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-- create a backup of the existing landscape and delete metadata;
-- store the name of the backup file in meta
-- meta the metadata of the node that will store the file name of the backup
-- we are about to create here
-- start_pos,
-- end_pos volume that is to be saved
-- player_name has to be equal to meta:get_string("owner")
-- force_overwrite if set to true: overwrite already existing backup
-- Returns the name of the backup file that has been created if successful. Else returns nothing.
handle_schematics.backup_landscape = function(meta, start_pos, end_pos, player_name, force_overwrite)
local filename = meta:get_string('backup' );
-- do not overwrite existing backups unless force_overwrite is active
if( filename and filename ~= "" and not(force_overwrite)) then
-- the node has to be owned by the right player
local owner = meta:get_string("owner");
if( owner and owner ~= "" and owner ~= player_name and player_name and player_name ~= "") then
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name,
2019-03-24 21:24:04 +01:00
"Only the owner, namely "..tostring( owner )..
", is allowed to create a backup of this landscape here.");
local base_filename = 'backup_'..owner..'_'..
tostring( start_pos.x )..':'..tostring( start_pos.y )..':'..tostring( start_pos.z )..'_'..
-- store a backup of the original landscape
-- <worldname>/backup_PLAYERNAME_x_y_z_burried_rotation.mts
handle_schematics.create_schematic_with_meta( start_pos, end_pos, base_filename );
meta:set_string('backup', base_filename );
-- clear metadata so that the new building can be placed
handle_schematics.clear_meta( start_pos, end_pos );
-- update start_pos and end_pos in metadata
meta:set_string( "start_pos", minetest.serialize( start_pos ));
meta:set_string( "end_pos", minetest.serialize( end_pos ));
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name,
'CREATING backup schematic for this place in \"schems/'..base_filename..'.mts\".');
return base_filename;
-- restore the original landscape from a backup
-- meta metadata of the node containing information about backup file, start_pos and
-- end_pos
-- player_name the name of the player who wants to restore the backup
-- force_place if set: place the landscape from the backup completely (not just scaffolding)
-- even if the player does not have the creative privilege
-- pos position of the node with the metadata
handle_schematics.restore_landscape = function( meta, player_name, force_place, pos)
local start_pos = minetest.deserialize( meta:get_string('start_pos'));
local end_pos = minetest.deserialize( meta:get_string('end_pos'));
local backup_file = meta:get_string( 'backup' );
if( not( start_pos ) or not( end_pos )
or not( start_pos.x ) or not( end_pos.x )
or not( backup_file ) or backup_file == "") then
if( player_name ) then
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name,
"Error: Missing data. Restoring of backup of landscape not possible.");
-- the node has to be owned by the right player
local owner = meta:get_string("owner");
if( owner and owner ~= "" and owner ~= player_name and player_name and player_name ~= ""
and not( minetest.check_player_privs(player_name, {protection_bypass=true}))) then
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name,
2019-03-24 21:24:04 +01:00
"Only the owner, namely "..tostring( owner )..
", or players with the protection_bypass privilege are allowed to restore the backup.");
local filename = minetest.get_worldpath()..'/schems/'..backup_file;
if( not( save_restore.file_exists( filename..'.mts' ))) then
if( player_name ) then
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name,
"Error: Backup of landscape cannot be restored. File not found. Path: "..
tostring( filename ));
-- used for indicating which mode (actual project or landscape restauration) we are in; here:
-- landscape restauration (needed by the build chest for manual restauration)
meta:set_int('is_restore', 1);
if( force_place or minetest.check_player_privs( player_name, {creative=true})) then
minetest.place_schematic( start_pos, filename..'.mts', "0", {}, true );
-- no rotation needed - the metadata can be applied as-is (with the offset applied)
-- restore_meta adds the worldpath automaticly
handle_schematics.restore_meta( '/schems/'..backup_file, nil, start_pos, end_pos, 0, nil);
meta:set_string('backup', nil );
-- we are back to the beginning - no landscape backup present
meta:set_int('is_restore', 0);
-- inform the player
if( player_name ) then
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name, "Successfully restored backup of landscape.");
-- players without creative priv have to rebuild the landscape manually
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name, "New goal: Restore the original landscape.")
local building_name = meta:get_string('building_name');
local rotate = meta:get_string('rotate');
local mirror = meta:get_string('mirror');
local axis = build_chest.building[ building_name ].axis;
local no_plotmarker = true;
local replacement_list = {};
2019-06-10 03:32:33 +02:00
local error_msg = handle_schematics.place_building_from_file_or_cache( start_pos, end_pos, filename, replacement_list, "180", 3, 1, no_plotmarker, false, true, pos, nil );
if( error_msg ) then
error_msg = 'Error: '..tostring( error_msg );
minetest.chat_send_player( player_name, error_msg );