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2019-03-02 13:46:04 -08:00
const std = @import("../std.zig");
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const root = @import("root");
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const testing = std.testing;
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
const mem = std.mem;
const os = std.os;
const windows = os.windows;
const maxInt = std.math.maxInt;
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
const Thread = std.Thread;
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
const is_windows = std.Target.current.os.tag == .windows;
pub const Loop = struct {
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
next_tick_queue: std.atomic.Queue(anyframe),
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
os_data: OsData,
final_resume_node: ResumeNode,
pending_event_count: usize,
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
extra_threads: []*Thread,
/// TODO change this to a pool of configurable number of threads
/// and rename it to be not file-system-specific. it will become
/// a thread pool for turning non-CPU-bound blocking things into
/// async things. A fallback for any missing OS-specific API.
fs_thread: *Thread,
fs_queue: std.atomic.Queue(Request),
fs_end_request: Request.Node,
fs_thread_wakeup: std.ResetEvent,
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
/// For resources that have the same lifetime as the `Loop`.
/// This is only used by `Loop` for the thread pool and associated resources.
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
/// Pre-allocated eventfds. All permanently active.
/// This is how `Loop` sends promises to be resumed on other threads.
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
available_eventfd_resume_nodes: std.atomic.Stack(ResumeNode.EventFd),
eventfd_resume_nodes: []std.atomic.Stack(ResumeNode.EventFd).Node,
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
pub const NextTickNode = std.atomic.Queue(anyframe).Node;
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
pub const ResumeNode = struct {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
id: Id,
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
handle: anyframe,
overlapped: Overlapped,
pub const overlapped_init = switch (builtin.os.tag) {
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
.windows => windows.OVERLAPPED{
.Internal = 0,
.InternalHigh = 0,
.Offset = 0,
.OffsetHigh = 0,
.hEvent = null,
else => {},
pub const Overlapped = @TypeOf(overlapped_init);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
pub const Id = enum {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
pub const EventFd = switch (builtin.os.tag) {
2019-10-22 15:06:35 -07:00
.macosx, .freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly => KEventFd,
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
.linux => struct {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
base: ResumeNode,
epoll_op: u32,
eventfd: i32,
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
.windows => struct {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
base: ResumeNode,
completion_key: usize,
else => struct {},
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
const KEventFd = struct {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
base: ResumeNode,
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
kevent: os.Kevent,
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
pub const Basic = switch (builtin.os.tag) {
2019-10-22 15:06:35 -07:00
.macosx, .freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly => KEventBasic,
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
.linux => struct {
base: ResumeNode,
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
.windows => struct {
base: ResumeNode,
else => @compileError("unsupported OS"),
2018-08-07 19:23:26 -07:00
const KEventBasic = struct {
2018-08-07 19:23:26 -07:00
base: ResumeNode,
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
kev: os.Kevent,
2018-08-07 19:23:26 -07:00
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
var global_instance_state: Loop = undefined;
const default_instance: ?*Loop = switch (std.io.mode) {
.blocking => null,
.evented => &global_instance_state,
pub const instance: ?*Loop = if (@hasDecl(root, "event_loop")) root.event_loop else default_instance;
2019-08-08 13:41:38 -07:00
/// TODO copy elision / named return values so that the threads referencing *Loop
/// have the correct pointer value.
/// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/2761 and https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/2765
pub fn init(self: *Loop) !void {
2019-08-08 13:41:38 -07:00
if (builtin.single_threaded) {
return self.initSingleThreaded();
2019-08-08 13:41:38 -07:00
} else {
return self.initMultiThreaded();
2019-08-08 13:41:38 -07:00
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
/// After initialization, call run().
/// TODO copy elision / named return values so that the threads referencing *Loop
/// have the correct pointer value.
2019-08-08 13:41:38 -07:00
/// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/2761 and https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/2765
pub fn initSingleThreaded(self: *Loop) !void {
return self.initThreadPool(1);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
/// After initialization, call run().
/// This is the same as `initThreadPool` using `Thread.cpuCount` to determine the thread
/// pool size.
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
/// TODO copy elision / named return values so that the threads referencing *Loop
/// have the correct pointer value.
2019-08-08 13:41:38 -07:00
/// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/2761 and https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/2765
pub fn initMultiThreaded(self: *Loop) !void {
if (builtin.single_threaded)
@compileError("initMultiThreaded unavailable when building in single-threaded mode");
2019-05-26 20:35:26 -07:00
const core_count = try Thread.cpuCount();
return self.initThreadPool(core_count);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
/// Thread count is the total thread count. The thread pool size will be
/// max(thread_count - 1, 0)
pub fn initThreadPool(self: *Loop, thread_count: usize) !void {
self.* = Loop{
.arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator),
.pending_event_count = 1,
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
.os_data = undefined,
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
.next_tick_queue = std.atomic.Queue(anyframe).init(),
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
.extra_threads = undefined,
.available_eventfd_resume_nodes = std.atomic.Stack(ResumeNode.EventFd).init(),
.eventfd_resume_nodes = undefined,
.final_resume_node = ResumeNode{
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
.id = ResumeNode.Id.Stop,
.handle = undefined,
.overlapped = ResumeNode.overlapped_init,
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
.fs_end_request = .{ .data = .{ .msg = .end, .finish = .NoAction } },
.fs_queue = std.atomic.Queue(Request).init(),
.fs_thread = undefined,
.fs_thread_wakeup = std.ResetEvent.init(),
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
errdefer self.fs_thread_wakeup.deinit();
errdefer self.arena.deinit();
2019-08-17 08:40:48 -07:00
// We need at least one of these in case the fs thread wants to use onNextTick
const extra_thread_count = thread_count - 1;
const resume_node_count = std.math.max(extra_thread_count, 1);
self.eventfd_resume_nodes = try self.arena.allocator.alloc(
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2019-08-17 08:40:48 -07:00
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
self.extra_threads = try self.arena.allocator.alloc(*Thread, extra_thread_count);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
try self.initOsData(extra_thread_count);
errdefer self.deinitOsData();
if (!builtin.single_threaded) {
self.fs_thread = try Thread.spawn(self, posixFsRun);
errdefer if (!builtin.single_threaded) {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
pub fn deinit(self: *Loop) void {
self.* = undefined;
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2019-05-26 20:35:26 -07:00
const InitOsDataError = os.EpollCreateError || mem.Allocator.Error || os.EventFdError ||
Thread.SpawnError || os.EpollCtlError || os.KEventError ||
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
const wakeup_bytes = [_]u8{0x1} ** 8;
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
fn initOsData(self: *Loop, extra_thread_count: usize) InitOsDataError!void {
2020-05-05 04:14:22 -07:00
nosuspend switch (builtin.os.tag) {
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
.linux => {
errdefer {
while (self.available_eventfd_resume_nodes.pop()) |node| os.close(node.data.eventfd);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
for (self.eventfd_resume_nodes) |*eventfd_node| {
eventfd_node.* = std.atomic.Stack(ResumeNode.EventFd).Node{
.data = ResumeNode.EventFd{
.base = ResumeNode{
.id = .EventFd,
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
.handle = undefined,
.overlapped = ResumeNode.overlapped_init,
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2019-05-26 20:35:26 -07:00
.eventfd = try os.eventfd(1, os.EFD_CLOEXEC | os.EFD_NONBLOCK),
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
.epoll_op = os.EPOLL_CTL_ADD,
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
.next = undefined,
2019-05-26 20:35:26 -07:00
self.os_data.epollfd = try os.epoll_create1(os.EPOLL_CLOEXEC);
errdefer os.close(self.os_data.epollfd);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2019-05-26 20:35:26 -07:00
self.os_data.final_eventfd = try os.eventfd(0, os.EFD_CLOEXEC | os.EFD_NONBLOCK);
errdefer os.close(self.os_data.final_eventfd);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
self.os_data.final_eventfd_event = os.epoll_event{
.events = os.EPOLLIN,
.data = os.epoll_data{ .ptr = @ptrToInt(&self.final_resume_node) },
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2019-05-26 20:35:26 -07:00
try os.epoll_ctl(
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
if (builtin.single_threaded) {
assert(extra_thread_count == 0);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
var extra_thread_index: usize = 0;
errdefer {
// writing 8 bytes to an eventfd cannot fail
const amt = os.write(self.os_data.final_eventfd, &wakeup_bytes) catch unreachable;
assert(amt == wakeup_bytes.len);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
while (extra_thread_index != 0) {
extra_thread_index -= 1;
while (extra_thread_index < extra_thread_count) : (extra_thread_index += 1) {
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
self.extra_threads[extra_thread_index] = try Thread.spawn(self, workerRun);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2019-10-22 15:06:35 -07:00
.macosx, .freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly => {
2019-05-27 11:12:50 -07:00
self.os_data.kqfd = try os.kqueue();
errdefer os.close(self.os_data.kqfd);
const empty_kevs = &[0]os.Kevent{};
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
for (self.eventfd_resume_nodes) |*eventfd_node, i| {
eventfd_node.* = std.atomic.Stack(ResumeNode.EventFd).Node{
.data = ResumeNode.EventFd{
.base = ResumeNode{
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
.id = ResumeNode.Id.EventFd,
.handle = undefined,
.overlapped = ResumeNode.overlapped_init,
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
// this one is for sending events
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
.kevent = os.Kevent{
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
.ident = i,
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
.filter = os.EVFILT_USER,
.flags = os.EV_CLEAR | os.EV_ADD | os.EV_DISABLE,
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
.fflags = 0,
.data = 0,
.udata = @ptrToInt(&eventfd_node.data.base),
.next = undefined,
const kevent_array = @as(*const [1]os.Kevent, &eventfd_node.data.kevent);
2019-05-27 11:12:50 -07:00
_ = try os.kevent(self.os_data.kqfd, kevent_array, empty_kevs, null);
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
eventfd_node.data.kevent.flags = os.EV_CLEAR | os.EV_ENABLE;
eventfd_node.data.kevent.fflags = os.NOTE_TRIGGER;
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
// Pre-add so that we cannot get error.SystemResources
// later when we try to activate it.
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
self.os_data.final_kevent = os.Kevent{
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
.ident = extra_thread_count,
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
.filter = os.EVFILT_USER,
.flags = os.EV_ADD | os.EV_DISABLE,
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
.fflags = 0,
.data = 0,
.udata = @ptrToInt(&self.final_resume_node),
const final_kev_arr = @as(*const [1]os.Kevent, &self.os_data.final_kevent);
2019-05-27 11:12:50 -07:00
_ = try os.kevent(self.os_data.kqfd, final_kev_arr, empty_kevs, null);
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
self.os_data.final_kevent.flags = os.EV_ENABLE;
self.os_data.final_kevent.fflags = os.NOTE_TRIGGER;
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
if (builtin.single_threaded) {
assert(extra_thread_count == 0);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
var extra_thread_index: usize = 0;
errdefer {
2019-05-27 11:12:50 -07:00
_ = os.kevent(self.os_data.kqfd, final_kev_arr, empty_kevs, null) catch unreachable;
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
while (extra_thread_index != 0) {
extra_thread_index -= 1;
while (extra_thread_index < extra_thread_count) : (extra_thread_index += 1) {
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
self.extra_threads[extra_thread_index] = try Thread.spawn(self, workerRun);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
.windows => {
self.os_data.io_port = try windows.CreateIoCompletionPort(
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
errdefer windows.CloseHandle(self.os_data.io_port);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
for (self.eventfd_resume_nodes) |*eventfd_node, i| {
eventfd_node.* = std.atomic.Stack(ResumeNode.EventFd).Node{
.data = ResumeNode.EventFd{
.base = ResumeNode{
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
.id = ResumeNode.Id.EventFd,
.handle = undefined,
.overlapped = ResumeNode.overlapped_init,
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
// this one is for sending events
.completion_key = @ptrToInt(&eventfd_node.data.base),
.next = undefined,
if (builtin.single_threaded) {
assert(extra_thread_count == 0);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
var extra_thread_index: usize = 0;
errdefer {
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < extra_thread_index) : (i += 1) {
while (true) {
const overlapped = &self.final_resume_node.overlapped;
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
windows.PostQueuedCompletionStatus(self.os_data.io_port, undefined, undefined, overlapped) catch continue;
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
while (extra_thread_index != 0) {
extra_thread_index -= 1;
while (extra_thread_index < extra_thread_count) : (extra_thread_index += 1) {
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
self.extra_threads[extra_thread_index] = try Thread.spawn(self, workerRun);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
else => {},
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
fn deinitOsData(self: *Loop) void {
2020-05-05 04:14:22 -07:00
nosuspend switch (builtin.os.tag) {
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
.linux => {
while (self.available_eventfd_resume_nodes.pop()) |node| os.close(node.data.eventfd);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2019-10-22 15:06:35 -07:00
.macosx, .freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly => {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
.windows => {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
else => {},
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
/// resume_node must live longer than the anyframe that it holds a reference to.
2018-07-29 20:27:21 -07:00
/// flags must contain EPOLLET
pub fn linuxAddFd(self: *Loop, fd: i32, resume_node: *ResumeNode, flags: u32) !void {
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
assert(flags & os.EPOLLET == os.EPOLLET);
2018-07-29 20:27:21 -07:00
errdefer self.finishOneEvent();
try self.linuxModFd(
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
2018-07-29 20:27:21 -07:00
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2018-07-29 20:27:21 -07:00
pub fn linuxModFd(self: *Loop, fd: i32, op: u32, flags: u32, resume_node: *ResumeNode) !void {
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
assert(flags & os.EPOLLET == os.EPOLLET);
var ev = os.linux.epoll_event{
2018-07-29 20:27:21 -07:00
.events = flags,
.data = os.linux.epoll_data{ .ptr = @ptrToInt(resume_node) },
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2019-05-26 20:35:26 -07:00
try os.epoll_ctl(self.os_data.epollfd, op, fd, &ev);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2018-07-29 20:27:21 -07:00
pub fn linuxRemoveFd(self: *Loop, fd: i32) void {
2019-05-30 07:28:33 -07:00
os.epoll_ctl(self.os_data.epollfd, os.linux.EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, null) catch {};
2018-08-07 18:06:21 -07:00
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
std lib networking improvements, especially non-blocking I/O * delete the std/event/net directory * `std.event.Loop.waitUntilFdReadable` and related functions no longer have possibility of failure. On Linux, they fall back to poll() and then fall back to sleep(). * add some missing `noasync` decorations in `std.event.Loop` * redo the `std.net.Server` API. it's quite nice now, but shutdown does not work cleanly. There is a race condition with close() that I am actively working on. * move `std.io.OutStream` to its own file to match `std.io.InStream`. I started working on making `write` integrated with evented I/O, but it got tricky so I backed off and filed #3557. However I did integrate `std.os.writev` and `std.os.pwritev` with evented I/O. * add `std.Target.stack_align` * move networking tests to `lib/std/net/test.zig` * add `std.net.tcpConnectToHost` and `std.net.tcpConnectToAddress`. * rename `error.UnknownName` to `error.UnknownHostName` within the context of DNS resolution. * add `std.os.readv`, which is integrated with evented I/O. * `std.os.preadv`, is now integrated with evented I/O. * `std.os.accept4` now asserts that ENOTSOCK and EOPNOTSUPP never occur (misuse of API), instead of returning errors. * `std.os.connect` is now integrated with evented I/O. `std.os.connect_async` is gone. Just use `std.os.connect`. * fix false positive dependency loop regarding async function frames * add more compile notes to help when dependency loops occur in determining whether a function is async. * ir: change an assert to ir_assert to make it easier to find workarounds for when such an assert is triggered. In this case it was trying to parse an IPv4 address at comptime.
2019-10-29 19:59:30 -07:00
pub fn linuxWaitFd(self: *Loop, fd: i32, flags: u32) void {
assert(flags & os.EPOLLET == os.EPOLLET);
assert(flags & os.EPOLLONESHOT == os.EPOLLONESHOT);
var resume_node = ResumeNode.Basic{
.base = ResumeNode{
.id = .Basic,
.handle = @frame(),
.overlapped = ResumeNode.overlapped_init,
var need_to_delete = false;
defer if (need_to_delete) self.linuxRemoveFd(fd);
suspend {
std lib networking improvements, especially non-blocking I/O * delete the std/event/net directory * `std.event.Loop.waitUntilFdReadable` and related functions no longer have possibility of failure. On Linux, they fall back to poll() and then fall back to sleep(). * add some missing `noasync` decorations in `std.event.Loop` * redo the `std.net.Server` API. it's quite nice now, but shutdown does not work cleanly. There is a race condition with close() that I am actively working on. * move `std.io.OutStream` to its own file to match `std.io.InStream`. I started working on making `write` integrated with evented I/O, but it got tricky so I backed off and filed #3557. However I did integrate `std.os.writev` and `std.os.pwritev` with evented I/O. * add `std.Target.stack_align` * move networking tests to `lib/std/net/test.zig` * add `std.net.tcpConnectToHost` and `std.net.tcpConnectToAddress`. * rename `error.UnknownName` to `error.UnknownHostName` within the context of DNS resolution. * add `std.os.readv`, which is integrated with evented I/O. * `std.os.preadv`, is now integrated with evented I/O. * `std.os.accept4` now asserts that ENOTSOCK and EOPNOTSUPP never occur (misuse of API), instead of returning errors. * `std.os.connect` is now integrated with evented I/O. `std.os.connect_async` is gone. Just use `std.os.connect`. * fix false positive dependency loop regarding async function frames * add more compile notes to help when dependency loops occur in determining whether a function is async. * ir: change an assert to ir_assert to make it easier to find workarounds for when such an assert is triggered. In this case it was trying to parse an IPv4 address at comptime.
2019-10-29 19:59:30 -07:00
if (self.linuxAddFd(fd, &resume_node.base, flags)) |_| {
need_to_delete = true;
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.FileDescriptorNotRegistered => unreachable,
error.OperationCausesCircularLoop => unreachable,
error.FileDescriptorIncompatibleWithEpoll => unreachable,
error.FileDescriptorAlreadyPresentInSet => unreachable, // evented writes to the same fd is not thread-safe
=> {
// Fall back to a blocking poll(). Ideally this codepath is never hit, since
// epoll should be just fine. But this is better than incorrect behavior.
var poll_flags: i16 = 0;
if ((flags & os.EPOLLIN) != 0) poll_flags |= os.POLLIN;
if ((flags & os.EPOLLOUT) != 0) poll_flags |= os.POLLOUT;
var pfd = [1]os.pollfd{os.pollfd{
.fd = fd,
.events = poll_flags,
.revents = undefined,
_ = os.poll(&pfd, -1) catch |poll_err| switch (poll_err) {
=> {
// Even poll() didn't work. The best we can do now is sleep for a
// small duration and then hope that something changed.
std.time.sleep(1 * std.time.ns_per_ms);
std lib networking improvements, especially non-blocking I/O * delete the std/event/net directory * `std.event.Loop.waitUntilFdReadable` and related functions no longer have possibility of failure. On Linux, they fall back to poll() and then fall back to sleep(). * add some missing `noasync` decorations in `std.event.Loop` * redo the `std.net.Server` API. it's quite nice now, but shutdown does not work cleanly. There is a race condition with close() that I am actively working on. * move `std.io.OutStream` to its own file to match `std.io.InStream`. I started working on making `write` integrated with evented I/O, but it got tricky so I backed off and filed #3557. However I did integrate `std.os.writev` and `std.os.pwritev` with evented I/O. * add `std.Target.stack_align` * move networking tests to `lib/std/net/test.zig` * add `std.net.tcpConnectToHost` and `std.net.tcpConnectToAddress`. * rename `error.UnknownName` to `error.UnknownHostName` within the context of DNS resolution. * add `std.os.readv`, which is integrated with evented I/O. * `std.os.preadv`, is now integrated with evented I/O. * `std.os.accept4` now asserts that ENOTSOCK and EOPNOTSUPP never occur (misuse of API), instead of returning errors. * `std.os.connect` is now integrated with evented I/O. `std.os.connect_async` is gone. Just use `std.os.connect`. * fix false positive dependency loop regarding async function frames * add more compile notes to help when dependency loops occur in determining whether a function is async. * ir: change an assert to ir_assert to make it easier to find workarounds for when such an assert is triggered. In this case it was trying to parse an IPv4 address at comptime.
2019-10-29 19:59:30 -07:00
resume @frame();
std lib networking improvements, especially non-blocking I/O * delete the std/event/net directory * `std.event.Loop.waitUntilFdReadable` and related functions no longer have possibility of failure. On Linux, they fall back to poll() and then fall back to sleep(). * add some missing `noasync` decorations in `std.event.Loop` * redo the `std.net.Server` API. it's quite nice now, but shutdown does not work cleanly. There is a race condition with close() that I am actively working on. * move `std.io.OutStream` to its own file to match `std.io.InStream`. I started working on making `write` integrated with evented I/O, but it got tricky so I backed off and filed #3557. However I did integrate `std.os.writev` and `std.os.pwritev` with evented I/O. * add `std.Target.stack_align` * move networking tests to `lib/std/net/test.zig` * add `std.net.tcpConnectToHost` and `std.net.tcpConnectToAddress`. * rename `error.UnknownName` to `error.UnknownHostName` within the context of DNS resolution. * add `std.os.readv`, which is integrated with evented I/O. * `std.os.preadv`, is now integrated with evented I/O. * `std.os.accept4` now asserts that ENOTSOCK and EOPNOTSUPP never occur (misuse of API), instead of returning errors. * `std.os.connect` is now integrated with evented I/O. `std.os.connect_async` is gone. Just use `std.os.connect`. * fix false positive dependency loop regarding async function frames * add more compile notes to help when dependency loops occur in determining whether a function is async. * ir: change an assert to ir_assert to make it easier to find workarounds for when such an assert is triggered. In this case it was trying to parse an IPv4 address at comptime.
2019-10-29 19:59:30 -07:00
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
std lib networking improvements, especially non-blocking I/O * delete the std/event/net directory * `std.event.Loop.waitUntilFdReadable` and related functions no longer have possibility of failure. On Linux, they fall back to poll() and then fall back to sleep(). * add some missing `noasync` decorations in `std.event.Loop` * redo the `std.net.Server` API. it's quite nice now, but shutdown does not work cleanly. There is a race condition with close() that I am actively working on. * move `std.io.OutStream` to its own file to match `std.io.InStream`. I started working on making `write` integrated with evented I/O, but it got tricky so I backed off and filed #3557. However I did integrate `std.os.writev` and `std.os.pwritev` with evented I/O. * add `std.Target.stack_align` * move networking tests to `lib/std/net/test.zig` * add `std.net.tcpConnectToHost` and `std.net.tcpConnectToAddress`. * rename `error.UnknownName` to `error.UnknownHostName` within the context of DNS resolution. * add `std.os.readv`, which is integrated with evented I/O. * `std.os.preadv`, is now integrated with evented I/O. * `std.os.accept4` now asserts that ENOTSOCK and EOPNOTSUPP never occur (misuse of API), instead of returning errors. * `std.os.connect` is now integrated with evented I/O. `std.os.connect_async` is gone. Just use `std.os.connect`. * fix false positive dependency loop regarding async function frames * add more compile notes to help when dependency loops occur in determining whether a function is async. * ir: change an assert to ir_assert to make it easier to find workarounds for when such an assert is triggered. In this case it was trying to parse an IPv4 address at comptime.
2019-10-29 19:59:30 -07:00
pub fn waitUntilFdReadable(self: *Loop, fd: os.fd_t) void {
switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.linux => {
self.linuxWaitFd(fd, os.EPOLLET | os.EPOLLONESHOT | os.EPOLLIN);
.macosx, .freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly => {
self.bsdWaitKev(@intCast(usize, fd), os.EVFILT_READ, os.EV_ONESHOT);
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
std lib networking improvements, especially non-blocking I/O * delete the std/event/net directory * `std.event.Loop.waitUntilFdReadable` and related functions no longer have possibility of failure. On Linux, they fall back to poll() and then fall back to sleep(). * add some missing `noasync` decorations in `std.event.Loop` * redo the `std.net.Server` API. it's quite nice now, but shutdown does not work cleanly. There is a race condition with close() that I am actively working on. * move `std.io.OutStream` to its own file to match `std.io.InStream`. I started working on making `write` integrated with evented I/O, but it got tricky so I backed off and filed #3557. However I did integrate `std.os.writev` and `std.os.pwritev` with evented I/O. * add `std.Target.stack_align` * move networking tests to `lib/std/net/test.zig` * add `std.net.tcpConnectToHost` and `std.net.tcpConnectToAddress`. * rename `error.UnknownName` to `error.UnknownHostName` within the context of DNS resolution. * add `std.os.readv`, which is integrated with evented I/O. * `std.os.preadv`, is now integrated with evented I/O. * `std.os.accept4` now asserts that ENOTSOCK and EOPNOTSUPP never occur (misuse of API), instead of returning errors. * `std.os.connect` is now integrated with evented I/O. `std.os.connect_async` is gone. Just use `std.os.connect`. * fix false positive dependency loop regarding async function frames * add more compile notes to help when dependency loops occur in determining whether a function is async. * ir: change an assert to ir_assert to make it easier to find workarounds for when such an assert is triggered. In this case it was trying to parse an IPv4 address at comptime.
2019-10-29 19:59:30 -07:00
pub fn waitUntilFdWritable(self: *Loop, fd: os.fd_t) void {
switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.linux => {
self.linuxWaitFd(fd, os.EPOLLET | os.EPOLLONESHOT | os.EPOLLOUT);
.macosx, .freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly => {
self.bsdWaitKev(@intCast(usize, fd), os.EVFILT_WRITE, os.EV_ONESHOT);
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
std lib networking improvements, especially non-blocking I/O * delete the std/event/net directory * `std.event.Loop.waitUntilFdReadable` and related functions no longer have possibility of failure. On Linux, they fall back to poll() and then fall back to sleep(). * add some missing `noasync` decorations in `std.event.Loop` * redo the `std.net.Server` API. it's quite nice now, but shutdown does not work cleanly. There is a race condition with close() that I am actively working on. * move `std.io.OutStream` to its own file to match `std.io.InStream`. I started working on making `write` integrated with evented I/O, but it got tricky so I backed off and filed #3557. However I did integrate `std.os.writev` and `std.os.pwritev` with evented I/O. * add `std.Target.stack_align` * move networking tests to `lib/std/net/test.zig` * add `std.net.tcpConnectToHost` and `std.net.tcpConnectToAddress`. * rename `error.UnknownName` to `error.UnknownHostName` within the context of DNS resolution. * add `std.os.readv`, which is integrated with evented I/O. * `std.os.preadv`, is now integrated with evented I/O. * `std.os.accept4` now asserts that ENOTSOCK and EOPNOTSUPP never occur (misuse of API), instead of returning errors. * `std.os.connect` is now integrated with evented I/O. `std.os.connect_async` is gone. Just use `std.os.connect`. * fix false positive dependency loop regarding async function frames * add more compile notes to help when dependency loops occur in determining whether a function is async. * ir: change an assert to ir_assert to make it easier to find workarounds for when such an assert is triggered. In this case it was trying to parse an IPv4 address at comptime.
2019-10-29 19:59:30 -07:00
pub fn waitUntilFdWritableOrReadable(self: *Loop, fd: os.fd_t) void {
switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.linux => {
self.linuxWaitFd(fd, os.EPOLLET | os.EPOLLONESHOT | os.EPOLLOUT | os.EPOLLIN);
.macosx, .freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly => {
self.bsdWaitKev(@intCast(usize, fd), os.EVFILT_READ, os.EV_ONESHOT);
self.bsdWaitKev(@intCast(usize, fd), os.EVFILT_WRITE, os.EV_ONESHOT);
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
pub fn bsdWaitKev(self: *Loop, ident: usize, filter: i16, flags: u16) void {
var resume_node = ResumeNode.Basic{
.base = ResumeNode{
2018-08-07 18:06:21 -07:00
.id = ResumeNode.Id.Basic,
2019-08-11 16:53:10 -07:00
.handle = @frame(),
.overlapped = ResumeNode.overlapped_init,
.kev = undefined,
defer {
// If the kevent was set to be ONESHOT, it doesn't need to be deleted manually.
if (flags & os.EV_ONESHOT != 0) {
self.bsdRemoveKev(ident, filter);
suspend {
self.bsdAddKev(&resume_node, ident, filter, flags) catch unreachable;
2018-08-07 18:06:21 -07:00
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
/// resume_node must live longer than the anyframe that it holds a reference to.
pub fn bsdAddKev(self: *Loop, resume_node: *ResumeNode.Basic, ident: usize, filter: i16, flags: u16) !void {
2018-08-07 18:06:21 -07:00
errdefer self.finishOneEvent();
var kev = [1]os.Kevent{os.Kevent{
2018-08-07 18:06:21 -07:00
.ident = ident,
.filter = filter,
.flags = os.EV_ADD | os.EV_ENABLE | os.EV_CLEAR | flags,
.fflags = 0,
2018-08-07 18:06:21 -07:00
.data = 0,
.udata = @ptrToInt(&resume_node.base),
const empty_kevs = &[0]os.Kevent{};
_ = try os.kevent(self.os_data.kqfd, &kev, empty_kevs, null);
2018-08-07 18:06:21 -07:00
pub fn bsdRemoveKev(self: *Loop, ident: usize, filter: i16) void {
var kev = [1]os.Kevent{os.Kevent{
2018-08-07 18:06:21 -07:00
.ident = ident,
.filter = filter,
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
.flags = os.EV_DELETE,
2018-08-07 18:06:21 -07:00
.fflags = 0,
.data = 0,
.udata = 0,
const empty_kevs = &[0]os.Kevent{};
_ = os.kevent(self.os_data.kqfd, &kev, empty_kevs, null) catch undefined;
2018-08-07 18:06:21 -07:00
fn dispatch(self: *Loop) void {
while (self.available_eventfd_resume_nodes.pop()) |resume_stack_node| {
const next_tick_node = self.next_tick_queue.get() orelse {
const eventfd_node = &resume_stack_node.data;
eventfd_node.base.handle = next_tick_node.data;
switch (builtin.os.tag) {
2019-10-22 15:06:35 -07:00
.macosx, .freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly => {
const kevent_array = @as(*const [1]os.Kevent, &eventfd_node.kevent);
const empty_kevs = &[0]os.Kevent{};
2019-05-27 11:12:50 -07:00
_ = os.kevent(self.os_data.kqfd, kevent_array, empty_kevs, null) catch {
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
.linux => {
// the pending count is already accounted for
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
const epoll_events = os.EPOLLONESHOT | os.linux.EPOLLIN | os.linux.EPOLLOUT |
2018-07-29 20:27:21 -07:00
) catch {
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
.windows => {
) catch {
else => @compileError("unsupported OS"),
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
/// Bring your own linked list node. This means it can't fail.
pub fn onNextTick(self: *Loop, node: *NextTickNode) void {
2018-07-29 20:27:21 -07:00
self.beginOneEvent(); // finished in dispatch()
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2018-08-02 14:04:17 -07:00
pub fn cancelOnNextTick(self: *Loop, node: *NextTickNode) void {
if (self.next_tick_queue.remove(node)) {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
pub fn run(self: *Loop) void {
self.finishOneEvent(); // the reference we start with
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2020-05-06 16:49:38 -07:00
if (!builtin.single_threaded) {
switch (builtin.os.tag) {
=> self.fs_thread.wait(),
else => {},
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
for (self.extra_threads) |extra_thread| {
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
/// Yielding lets the event loop run, starting any unstarted async operations.
2018-07-13 18:56:38 -07:00
/// Note that async operations automatically start when a function yields for any other reason,
/// for example, when async I/O is performed. This function is intended to be used only when
/// CPU bound tasks would be waiting in the event loop but never get started because no async I/O
/// is performed.
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
pub fn yield(self: *Loop) void {
suspend {
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
var my_tick_node = NextTickNode{
2018-08-02 14:04:17 -07:00
.prev = undefined,
2018-07-13 18:56:38 -07:00
.next = undefined,
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
.data = @frame(),
2018-07-13 18:56:38 -07:00
2018-07-13 18:56:38 -07:00
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
/// If the build is multi-threaded and there is an event loop, then it calls `yield`. Otherwise,
/// does nothing.
pub fn startCpuBoundOperation() void {
if (builtin.single_threaded) {
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
} else if (instance) |event_loop| {
2018-07-29 20:27:21 -07:00
/// call finishOneEvent when done
pub fn beginOneEvent(self: *Loop) void {
_ = @atomicRmw(usize, &self.pending_event_count, .Add, 1, .SeqCst);
2018-07-29 20:27:21 -07:00
pub fn finishOneEvent(self: *Loop) void {
2020-05-05 04:14:22 -07:00
nosuspend {
const prev = @atomicRmw(usize, &self.pending_event_count, .Sub, 1, .SeqCst);
if (prev != 1) return;
// cause all the threads to stop
switch (builtin.os.tag) {
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
.linux => {
// writing 8 bytes to an eventfd cannot fail
const amt = os.write(self.os_data.final_eventfd, &wakeup_bytes) catch unreachable;
assert(amt == wakeup_bytes.len);
2019-10-22 15:06:35 -07:00
.macosx, .freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly => {
const final_kevent = @as(*const [1]os.Kevent, &self.os_data.final_kevent);
const empty_kevs = &[0]os.Kevent{};
// cannot fail because we already added it and this just enables it
2019-05-27 11:12:50 -07:00
_ = os.kevent(self.os_data.kqfd, final_kevent, empty_kevs, null) catch unreachable;
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
.windows => {
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < self.extra_threads.len + 1) : (i += 1) {
while (true) {
const overlapped = &self.final_resume_node.overlapped;
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
windows.PostQueuedCompletionStatus(self.os_data.io_port, undefined, undefined, overlapped) catch continue;
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
else => @compileError("unsupported OS"),
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
/// Performs an async `os.open` using a separate thread.
pub fn openZ(self: *Loop, file_path: [*:0]const u8, flags: u32, mode: os.mode_t) os.OpenError!os.fd_t {
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
var req_node = Request.Node{
.data = .{
.msg = .{
.open = .{
.path = file_path,
.flags = flags,
.mode = mode,
.result = undefined,
.finish = .{ .TickNode = .{ .data = @frame() } },
suspend {
return req_node.data.msg.open.result;
/// Performs an async `os.opent` using a separate thread.
pub fn openatZ(self: *Loop, fd: os.fd_t, file_path: [*:0]const u8, flags: u32, mode: os.mode_t) os.OpenError!os.fd_t {
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
var req_node = Request.Node{
.data = .{
.msg = .{
.openat = .{
.fd = fd,
.path = file_path,
.flags = flags,
.mode = mode,
.result = undefined,
.finish = .{ .TickNode = .{ .data = @frame() } },
suspend {
return req_node.data.msg.openat.result;
/// Performs an async `os.close` using a separate thread.
pub fn close(self: *Loop, fd: os.fd_t) void {
var req_node = Request.Node{
.data = .{
.msg = .{ .close = .{ .fd = fd } },
.finish = .{ .TickNode = .{ .data = @frame() } },
suspend {
/// Performs an async `os.read` using a separate thread.
/// `fd` must block and not return EAGAIN.
pub fn read(self: *Loop, fd: os.fd_t, buf: []u8) os.ReadError!usize {
var req_node = Request.Node{
.data = .{
.msg = .{
.read = .{
.fd = fd,
.buf = buf,
.result = undefined,
.finish = .{ .TickNode = .{ .data = @frame() } },
suspend {
return req_node.data.msg.read.result;
/// Performs an async `os.readv` using a separate thread.
/// `fd` must block and not return EAGAIN.
pub fn readv(self: *Loop, fd: os.fd_t, iov: []const os.iovec) os.ReadError!usize {
var req_node = Request.Node{
.data = .{
.msg = .{
.readv = .{
.fd = fd,
.iov = iov,
.result = undefined,
.finish = .{ .TickNode = .{ .data = @frame() } },
suspend {
return req_node.data.msg.readv.result;
/// Performs an async `os.pread` using a separate thread.
/// `fd` must block and not return EAGAIN.
pub fn pread(self: *Loop, fd: os.fd_t, buf: []u8, offset: u64) os.PReadError!usize {
var req_node = Request.Node{
.data = .{
.msg = .{
.pread = .{
.fd = fd,
.buf = buf,
.offset = offset,
.result = undefined,
.finish = .{ .TickNode = .{ .data = @frame() } },
suspend {
return req_node.data.msg.pread.result;
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
/// Performs an async `os.preadv` using a separate thread.
/// `fd` must block and not return EAGAIN.
pub fn preadv(self: *Loop, fd: os.fd_t, iov: []const os.iovec, offset: u64) os.ReadError!usize {
var req_node = Request.Node{
.data = .{
.msg = .{
.preadv = .{
.fd = fd,
.iov = iov,
.offset = offset,
.result = undefined,
.finish = .{ .TickNode = .{ .data = @frame() } },
suspend {
return req_node.data.msg.preadv.result;
/// Performs an async `os.write` using a separate thread.
/// `fd` must block and not return EAGAIN.
pub fn write(self: *Loop, fd: os.fd_t, bytes: []const u8) os.WriteError!usize {
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
var req_node = Request.Node{
.data = .{
.msg = .{
.write = .{
.fd = fd,
.bytes = bytes,
.result = undefined,
.finish = .{ .TickNode = .{ .data = @frame() } },
suspend {
return req_node.data.msg.write.result;
/// Performs an async `os.writev` using a separate thread.
/// `fd` must block and not return EAGAIN.
pub fn writev(self: *Loop, fd: os.fd_t, iov: []const os.iovec_const) os.WriteError!usize {
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
var req_node = Request.Node{
.data = .{
.msg = .{
.writev = .{
.fd = fd,
.iov = iov,
.result = undefined,
.finish = .{ .TickNode = .{ .data = @frame() } },
suspend {
return req_node.data.msg.writev.result;
/// Performs an async `os.pwritev` using a separate thread.
/// `fd` must block and not return EAGAIN.
pub fn pwritev(self: *Loop, fd: os.fd_t, iov: []const os.iovec_const, offset: u64) os.WriteError!usize {
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
var req_node = Request.Node{
.data = .{
.msg = .{
.pwritev = .{
.fd = fd,
.iov = iov,
.offset = offset,
.result = undefined,
.finish = .{ .TickNode = .{ .data = @frame() } },
suspend {
return req_node.data.msg.pwritev.result;
/// Performs an async `os.faccessatZ` using a separate thread.
/// `fd` must block and not return EAGAIN.
pub fn faccessatZ(
self: *Loop,
dirfd: os.fd_t,
path_z: [*:0]const u8,
mode: u32,
flags: u32,
) os.AccessError!void {
var req_node = Request.Node{
.data = .{
.msg = .{
.faccessat = .{
.dirfd = dirfd,
.path = path_z,
.mode = mode,
.flags = flags,
.result = undefined,
.finish = .{ .TickNode = .{ .data = @frame() } },
suspend {
return req_node.data.msg.faccessat.result;
fn workerRun(self: *Loop) void {
while (true) {
while (true) {
const next_tick_node = self.next_tick_queue.get() orelse break;
resume next_tick_node.data;
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
switch (builtin.os.tag) {
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
.linux => {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
// only process 1 event so we don't steal from other threads
var events: [1]os.linux.epoll_event = undefined;
2019-05-26 20:35:26 -07:00
const count = os.epoll_wait(self.os_data.epollfd, events[0..], -1);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
for (events[0..count]) |ev| {
const resume_node = @intToPtr(*ResumeNode, ev.data.ptr);
const handle = resume_node.handle;
const resume_node_id = resume_node.id;
switch (resume_node_id) {
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
.Basic => {},
.Stop => return,
.EventFd => {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
const event_fd_node = @fieldParentPtr(ResumeNode.EventFd, "base", resume_node);
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
event_fd_node.epoll_op = os.EPOLL_CTL_MOD;
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
const stack_node = @fieldParentPtr(std.atomic.Stack(ResumeNode.EventFd).Node, "data", event_fd_node);
resume handle;
if (resume_node_id == ResumeNode.Id.EventFd) {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2019-10-22 15:06:35 -07:00
.macosx, .freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly => {
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
var eventlist: [1]os.Kevent = undefined;
const empty_kevs = &[0]os.Kevent{};
2019-05-27 11:12:50 -07:00
const count = os.kevent(self.os_data.kqfd, empty_kevs, eventlist[0..], null) catch unreachable;
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
for (eventlist[0..count]) |ev| {
const resume_node = @intToPtr(*ResumeNode, ev.udata);
const handle = resume_node.handle;
const resume_node_id = resume_node.id;
switch (resume_node_id) {
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
.Basic => {
const basic_node = @fieldParentPtr(ResumeNode.Basic, "base", resume_node);
basic_node.kev = ev;
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
.Stop => return,
.EventFd => {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
const event_fd_node = @fieldParentPtr(ResumeNode.EventFd, "base", resume_node);
const stack_node = @fieldParentPtr(std.atomic.Stack(ResumeNode.EventFd).Node, "data", event_fd_node);
resume handle;
if (resume_node_id == ResumeNode.Id.EventFd) {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
.windows => {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
var completion_key: usize = undefined;
const overlapped = while (true) {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
var nbytes: windows.DWORD = undefined;
var overlapped: ?*windows.OVERLAPPED = undefined;
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
switch (windows.GetQueuedCompletionStatus(self.os_data.io_port, &nbytes, &completion_key, &overlapped, windows.INFINITE)) {
.Aborted => return,
.Normal => {},
.EOF => {},
.Cancelled => continue,
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
if (overlapped) |o| break o;
} else unreachable; // TODO else unreachable should not be necessary
const resume_node = @fieldParentPtr(ResumeNode, "overlapped", overlapped);
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
const handle = resume_node.handle;
const resume_node_id = resume_node.id;
switch (resume_node_id) {
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
.Basic => {},
.Stop => return,
.EventFd => {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
const event_fd_node = @fieldParentPtr(ResumeNode.EventFd, "base", resume_node);
const stack_node = @fieldParentPtr(std.atomic.Stack(ResumeNode.EventFd).Node, "data", event_fd_node);
resume handle;
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
else => @compileError("unsupported OS"),
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
fn posixFsRequest(self: *Loop, request_node: *Request.Node) void {
self.beginOneEvent(); // finished in posixFsRun after processing the msg
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
fn posixFsCancel(self: *Loop, request_node: *Request.Node) void {
if (self.fs_queue.remove(request_node)) {
2018-08-07 18:06:21 -07:00
fn posixFsRun(self: *Loop) void {
2020-05-05 04:14:22 -07:00
nosuspend while (true) {
while (self.fs_queue.get()) |node| {
switch (node.data.msg) {
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
.end => return,
.read => |*msg| {
msg.result = os.read(msg.fd, msg.buf);
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
2020-04-29 03:33:05 -07:00
.readv => |*msg| {
msg.result = os.readv(msg.fd, msg.iov);
2020-04-29 03:33:05 -07:00
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
.write => |*msg| {
msg.result = os.write(msg.fd, msg.bytes);
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
.writev => |*msg| {
msg.result = os.writev(msg.fd, msg.iov);
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
.pwritev => |*msg| {
msg.result = os.pwritev(msg.fd, msg.iov, msg.offset);
2018-07-29 20:27:21 -07:00
.pread => |*msg| {
msg.result = os.pread(msg.fd, msg.buf, msg.offset);
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
.preadv => |*msg| {
msg.result = os.preadv(msg.fd, msg.iov, msg.offset);
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
.open => |*msg| {
if (is_windows) unreachable; // TODO
msg.result = os.openZ(msg.path, msg.flags, msg.mode);
2018-07-29 20:27:21 -07:00
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
.openat => |*msg| {
if (is_windows) unreachable; // TODO
msg.result = os.openatZ(msg.fd, msg.path, msg.flags, msg.mode);
.faccessat => |*msg| {
msg.result = os.faccessatZ(msg.dirfd, msg.path, msg.mode, msg.flags);
.close => |*msg| os.close(msg.fd),
switch (node.data.finish) {
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
.TickNode => |*tick_node| self.onNextTick(tick_node),
.NoAction => {},
const OsData = switch (builtin.os.tag) {
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
.linux => LinuxOsData,
2019-10-22 15:06:35 -07:00
.macosx, .freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly => KEventData,
2019-05-26 22:35:58 -07:00
.windows => struct {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
io_port: windows.HANDLE,
extra_thread_count: usize,
else => struct {},
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
const KEventData = struct {
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
kqfd: i32,
2019-05-25 10:07:44 -07:00
final_kevent: os.Kevent,
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
const LinuxOsData = struct {
epollfd: i32,
final_eventfd: i32,
final_eventfd_event: os.linux.epoll_event,
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
pub const Request = struct {
msg: Msg,
finish: Finish,
pub const Node = std.atomic.Queue(Request).Node;
pub const Finish = union(enum) {
TickNode: Loop.NextTickNode,
pub const Msg = union(enum) {
read: Read,
2020-04-29 03:33:05 -07:00
readv: ReadV,
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
write: Write,
writev: WriteV,
pwritev: PWriteV,
pread: PRead,
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
preadv: PReadV,
open: Open,
openat: OpenAt,
close: Close,
faccessat: FAccessAt,
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
/// special - means the fs thread should exit
pub const Read = struct {
fd: os.fd_t,
buf: []u8,
result: Error!usize,
pub const Error = os.ReadError;
2020-04-29 03:33:05 -07:00
pub const ReadV = struct {
fd: os.fd_t,
iov: []const os.iovec,
result: Error!usize,
pub const Error = os.ReadError;
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
pub const Write = struct {
fd: os.fd_t,
bytes: []const u8,
result: Error!usize,
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
pub const Error = os.WriteError;
pub const WriteV = struct {
fd: os.fd_t,
iov: []const os.iovec_const,
result: Error!usize,
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
pub const Error = os.WriteError;
pub const PWriteV = struct {
fd: os.fd_t,
iov: []const os.iovec_const,
offset: usize,
result: Error!usize,
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
pub const Error = os.PWriteError;
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
pub const PRead = struct {
fd: os.fd_t,
buf: []u8,
offset: usize,
result: Error!usize,
pub const Error = os.PReadError;
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
pub const PReadV = struct {
fd: os.fd_t,
iov: []const os.iovec,
offset: usize,
result: Error!usize,
pub const Error = os.PReadError;
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
pub const Open = struct {
path: [*:0]const u8,
flags: u32,
mode: os.mode_t,
result: Error!os.fd_t,
pub const Error = os.OpenError;
pub const OpenAt = struct {
fd: os.fd_t,
path: [*:0]const u8,
flags: u32,
mode: os.mode_t,
result: Error!os.fd_t,
pub const Error = os.OpenError;
pub const Close = struct {
fd: os.fd_t,
pub const FAccessAt = struct {
dirfd: os.fd_t,
path: [*:0]const u8,
mode: u32,
flags: u32,
result: Error!void,
pub const Error = os.AccessError;
more std lib async I/O integration * `zig test` gainst `--test-evented-io` parameter and gains the ability to seamlessly run async tests. * `std.ChildProcess` opens its child process pipe with O_NONBLOCK when using evented I/O * `std.io.getStdErr()` gives a File that is blocking even in evented I/O mode. * Delete `std.event.fs`. The functionality is now merged into `std.fs` and async file system access (using a dedicated thread) is automatically handled. * `std.fs.File` can be configured to specify whether its handle is expected to block, and whether that is OK to block even when in async I/O mode. This makes async I/O work correctly for e.g. the file system as well as network. * `std.fs.File` has some deprecated functions removed. * Missing readv,writev,pread,pwrite,preadv,pwritev functions are added to `std.os` and `std.fs.File`. They are all integrated with async I/O. * `std.fs.Watch` is still bit rotted and needs to be audited in light of the new async/await syntax. * `std.io.OutStream` integrates with async I/O * linked list nodes in the std lib have default `null` values for `prev` and `next`. * Windows async I/O integration is enabled for reading/writing file handles. * Added `std.os.mode_t`. Integer sizes need to be audited. * Fixed #4403 which was causing compiler to crash. This is working towards: ./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io Which does not successfully build yet. I'd like to enable behavioral tests and std lib tests with --test-evented-io in the test matrix in the future, to prevent regressions.
2020-02-06 14:56:40 -08:00
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
test "std.event.Loop - basic" {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1908
2019-08-08 12:13:05 -07:00
if (builtin.single_threaded) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (true) {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/4922
return error.SkipZigTest;
2018-07-09 19:41:16 -07:00
var loop: Loop = undefined;
try loop.initMultiThreaded();
2018-07-09 19:41:16 -07:00
defer loop.deinit();
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
2018-07-09 19:41:16 -07:00
2018-07-09 19:22:44 -07:00
fn testEventLoop() i32 {
return 1234;
fn testEventLoop2(h: anyframe->i32, did_it: *bool) void {
const value = await h;
testing.expect(value == 1234);
did_it.* = true;