
381 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright © 2008-2021 Pioneer Developers. See AUTHORS.txt for details
// Licensed under the terms of the GPL v3. See licenses/GPL-3.txt
#include "InputBindings.h"
#include "Input.h"
#include "SDL_events.h"
#include "SDL_joystick.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <regex>
using namespace InputBindings;
namespace Input {
int JoystickFromGUIDString(const std::string &guid);
std::string JoystickGUIDString(int joystickID);
} // namespace Input
// Helper function to early-out in Matches()
Response MatchType(const KeyBinding &k, const SDL_Event &ev)
using Type = KeyBinding::Type;
bool p = false;
bool r = false;
switch (k.type) {
case Type::Disabled:
return Response::Ignored;
case Type::KeyboardKey:
p = ev.type == SDL_KEYDOWN;
r = ev.type == SDL_KEYUP;
case Type::JoystickButton:
p = ev.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN;
r = ev.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONUP;
case Type::JoystickHat:
if (ev.type == SDL_JOYHATMOTION) {
p = (ev.jhat.value & k.joystick.button) == k.joystick.button;
r = !p;
case Type::MouseButton:
r = ev.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP;
return p ? Response::Pressed : r ? Response::Released : Response::Ignored;
Response KeyBinding::Matches(const SDL_Event &ev) const
Response r = MatchType(*this, ev);
if (r == Response::Ignored)
return r;
if (type == Type::KeyboardKey) {
return (ev.key.keysym.sym == keycode) ? r : Response::Ignored;
} else if (type == Type::JoystickButton) {
bool cond = ( == ev.jbutton.which && joystick.button == ev.jbutton.button);
return cond ? r : Response::Ignored;
} else if (type == Type::JoystickHat) {
bool cond = ( == ev.jhat.which && joystick.hat == ev.jhat.hat);
return cond ? r : Response::Ignored;
} else if (type == Type::MouseButton) {
return (mouse.button == ev.button.button) ? r : Response::Ignored;
return Response::Ignored;
bool KeyBinding::operator==(const KeyBinding &rhs) const
if (type != rhs.type)
return false;
if (type == Type::KeyboardKey)
return keycode == rhs.keycode;
else if (type == Type::JoystickButton)
return == && joystick.button == rhs.joystick.button;
else if (type == Type::JoystickHat)
return == && joystick.hat == rhs.joystick.hat && joystick.button == rhs.joystick.button;
else if (type == Type::MouseButton)
return mouse.button == rhs.mouse.button;
return true;
#define ret_if_different(val) \
if (val != rhs.val) return val < rhs.val
bool KeyBinding::operator<(const KeyBinding &rhs) const
switch (type) {
case Type::KeyboardKey:
case Type::JoystickButton:
case Type::JoystickHat:
case Type::MouseButton:
return this < &rhs;
#undef ret_if_different
Action &Action::operator=(const Action &rhs)
binding = rhs.binding;
binding2 = rhs.binding2;
return *this;
Axis &Axis::operator=(const Axis &rhs)
axis = rhs.axis;
positive = rhs.positive;
negative = rhs.negative;
return *this;
// ============================================================================
// Config Loading
// ============================================================================
using smatch = std::match_results<std::string_view::const_iterator>;
static std::regex disabled_matcher("^disabled", std::regex::icase);
// Handle the fiddly bits of matching a regex and advancing the beginning of a string
bool consumeMatch(std::string_view &str, smatch &match_results, std::regex &reg)
if (!std::regex_search(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), match_results, reg))
return false;
str.remove_prefix(std::distance(str.cbegin(), match_results[0].second));
return true;
// Key54 | JoyGUID/B3 JoyGUID/H4/2 | Mouse5
// Less awful than iostreams, but still not elegant. That's C++ for you.
// TODO: save joystick id->GUID mapping separately in the config file and
// don't write them here to save space
std::string_view &InputBindings::operator>>(std::string_view &str, KeyBinding &out)
static std::regex key_matcher("^Key(\\d+)");
static std::regex joystick_matcher("^Joy([^/]{32})");
static std::regex joystick_button("^/B(\\d+)");
static std::regex joystick_hat("^/H(\\d+)/(\\d+)");
static std::regex mouse_matcher("^Mouse(\\d+)");
const auto begin = str.cbegin();
const auto end = str.cend();
// match_results[0].second should always point to the character after the
// parsed key binding unless the value present could not be parsed.
smatch match_results;
if (std::regex_search(begin, end, match_results, key_matcher)) {
out.type = KeyBinding::Type::KeyboardKey;
out.keycode = std::stoi(match_results[1]);
} else if (std::regex_search(begin, end, match_results, joystick_matcher)) { = Input::JoystickFromGUIDString(match_results[1]);
const auto start = match_results[0].second;
if (std::regex_search(start, end, match_results, joystick_button)) {
out.type = KeyBinding::Type::JoystickButton;
out.joystick.button = std::stoi(match_results[1]);
out.joystick.hat = 0;
} else if (std::regex_search(start, end, match_results, joystick_hat)) {
out.type = KeyBinding::Type::JoystickHat;
out.joystick.hat = std::stoi(match_results[1]);
out.joystick.button = std::stoi(match_results[2]);
} else if (std::regex_search(begin, end, match_results, mouse_matcher)) {
out.type = KeyBinding::Type::MouseButton;
out.mouse.button = std::stoi(match_results[1]);
} else {
out.type = KeyBinding::Type::Disabled;
// consume the disabled text if present.
std::regex_search(begin, end, match_results, disabled_matcher);
// return a string view containing the rest of the string
if (!match_results.empty())
str.remove_prefix(std::distance(begin, match_results[0].second));
return str;
// Serialize a KeyBinding into the output stream.
// Writes nothing if the binding is disabled
std::ostream &InputBindings::operator<<(std::ostream &str, const KeyBinding &in)
switch (in.type) {
case KeyBinding::Type::KeyboardKey:
return str << "Key" << in.keycode;
case KeyBinding::Type::JoystickButton:
return str << "Joy" << Input::JoystickGUIDString(
<< "/B" << int(in.joystick.button);
case KeyBinding::Type::JoystickHat:
return str << "Joy" << Input::JoystickGUIDString(
<< "/H" << int(in.joystick.hat) << "/" << int(in.joystick.button);
case KeyBinding::Type::MouseButton:
return str << "Mouse" << int(in.mouse.button);
return str;
// Match [-]JoyGUID/A4
std::string_view &InputBindings::operator>>(std::string_view &str, JoyAxis &out)
static std::regex joy_matcher("^Joy([^/]{32})/A(\\d+)");
auto begin = str.cbegin();
bool reverse = !str.empty() && str[0] == '-';
if (reverse)
smatch match_results;
if (std::regex_search(begin, str.cend(), match_results, joy_matcher)) {
out.joystickId = Input::JoystickFromGUIDString(match_results[1]);
out.axis = std::stoi(match_results[2]);
out.direction = reverse ? -1 : 1;
} else {
std::regex_search(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), match_results, std::regex("^disabled"));
out.direction = 0;
if (!match_results.empty())
str.remove_prefix(std::distance(str.cbegin(), match_results[0].second));
return str;
// [-]JoyGUID/A4
std::ostream &InputBindings::operator<<(std::ostream &str, const JoyAxis &in)
if (!in.Enabled())
return str << "disabled";
return str << (in.direction < 0.0 ? "-Joy" : "Joy")
<< Input::JoystickGUIDString(in.joystickId)
<< "/A" << int(in.axis);
// find a close paren, copy str into ret str, and return retstr
// (for one-line failure case returns)
std::string_view &findCloseParen(std::string_view &str, std::string_view &retstr, smatch &match_results)
if (std::regex_search(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), match_results, std::regex("\\)")))
str.remove_prefix(std::distance(str.cbegin(), match_results[0].second));
retstr = str;
return retstr;
// Parse KeyChord(Key53 + JoyGUID/B3 + Mouse1) | KeyChord(Mouse5)
std::string_view &InputBindings::operator>>(std::string_view &str, KeyChord &out)
static std::regex key_chord("^KeyChord\\(\\s*");
static std::regex plus_sign("^\\s*\\+\\s*");
smatch match_results;
// Early-out for disabled key chord
if (consumeMatch(str, match_results, disabled_matcher))
return str;
// make a copy of the string view so we can nondestructively consume matches.
std::string_view iterstr = str;
// ensure we read the KeyChord( opening
if (!consumeMatch(iterstr, match_results, key_chord))
return str;
// read the activator KeyBinding
iterstr >> out.activator;
// if the activator is disabled, early-out here.
// if we don't have a following plus sign, discard everything to the next close-paren
if (!out.activator.Enabled() || !consumeMatch(iterstr, match_results, plus_sign))
return findCloseParen(iterstr, str, match_results);
// read the first modifier
iterstr >> out.modifier1;
// ditto for the second modifier
if (!out.modifier1.Enabled() || !consumeMatch(iterstr, match_results, plus_sign))
return findCloseParen(iterstr, str, match_results);
iterstr >> out.modifier2;
return findCloseParen(iterstr, str, match_results);
// KeyChord(Key54 + JoyGUID/B4 + JoyGUID/H1/3)
std::ostream &InputBindings::operator<<(std::ostream &str, const KeyChord &in)
if (!in.Enabled())
return str << "disabled";
str << "KeyChord(" << in.activator;
if (in.modifier1.Enabled()) {
str << " + " << in.modifier1;
if (in.modifier2.Enabled())
str << " + " << in.modifier2;
str << ")";
return str;
std::string_view &InputBindings::operator>>(std::string_view &str, Axis &out)
static std::regex input_axis("^InputAxis\\(\\s*");
static std::regex comma_sep("^\\s*,\\s*");
smatch match_results;
auto iterstr = str;
if (!consumeMatch(iterstr, match_results, input_axis))
return str;
iterstr >> out.axis;
if (!consumeMatch(iterstr, match_results, comma_sep))
return findCloseParen(iterstr, str, match_results);
iterstr >> out.negative;
if (!consumeMatch(iterstr, match_results, comma_sep))
return findCloseParen(iterstr, str, match_results);
iterstr >> out.positive;
return findCloseParen(iterstr, str, match_results);
// InputAxis(-JoyGUID/A3, KeyChord(Key32), KeyChord(Mouse5 + JoyGUID/H1/1))
// InputAxis(disabled, disabled, disabled)
std::ostream &InputBindings::operator<<(std::ostream &str, const Axis &in)
return str << "InputAxis(" << in.axis << ", " << in.negative << ", " << in.positive << ")";
std::string_view &InputBindings::operator>>(std::string_view &str, Action &out)
static std::regex input_action("^InputAction\\(\\s*");
static std::regex comma_sep("^\\s*,\\s*");
smatch match_results;
auto iterstr = str;
if (!consumeMatch(iterstr, match_results, input_action))
return str;
iterstr >> out.binding;
if (!consumeMatch(iterstr, match_results, comma_sep))
return findCloseParen(iterstr, str, match_results);
iterstr >> out.binding2;
return findCloseParen(iterstr, str, match_results);
// InputAction(KeyChord(Key53 + Mouse4), KeyChord(Mouse5 + JoyGUID/H1/1))
// InputAction(disabled, disabled)
std::ostream &InputBindings::operator<<(std::ostream &str, const Action &in)
return str << "InputAction(" << in.binding << ", " << in.binding2 << ")";