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2019-03-07 10:23:54 -08:00
# b3view
2019-03-10 21:28:29 -07:00
("Be View")
2019-03-09 13:06:09 -08:00
Press 't' for Minetest ../textures with this (poikilos') forked model
viewer for B3D, X, OBJ, MS3D, 3DS (or any supported by Irrlicht).
2019-03-09 12:54:49 -08:00
2019-03-09 12:51:28 -08:00
![screenshot with gull from poikilos mobs_sky fork](https://github.com/poikilos/b3view/raw/master/screenshot.jpg)
2019-03-09 12:54:49 -08:00
2020-03-10 11:13:06 -07:00
bat: [github.com/poikilos/mobs_sky](https://github.com/poikilos/mobs_sky)
2019-03-09 13:44:20 -08:00
Website: [poikilos.org](https://poikilos.org)
2019-03-07 10:23:54 -08:00
## Requirements
- libirrlicht (such as libirrlicht1.8 and libirrlicht-dev on Debian 10)
- freetype (such as libfreetype6 and libfreetype6-dev on Debian 10)
- If using **Code::Blocks**, add the following 2 variables in "Settings," "Global variables":
- freetype
- base: /usr/include/freetype2
- include: /usr/include/freetype2
- lib: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
- irrlicht
- base: /usr/include/irrlicht
- include: /usr/include/irrlicht
- lib: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
If not using Code::Blocks, compile using the included `./build.sh` (requires bash or a shell that can handle the `if` syntax).
### Development
* If necessary, set "NOT_ISO_CPP17" flag during compilation to make some special preprocessors in the code change `<filesystem>` to `<experimental/filesystem>` and `namespace fs = std::filesystem;` to `namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem;`.
* libirrlicht-dbg (such as libirrlicht1.8-dbg on Debian 10)
* libfreetype6-dev
- In CodeBlocks (once per computer): Settings, Compiler, Search paths, /usr/include/freetype2
- Ensure includes do not put freetype2 first (that directory contains freetype and ft2build.h. Also, freetype itself does its includes as freetype not freetype2/freetype).
CodeBlocks says it is looking for boost_filesystem and boost_system, which may be due to Irrlicht.
* libbost-filesystem-dev
- In CodeBlocks (once per computer): Settings, Compiler, Search paths, /usr/include/freetype2
* libboost-system-dev
## Main Features in poikilos fork
* stabilized (makes sure font, model or texture loads before using;
makes sure model is loaded before setting View options)
2019-03-09 13:06:09 -08:00
* modernized includes (`#include` statements specify "irrlicht"
directory instead of assuming it)
* double-click after you associate this program with the file types
(**mime types** are installed by install.sh to allow this on GNU+Linux
Systems--see Compile and Install)
* hotkeys to cycle through textures and reload model OR texture
(see [Usage](#Usage) below).
* see also changelog.md
2019-05-17 05:07:39 -07:00
* export feature: COLLADA (non-Blender), IRR (Irrlicht Scene settings
and mesh file paths only), IRRMESH (Static Irrlicht Mesh), OBJ
(Wavefront), STL (stereolithography)
* Turn off interpolation if loadNextTexture (F3) detects the following
Minetest-like directory structure and texture naming:
"<texture directory>/<texture filename based on model name>" where
"<texture directory>" is either `.` (same directory as model)
or `../textures` (where model would be in a parallel directory next to
2020-07-30 20:40:17 -07:00
* Set the animation loop range (the animation includes the end frame).
## Related Software
- [https://github.com/stujones11/SAM-Viewer](SAM-Viewer): View a
minetest player model and see the effect of changing various wield
settings that are available in the minetest Lua API.
- Blitz3d: Blitz3d was released
[on GitHub](https://github.com/blitz-research/blitz3d) under the
zlib/libpng license in 2014!
- Blitz3D plug-in for [Ultimate Unwrap
3D](https://www.unwrap3d.com/u3d/formats.aspx): Ultimate Unwrap 3D is
a standalone unwrapping tool ("UV Mapping Software").
- Milkshape can export B3D and import x without animations.
- TREEmagik Plus by AlienCodec (the original version is now
superceded by TREEmagik-G2) can export to b3d.
## B3D Format
B3D in this case is the Blitz3D model format.
- "stores model information in 'chunks;' may contain textures, brushes,
vertices, triangles, meshes, bones, or animation data."
### What it is not
The B3D format (Blitz3D format) supported by Irrlicht has nothing to do
with other formats which also have the B3D extension.
- It is not [.B3D - Maxon Bodypaint 3D texture
an internal format that Cinema4D uses to store [multi-layer
- It is not ASCII
- not [.B3D - Ben's 3D Format](https://www.bcchang.com/research/vr/b3d.php)
## Compile
2019-03-09 10:36:48 -08:00
(the original version of this section is from
2019-03-09 13:06:09 -08:00
### Prerequisites
* C++ Compiler (Linux: gcc [C++14], icc; Windows: the project file is
from Visual Studio 2010, but C++14 is required--update or see
2019-03-09 10:36:48 -08:00
[Troubleshooting](#Troubleshooting) and comments for the `#include`
statements in UserInterface.cpp if you have compiler or linker errors)
* Irrlicht Library
* Linux only: QtCreator/Qt (4 or 5)
### Linux
* To generate a working makefile, edit the .pro file to reflect your
path settings and run:
qmake make -f Makefile.Debug
2019-03-09 13:06:09 -08:00
This will (hopefully) build a binary in the "build" subdirectory.
2019-03-09 10:36:48 -08:00
See [Troubleshooting](#Troubleshooting) for compiling via GUI.
### Windows
(If you use MinGW the Linux section of instructions apply. This section
only applies to Visual Studio users.)
* In the "win32" folder of your source tree there's a VC++2010 Solution.
Open it up and edit the properties to reflect the correct path to the
directory which **contains** the "irrlicht" directory.
After building, you end up with a "win32_build" folder in the source
tree which contains the win32 binary.
2019-03-09 13:06:09 -08:00
* Additionally, you have to manually copy the files
from the "build" directory to the output folder.
2019-03-09 10:36:48 -08:00
### Troubleshooting
(gcc and GUI compilation)
* If you are using GCC to compile, you may need gcc 8.2.1 or higher
(C++14 `experimental/filesystem` works on 8.2.1 for sure, but C++17's
`filesystem` has not been tested and requires minor changes to
`#include` and `using` statements in UserInterface.cpp)
* Make sure you have the Irrlicht and Qt development packages
(such as via `sudo dnf -y install qt-devel qt-creator irrlicht-devel`
on Fedora 29)
- Qt is not actually used, only Qt creator (the `CONFIG -= qt`
2019-03-09 13:06:09 -08:00
setting is in the `.pro` file).
* Open Qt Creator, click File, Open, then choose this project's .pro
2019-03-07 10:23:54 -08:00
* Build & Run (if you have trouble compiling, see
* Copy all of the files from `./build` to your actual build directory,
if your build directory is not `./build`
* (optional) Copy your favorite public-licensed font over
`./build/ClearSansRegular.tff` or to current working directory of
2019-03-09 13:41:56 -08:00
program (varies on Linux when you double-click files). If you don't,
and didn't copy the included one to the output directory,
the following fonts will be tried, in the following order:
* C:\Windows\Fonts: calibrib.ttf, arialbd.ttf
* /usr/share/fonts: liberation/LiberationSans-Bold.ttf,
gnu-free/FreeSansBold.ttf, dejavu/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf,
## Install
### Windows
* If you are not using a release version, compile the program (see
above) then copy install.bat to your build directory.
* double-click install.bat (read any messages that appear then press
a key to continue when prompted).
2019-03-09 13:06:09 -08:00
* Associate the B3D file extension, and other Irrlicht-compatible 3D
mesh formats such as X and OBJ.
`%USERPROFILE%\Applications\b3view\b3view.exe` (right-click a b3d
file, then Open With, show additional programs, then either paste that
path or choose This PC, C:, Users, your username, Applications,
b3view, b3view.exe)
### GNU+Linux Systems
* copy install.sh to your build directory if you are not using a release
version and your build directory is not `./build`
* run install.sh as root, such by running `sudo bash install.sh` in
Terminal from the project directory (if you are not root, the install
will install to $USER/Applications after giving an opportunity to
cancel with Ctrl C during a countdown).
(the script will install the "Blitz3D Model File" (`model/b3d`) mime
2019-03-09 13:06:09 -08:00
type, which your OS will use for all files with the `b3d` extension--
this allows associating the file type with a program).
* Associate the b3d file extension (and possibly other Irrlicht-
compatible 3D mesh formats) with b3view: Right-click any B3D file,
"Open With...", find or type b3view, then check "Remember
application..." or "Set as default..." or something similar depending
on your desktop environment (an option to always use the same program
will only be available if the mime type was successfully installed for
the user profile or system such as via install.sh).
2019-03-07 10:23:54 -08:00
## Usage
2019-03-09 13:06:09 -08:00
* You can click "File," "Open," then choose an Irrlicht-compatible B3D
file. However, the program is much easier to use if you associate the
format with b3view (see "Installation" above) so you can just double-
click the file to open b3view automatically.
* `left` / `right` (arrow keys): Go frame by frame (Pauses if playing).
* `Ctrl left` / `Ctrl right` (arrow keys): Change animation frame rate
in increments of 5 fps--click "Faster" or "Slower," or use `-` key or
2019-04-19 12:29:30 -07:00
`+`/`=` key. By default, the scene refreshes at 60fps and the
animation runs as 30 fps (Irrlicht does interpolation automatically).
- Edit the frame rate manually using the input box under "Faster" and
* `F3` / `Shift F3`: Cycle through textures where the filename contains
the model filename (or that without underscores) in the current
directory or `../textures`. If there are no matches, use a list of
all found textures. The `F3` key goes to the next texture file (hold
`Shift` and press`F3` to go backward), but does nothing on the first
press if the model had loaded its own texture.
- Example: Both automatic loading (when you open a mesh) and manually
cycling using F3 works for Minetest mods, where the model should be
in `modname/models/` and the texture should be in
`modname/textures/` (but occasionally is in the same directory as
the model).
2019-04-19 12:29:30 -07:00
* `Ctrl i`: toggle texture interpolation (shortcut for View, Texture
* `F5`: Reload last model file
* `Shift F5`: Reload last texture file (may not be working due to
caching, but does try to load different file if texture edit box
* drag with middle button: rotate view
* drag with middle button while holding shift key: pan up and down
* View, choose "Up" axis: change camera "up" axis to Z or Y (Y is
default; automatically changed to Z when 3ds file is loaded)
2021-03-28 03:08:53 -07:00
### Command-line arguments
- `--test-and-exit`: This option is primarily for test scripts to run the program and see if it is working. It loads "dist/share/b3view/meshes/penguin-lowpoly-poikilos.b3d", loads the next texture, and (may perform other tests and) exits. It only works if the file exists such as if you are running from the repo directory.
## Known Issues
* Warn on missing texture.
2019-03-07 13:55:00 -08:00
* Test and complete install.bat on Windows.
2019-03-09 13:41:56 -08:00
* Look for fonts on OS X (see "Set Font for UI Elements" in
* (View.cpp) Set pitch correctly for shift & middle mouse button drag.
2019-03-10 21:28:29 -07:00
* Lighting not correct until you rotate or enable z-Up
## Authors
2019-03-09 10:36:48 -08:00
* ClearSansRegular.ttf (**Apache 2.0 License**) by Intel
<https://01.org/clear-sans> via
* ninja.b3d, nskin*.jpg by Psionic (psionic3d.co.uk)
(I've seen this file ripped and in several repos, but finally found
the original site above, which has additional skins not found
2019-03-09 13:06:09 -08:00
elsewhere. The original site is listed in "ninja animation ranges.txt"
2019-03-09 09:51:25 -08:00
such as from <https://sledjhamr.org/source/media/Irrlicht/>)
2019-03-09 10:36:48 -08:00
**"Feel free to use however you like, commercial etc, credits are
Appreciated..."** -Psionic
* The penguin texture is derived from:
Photo copyright (c) Samuel Blanc, CC BY-SA 3.0
<https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0>, via Wikimedia
* All media not mentioned above are Creative Commons Attribution
Share-Alike 4.0 by [Poikilos](https://poikilos.org).
2019-03-09 10:36:48 -08:00
* All files not mentioned above, and not described in text files in the
same folder as media (such as "build" folder) are licensed under the
**GPL v3** as per <https://code.google.com/archive/p/b3view/>
(see [LICENSE](https://github.com/poikilos/b3view/blob/master/LICENSE)
file in your favorite text editor).
## Developer Notes
See contributing.md