please specify the name of the filter"
UI: Add scene editing So, scene editing was interesting (and by interesting I mean excruciating). I almost implemented 'manipulator' visuals (ala 3dsmax for example), and used 3 modes for controlling position/rotation/size, but in a 2D editing, it felt clunky, so I defaulted back to simply click-and-drag for movement, and then took a similar though slightly different looking approach for handling scaling and reszing. I also added a number of menu item helpers related to positioning, scaling, rotating, flipping, and resetting the transform back to default. There is also a new 'transform' dialog (accessible via menu) which will allow you to manually edit every single transform variable of a scene item directly if desired. If a scene item does not have bounds active, pulling on the sides of a source will cause it to resize it via base scale rather than by the bounding box system (if the source resizes that scale will apply). If bounds are active, it will modify the bounding box only instead. How a source scales when a bounding box is active depends on the type of bounds being used. You can set it to scale to the inner bounds, the outer bounds, scale to bounds width only, scale to bounds height only, and a setting to stretch to bounds (which forces a source to always draw at the bounding box size rather than be affected by its internal size). You can also set it to be used as a 'maximum' size, so that the source doesn't necessarily get scaled unless it extends beyond the bounds. Like in OBS1, objects will snap to the edges unless the control key is pressed. However, this will now happen even if the object is rotated or oriented in any strange way. Snapping will also occur when stretching or changing the bounding box size.
2014-06-15 00:54:48 -07:00
# transform window
Basic.TransformWindow="Scene Item Transform"
Basic.TransformWindow.PositionX="Position X"
Basic.TransformWindow.PositionY="Position Y"
UI: Add scene editing So, scene editing was interesting (and by interesting I mean excruciating). I almost implemented 'manipulator' visuals (ala 3dsmax for example), and used 3 modes for controlling position/rotation/size, but in a 2D editing, it felt clunky, so I defaulted back to simply click-and-drag for movement, and then took a similar though slightly different looking approach for handling scaling and reszing. I also added a number of menu item helpers related to positioning, scaling, rotating, flipping, and resetting the transform back to default. There is also a new 'transform' dialog (accessible via menu) which will allow you to manually edit every single transform variable of a scene item directly if desired. If a scene item does not have bounds active, pulling on the sides of a source will cause it to resize it via base scale rather than by the bounding box system (if the source resizes that scale will apply). If bounds are active, it will modify the bounding box only instead. How a source scales when a bounding box is active depends on the type of bounds being used. You can set it to scale to the inner bounds, the outer bounds, scale to bounds width only, scale to bounds height only, and a setting to stretch to bounds (which forces a source to always draw at the bounding box size rather than be affected by its internal size). You can also set it to be used as a 'maximum' size, so that the source doesn't necessarily get scaled unless it extends beyond the bounds. Like in OBS1, objects will snap to the edges unless the control key is pressed. However, this will now happen even if the object is rotated or oriented in any strange way. Snapping will also occur when stretching or changing the bounding box size.
2014-06-15 00:54:48 -07:00
UI: Add scene editing So, scene editing was interesting (and by interesting I mean excruciating). I almost implemented 'manipulator' visuals (ala 3dsmax for example), and used 3 modes for controlling position/rotation/size, but in a 2D editing, it felt clunky, so I defaulted back to simply click-and-drag for movement, and then took a similar though slightly different looking approach for handling scaling and reszing. I also added a number of menu item helpers related to positioning, scaling, rotating, flipping, and resetting the transform back to default. There is also a new 'transform' dialog (accessible via menu) which will allow you to manually edit every single transform variable of a scene item directly if desired. If a scene item does not have bounds active, pulling on the sides of a source will cause it to resize it via base scale rather than by the bounding box system (if the source resizes that scale will apply). If bounds are active, it will modify the bounding box only instead. How a source scales when a bounding box is active depends on the type of bounds being used. You can set it to scale to the inner bounds, the outer bounds, scale to bounds width only, scale to bounds height only, and a setting to stretch to bounds (which forces a source to always draw at the bounding box size rather than be affected by its internal size). You can also set it to be used as a 'maximum' size, so that the source doesn't necessarily get scaled unless it extends beyond the bounds. Like in OBS1, objects will snap to the edges unless the control key is pressed. However, this will now happen even if the object is rotated or oriented in any strange way. Snapping will also occur when stretching or changing the bounding box size.
2014-06-15 00:54:48 -07:00
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment="Positional Alignment"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsType="Bounding Box Type"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsAlignment="Alignment in Bounding Box"
Basic.TransformWindow.Bounds="Bounding Box Size"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsWidth="Bounding Box Width"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsHeight="Bounding Box Height"
2016-03-31 10:12:13 -07:00
Basic.TransformWindow.CropLeft="Crop Left"
Basic.TransformWindow.CropRight="Crop Right"
Basic.TransformWindow.CropTop="Crop Top"
Basic.TransformWindow.CropBottom="Crop Bottom"
UI: Add scene editing So, scene editing was interesting (and by interesting I mean excruciating). I almost implemented 'manipulator' visuals (ala 3dsmax for example), and used 3 modes for controlling position/rotation/size, but in a 2D editing, it felt clunky, so I defaulted back to simply click-and-drag for movement, and then took a similar though slightly different looking approach for handling scaling and reszing. I also added a number of menu item helpers related to positioning, scaling, rotating, flipping, and resetting the transform back to default. There is also a new 'transform' dialog (accessible via menu) which will allow you to manually edit every single transform variable of a scene item directly if desired. If a scene item does not have bounds active, pulling on the sides of a source will cause it to resize it via base scale rather than by the bounding box system (if the source resizes that scale will apply). If bounds are active, it will modify the bounding box only instead. How a source scales when a bounding box is active depends on the type of bounds being used. You can set it to scale to the inner bounds, the outer bounds, scale to bounds width only, scale to bounds height only, and a setting to stretch to bounds (which forces a source to always draw at the bounding box size rather than be affected by its internal size). You can also set it to be used as a 'maximum' size, so that the source doesn't necessarily get scaled unless it extends beyond the bounds. Like in OBS1, objects will snap to the edges unless the control key is pressed. However, this will now happen even if the object is rotated or oriented in any strange way. Snapping will also occur when stretching or changing the bounding box size.
2014-06-15 00:54:48 -07:00
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment.TopLeft="Top Left"
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment.TopCenter="Top Center"
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment.TopRight="Top Right"
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment.CenterLeft="Center Left"
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment.CenterRight="Center Right"
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment.BottomLeft="Bottom Left"
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment.BottomCenter="Bottom Center"
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment.BottomRight="Bottom Right"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsType.None="No bounds"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsType.MaxOnly="Maximum size only"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsType.ScaleInner="Scale to inner bounds"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsType.ScaleOuter="Scale to outer bounds"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsType.ScaleToWidth="Scale to width of bounds"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsType.ScaleToHeight="Scale to height of bounds"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsType.Stretch="Stretch to bounds"
Basic.TransformWindow.Title="Edit Transform for '%1'"
Basic.TransformWindow.NoSelectedSource="No source selected"
# no scene warning
Basic.Main.AddSourceHelp.Title="Cannot Add Source"
Basic.Main.AddSourceHelp.Text="You need to have at least 1 scene to add a source."
# basic mode main window
2020-02-18 00:06:17 -08:00
Basic.Main.StartRecording="Start Recording"
Basic.Main.StartReplayBuffer="Start Replay Buffer"
Basic.Main.SaveReplay="Save Replay"
Basic.Main.StartStreaming="Start Streaming"
Basic.Main.StartBroadcast="Go Live"
Basic.Main.StartVirtualCam="Start Virtual Camera"
Basic.Main.StopRecording="Stop Recording"
Basic.Main.PauseRecording="Pause Recording"
Basic.Main.UnpauseRecording="Unpause Recording"
Basic.Main.SplitFile="Split Recording File"
Basic.Main.StoppingRecording="Stopping Recording..."
Basic.Main.StopReplayBuffer="Stop Replay Buffer"
Basic.Main.StoppingReplayBuffer="Stopping Replay Buffer..."
Basic.Main.SetupBroadcast="Manage Broadcast"
Basic.Main.StopStreaming="Stop Streaming"
Basic.Main.StopBroadcast="End Broadcast"
Basic.Main.AutoStopEnabled="(Auto Stop)"
Basic.Main.StoppingStreaming="Stopping Stream..."
Basic.Main.ForceStopStreaming="Stop Streaming (discard delay)"
Basic.Main.ShowContextBar="Show Source Toolbar"
Basic.Main.HideContextBar="Hide Source Toolbar"
Basic.Main.StopVirtualCam="Stop Virtual Camera"
2018-06-02 09:45:01 -07:00
Basic.Main.Group="Group %1"
Basic.Main.GroupItems="Group Selected Items"
Basic.Main.GridMode="Grid Mode"
Basic.Main.ListMode="List Mode"
# virtual camera configuration
Basic.Main.VirtualCamConfig="Configure Virtual Camera"
Basic.VCam.VirtualCamera="Virtual Camera"
Basic.VCam.OutputType="Output Type"
Basic.VCam.OutputSelection="Output Selection"
Basic.VCam.InternalDefault="Program Output (Default)"
Basic.VCam.InternalPreview="Preview Output"
# basic mode file menu
Basic.MainMenu.File.ShowRecordings="Show &Recordings"
Basic.MainMenu.File.Remux="Re&mux Recordings"
Basic.MainMenu.File.ShowSettingsFolder="Show Settings Folder"
Basic.MainMenu.File.ShowProfileFolder="Show Profile Folder"
Basic.MainMenu.File.ShowMissingFiles="Check for Missing Files"
Basic.MainMenu.AlwaysOnTop="&Always On Top"
UI: Add scene editing So, scene editing was interesting (and by interesting I mean excruciating). I almost implemented 'manipulator' visuals (ala 3dsmax for example), and used 3 modes for controlling position/rotation/size, but in a 2D editing, it felt clunky, so I defaulted back to simply click-and-drag for movement, and then took a similar though slightly different looking approach for handling scaling and reszing. I also added a number of menu item helpers related to positioning, scaling, rotating, flipping, and resetting the transform back to default. There is also a new 'transform' dialog (accessible via menu) which will allow you to manually edit every single transform variable of a scene item directly if desired. If a scene item does not have bounds active, pulling on the sides of a source will cause it to resize it via base scale rather than by the bounding box system (if the source resizes that scale will apply). If bounds are active, it will modify the bounding box only instead. How a source scales when a bounding box is active depends on the type of bounds being used. You can set it to scale to the inner bounds, the outer bounds, scale to bounds width only, scale to bounds height only, and a setting to stretch to bounds (which forces a source to always draw at the bounding box size rather than be affected by its internal size). You can also set it to be used as a 'maximum' size, so that the source doesn't necessarily get scaled unless it extends beyond the bounds. Like in OBS1, objects will snap to the edges unless the control key is pressed. However, this will now happen even if the object is rotated or oriented in any strange way. Snapping will also occur when stretching or changing the bounding box size.
2014-06-15 00:54:48 -07:00
# basic mode edit menu
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.LockPreview="&Lock Preview"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Scale="Preview &Scaling"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Scale.Window="Scale to Window"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Scale.Canvas="Canvas (%1x%2)"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Scale.Output="Output (%1x%2)"
UI: Add scene editing So, scene editing was interesting (and by interesting I mean excruciating). I almost implemented 'manipulator' visuals (ala 3dsmax for example), and used 3 modes for controlling position/rotation/size, but in a 2D editing, it felt clunky, so I defaulted back to simply click-and-drag for movement, and then took a similar though slightly different looking approach for handling scaling and reszing. I also added a number of menu item helpers related to positioning, scaling, rotating, flipping, and resetting the transform back to default. There is also a new 'transform' dialog (accessible via menu) which will allow you to manually edit every single transform variable of a scene item directly if desired. If a scene item does not have bounds active, pulling on the sides of a source will cause it to resize it via base scale rather than by the bounding box system (if the source resizes that scale will apply). If bounds are active, it will modify the bounding box only instead. How a source scales when a bounding box is active depends on the type of bounds being used. You can set it to scale to the inner bounds, the outer bounds, scale to bounds width only, scale to bounds height only, and a setting to stretch to bounds (which forces a source to always draw at the bounding box size rather than be affected by its internal size). You can also set it to be used as a 'maximum' size, so that the source doesn't necessarily get scaled unless it extends beyond the bounds. Like in OBS1, objects will snap to the edges unless the control key is pressed. However, this will now happen even if the object is rotated or oriented in any strange way. Snapping will also occur when stretching or changing the bounding box size.
2014-06-15 00:54:48 -07:00
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.EditTransform="&Edit Transform..."
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.CopyTransform="Copy Transform"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.PasteTransform="Paste Transform"
UI: Add scene editing So, scene editing was interesting (and by interesting I mean excruciating). I almost implemented 'manipulator' visuals (ala 3dsmax for example), and used 3 modes for controlling position/rotation/size, but in a 2D editing, it felt clunky, so I defaulted back to simply click-and-drag for movement, and then took a similar though slightly different looking approach for handling scaling and reszing. I also added a number of menu item helpers related to positioning, scaling, rotating, flipping, and resetting the transform back to default. There is also a new 'transform' dialog (accessible via menu) which will allow you to manually edit every single transform variable of a scene item directly if desired. If a scene item does not have bounds active, pulling on the sides of a source will cause it to resize it via base scale rather than by the bounding box system (if the source resizes that scale will apply). If bounds are active, it will modify the bounding box only instead. How a source scales when a bounding box is active depends on the type of bounds being used. You can set it to scale to the inner bounds, the outer bounds, scale to bounds width only, scale to bounds height only, and a setting to stretch to bounds (which forces a source to always draw at the bounding box size rather than be affected by its internal size). You can also set it to be used as a 'maximum' size, so that the source doesn't necessarily get scaled unless it extends beyond the bounds. Like in OBS1, objects will snap to the edges unless the control key is pressed. However, this will now happen even if the object is rotated or oriented in any strange way. Snapping will also occur when stretching or changing the bounding box size.
2014-06-15 00:54:48 -07:00
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.ResetTransform="&Reset Transform"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.Rotate90CW="Rotate 90 degrees CW"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.Rotate90CCW="Rotate 90 degrees CCW"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.Rotate180="Rotate 180 degrees"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.FlipHorizontal="Flip &Horizontal"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.FlipVertical="Flip &Vertical"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.FitToScreen="&Fit to screen"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.StretchToScreen="&Stretch to screen"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.CenterToScreen="&Center to screen"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.VerticalCenter="Center Vertically"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.HorizontalCenter="Center Horizontally"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Order.MoveUp="Move &Up"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Order.MoveDown="Move &Down"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Order.MoveToTop="Move to &Top"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Order.MoveToBottom="Move to &Bottom"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.AdvAudio="&Advanced Audio Properties"
UI: Add scene editing So, scene editing was interesting (and by interesting I mean excruciating). I almost implemented 'manipulator' visuals (ala 3dsmax for example), and used 3 modes for controlling position/rotation/size, but in a 2D editing, it felt clunky, so I defaulted back to simply click-and-drag for movement, and then took a similar though slightly different looking approach for handling scaling and reszing. I also added a number of menu item helpers related to positioning, scaling, rotating, flipping, and resetting the transform back to default. There is also a new 'transform' dialog (accessible via menu) which will allow you to manually edit every single transform variable of a scene item directly if desired. If a scene item does not have bounds active, pulling on the sides of a source will cause it to resize it via base scale rather than by the bounding box system (if the source resizes that scale will apply). If bounds are active, it will modify the bounding box only instead. How a source scales when a bounding box is active depends on the type of bounds being used. You can set it to scale to the inner bounds, the outer bounds, scale to bounds width only, scale to bounds height only, and a setting to stretch to bounds (which forces a source to always draw at the bounding box size rather than be affected by its internal size). You can also set it to be used as a 'maximum' size, so that the source doesn't necessarily get scaled unless it extends beyond the bounds. Like in OBS1, objects will snap to the edges unless the control key is pressed. However, this will now happen even if the object is rotated or oriented in any strange way. Snapping will also occur when stretching or changing the bounding box size.
2014-06-15 00:54:48 -07:00
# basic mode view menu
Basic.MainMenu.View.ListboxToolbars="Scene/Source List Buttons"
Basic.MainMenu.View.ContextBar="Source Toolbar"
Basic.MainMenu.View.SceneTransitions="S&cene Transitions"
Basic.MainMenu.View.SourceIcons="Source &Icons"
Basic.MainMenu.View.StatusBar="&Status Bar"
Basic.MainMenu.View.Fullscreen.Interface="Fullscreen Interface"
Basic.MainMenu.View.ResetUI="&Reset UI"
#basic mode docks menu
2021-12-28 06:42:11 -08:00
Basic.MainMenu.Docks.ResetDocks="&Reset Docks"
Basic.MainMenu.Docks.LockDocks="&Lock Docks"
2021-12-28 06:42:11 -08:00
Basic.MainMenu.Docks.CustomBrowserDocks="&Custom Browser Docks..."
# basic mode profile/scene collection menus
Basic.MainMenu.SceneCollection="&Scene Collection"
Basic.MainMenu.Profile.Import="Import Profile"
Basic.MainMenu.Profile.Export="Export Profile"
Basic.MainMenu.SceneCollection.Import="Import Scene Collection"
Basic.MainMenu.SceneCollection.Export="Export Scene Collection"
Basic.MainMenu.Profile.Exists="The profile already exists"
Basic.MainMenu.SceneCollection.Exists="The scene collection already exists"
# basic mode help menu
# basic mode help menu
2018-01-05 13:20:39 -08:00
Basic.MainMenu.Help.HelpPortal="Help &Portal"
Basic.MainMenu.Help.Website="Visit &Website"
Basic.MainMenu.Help.Discord="Join &Discord Server"
Basic.MainMenu.Help.Logs="&Log Files"
Basic.MainMenu.Help.Logs.ShowLogs="&Show Log Files"
Basic.MainMenu.Help.Logs.UploadCurrentLog="Upload &Current Log File"
Basic.MainMenu.Help.Logs.UploadLastLog="Upload &Previous Log File"
Basic.MainMenu.Help.Logs.ViewCurrentLog="&View Current Log"
2014-07-13 23:56:28 -07:00
Basic.MainMenu.Help.CheckForUpdates="Check For Updates"
2022-04-12 01:10:00 -07:00
Basic.MainMenu.Help.Repair="Check File Integrity"
Basic.MainMenu.Help.CrashLogs="Crash &Reports"
Basic.MainMenu.Help.CrashLogs.ShowLogs="&Show Crash Reports"
Basic.MainMenu.Help.CrashLogs.UploadLastLog="Upload &Previous Crash Report"
2018-08-17 23:13:20 -07:00
# basic mode settings dialog
Basic.Settings.ProgramRestart="The program must be restarted for these settings to take effect."
Basic.Settings.ConfirmTitle="Confirm Changes"
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
Basic.Settings.Confirm="You have unsaved changes. Save changes?"
# basic mode 'general' settings
2017-02-20 04:46:29 -08:00
Basic.Settings.General.EnableAutoUpdates="Automatically check for updates on startup"
Basic.Settings.General.OpenStatsOnStartup="Open stats dialog on startup"
Basic.Settings.General.HideOBSWindowsFromCapture="Hide OBS windows from screen capture"
Basic.Settings.General.HideOBSWindowsFromCapture.Tooltip="This setting will hide all non-projector OBS Studio windows from being captured by OBS and affects \nother applications, such as conferencing, screen sharing, remote support, screenshots, and other capture software."
Basic.Settings.General.HideOBSWindowsFromCapture.Message="Enabling this option hides all non-projector OBS Studio windows from being captured by OBS and affects other applications, such as conferencing, screen sharing, remote support, screenshots, and other capture software."
Basic.Settings.General.WarnBeforeStartingStream="Show confirmation dialog when starting streams"
Basic.Settings.General.WarnBeforeStoppingStream="Show confirmation dialog when stopping streams"
Basic.Settings.General.WarnBeforeStoppingRecord="Show confirmation dialog when stopping recording"
Basic.Settings.General.HideProjectorCursor="Hide cursor over projectors"
Basic.Settings.General.ProjectorAlwaysOnTop="Make projectors always on top"
Basic.Settings.General.Snapping="Source Alignment Snapping"
Basic.Settings.General.ScreenSnapping="Snap Sources to edge of screen"
Basic.Settings.General.CenterSnapping="Snap Sources to horizontal and vertical center"
Basic.Settings.General.SourceSnapping="Snap Sources to other sources"
Basic.Settings.General.SnapDistance="Snap Sensitivity"
Basic.Settings.General.SpacingHelpers="Show pixel alignment guides"
Basic.Settings.General.RecordWhenStreaming="Automatically record when streaming"
Basic.Settings.General.KeepRecordingWhenStreamStops="Keep recording when stream stops"
Basic.Settings.General.ReplayBufferWhileStreaming="Automatically start replay buffer when streaming"
Basic.Settings.General.KeepReplayBufferStreamStops="Keep replay buffer active when stream stops"
Basic.Settings.General.SysTray="System Tray"
Basic.Settings.General.SysTrayWhenStarted="Minimize to system tray when started"
Basic.Settings.General.SystemTrayHideMinimize="Always minimize to system tray instead of task bar"
Basic.Settings.General.SaveProjectors="Save projectors on exit"
Basic.Settings.General.CloseExistingProjectors="Limit one fullscreen projector per screen"
Basic.Settings.General.OverflowHidden="Hide overflow"
Basic.Settings.General.OverflowAlwaysVisible="Overflow always visible"
Basic.Settings.General.OverflowSelectionHidden="Show overflow even when source is invisible"
Basic.Settings.General.AutomaticCollectionSearch="Search known locations for scene collections when importing"
Basic.Settings.General.SwitchOnDoubleClick="Transition to scene when double-clicked"
Basic.Settings.General.StudioPortraitLayout="Enable portrait/vertical layout"
Basic.Settings.General.TogglePreviewProgramLabels="Show preview/program labels"
Basic.Settings.General.Multiview.MouseSwitch="Click to switch between scenes"
Basic.Settings.General.Multiview.DrawSourceNames="Show scene names"
Basic.Settings.General.Multiview.DrawSafeAreas="Draw safe areas (EBU R 95)"
2017-12-13 13:42:19 -08:00
Basic.Settings.General.MultiviewLayout="Multiview Layout"
2018-03-20 17:41:39 -07:00
Basic.Settings.General.MultiviewLayout.Horizontal.Top="Horizontal, Top (8 Scenes)"
Basic.Settings.General.MultiviewLayout.Horizontal.Bottom="Horizontal, Bottom (8 Scenes)"
Basic.Settings.General.MultiviewLayout.Vertical.Left="Vertical, Left (8 Scenes)"
Basic.Settings.General.MultiviewLayout.Vertical.Right="Vertical, Right (8 Scenes)"
Basic.Settings.General.MultiviewLayout.Horizontal.18Scene.Top="Horizontal, Top (18 Scenes)"
Basic.Settings.General.MultiviewLayout.Horizontal.Extended.Top="Horizontal, Top (24 Scenes)"
Basic.Settings.General.MultiviewLayout.4Scene="Scenes only (4 Scenes)"
Basic.Settings.General.MultiviewLayout.9Scene="Scenes only (9 Scenes)"
Basic.Settings.General.MultiviewLayout.16Scene="Scenes only (16 Scenes)"
Basic.Settings.General.MultiviewLayout.25Scene="Scenes only (25 Scenes)"
# basic mode 'stream' settings
Basic.Settings.Stream.StreamType="Stream Type"
Basic.Settings.Stream.Custom.UseAuthentication="Use authentication"
Basic.Settings.Stream.BandwidthTestMode="Enable Bandwidth Test Mode"
Basic.Settings.Stream.TTVAddon="Twitch Chat Add-Ons"
Basic.Settings.Stream.TTVAddon.Both="BetterTTV and FrankerFaceZ"
Basic.Settings.Stream.MissingSettingAlert="Missing Stream Setup"
Basic.Settings.Stream.StreamSettingsWarning="Open Settings"
Basic.Settings.Stream.MissingUrlAndApiKey="URL and Stream Key are missing.\n\nOpen settings to enter the URL and Stream Key in the 'stream' tab."
Basic.Settings.Stream.MissingUrl="Stream URL is missing.\n\nOpen settings to enter the URL in the 'Stream' tab."
Basic.Settings.Stream.MissingStreamKey="Stream key is missing.\n\nOpen settings to enter the stream key in the 'Stream' tab."
Basic.Settings.Stream.IgnoreRecommended="Ignore streaming service setting recommendations"
Basic.Settings.Stream.IgnoreRecommended.Warn.Title="Override Recommended Settings"
Basic.Settings.Stream.IgnoreRecommended.Warn.Text="Warning: Ignoring the service's limitations may result in degraded stream quality or prevent you from streaming.\n\nContinue?"
Basic.Settings.Stream.Recommended.MaxVideoBitrate="Maximum Video Bitrate: %1 kbps"
Basic.Settings.Stream.Recommended.MaxAudioBitrate="Maximum Audio Bitrate: %1 kbps"
Basic.Settings.Stream.Recommended.MaxResolution="Maximum Resolution: %1"
Basic.Settings.Stream.Recommended.MaxFPS="Maximum FPS: %1"
# basic mode 'output' settings
Basic.Settings.Output.Format="Recording Format"
Basic.Settings.Output.SelectDirectory="Select Recording Directory"
Basic.Settings.Output.SelectFile="Select Recording File"
Basic.Settings.Output.DynamicBitrate="Dynamically change bitrate to manage congestion"
Basic.Settings.Output.DynamicBitrate.Beta="Dynamically change bitrate to manage congestion (Beta)"
Basic.Settings.Output.DynamicBitrate.TT="Instead of dropping frames to reduce congestion, dynamically changes bitrate on the fly.\n\nNote that this can increase delay to viewers if there is significant sudden congestion.\nWhen the bitrate drops, it can take up to a few minutes to restore.\n\nCurrently only supported for RTMP."
Basic.Settings.Output.Mode="Output Mode"
Basic.Settings.Output.Mode.FFmpeg="FFmpeg Output"
Basic.Settings.Output.UseReplayBuffer="Enable Replay Buffer"
Basic.Settings.Output.ReplayBuffer.SecondsMax="Maximum Replay Time"
Basic.Settings.Output.ReplayBuffer.MegabytesMax="Maximum Memory (Megabytes)"
Basic.Settings.Output.ReplayBuffer.Estimate="Estimated memory usage: %1 MB"
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
Basic.Settings.Output.ReplayBuffer.EstimateUnknown="Cannot estimate memory usage. Please set maximum memory limit."
Basic.Settings.Output.ReplayBuffer.Prefix="Replay Buffer Filename Prefix"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.SavePath="Recording Path"
UI: Add recording presets to simple output So certain high-profile individuals were complaining that it was difficult to configure recording settings for quality in OBS. So, I decided to add a very easy-to-use auto-configuration for high quality encoding -- including lossless encoding. This feature will automatically configure ideal recording settings based upon a specified quality level. Recording quality presets added to simple output: - Same as stream: Copies the encoded streaming data with no extra usage hit. - High quality: uses a higher CRF value (starting at 23) if using x264. - Indistinguishable quality: uses a low CRF value (starting at 16) if using x264. - Lossless will spawn an FFmpeg output that uses huffyuv encoding. If a user tries to select lossless, they will be warned both via a dialog prompt and a warning message in the settings window to ensure they understand that it requires tremendous amounts of free space. It will always use the AVI file format. Extra Notes: - When High/Indistinguishable quality is set, it will allow you to select the recording encoder. Currently, it just allows you to select x264 (at either veryfast or ultrafast). Later on, it'll be useful to be able to set up pre-configured presets for hardware encoders once more are implemented and tested. - I decided to allow the use of x264 at both veryfast or ultrafast presets. The reasoning is two-fold: 1.) ultrafast is perfectly viable even for near indistinguishable quality as long as it has the appropriate CRF value. It's nice if you want to record but would like to or need to reduce the impact of encoding on the CPU. It will automatically compensate for the preset at the cost of larger file size. 2.) It was suggested to just always use ultrafast, but ultrafast requires 2-4x as much disk space for the same CRF (most likely due to x264 compensating for the preset). Providing veryfast is important if you really want to reduce file size and/or reduce blocking at lower quality levels. - When a recording preset is used, a secondary audio encoder is also spawned at 192 bitrate to ensure high quality audio. I chose 192 because that's the limit of the media foundation aac encoder on windows, which I want to make sure is used if available due to its high performance. - The CRF calculation is based upon resolution, quality, and whether it's set to ultrafast. First, quality sets the base CRF, 23 for "good" quality, 16 for "very high" quality. If set to ultrafast, it'll subtract 2 points from the CRF value to help compensate. Lower resolutions will also lower the CRF value to help improve higher details with a smaller pixel ratio.
2015-09-18 22:29:36 -07:00
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.RecordingQuality="Recording Quality"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.RecordingQuality.Stream="Same as stream"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.RecordingQuality.Small="High Quality, Medium File Size"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.RecordingQuality.HQ="Indistinguishable Quality, Large File Size"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.RecordingQuality.Lossless="Lossless Quality, Tremendously Large File Size"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Warn.VideoBitrate="Warning: The streaming video bitrate will be set to %1, which is the upper limit for the current streaming service."
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Warn.AudioBitrate="Warning: The streaming audio bitrate will be set to %1, which is the upper limit for the current streaming service."
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Warn.CannotPause="Warning: Recordings cannot be paused if the recording quality is set to \"Same as stream\"."
UI: Add recording presets to simple output So certain high-profile individuals were complaining that it was difficult to configure recording settings for quality in OBS. So, I decided to add a very easy-to-use auto-configuration for high quality encoding -- including lossless encoding. This feature will automatically configure ideal recording settings based upon a specified quality level. Recording quality presets added to simple output: - Same as stream: Copies the encoded streaming data with no extra usage hit. - High quality: uses a higher CRF value (starting at 23) if using x264. - Indistinguishable quality: uses a low CRF value (starting at 16) if using x264. - Lossless will spawn an FFmpeg output that uses huffyuv encoding. If a user tries to select lossless, they will be warned both via a dialog prompt and a warning message in the settings window to ensure they understand that it requires tremendous amounts of free space. It will always use the AVI file format. Extra Notes: - When High/Indistinguishable quality is set, it will allow you to select the recording encoder. Currently, it just allows you to select x264 (at either veryfast or ultrafast). Later on, it'll be useful to be able to set up pre-configured presets for hardware encoders once more are implemented and tested. - I decided to allow the use of x264 at both veryfast or ultrafast presets. The reasoning is two-fold: 1.) ultrafast is perfectly viable even for near indistinguishable quality as long as it has the appropriate CRF value. It's nice if you want to record but would like to or need to reduce the impact of encoding on the CPU. It will automatically compensate for the preset at the cost of larger file size. 2.) It was suggested to just always use ultrafast, but ultrafast requires 2-4x as much disk space for the same CRF (most likely due to x264 compensating for the preset). Providing veryfast is important if you really want to reduce file size and/or reduce blocking at lower quality levels. - When a recording preset is used, a secondary audio encoder is also spawned at 192 bitrate to ensure high quality audio. I chose 192 because that's the limit of the media foundation aac encoder on windows, which I want to make sure is used if available due to its high performance. - The CRF calculation is based upon resolution, quality, and whether it's set to ultrafast. First, quality sets the base CRF, 23 for "good" quality, 16 for "very high" quality. If set to ultrafast, it'll subtract 2 points from the CRF value to help compensate. Lower resolutions will also lower the CRF value to help improve higher details with a smaller pixel ratio.
2015-09-18 22:29:36 -07:00
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Warn.Encoder="Warning: Recording with a software encoder at a different quality than the stream will require extra CPU usage if you stream and record at the same time."
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Warn.Lossless="Warning: Lossless quality generates tremendously large file sizes! Lossless quality can use upward of 7 gigabytes of disk space per minute at high resolutions and framerates. Lossless is not recommended for long recordings unless you have a very large amount of disk space available."
UI: Add recording presets to simple output So certain high-profile individuals were complaining that it was difficult to configure recording settings for quality in OBS. So, I decided to add a very easy-to-use auto-configuration for high quality encoding -- including lossless encoding. This feature will automatically configure ideal recording settings based upon a specified quality level. Recording quality presets added to simple output: - Same as stream: Copies the encoded streaming data with no extra usage hit. - High quality: uses a higher CRF value (starting at 23) if using x264. - Indistinguishable quality: uses a low CRF value (starting at 16) if using x264. - Lossless will spawn an FFmpeg output that uses huffyuv encoding. If a user tries to select lossless, they will be warned both via a dialog prompt and a warning message in the settings window to ensure they understand that it requires tremendous amounts of free space. It will always use the AVI file format. Extra Notes: - When High/Indistinguishable quality is set, it will allow you to select the recording encoder. Currently, it just allows you to select x264 (at either veryfast or ultrafast). Later on, it'll be useful to be able to set up pre-configured presets for hardware encoders once more are implemented and tested. - I decided to allow the use of x264 at both veryfast or ultrafast presets. The reasoning is two-fold: 1.) ultrafast is perfectly viable even for near indistinguishable quality as long as it has the appropriate CRF value. It's nice if you want to record but would like to or need to reduce the impact of encoding on the CPU. It will automatically compensate for the preset at the cost of larger file size. 2.) It was suggested to just always use ultrafast, but ultrafast requires 2-4x as much disk space for the same CRF (most likely due to x264 compensating for the preset). Providing veryfast is important if you really want to reduce file size and/or reduce blocking at lower quality levels. - When a recording preset is used, a secondary audio encoder is also spawned at 192 bitrate to ensure high quality audio. I chose 192 because that's the limit of the media foundation aac encoder on windows, which I want to make sure is used if available due to its high performance. - The CRF calculation is based upon resolution, quality, and whether it's set to ultrafast. First, quality sets the base CRF, 23 for "good" quality, 16 for "very high" quality. If set to ultrafast, it'll subtract 2 points from the CRF value to help compensate. Lower resolutions will also lower the CRF value to help improve higher details with a smaller pixel ratio.
2015-09-18 22:29:36 -07:00
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Warn.Lossless.Msg="Are you sure you want to use lossless quality?"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Warn.Lossless.Title="Lossless quality warning!"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Encoder.Software="Software (x264)"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Encoder.Hardware.QSV.H264="Hardware (QSV, H.264)"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Encoder.Hardware.AMD.H264="Hardware (AMD, H.264)"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Encoder.Hardware.AMD.HEVC="Hardware (AMD, HEVC)"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Encoder.Hardware.NVENC.H264="Hardware (NVENC, H.264)"
2022-05-18 21:53:37 -07:00
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Encoder.Hardware.NVENC.HEVC="Hardware (NVENC, HEVC)"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Encoder.Hardware.Apple.H264="Hardware (Apple, H.264)"
UI: Add recording presets to simple output So certain high-profile individuals were complaining that it was difficult to configure recording settings for quality in OBS. So, I decided to add a very easy-to-use auto-configuration for high quality encoding -- including lossless encoding. This feature will automatically configure ideal recording settings based upon a specified quality level. Recording quality presets added to simple output: - Same as stream: Copies the encoded streaming data with no extra usage hit. - High quality: uses a higher CRF value (starting at 23) if using x264. - Indistinguishable quality: uses a low CRF value (starting at 16) if using x264. - Lossless will spawn an FFmpeg output that uses huffyuv encoding. If a user tries to select lossless, they will be warned both via a dialog prompt and a warning message in the settings window to ensure they understand that it requires tremendous amounts of free space. It will always use the AVI file format. Extra Notes: - When High/Indistinguishable quality is set, it will allow you to select the recording encoder. Currently, it just allows you to select x264 (at either veryfast or ultrafast). Later on, it'll be useful to be able to set up pre-configured presets for hardware encoders once more are implemented and tested. - I decided to allow the use of x264 at both veryfast or ultrafast presets. The reasoning is two-fold: 1.) ultrafast is perfectly viable even for near indistinguishable quality as long as it has the appropriate CRF value. It's nice if you want to record but would like to or need to reduce the impact of encoding on the CPU. It will automatically compensate for the preset at the cost of larger file size. 2.) It was suggested to just always use ultrafast, but ultrafast requires 2-4x as much disk space for the same CRF (most likely due to x264 compensating for the preset). Providing veryfast is important if you really want to reduce file size and/or reduce blocking at lower quality levels. - When a recording preset is used, a secondary audio encoder is also spawned at 192 bitrate to ensure high quality audio. I chose 192 because that's the limit of the media foundation aac encoder on windows, which I want to make sure is used if available due to its high performance. - The CRF calculation is based upon resolution, quality, and whether it's set to ultrafast. First, quality sets the base CRF, 23 for "good" quality, 16 for "very high" quality. If set to ultrafast, it'll subtract 2 points from the CRF value to help compensate. Lower resolutions will also lower the CRF value to help improve higher details with a smaller pixel ratio.
2015-09-18 22:29:36 -07:00
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Encoder.SoftwareLowCPU="Software (x264 low CPU usage preset, increases file size)"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.TwitchVodTrack="Twitch VOD Track (Uses Track 2)"
Basic.Settings.Output.Warn.EnforceResolutionFPS.Title="Incompatible Resolution/Framerate"
Basic.Settings.Output.Warn.EnforceResolutionFPS.Msg="This streaming service does not support your current output resolution and/or framerate. They will be changed to the closest compatible value:\n\n%1\n\nDo you want to continue?"
Basic.Settings.Output.Warn.EnforceResolutionFPS.Resolution="Resolution: %1"
Basic.Settings.Output.Warn.EnforceResolutionFPS.FPS="FPS: %1"
Basic.Settings.Output.Warn.ServiceCodecCompatibility.Title="Incompatible Encoder"
Basic.Settings.Output.Warn.ServiceCodecCompatibility.Msg="The streaming service \"%1\" does not support the encoder \"%2\". The encoder will be changed to \"%3\".\n\nDo you want to continue?"
2014-07-03 18:07:33 -07:00
Basic.Settings.Output.VideoBitrate="Video Bitrate"
Basic.Settings.Output.AudioBitrate="Audio Bitrate"
Basic.Settings.Output.Reconnect="Automatically Reconnect"
Basic.Settings.Output.RetryDelay="Retry Delay"
2014-07-03 18:07:33 -07:00
Basic.Settings.Output.MaxRetries="Maximum Retries"
Basic.Settings.Output.Advanced="Enable Custom Encoder Settings (Advanced)"
2019-02-11 16:58:45 -08:00
Basic.Settings.Output.EncoderPreset="Encoder Preset"
Basic.Settings.Output.EncoderPreset.ultrafast="%1 (low CPU usage, lowest quality)"
Basic.Settings.Output.EncoderPreset.veryfast="%1 (default) (medium CPU usage, standard quality)"
Basic.Settings.Output.EncoderPreset.fast="%1 (high CPU usage, high quality)"
Basic.Settings.Output.CustomEncoderSettings="Custom Encoder Settings"
Basic.Settings.Output.CustomMuxerSettings="Custom Muxer Settings"
Basic.Settings.Output.NoSpaceFileName="Generate File Name without Space"
# basic mode 'output' settings - advanced section
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.Rescale="Rescale Output"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.AudioTrack="Audio Track"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.Streaming.Settings="Streaming Settings"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.Audio.Track1="Track 1"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.Audio.Track2="Track 2"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.Audio.Track3="Track 3"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.Audio.Track4="Track 4"
2016-12-21 17:41:59 -08:00
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.Audio.Track5="Track 5"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.Audio.Track6="Track 6"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.TwitchVodTrack="Twitch VOD Track"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.Encoder="Encoder Settings"
# basic mode 'output' settings - advanced section - recording subsection
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.Recording.Settings="Recording Settings"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.Recording.RecType="Recording Type"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.Recording.Type.FFmpegOutput="Custom Output (FFmpeg)"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.Recording.UseStreamEncoder="(Use stream encoder)"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.Recording.Filename="Filename Formatting"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.Recording.OverwriteIfExists="Overwrite if file exists"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.Type="FFmpeg Output Type"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.Type.URL="Output to URL"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.Type.RecordToFile="Output to File"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.SaveFilter.Common="Common recording formats"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.SaveFilter.All="All Files"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.SavePathURL="File path or URL"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.Format="Container Format"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.FormatDefault="Default Format"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.FormatDesc="Container Format Description"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.FormatDescDef="Audio/Video Codec guessed from File path or URL"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.AVEncoderDefault="Default Encoder"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.AVEncoderDisable="Disable Encoder"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.VEncoder="Video Encoder"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.VEncoderSettings="Video Encoder Settings (if any)"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.AEncoder="Audio Encoder"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.AEncoderSettings="Audio Encoder Settings (if any)"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.MuxerSettings="Muxer Settings (if any)"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.GOPSize="Keyframe interval (frames)"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.IgnoreCodecCompat="Show all codecs (even if potentially incompatible)"
Basic.Settings.Output.Adv.FFmpeg.Settings="FFmpeg Settings"
Basic.Settings.Output.EnableSplitFile="Automatic File Splitting"
Basic.Settings.Output.SplitFile.TypeTime="Split by Time"
Basic.Settings.Output.SplitFile.TypeSize="Split by Size"
Basic.Settings.Output.SplitFile.TypeManual="Only split manually"
Basic.Settings.Output.SplitFile.Time="Split Time"
Basic.Settings.Output.SplitFile.Size="Split Size"
# Screenshot
Screenshot="Screenshot Output"
Screenshot.SourceHotkey="Screenshot Selected Source"
Screenshot.StudioProgram="Screenshot (Program)"
Screenshot.Preview="Screenshot (Preview)"
Screenshot.Scene="Screenshot (Scene)"
Screenshot.Source="Screenshot (Source)"
# basic mode 'output' settings - advanced section - recording subsection - completer
FilenameFormatting.completer="%CCYY-%MM-%DD %hh-%mm-%ss\n%YY-%MM-%DD %hh-%mm-%ss\n%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S\n%y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S\n%a %Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S\n%A %Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S\n%Y-%b-%d %H-%M-%S\n%Y-%B-%d %H-%M-%S\n%Y-%m-%d %I-%M-%S-%p\n%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-%z\n%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-%Z\n%FPS\n%CRES\n%ORES\n%VF"
# basic mode 'output' settings - advanced section - recording subsection - TT
FilenameFormatting.TT="%CCYY Year, four digits\n%YY Year, last two digits (00-99)\n%MM Month as a decimal number (01-12)\n%DD Day of the month, zero-padded (01-31)\n%hh Hour in 24h format (00-23)\n%mm Minute (00-59)\n%ss Second (00-61)\n%% A % sign\n%a Abbreviated weekday name\n%A Full weekday name\n%b Abbreviated month name\n%B Full month name\n%d Day of the month, zero-padded (01-31)\n%H Hour in 24h format (00-23)\n%I Hour in 12h format (01-12)\n%m Month as a decimal number (01-12)\n%M Minute (00-59)\n%p AM or PM designation\n%s Time in seconds since UNIX epoch\n%S Second (00-61)\n%y Year, last two digits (00-99)\n%Y Year\n%z ISO 8601 offset from UTC in timezone\n%Z Timezone name or abbreviation\n%FPS Frames per second\n%CRES Base (canvas) resolution\n%ORES Output (scaled) resolution\n%VF Video format"
# basic mode 'video' settings
Basic.Settings.Video.Adapter="Video Adapter"
Basic.Settings.Video.BaseResolution="Base (Canvas) Resolution"
Basic.Settings.Video.ScaledResolution="Output (Scaled) Resolution"
Basic.Settings.Video.DownscaleFilter="Downscale Filter"
Basic.Settings.Video.DownscaleFilter.Unavailable="[Resolutions match, no downscaling required]"
Basic.Settings.Video.DisableAeroWindows="Disable Aero (Windows only)"
Basic.Settings.Video.FPSCommon="Common FPS Values"
Basic.Settings.Video.FPSInteger="Integer FPS Value"
Basic.Settings.Video.FPSFraction="Fractional FPS Value"
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
Basic.Settings.Video.InvalidResolution="Invalid resolution value. Must be [width]x[height] (i.e. 1920x1080)"
Basic.Settings.Video.CurrentlyActive="Video output is currently active. Please turn off any outputs to change video settings."
Basic.Settings.Video.DisableAero="Disable Aero"
# scale filters
Basic.Settings.Video.DownscaleFilter.Bilinear="Bilinear (Fastest, but blurry if scaling)"
Basic.Settings.Video.DownscaleFilter.Bicubic="Bicubic (Sharpened scaling, 16 samples)"
Basic.Settings.Video.DownscaleFilter.Lanczos="Lanczos (Sharpened scaling, 36 samples)"
Basic.Settings.Video.DownscaleFilter.Area="Area (Weighted sum, 4/6/9 samples)"
# basic mode 'audio' settings
Basic.Settings.Audio.SampleRate="Sample Rate"
Basic.Settings.Audio.MeterDecayRate="Decay Rate"
Basic.Settings.Audio.MeterDecayRate.Medium="Medium (Type I PPM)"
Basic.Settings.Audio.MeterDecayRate.Slow="Slow (Type II PPM)"
Basic.Settings.Audio.PeakMeterType="Peak Meter Type"
Basic.Settings.Audio.PeakMeterType.SamplePeak="Sample Peak"
Basic.Settings.Audio.PeakMeterType.TruePeak="True Peak (Higher CPU usage)"
Basic.Settings.Audio.MultiChannelWarning.Enabled="WARNING: Surround sound audio is enabled."
2020-06-22 13:02:37 -07:00
Basic.Settings.Audio.MultichannelWarning="If streaming, check to see if your streaming service supports both surround sound ingest and surround sound playback. Facebook 360 Live is one example where surround sound is fully supported. Although Facebook Live and YouTube Live both accept surround ingest, Facebook Live downmixes to stereo, and YouTube Live plays only two channels.\n\nOBS audio filters are compatible with surround sound, though VST plugin support isn't guaranteed."
Basic.Settings.Audio.MultichannelWarning.Title="Enable surround sound audio?"
Basic.Settings.Audio.MultichannelWarning.Confirm="Are you sure you want to enable surround sound audio?"
Basic.Settings.Audio.Devices="Global Audio Devices"
Basic.Settings.Audio.DesktopDevice="Desktop Audio"
Basic.Settings.Audio.DesktopDevice2="Desktop Audio 2"
Basic.Settings.Audio.AuxDevice="Mic/Auxiliary Audio"
Basic.Settings.Audio.AuxDevice2="Mic/Auxiliary Audio 2"
Basic.Settings.Audio.AuxDevice3="Mic/Auxiliary Audio 3"
Basic.Settings.Audio.AuxDevice4="Mic/Auxiliary Audio 4"
Basic.Settings.Audio.EnablePushToMute="Enable Push-to-mute"
Basic.Settings.Audio.PushToMuteDelay="Push-to-mute delay"
Basic.Settings.Audio.EnablePushToTalk="Enable Push-to-talk"
Basic.Settings.Audio.PushToTalkDelay="Push-to-talk delay"
Basic.Settings.Audio.UnknownAudioDevice="[Device not connected or not available]"
Basic.Settings.Audio.LowLatencyBufferingMode="Low Latency Audio Buffering Mode (For Decklink/NDI outputs)"
Basic.Settings.Audio.LowLatencyBufferingWarning.Enabled="WARNING: Low latency audio buffering is enabled."
Basic.Settings.Audio.LowLatencyBufferingWarning="Low latency audio buffering mode may cause audio to glitch or stop playing from some sources."
Basic.Settings.Audio.LowLatencyBufferingWarning.Title="Enable low latency audio buffering mode?"
Basic.Settings.Audio.LowLatencyBufferingWarning.Confirm="Are you sure you want to enable low latency audio buffering mode?"
# basic mode 'accessibility' settings
Basic.Settings.Accessibility.ColorOverrides="Use Different Colors"
Basic.Settings.Accessibility.ColorOverrides.SelectRed="Source Border (Selection)"
Basic.Settings.Accessibility.ColorOverrides.SelectGreen="Source Border (Crop)"
Basic.Settings.Accessibility.ColorOverrides.SelectBlue="Source Border (Hover)"
Basic.Settings.Accessibility.ColorOverrides.MixerGreen="Mixer Volume Band (-60 to -20dB)"
Basic.Settings.Accessibility.ColorOverrides.MixerYellow="Mixer Volume Band (-20 to -9dB)"
Basic.Settings.Accessibility.ColorOverrides.MixerRed="Mixer Volume Band (-9 to 0dB)"
Basic.Settings.Accessibility.ColorOverrides.MixerGreenActive="Mixer Volume Band (-60 to -20dB) (active)"
Basic.Settings.Accessibility.ColorOverrides.MixerYellowActive="Mixer Volume Band (-20 to -9dB) (active)"
Basic.Settings.Accessibility.ColorOverrides.MixerRedActive="Mixer Volume Band (-9 to 0dB) (active)"
Basic.Settings.Accessibility.ColorOverrides.Preset="Color Preset"
Basic.Settings.Accessibility.ColorOverrides.Preset.ColorBlind1="Color Blind Alternative"
# basic mode 'advanced' settings
Basic.Settings.Advanced.General.ConfirmOnExit="Show active outputs warning on exit"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.General.ProcessPriority="Process Priority"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.General.ProcessPriority.AboveNormal="Above Normal"
2017-07-26 14:44:58 -07:00
Basic.Settings.Advanced.General.ProcessPriority.BelowNormal="Below Normal"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.FormatWarning="Warning: Color formats other than NV12/P010 are primarily intended for recording, and are not recommended when streaming. Streaming may incur increased CPU usage due to color format conversion."
Basic.Settings.Advanced.FormatWarning10BitSdr="Warning: 10-bit formats are more commonly used with HDR color spaces."
Basic.Settings.Advanced.FormatWarning2100="Warning: Rec. 2100 should use a format with more precision."
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Audio.BufferingTime="Audio Buffering Time"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Video.ColorFormat="Color Format"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Video.ColorFormat.NV12="NV12 (8-bit, 4:2:0, 2 planes)"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Video.ColorFormat.I420="I420 (8-bit, 4:2:0, 3 planes)"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Video.ColorFormat.I444="I444 (8-bit, 4:4:4, 3 planes)"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Video.ColorFormat.P010="P010 (10-bit, 4:2:0, 2 planes)"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Video.ColorFormat.I010="I010 (10-bit, 4:2:0, 3 planes)"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Video.ColorFormat.RGB="RGB (8-bit)"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Video.ColorSpace="Color Space"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Video.ColorSpace.601="Rec. 601"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Video.ColorSpace.709="Rec. 709"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Video.ColorSpace.2100PQ="Rec. 2100 (PQ)"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Video.ColorSpace.2100HLG="Rec. 2100 (HLG)"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Video.ColorRange="Color Range"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Video.SdrWhiteLevel="SDR White Level"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Video.HdrNominalPeakLevel="HDR Nominal Peak Level"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Audio.MonitoringDevice="Monitoring Device"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Audio.DisableAudioDucking="Disable Windows audio ducking"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.StreamDelay="Stream Delay"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.StreamDelay.Preserve="Preserve cutoff point (increase delay) when reconnecting"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.StreamDelay.MemoryUsage="Estimated Memory Usage: %1 MB"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Network.Disabled="The currently selected streaming protocol does not support changing network settings."
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Network.BindToIP="Bind to IP"
2019-10-08 02:21:19 -07:00
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Network.EnableNewSocketLoop="Enable network optimizations"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Network.EnableLowLatencyMode="Enable TCP pacing"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Network.TCPPacing.Tooltip="Attempts to make RTMP output friendlier to other latency sensitive applications on the network by regulating the rate of transmission.\nIt may increase the risk of dropped frames on unstable connections."
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Hotkeys.HotkeyFocusBehavior="Hotkey Focus Behavior"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Hotkeys.NeverDisableHotkeys="Never disable hotkeys"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Hotkeys.DisableHotkeysInFocus="Disable hotkeys when main window is in focus"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Hotkeys.DisableHotkeysOutOfFocus="Disable hotkeys when main window is not in focus"
2017-05-08 04:53:35 -07:00
Basic.Settings.Advanced.AutoRemux="Automatically remux to mp4"
Basic.Settings.Advanced.AutoRemux.MP4="(record as mkv)"
# advanced audio properties
Basic.AdvAudio="Advanced Audio Properties"
Basic.AdvAudio.ActiveOnly="Active Sources Only"
Basic.AdvAudio.VolumeSource="Volume for '%1'"
Basic.AdvAudio.MonoSource="Mono Downmix for '%1'"
2017-10-08 03:15:28 -07:00
Basic.AdvAudio.BalanceSource="Balance for '%1'"
Basic.AdvAudio.SyncOffset="Sync Offset"
Basic.AdvAudio.SyncOffsetSource="Sync Offset for '%1'"
Basic.AdvAudio.Monitoring="Audio Monitoring"
Basic.AdvAudio.Monitoring.None="Monitor Off"
Basic.AdvAudio.Monitoring.MonitorOnly="Monitor Only (mute output)"
Basic.AdvAudio.Monitoring.Both="Monitor and Output"
Basic.AdvAudio.MonitoringSource="Audio Monitoring for '%1'"
2014-11-01 13:48:58 -07:00
# basic mode 'hotkeys' settings
Basic.Settings.Hotkeys.Pair="Key combinations shared with '%1' act as toggles"
Basic.Settings.Hotkeys.FilterByHotkey="Filter by Hotkey"
Basic.Settings.Hotkeys.DuplicateWarning="This hotkey is shared by one or more other actions, click to show conflicts"
# basic mode hotkeys
Basic.Hotkeys.SelectScene="Switch to scene"
# system tray
# system tray messages
2019-04-08 07:02:32 -07:00
Basic.SystemTray.Message.Reconnecting="Disconnected. Reconnecting..."
2014-11-01 13:48:58 -07:00
# hotkeys that may lack translation on certain operating systems
Hotkeys.PageUp="Page Up"
Hotkeys.PageDown="Page Down"
Hotkeys.NumLock="Num Lock"
Hotkeys.ScrollLock="Scroll Lock"
Hotkeys.CapsLock="Caps Lock"
Hotkeys.NumpadNum="Numpad %1"
Hotkeys.NumpadMultiply="Numpad Multiply"
Hotkeys.NumpadDivide="Numpad Divide"
Hotkeys.NumpadAdd="Numpad Add"
Hotkeys.NumpadSubtract="Numpad Subtract"
Hotkeys.NumpadDecimal="Numpad Decimal"
Hotkeys.AppleKeypadNum="%1 (Keypad)"
Hotkeys.AppleKeypadMultiply="* (Keypad)"
Hotkeys.AppleKeypadDivide="/ (Keypad)"
Hotkeys.AppleKeypadAdd="+ (Keypad)"
Hotkeys.AppleKeypadSubtract="- (Keypad)"
Hotkeys.AppleKeypadDecimal=". (Keypad)"
Hotkeys.AppleKeypadEqual="= (Keypad)"
Hotkeys.MouseButton="Mouse %1"
2014-11-01 13:48:58 -07:00
# audio hotkeys
2014-11-01 13:48:58 -07:00
# scene item hotkeys
SceneItemShow="Show '%1'"
SceneItemHide="Hide '%1'"
# Output warnings
OutputWarnings.NoTracksSelected="You must select at least one track"
2019-03-11 22:23:41 -07:00
OutputWarnings.MP4Recording="Warning: Recordings saved to MP4/MOV will be unrecoverable if the file cannot be finalized (e.g. as a result of BSODs, power losses, etc.). If you want to record multiple audio tracks consider using MKV and remux the recording to MP4/MOV after it is finished (File → Remux Recordings)"
OutputWarnings.CannotPause="Warning: Recordings cannot be paused if the recording encoder is set to \"(Use stream encoder)\""
# deleting final scene
FinalScene.Title="Delete Scene"
FinalScene.Text="There needs to be at least one scene."
# no sources
NoSources.Title="No Sources"
NoSources.Text="It looks like you haven't added any video sources yet, so you will only be outputting a blank screen. Are you sure you want to do this?"
NoSources.Text.AddSource="You can add sources by clicking the + icon under the Sources box in the main window at any time."
NoSources.Label="You don't have any sources.\nClick the + button below,\nor right click here to add one."
# Scene item color selection
ChangeBG="Set Color"
CustomColor="Custom Color"
# Global settings for the browser source
BrowserSource.EnableHardwareAcceleration="Enable Browser Source Hardware Acceleration"
2018-08-17 23:13:20 -07:00
# about dialog
About.Info="OBS Studio is a free and open source video recording and live streaming software."
2019-02-24 15:28:08 -08:00
About.Donate="Make a Contribution"
2018-08-17 23:13:20 -07:00
About.GetInvolved="Get Involved"
2019-02-24 15:28:08 -08:00
About.Contribute="Support the OBS Project"
# Drag-drop URL
AddUrl.Title="Add Source via URL"
AddUrl.Text="You have dragged a URL into OBS. This will automatically add the link as a source. Continue?"
AddUrl.Text.Url="URL: %1"
# Dynamic output size
ResizeOutputSizeOfSource="Resize output (source size)"
ResizeOutputSizeOfSource.Text="The base and output resolutions will be resized to the size of the current source."
ResizeOutputSizeOfSource.Continue="Do you want to continue?"
PreviewTransition="Preview Transition"
# Import Dialog
Importer="Scene Collection Importer"
Importer.SelectCollection="Select a Scene Collection"
Importer.Collection="Scene Collection"
Importer.HelpText="Add files to this window to import collections from OBS or other supported programs."
Importer.Path="Collection Path"
Importer.Program="Detected Application"
Importer.AutomaticCollectionPrompt="Automatically Search for Scene Collections"
Importer.AutomaticCollectionText="OBS can automatically find importable scene collections from supported third-party programs. Would you like OBS to automatically find collections for you?\n\nYou can change this later in Settings > General > Importers."
# Importers
OBSStudio="OBS Studio"
OBSClassic="OBS Classic"
XSplitBroadcaster="XSplit Broadcaster"
# OBS restart
NeedsRestart="OBS Studio needs to be restarted. Do you want to restart now?"
LoadProfileNeedsRestart="Profile contains settings that require restarting OBS:\n%1\n\nDo you want to restart OBS for these settings to take effect?"
# Context Bar
ContextBar.NoSelectedSource="No source selected"
ContextBar.ResetTransform="Reset Transform"
ContextBar.FitToCanvas="Fit to Canvas"
# Context Bar Media Controls
ContextBar.MediaControls.PlayMedia="Play Media"
ContextBar.MediaControls.PauseMedia="Pause Media"
ContextBar.MediaControls.StopMedia="Stop Media"
ContextBar.MediaControls.RestartMedia="Restart Media"
ContextBar.MediaControls.PlaylistNext="Next in Playlist"
ContextBar.MediaControls.PlaylistPrevious="Previous in Playlist"
ContextBar.MediaControls.MediaProperties="Media Properties"
ContextBar.MediaControls.BlindSeek="Media Seek Widget"
2021-06-27 15:30:00 -07:00
# YouTube Actions and Auth
YouTube.Auth.Ok="Authorization completed successfully.\nYou can now close this page."
YouTube.Auth.NoCode="The authorization process was not completed."
YouTube.Auth.NoChannels="No channel(s) available on selected account"
2021-06-27 15:30:00 -07:00
YouTube.Auth.WaitingAuth.Title="YouTube User Authorization"
YouTube.Auth.WaitingAuth.Text="Please complete the authorization in your external browser.<br>If the external browser does not open, follow this link and complete the authorization:<br>%1"
YouTube.AuthError.Text="Failed to get channel information: %1."
2021-06-27 15:30:00 -07:00
YouTube.Actions.WindowTitle="YouTube Broadcast Setup - Channel: %1"
YouTube.Actions.CreateNewEvent="Create New Broadcast"
YouTube.Actions.ChooseEvent="Select Existing Broadcast"
2021-06-27 15:30:00 -07:00
YouTube.Actions.MyBroadcast="My Broadcast"
YouTube.Actions.Thumbnail.SelectFile="Select file..."
YouTube.Actions.Thumbnail.NoFileSelected="No file selected"
2021-06-27 15:30:00 -07:00
YouTube.Actions.MadeForKids="Is this video made for kids?*"
YouTube.Actions.MadeForKids.Yes="Yes, it's made for kids"
YouTube.Actions.MadeForKids.No="No, it's not made for kids"
YouTube.Actions.MadeForKids.Help="<a href='https://support.google.com/youtube/topic/9689353'>(?)</a>"
YouTube.Actions.AdditionalSettings="Additional settings:"
YouTube.Actions.Latency.UltraLow="Ultra low"
YouTube.Actions.EnableAutoStart="Enable Auto-start"
YouTube.Actions.EnableAutoStop="Enable Auto-stop"
YouTube.Actions.AutoStartStop.TT="Indicates whether this scheduled broadcast should start automatically"
2021-06-27 15:30:00 -07:00
YouTube.Actions.EnableDVR="Enable DVR"
YouTube.Actions.360Video="360 video"
YouTube.Actions.360Video.Help="<a href='https://vr.youtube.com/create/360/'>(?)</a>"
YouTube.Actions.ScheduleForLater="Schedule for later"
YouTube.Actions.RememberSettings="Remember these settings"
YouTube.Actions.Create_Ready="Create broadcast"
YouTube.Actions.Create_GoLive="Create broadcast and start streaming"
YouTube.Actions.Choose_Ready="Select broadcast"
YouTube.Actions.Choose_GoLive="Select broadcast and start streaming"
YouTube.Actions.Create_Schedule="Schedule broadcast"
YouTube.Actions.Create_Schedule_Ready="Schedule and select broadcast"
YouTube.Actions.Dashboard="Open YouTube Studio"
2021-06-27 15:30:00 -07:00
YouTube.Actions.Error.Title="Live broadcast creation error"
YouTube.Actions.Error.Text="YouTube access error '%1'.<br/>A detailed error description can be found at <a href='https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/live/docs/errors'>https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/live/docs/errors</a>"
YouTube.Actions.Error.General="YouTube access error. Please check your network connection or your YouTube server access."
YouTube.Actions.Error.NoBroadcastCreated="Broadcast creation error '%1'.<br/>A detailed error description can be found at <a href='https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/live/docs/errors'>https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/live/docs/errors</a>"
YouTube.Actions.Error.NoStreamCreated="No stream created. Please relink your account."
YouTube.Actions.Error.YouTubeApi="YouTube API Error. Please see the log file for more information."
YouTube.Actions.Error.BroadcastNotFound="The selected broadcast was not found."
YouTube.Actions.Error.FileMissing="Selected file does not exist."
YouTube.Actions.Error.FileOpeningFailed="Failed opening selected file."
YouTube.Actions.Error.FileTooLarge="Selected file is too large (Limit: 2 MiB)."
YouTube.Actions.Error.BroadcastTransitionFailed="Transitioning the broadcast failed: %1<br/><br/>If this error persists <a href='https://studio.youtube.com/video/%2/livestreaming'>open the broadcast in YouTube Studio</a> and try manually."
YouTube.Actions.Error.BroadcastTestStarting="Broadcast is transitioning to the test stage, this can take some time. Please try again in 10-30 seconds."
2021-06-27 15:30:00 -07:00
YouTube.Actions.EventsLoading="Loading list of events..."
2021-06-27 15:30:00 -07:00
YouTube.Actions.EventCreated.Title="Event Created"
YouTube.Actions.EventCreated.Text="Event created successfully."
2021-06-27 15:30:00 -07:00
YouTube.Actions.Stream.ScheduledFor="Scheduled for %1"
YouTube.Actions.Stream.Resume="Resume interrupted stream"
YouTube.Actions.Stream.YTStudio="Automatically created by YouTube Studio"
2021-06-27 15:30:00 -07:00
YouTube.Actions.Notify.CreatingBroadcast="Creating a new Live Broadcast, please wait..."
YouTube.Actions.AutoStartStreamingWarning.Title="Manual start required"
YouTube.Actions.AutoStartStreamingWarning="Auto-start is disabled for this event, click \"Go Live\" to start your broadcast."
2021-06-27 15:30:00 -07:00
YouTube.Actions.AutoStopStreamingWarning="You will not be able to reconnect.<br>Your stream will stop and you will no longer be live."
YouTube.Chat.Input.Placeholder="Enter message here..."
YouTube.Chat.Error.Title="Error while sending message"
YouTube.Chat.Error.Text="The message couldn't be sent: %1"
# YouTube API errors in format "YouTube.Errors.<error reason>"
YouTube.Errors.liveStreamingNotEnabled="Live streaming is not enabled on the selected YouTube channel.<br/><br/>See <a href='https://www.youtube.com/features'>youtube.com/features</a> for more information."
YouTube.Errors.livePermissionBlocked="Live streaming is unavailable on the selected YouTube Channel.<br/>Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for live streaming to become available after enabling it in your channel settings.<br/><br/>See <a href='https://www.youtube.com/features'>youtube.com/features</a> for details."
YouTube.Errors.errorExecutingTransition="Transition failed due to a backend error. Please try again in a few seconds."
YouTube.Errors.errorStreamInactive="YouTube is not receiving data for your stream. Please check your configuration and try again."
YouTube.Errors.invalidTransition="The attempted transition was invalid. This may be due to the stream not having finished a previous transition. Please wait a few seconds and try again."
# Chat errors
YouTube.Errors.liveChatDisabled="Live chat is disabled on this stream."
YouTube.Errors.liveChatEnded="Live stream has ended."
YouTube.Errors.messageTextInvalid="The message text is not valid."
YouTube.Errors.rateLimitExceeded="You are sending messages too quickly."