• Joined on 2005-04-19

Droog71 pushed to master at Droog71/Quantum-Engineering

  • 5be40a612c Fixed FileBasedPrefs.SetWorldName() being called before the world is downloaded when joining a multiplayer game, resulting in an empty .sav file.
  • 478c1f0a89 Integrated hotbar mod with the game. Added id assignments to world loading. Changed protection block authorization to usernames. Passwords are now used for server login authentication. Fixed machine settings not always updating over the network. Added networking for undo function. Added normal map support for door textures. Fixed network classes using old data for server url. Changed mod logging to require -devel arg. Fixed not being able to download worlds from a server if you had already started a game and returned to the main menu after. Cleaned up some code in Rocket and GameManager classes. Hazards can now be toggled only by the host in multiplayer or using the -hazards argument when starting a dedicated server.
  • 687a56623e Added server browser and area protection blocks (grief prevention). Removed saving and loading of player rotation due to issues with the camera controller. Removed obsolete address variables from machine code.
  • 4b52a22a23 Fixing no newline at end of file error on github.
  • faa9a96e53 Fixed dedicated server hanging with substring index error. Fixed player's inventory only saving for the host in multiplayer games. Fixed dedicated server spamming AudioSampleProvider buffer overflow errors. Fixed item duplication bug when dropping multiple stacks of items in the same location.
  • Compare 10 commits »

2022-09-05 00:38:47 -07:00

Droog71 created branch master in Droog71/Quantum-Engineering

2022-09-05 00:38:46 -07:00