+ BIG code refactoring, fixing and cleaning (part 1)

Giov4 2020-10-23 00:35:26 +02:00
parent 197c69a907
commit 680d9780a1
13 changed files with 186 additions and 215 deletions

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@ -2,39 +2,47 @@ These are the steps to follow in order to create and configure an
1) Creating the arena using:
/skywars create <arena name> [min players] [max players]
where min players is equal to the minimun amount of players to make
Where min players is equal to the minimun amount of players to make
the arena start, and max players to the maximum amount of players that
an arena can have.
2) Saving the map area using:
/skywars pos1 <arena name>
/skywars pos2 <arena name>
in order to kill players that go out of the map and to properly recognize
In order to kill players that go out of the map and to properly recognize
the arena you have to define a map area; to do so, simply specify its
corners by using the two commands above.
Once you've done this you can put "@" instead of the arena name in any command
to automatically get the one you're standing in.
3) Editing the arena using:
/skywars edit <arena name>
in this menu you can add spawn points, set up the timer and the sign to
In this menu you can add spawn points, set up the timer and the sign to
enter the arena: the spawn points are where the players will spawn when
they enter the arena, the timer's a value decrementing from whatever you set
it until 0, and the sign is just the way to enter the arena (by clicking it).
4) Setting the arena treasures (the items that can spawn in the
/skywars addtreasure <arena name> <item> <count> <rarity (min 1.0, max
10.0)> <preciousness>
/skywars addtreasure <arena name> <item> <count> <preciousness>
<rarity (min 1.0, max 10.0)>
item: the item name;
rarity: how often it will spawn in chests;
preciousness: in which chests it can be put, for example a chest with
@ -42,19 +50,25 @@ a preciousness range 2-4 can just spawn items with a preciousness
between 2 and 4;
count: the item amount.
You can also use:
/skywars addtreasure hand <arena name> <rarity (min 1.0, max 10.0)>
this will get the item name and count from the one in your hand.
You can also use:
/skywars addtreasure hand <arena name> <preciousness>
<rarity (min 1.0, max 10.0)>
that will get the item name and count from the one in your hand.
5) Setting the chests in the arena using:
/skywars addchest <min_preciousness> <max_preciousness>
<min_treasures_amount (min. 1)> <max_treasures_amount>
to add a chest that will be filled with the right treasures when the match
To add a chest that will be filled with the right treasures when the match
starts, this will set the position to the node you're looking at (not over it).
To modify a map you must use use /skywars reset <arena name> and then disable
the arena, otherwise your changes may get lost.
@ -64,18 +78,26 @@ flowing lava and water created some stone it won't be reset the first time, so
you'll have to reset it until the map is clear).
6) (Optional) Creating and setting the kits using:
/skywars createkit <kit name> <texture name>: texture name is the texture
that the kit button will have in the selector menu at the start of the match,
/skywars createkit <kit name> <texture name>
<texture name> is the texture that the kit button will have in the selector menu at the start of the match,
it must be a file name that you put in the "<SKYWARS MOD FOLDER>/textures" folder.
/skywars additem <kit name> <item> <count>: with this you can add items to it.
/skywars additem <kit name> <item> <count>
/skywars additem hand <kit name>
/skywars arenakit add <arena name> <kit name>: each arena has a "kits" property
that contains the choosable kits, with this command you add one to it.
With this you can add items to it.
/skywars arenakit add <arena name> <kit name>
Each arena has a "kits" property that contains the choosable kits, with this command you add one to it.
7) Enabling the arena using
@ -83,6 +105,8 @@ that contains the choosable kits, with this command you add one to it.
/skywars enable <arena name>
Once you've done this you can click the sign and start playing :).
You should use /help skywars to read all the commands.
To modify the game settings (such as the messages prefix or the

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ end)
arena_lib.on_start("skywars", function(arena)
arena.match_players = arena.players_amount
arena.players_original_amount = arena.players_amount

View File

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ function skywars.generate_HUD(arena, pl_name)
number = 0xFFFFFF,
background_kill_counter_ = player:hud_add({
hud_elem_type = "image",
position = {x = x_pos, y = y_pos},
@ -31,33 +30,29 @@ function skywars.generate_HUD(arena, pl_name)
number = 0xFFFFFF,
-- The number of players in the game
players_count_ = player:hud_add({
hud_elem_type = "text",
position = {x = x_pos, y = y_pos},
offset = {x = distance_x+background_width+39, y = 50+6},
text = tostring(arena.players_amount) .. "/" .. tostring(arena.match_players),
text = tostring(arena.players_amount) .. "/" .. tostring(arena.players_original_amount),
alignment = {x = 0},
scale = {x = 100, y = 100},
number = 0xdff6f5,
-- The number of players killed
players_killed_ = player:hud_add({
hud_elem_type = "text",
position = {x = x_pos, y = y_pos},
offset = {x = -distance_x+33, y = 50+5},
offset = {x = -distance_x+34, y = 50+4},
text = 0,
alignment = {x = 0},
scale = {x = 100, y = 100},
number = 0xdff6f5,
-- Save the huds of each player
arena.HUDs[pl_name] = {
background_players_counter = background_players_counter_,
players_count = players_count_,
-- HUD ID, amount of players killed
players_killed = {id = players_killed_, amount = 0},
background_kill_counter = background_kill_counter_
@ -77,20 +72,19 @@ end
function skywars.update_players_counter(arena, players_updated)
function skywars.update_players_counter(arena, players_amount_updated)
local pl_amount = arena.players_amount
-- if arena.players_amount hasn't been updated yet
if players_updated == false then
if not players_amount_updated then
pl_amount = pl_amount-1
-- updating the players counter HUD
for pl_name in pairs(arena.players) do
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(pl_name)
if arena.match_players == nil then return end
player:hud_change(arena.HUDs[pl_name].players_count, "text", tostring(arena.players_amount) .. "/" .. tostring(arena.match_players))
if arena.players_original_amount == nil then return end
local players_counter = tostring(arena.players_amount) .. "/" .. tostring(arena.players_original_amount)
player:hud_change(arena.HUDs[pl_name].players_count, "text", players_counter)

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
local pl_name = player:get_player_name()
local arena = arena_lib.get_arena_by_player(pl_name)
local kits = skywars.load_kits()
local kits = skywars.load_table("kits")
-- if the pressed button's name is equal to one of the kits in the arena then select it
for i=1, #arena.kits do
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function create_formspec(arena)
local distance_y = skywars_settings.distance_y
local offset_x = 0
local offset_y = 0
local kits = skywars.load_kits()
local kits = skywars.load_table("kits")
-- generates the formspec buttons
for i=1, #arena.kits do

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ end
function skywars.reset_map(arena)
local maps = skywars.load_maps()
local maps = skywars.load_table("maps")
local pos1, pos2 = reorder_positions(arena.pos1, arena.pos2)
local distance_from_center = vector.distance(pos1, pos2) / 2
local map_center = {x = (pos1.x+pos2.x)/2, y = (pos1.y+pos2.y)/2, z = (pos1.z+pos2.z)/2}
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ function skywars.reset_map(arena)
minetest.add_node(pos, node)
maps[arena.name].blocks = {}
skywars.overwrite_table("maps", maps)
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ end
function save_block(arena, pos, node)
local maps = skywars.load_maps()
local maps = skywars.load_table("maps")
local serialized_pos = minetest.serialize(pos)
if not arena then return end
@ -112,6 +112,6 @@ function save_block(arena, pos, node)
-- if this block has not been changed yet then save it
if maps[arena.name].blocks[serialized_pos] == nil then
maps[arena.name].blocks[serialized_pos] = node
skywars.overwrite_table("maps", maps)

View File

@ -1,36 +1,18 @@
local storage = minetest.get_mod_storage()
function skywars.load_kits()
local kits = minetest.deserialize(storage:get_string("kits"))
function skywars.load_table(metadata_name)
local metadata = minetest.deserialize(storage:get_string(metadata_name))
if kits == "" or kits == nil then
kits = {}
if metadata == "" or metadata == nil then
metadata = {}
return kits
return metadata
function skywars.overwrite_kits(kits_table)
storage:set_string("kits", minetest.serialize(kits_table))
function skywars.overwrite_table(metadata_name, table)
storage:set_string(metadata_name, minetest.serialize(table))
function skywars.load_maps() -- {pos = node, ...}
local maps = minetest.deserialize(storage:get_string("maps"))
if maps == "" or maps == nil then
maps = {}
return maps
function skywars.overwrite_maps(maps_table)
storage:set_string("maps", minetest.serialize(maps_table))

View File

@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
local function get_valid_arena() end
local function get_looking_node_pos() end
local function print_chest() end
local function print_treasure() end
local function from_chest_to_string() end
local function from_treasure_to_string() end
local function get_wielded_item() end
skywars.print_msg(sender, [[
You can read it from TUTORIAL.txt in the mod folder.
ChatCmdBuilder.new("skywars", function(cmd)
cmd:sub("tutorial", function(sender)
skywars.print_msg(sender, "You can read it from TUTORIAL.txt in the mod folder.")
@ -126,14 +122,11 @@ function(cmd)
if not arena then
elseif count <= 0 then
elseif count < 1 then
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("Count has to be greater than 0!"))
elseif rarity <= 0 then
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("Rarity has to be greater than 0!"))
elseif rarity > 10 then
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("Rarity has to be smaller than 11!"))
elseif rarity < 1 or rarity > 10 then
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("Rarity has to be between 1 and 10!"))
elseif ItemStack(treasure_name):is_known() == false then
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("@1 doesn't exist!", treasure_name))
@ -142,75 +135,70 @@ function(cmd)
local item_id = 1
if arena.treasures[#arena.treasures] then item_id = arena.treasures[#arena.treasures].id+1 end
table.insert(arena.treasures, {
local treasure = {
name = treasure_name,
rarity = rarity,
count = count,
preciousness = preciousness,
id = item_id
table.insert(arena.treasures, treasure)
arena_lib.change_arena_property(sender, "skywars", arena_name, "treasures", arena.treasures, false)
skywars.print_msg(sender, skywars.T("x@1 @2 added to @3 with @4 rarity and @5 preciousness!",
count, treasure_name, arena_name, rarity, preciousness
skywars.print_msg(sender, "+ " .. from_treasure_to_string(treasure))
cmd:sub("addtreasure hand :arena :rarity:number :preciousness:int",
cmd:sub("addtreasure hand :arena :preciousness:int :rarity:number",
function(sender, arena_name, rarity, preciousness)
local arena, arena_name = get_valid_arena(arena_name, sender, true)
local treasure = get_wielded_item(sender)
local treasure_itemstack = get_wielded_item(sender)
local treasure = {}
if not arena or not treasure then
if not arena or not treasure_itemstack then
if rarity <= 0 then
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("Rarity has to be greater than 0!"))
elseif rarity > 10 then
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("Rarity has to be smaller than 11!"))
elseif rarity < 1 or rarity > 10 then
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("Rarity has to be between 1 and 10!"))
local item_id = 1
if arena.treasures[#arena.treasures] then item_id = arena.treasures[#arena.treasures].id+1 end
table.insert(arena.treasures, {
name = treasure.name,
treasure = {
name = treasure_itemstack.name,
rarity = rarity,
count = treasure.count,
count = treasure_itemstack.count,
preciousness = preciousness,
id = item_id
table.insert(arena.treasures, treasure)
arena_lib.change_arena_property(sender, "skywars", arena_name, "treasures", arena.treasures, false)
skywars.print_msg(sender, skywars.T("x@1 @2 added to @3 with @4 rarity and @5 preciousness!",
treasure.count, treasure.name, arena_name, rarity, preciousness
skywars.print_msg(sender, "+ " .. from_treasure_to_string(treasure))
cmd:sub("removetreasure hand :arena", function(sender, arena_name)
cmd:sub("removetreasure hand :arena",
function(sender, arena_name)
local arena, arena_name = get_valid_arena(arena_name, sender, true)
local found = {true, false} -- the first is used to repeat the for until nothing is found
local wielded_treasure = get_wielded_item(sender)
local wielded_itemstack = get_wielded_item(sender)
if not arena or not wielded_treasure then
if not arena or not wielded_itemstack then
while found[1] do
found[1] = false
for i, treasure in pairs(arena.treasures) do
if treasure.name == wielded_treasure.name then
if treasure.name == wielded_itemstack.name then
table.remove(arena.treasures, i)
i = i-1
found[1] = true
found[2] = true
@ -218,7 +206,7 @@ function(cmd)
arena_lib.change_arena_property(sender, "skywars", arena_name, "treasures", arena.treasures, false)
if found[2] then skywars.print_msg(sender, skywars.T("@1 removed from @2!", wielded_treasure.name, arena.name))
if found[2] then skywars.print_msg(sender, skywars.T("@1 removed from @2!", wielded_itemstack.name, arena.name))
else skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("Treasure not found!")) end
@ -226,7 +214,8 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("removetreasure :arena :treasure", function(sender, arena_name, treasure_name)
cmd:sub("removetreasure :arena :treasure",
function(sender, arena_name, treasure_name)
local arena, arena_name = get_valid_arena(arena_name, sender, true)
local found = {true, false} -- the first is used to repeat the for until nothing is found
@ -255,7 +244,8 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("removetreasure id :arena :id:int", function(sender, arena_name, treasure_id)
cmd:sub("removetreasure id :arena :id:int",
function(sender, arena_name, treasure_id)
local arena, arena_name = get_valid_arena(arena_name, sender, true)
local treasure_name = ""
@ -280,10 +270,10 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("copytreasures :fromarena :toarena", function(sender, from, to)
cmd:sub("copytreasures :fromarena :toarena",
function(sender, from, to)
local from_arena, from = get_valid_arena(from, sender)
local to_arena, to = get_valid_arena(to, sender, true)
local found = false
if not to_arena or not from_arena then
@ -300,22 +290,24 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("gettreasures :arena", function(sender, arena_name)
cmd:sub("gettreasures :arena",
function(sender, arena_name)
local arena = get_valid_arena(arena_name, sender)
local found = false
if not arena then
skywars.print_msg(sender, skywars.T("Treasures list:"))
for i=1, #arena.treasures do
print_treasure(arena.treasures[i], sender)
skywars.print_msg(sender, from_treasure_to_string(arena.treasures[i]) .. "\n\n")
cmd:sub("searchtreasure :arena :treasure", function(sender, arena_name, treasure_name)
cmd:sub("searchtreasure :arena :treasure",
function(sender, arena_name, treasure_name)
local arena, arena_name = get_valid_arena(arena_name, sender, true)
if not arena then
@ -326,12 +318,7 @@ function(cmd)
for i=1, #arena.treasures do
local treasure = arena.treasures[i]
if treasure.name:match(treasure_name) then
skywars.print_msg(sender, "ID: " .. arena.treasures[i].id .. ".\n" ..
"name: @1 @nrarity: @2 @npreciousness: @3 @ncount: @4",
treasure.name, treasure.rarity, treasure.preciousness, treasure.count
) .. "\n\n"
skywars.print_msg(sender, from_treasure_to_string(treasure) .. "\n\n")
@ -365,28 +352,28 @@ function(cmd)
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("The minimum or maximum amount of treasures has to be greater than 0!"))
for i=1, #arena.chests do
if vector.equals(arena.chests[i].pos, pos) then
exists = true
if exists then
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("The chest already exists!"))
skywars.print_msg(sender, "+ " .. from_chest_to_string(chest))
skywars.T("Chest added with @1-@2 preciousness and @3-@4 treasures amount!",
min_preciousness, max_preciousness, min_treasures, max_treasures)
table.insert(arena.chests, chest)
arena_lib.change_arena_property(sender, "skywars", arena_name, "chests", arena.chests, false)
cmd:sub("getchests :arena", function(sender, arena_name)
cmd:sub("getchests :arena",
function(sender, arena_name)
local arena = get_valid_arena(arena_name, sender)
if not arena then
@ -395,13 +382,14 @@ function(cmd)
skywars.print_msg(sender, skywars.T("Chest list:"))
for i=1, #arena.chests do
print_chest(chest, arena.chests[i])
skywars.print_msg(sender, from_chest_to_string(arena.chests[i]) .. "\n\n")
cmd:sub("removechest", function(sender)
local arena, arena_name = get_valid_arena("@", sender, true)
local found = false
local pos = get_looking_node_pos(sender)
@ -430,7 +418,8 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("inspect", function(sender)
local arena, arena_name = get_valid_arena("@", sender)
local found = false
local pos = get_looking_node_pos(sender)
@ -444,7 +433,7 @@ function(cmd)
for i=1, #arena.chests do
local chest = arena.chests[i]
if vector.equals(chest.pos, pos) then
print_chest(chest, sender)
skywars.print_msg(sender, from_chest_to_string(chest) .. "\n\n")
found = true
@ -457,7 +446,8 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("removechest id :arena :id:int", function(sender, arena_name, chest_id)
cmd:sub("removechest id :arena :id:int",
function(sender, arena_name, chest_id)
local arena, arena_name = get_valid_arena(arena_name, sender, true)
local found = false
@ -489,15 +479,15 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("createkit :name :texture",
function(sender, kit_name, texture)
local kits = skywars.load_kits()
local kits = skywars.load_table("kits")
if kits[kit_name] ~= nil then
if kits[kit_name] then
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("@1 already exists!", kit_name))
kits[kit_name] = {texture = texture, items={}}
skywars.overwrite_table("kits", kits)
skywars.print_msg(sender, skywars.T("Kit @1 created!", kit_name))
@ -506,7 +496,7 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("additem :kit :item :count:int",
function(sender, kit_name, item_name, item_count)
local kits = skywars.load_kits()
local kits = skywars.load_table("kits")
local itemstack = {}
if ItemStack(item_name):is_known() == false then
@ -524,7 +514,7 @@ function(cmd)
itemstack.count = item_count
table.insert(kits[kit_name].items, itemstack)
skywars.overwrite_table("kits", kits)
skywars.print_msg(sender, skywars.T("@1 added to @2!", item_name, kit_name))
@ -533,37 +523,35 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("additem hand :kit",
function(sender, kit_name)
local kits = skywars.load_kits()
local itemstack = get_wielded_item(sender)
local kits = skywars.load_table("kits")
local wielded_itemstack = get_wielded_item(sender)
if not itemstack then
if not wielded_itemstack then
elseif kits[kit_name] == nil then
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("@1 doesn't exist!", kit_name))
table.insert(kits[kit_name].items, itemstack)
table.insert(kits[kit_name].items, wielded_itemstack)
skywars.overwrite_table("kits", kits)
skywars.print_msg(sender, skywars.T("x@1 @2 added to @3!", itemstack.count, itemstack.name, kit_name))
skywars.print_msg(sender, skywars.T("x@1 @2 added to @3!", wielded_itemstack.count, wielded_itemstack.name, kit_name))
cmd:sub("deletekit :kit",
function(sender, kit_name)
local kits = skywars.load_kits()
local kits = skywars.load_table("kits")
if not itemstack then
elseif kits[kit_name] == nil then
if kits[kit_name] == nil then
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("@1 doesn't exist!", kit_name))
kits[kit_name] = nil
skywars.overwrite_table("kits", kits)
skywars.print_msg(sender, skywars.T("Kit @1 deleted!", kit_name))
@ -572,30 +560,30 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("removeitem hand :kit",
function(sender, kit_name)
local kits = skywars.load_kits()
local itemstack = get_wielded_item(sender)
local kits = skywars.load_table("kits")
local wielded_itemstack = get_wielded_item(sender)
local found = false
if not itemstack then
if not wielded_itemstack then
elseif kits[kit_name] == nil then
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("@1 doesn't exist!", itemstack.name))
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("@1 doesn't exist!", wielded_itemstack.name))
for i=1, #kits[kit_name].items do
if kits[kit_name].items[i].name == itemstack.name then
if kits[kit_name].items[i].name == wielded_itemstack.name then
table.remove(kits[kit_name].items, i)
found = true
skywars.overwrite_table("kits", kits)
if found then
skywars.print_msg(sender, skywars.T("@1 removed from @2!", itemstack.name, kit_name))
skywars.print_msg(sender, skywars.T("@1 removed from @2!", wielded_itemstack.name, kit_name))
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("@1 doesn't exist!", itemstack.name))
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("@1 doesn't exist!", wielded_itemstack.name))
@ -603,7 +591,7 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("removeitem :kit :item",
function(sender, kit_name, item_name)
local kits = skywars.load_kits()
local kits = skywars.load_table("kits")
local itemstack = {}
local found = false
@ -622,7 +610,7 @@ function(cmd)
skywars.overwrite_table("kits", kits)
if found then
skywars.print_msg(sender, skywars.T("@1 removed from @2!", item_name, kit_name))
@ -635,7 +623,7 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("resetkit :kit",
function(sender, kit_name)
local kits = skywars.load_kits()
local kits = skywars.load_table("kits")
if kits[kit_name] == nil then
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("@1 doesn't exist!", kit_name))
@ -643,7 +631,7 @@ function(cmd)
kits[kit_name].items = {}
skywars.overwrite_table("kits", kits)
skywars.print_msg(sender, skywars.T("@1 reset!", kit_name))
@ -652,7 +640,7 @@ function(cmd)
local kits = skywars.load_kits()
local kits = skywars.load_table("kits")
skywars.print_msg(sender, skywars.T("Kits list:"))
for name in pairs(kits) do
@ -664,7 +652,7 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("getitems :kit",
function(sender, kit_name)
local kits = skywars.load_kits()
local kits = skywars.load_table("kits")
if kits[kit_name] == nil then
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("@1 doesn't exist!", kit_name))
@ -681,13 +669,12 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("arenakit add :arena :kit",
function(sender, arena_name, kit_name)
local kits = skywars.load_kits()
local kits = skywars.load_table("kits")
local arena, arena_name = get_valid_arena(arena_name, sender, true)
if not arena then
if kits[kit_name] == nil then
elseif kits[kit_name] == nil then
skywars.print_error(sender, skywars.T("@1 doesn't exist!", kit_name))
@ -702,7 +689,7 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("arenakit remove :arena :kit",
function(sender, arena_name, kit_name)
local kits = skywars.load_kits()
local kits = skywars.load_table("kits")
local arena, arena_name = get_valid_arena(arena_name, sender, true)
local found = false
@ -728,7 +715,8 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("copykits :fromarena :toarena", function(sender, from, to)
cmd:sub("copykits :fromarena :toarena",
function(sender, from, to)
local from_arena, from = get_valid_arena(from, sender)
local to_arena, to = get_valid_arena(to, sender, true)
@ -751,7 +739,8 @@ function(cmd)
-- ! MAP CMDS ! --
cmd:sub("pos1 :arena", function(sender, arena_name)
cmd:sub("pos1 :arena",
function(sender, arena_name)
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(sender)
local arena, arena_name = get_valid_arena(arena_name, sender, true)
@ -767,7 +756,8 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("pos2 :arena", function(sender, arena_name)
cmd:sub("pos2 :arena",
function(sender, arena_name)
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(sender)
local arena, arena_name = get_valid_arena(arena_name, sender, true)
@ -783,7 +773,8 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("getpos", function(sender)
local pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(sender):get_pos()
local readable_pos = "[X Y Z] " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos, 1)
@ -792,7 +783,8 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("reset :arena", function(sender, arena_name)
cmd:sub("reset :arena",
function(sender, arena_name)
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(sender)
local arena, arena_name = get_valid_arena(arena_name, sender)
@ -810,8 +802,9 @@ function(cmd)
cmd:sub("clearmapstable", function(sender)
skywars.overwrite_table("maps", {})
skywars.print_msg(sender, skywars.T("Maps table reset!"))
end, {
@ -834,13 +827,13 @@ end, {
- tutorial
- pos1 <arena name>
- pos2 <arena name>
- addtreasure <arena name> <item> <count> <rarity (min 1.0, max 10.0)>
- addtreasure hand <arena name> <rarity (min 1.0, max 10.0)>
- addtreasure <arena name> <item> <count> <preciousness>
<rarity (min 1.0, max 10.0)>
- addtreasure hand <arena name> <preciousness>
<rarity (min 1.0, max 10.0)>
- gettreasures <arena name>
- searchtreasure <arena name> <treasure name>: shows all the treasures with that name
- removetreasure <arena name> <treasure name>: remove all treasures with than name
- removetreasure <arena name> <treasure name>: remove all treasures with that name
- removetreasure hand <arena name>
- removetreasure id <arena name> <treasure id>
- copytreasures <(from) arena name> <(to) arena name>
@ -933,25 +926,21 @@ end
function print_chest(chest, sender)
function from_chest_to_string(chest)
local chest_pos = minetest.pos_to_string(chest.pos, 0)
"ID: @1 @nposition: @2 @npreciousness: @3-@4 @ntreasures amount: @5-@6",
chest.id, chest_pos, chest.min_preciousness, chest.max_preciousness,
chest.min_treasures, chest.max_treasures
) .. "\n\n"
return skywars.T(
"ID: @1, position: @2, preciousness: @3-@4, treasures amount: @5-@6",
chest.id, chest_pos, chest.min_preciousness, chest.max_preciousness,
chest.min_treasures, chest.max_treasures
function print_treasure(treasure, sender)
"ID: @1 @nname: @2 @nrarity: @3 @npreciousness: @4 @ncount: @5",
treasure.id, treasure.name, treasure.rarity, treasure.preciousness, treasure.count
) .. "\n\n"
function from_treasure_to_string(treasure)
return skywars.T(
"ID: @1, name: @2, rarity: @3, preciousness: @4, count: @5",
treasure.id, treasure.name, treasure.rarity, treasure.preciousness, treasure.count

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
dofile(minetest.get_modpath("skywars") .. "/SETTINGS.lua")
skywars = {}
skywars.T = minetest.get_translator("skywars")
local disabled_damage_types_ = {}
if skywars_settings.fall_damage_disabled then
disabled_damage_types_ = {"fall"}
@ -18,8 +17,7 @@ arena_lib.register_minigame("skywars", {
queue_waiting_time = skywars_settings.queue_waiting_time,
temp_properties = {
HUDs = {},
-- the original amount of players in the arena
match_players = 0,
players_original_amount = 0,
properties = {
chests = {},

View File

@ -6,36 +6,30 @@
# @<number> (@1, @2, ecc) is a value that the mod will pass at runtime
Count has to be greater than 0!=La quantità deve essere maggiore di 0
Rarity has to be greater than 0!=La rarità deve essere maggiore di 0!
Rarity has to be smaller than 11!=La rarità deve essere minore di 11!
Rarity has to be between 1 and 10!=La rarità deve essere compresa tra 1 e 10!
@1 doesn't exist!=@1 non esiste!
Your hand is empty!=La tua mano è vuota!
Treasure not found!=Tesoro non trovato!
The minimum or maximum amount of treasures has to be greater than 0!=Il numero minimo o massimo di tesori deve essere maggiore di 0!
Treasures list:=Lista dei tesori:
First arena not found!=Prima arena non trovata/o!
Second arena not found!=Seconda arena non trovata/p!
@1 treasures have been copied to @2!=I tesori di @1 sono stati copiati in @2!
The arenas must be different!=Le arene devono essere diverse!
ID: @1 @nname: @2 @nrarity: @3 @npreciousness: @4 @ncount: @5=ID: @1 @nnome: @2 @nrarità: @3 @npreziosità: @4 @nquantità: @5
Chest added with @1-@2 preciousness and @3-@4 treasures amount!=Cassa aggiunta con @1-@2 di preziosità e @3-@4 quantità di tesori
ID: @1, name: @2, rarity: @3, preciousness: @4, count: @5=ID: @1, nome: @2, rarità: @3, preziosità: @4, quantità: @5
Chest removed!=Cassa rimossa!
Chest not found!=Cassa non trovata!
The chest already exists!=La cassa già esiste!
Chest list:=Lista delle casse:
You're not looking at anything!=Non stai guardando nulla!
ID: @1 @nposition: @2 @npreciousness: @3-@4 @ntreasures amount: @5-@6=ID: @1 @nposizione: @2 @npreziosità: @3-@4 @nquantità dei tesori: @5-@6
ID: @1, position: @2, preciousness: @3-@4, treasures amount: @5-@6=ID: @1, posizione: @2, preziosità: @3-@4, numero di tesori: @5-@6
Position saved!=Posizione salvata
You didn't set the treasures!=Non hai impostato i tesori!
You didn't set the chests!=Non hai impostato le chest!
You didn't set the map corners!=Non hai impostato gli angoli della mappa!
@1 must be disabled!=@1 deve essere disabilitata!
@1 must be enabled!=@1 deve essere abilitata!
Pos1 or pos2 are not set!=Pos1 o pos2 non sono impostate!
@1 was killed by @2=@1 è stato ucciso da @2
@1 already exists!=@1 esiste già!
@1 added to @2!=@1 aggiunto a @2
x@1 @2 added to @3 with @4 rarity and @5 preciousness!=x@1 @2 aggiunto a @3 con rarità @4 e preziosità @5
@1 removed from @2!=@1 rimosso da @2!
Kit @1 created!=Kit @1 creato!
Kit @1 deleted!=Kit @1 eliminato!

View File

@ -6,38 +6,30 @@
# @<number> (@1, @2, ecc) is a value that the mod will pass at runtime
Count has to be greater than 0!=
Rarity has to be greater than 0!=
Rarity has to be smaller than 11!=
Rarity has to be between 1 and 10!=
@1 doesn't exist!=
Your hand is empty!=
Treasure added!=
Treasure removed!=
Treasure not found!=
Treasures list:=
You're not looking at anything!=
The minimum or maximum amount of treasures has to be greater than 0!=
First arena not found!=
Second arena not found!=
@1 treasures have been copied to @2!=
The arenas must be different!=
ID: @1 @nname: @2 @nrarity: @3 @npreciousness: @4 @ncount: @5=
Chest added with @1-@2 preciousness and @3-@4 treasures amount!=
ID: @1, name: @2, rarity: @3, preciousness: @4, count: @5=
Chest removed!=
Chest not found!=
Chest list:=
The chest already exists!=
ID: @1 @nposition: @2 @npreciousness: @3-@4 @ntreasures amount: @5-@6=
ID: @1, position: @2, preciousness: @3-@4, treasures amount: @5-@6=
Position saved!=
You didn't set the treasures!=
You didn't set the chests!=
You didn't set the map corners!=
@1 must be disabled!=
@1 must be enabled!=
Pos1 or pos2 are not set!=
@1 was killed by @2=
@1 already exists!=
@1 added to @2!=
x@1 @2 added to @3 with @4 rarity and @5 preciousness!=
@1 removed from @2!=
Kit @1 created!=
Kit @1 deleted!=

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@ -12,15 +12,13 @@ end
function skywars.get_arena_by_pos(pos)
for i, arena in pairs(arena_lib.mods["skywars"].arenas) do
if arena.pos1.x == nil or arena.pos2.x == nil then
goto continue
if arena.pos1.x == nil or arena.pos2.x == nil then goto continue end
reorder_positions(arena.pos1, arena.pos2)
local map_area = VoxelArea:new{MinEdge = arena.pos1, MaxEdge = arena.pos2}
if map_area:contains(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) then
return arena
return arena