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Create a Release

This guide is directed at maintainers of the Terasology Launcher. It explains how to create a new release, including building the release assets and publishing them as GitHub release.

  • Make sure all relevant changes are merged.

    Please also check the milestones for any outstanding tasks or issues.

  • Check out the main branch and update your local checkout:

    git switch master
    git pull
  • Update the release changelog.

    You might want to use gh-terasology to generate the changelog:

    gh terasology changelog --pretty \
      --since=$(git show -s -1 --format=%ai v4.5.0) \
      --repo movingblocks/terasologylauncher 
  • commit the changes to the changelog

    git add CHANGELOG.md 
    git commit -m "release: <version>"
  • tag the release commit:

    git tag -a v<version> -m "Release version <version>"
  • push both release commit and release tag

    git push
    git push v<version>
  • go to releases and publish the respective release via the GitHub UI.

    The asset-upload GitHub workflow will build the launcher for all supported platforms and upload the assets automatically.