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2020-12-31 07:32:16 -08:00
// Copyright © 2008-2021 Pioneer Developers. See AUTHORS.txt for details
Refactor to InputFrame 2.0 Significantly refactored the Input class, added Input::Manager to handle most duties of the Input system. Replaced the legacy KeyBindings system with the new InputBindings (namespace subject to change) system for handling key state and key chords - among other improvements, there is no longer a hardcoded dependency on Pi::input anymore, as well as storing the binding state in the binding itself, completely decoupling InputBindings from the input system that handles input events and significantly reducing the complexity of the binding system. Input::Manager now is totally responsible for generating binding events, removing the need for WorldView::HandleSDLEvent and its ilk - interested parties can simply bind to the onPressed event and they will only be notified when the binding in question is part of an active input frame and nothing else has grabbed the input event, vastly simplifying control flow. Among other effects, this almost totally eradicates the need for Pi::IsConsoleActive(). The lua Console widget is slightly broken as a result of this change, it doesn't handle activation/deactivation state changes properly. The solution to this seems to simply be a direct rewrite in PiGui, which I don't expect to cause too many issues. I've added a CMake option to use LLD to speed up incremental build link times; this seems to be somewhat platform dependent and is not implemented for windows at this time. Serialization of key bindings to the config file is totally completed, although support for a graphical method of binding multi-key chords is not anticipated for this pull request.
2020-04-18 14:58:00 -07:00
// Licensed under the terms of the GPL v3. See licenses/GPL-3.txt
#include "InputBindings.h"
#include "Input.h"
#include "SDL_events.h"
#include "SDL_joystick.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <regex>
using namespace InputBindings;
namespace Input {
int JoystickFromGUIDString(const std::string &guid);
std::string JoystickGUIDString(int joystickID);
} // namespace Input
// Helper function to early-out in Matches()
Response MatchType(const KeyBinding &k, const SDL_Event &ev)
using Type = KeyBinding::Type;
bool p = false;
bool r = false;
switch (k.type) {
case Type::Disabled:
return Response::Ignored;
case Type::KeyboardKey:
p = ev.type == SDL_KEYDOWN;
r = ev.type == SDL_KEYUP;
case Type::JoystickButton:
p = ev.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN;
r = ev.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONUP;
case Type::JoystickHat:
if (ev.type == SDL_JOYHATMOTION) {
p = (ev.jhat.value & k.joystick.button) == k.joystick.button;
r = !p;
case Type::MouseButton:
r = ev.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP;
return p ? Response::Pressed : r ? Response::Released : Response::Ignored;
Response KeyBinding::Matches(const SDL_Event &ev) const
Response r = MatchType(*this, ev);
if (r == Response::Ignored)
return r;
if (type == Type::KeyboardKey) {
return (ev.key.keysym.sym == keycode) ? r : Response::Ignored;
} else if (type == Type::JoystickButton) {
bool cond = ( == ev.jbutton.which && joystick.button == ev.jbutton.button);
return cond ? r : Response::Ignored;
} else if (type == Type::JoystickHat) {
bool cond = ( == ev.jhat.which && joystick.hat == ev.jhat.hat);
return cond ? r : Response::Ignored;
} else if (type == Type::MouseButton) {
return (mouse.button == ev.button.button) ? r : Response::Ignored;
return Response::Ignored;
bool KeyBinding::operator==(const KeyBinding &rhs) const
if (type != rhs.type)
return false;
if (type == Type::KeyboardKey)
return keycode == rhs.keycode;
else if (type == Type::JoystickButton)
return == && joystick.button == rhs.joystick.button;
else if (type == Type::JoystickHat)
return == && joystick.hat == rhs.joystick.hat && joystick.button == rhs.joystick.button;
else if (type == Type::MouseButton)
return mouse.button == rhs.mouse.button;
return true;
#define ret_if_different(val) \
if (val != rhs.val) return val < rhs.val
bool KeyBinding::operator<(const KeyBinding &rhs) const
switch (type) {
case Type::KeyboardKey:
case Type::JoystickButton:
case Type::JoystickHat:
case Type::MouseButton:
return this < &rhs;
#undef ret_if_different
Action &Action::operator=(const Action &rhs)
binding = rhs.binding;
binding2 = rhs.binding2;
return *this;
Axis &Axis::operator=(const Axis &rhs)
axis = rhs.axis;
positive = rhs.positive;
negative = rhs.negative;
return *this;
// ============================================================================
// Config Loading
// ============================================================================
using smatch = std::match_results<std::string_view::const_iterator>;
Refactor to InputFrame 2.0 Significantly refactored the Input class, added Input::Manager to handle most duties of the Input system. Replaced the legacy KeyBindings system with the new InputBindings (namespace subject to change) system for handling key state and key chords - among other improvements, there is no longer a hardcoded dependency on Pi::input anymore, as well as storing the binding state in the binding itself, completely decoupling InputBindings from the input system that handles input events and significantly reducing the complexity of the binding system. Input::Manager now is totally responsible for generating binding events, removing the need for WorldView::HandleSDLEvent and its ilk - interested parties can simply bind to the onPressed event and they will only be notified when the binding in question is part of an active input frame and nothing else has grabbed the input event, vastly simplifying control flow. Among other effects, this almost totally eradicates the need for Pi::IsConsoleActive(). The lua Console widget is slightly broken as a result of this change, it doesn't handle activation/deactivation state changes properly. The solution to this seems to simply be a direct rewrite in PiGui, which I don't expect to cause too many issues. I've added a CMake option to use LLD to speed up incremental build link times; this seems to be somewhat platform dependent and is not implemented for windows at this time. Serialization of key bindings to the config file is totally completed, although support for a graphical method of binding multi-key chords is not anticipated for this pull request.
2020-04-18 14:58:00 -07:00
static std::regex disabled_matcher("^disabled", std::regex::icase);
// Handle the fiddly bits of matching a regex and advancing the beginning of a string
bool consumeMatch(std::string_view &str, smatch &match_results, std::regex &reg)
Refactor to InputFrame 2.0 Significantly refactored the Input class, added Input::Manager to handle most duties of the Input system. Replaced the legacy KeyBindings system with the new InputBindings (namespace subject to change) system for handling key state and key chords - among other improvements, there is no longer a hardcoded dependency on Pi::input anymore, as well as storing the binding state in the binding itself, completely decoupling InputBindings from the input system that handles input events and significantly reducing the complexity of the binding system. Input::Manager now is totally responsible for generating binding events, removing the need for WorldView::HandleSDLEvent and its ilk - interested parties can simply bind to the onPressed event and they will only be notified when the binding in question is part of an active input frame and nothing else has grabbed the input event, vastly simplifying control flow. Among other effects, this almost totally eradicates the need for Pi::IsConsoleActive(). The lua Console widget is slightly broken as a result of this change, it doesn't handle activation/deactivation state changes properly. The solution to this seems to simply be a direct rewrite in PiGui, which I don't expect to cause too many issues. I've added a CMake option to use LLD to speed up incremental build link times; this seems to be somewhat platform dependent and is not implemented for windows at this time. Serialization of key bindings to the config file is totally completed, although support for a graphical method of binding multi-key chords is not anticipated for this pull request.
2020-04-18 14:58:00 -07:00
if (!std::regex_search(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), match_results, reg))
return false;
str.remove_prefix(std::distance(str.cbegin(), match_results[0].second));
return true;
// Key54 | JoyGUID/B3 JoyGUID/H4/2 | Mouse5
// Less awful than iostreams, but still not elegant. That's C++ for you.
// TODO: save joystick id->GUID mapping separately in the config file and
// don't write them here to save space
std::string_view &InputBindings::operator>>(std::string_view &str, KeyBinding &out)
Refactor to InputFrame 2.0 Significantly refactored the Input class, added Input::Manager to handle most duties of the Input system. Replaced the legacy KeyBindings system with the new InputBindings (namespace subject to change) system for handling key state and key chords - among other improvements, there is no longer a hardcoded dependency on Pi::input anymore, as well as storing the binding state in the binding itself, completely decoupling InputBindings from the input system that handles input events and significantly reducing the complexity of the binding system. Input::Manager now is totally responsible for generating binding events, removing the need for WorldView::HandleSDLEvent and its ilk - interested parties can simply bind to the onPressed event and they will only be notified when the binding in question is part of an active input frame and nothing else has grabbed the input event, vastly simplifying control flow. Among other effects, this almost totally eradicates the need for Pi::IsConsoleActive(). The lua Console widget is slightly broken as a result of this change, it doesn't handle activation/deactivation state changes properly. The solution to this seems to simply be a direct rewrite in PiGui, which I don't expect to cause too many issues. I've added a CMake option to use LLD to speed up incremental build link times; this seems to be somewhat platform dependent and is not implemented for windows at this time. Serialization of key bindings to the config file is totally completed, although support for a graphical method of binding multi-key chords is not anticipated for this pull request.
2020-04-18 14:58:00 -07:00
static std::regex key_matcher("^Key(\\d+)");
static std::regex joystick_matcher("^Joy([^/]{32})");
static std::regex joystick_button("^/B(\\d+)");
static std::regex joystick_hat("^/H(\\d+)/(\\d+)");
static std::regex mouse_matcher("^Mouse(\\d+)");
const auto begin = str.cbegin();
const auto end = str.cend();
// match_results[0].second should always point to the character after the
// parsed key binding unless the value present could not be parsed.
smatch match_results;
if (std::regex_search(begin, end, match_results, key_matcher)) {
out.type = KeyBinding::Type::KeyboardKey;
out.keycode = std::stoi(match_results[1]);
} else if (std::regex_search(begin, end, match_results, joystick_matcher)) { = Input::JoystickFromGUIDString(match_results[1]);
const auto start = match_results[0].second;
if (std::regex_search(start, end, match_results, joystick_button)) {
out.type = KeyBinding::Type::JoystickButton;
out.joystick.button = std::stoi(match_results[1]);
out.joystick.hat = 0;
} else if (std::regex_search(start, end, match_results, joystick_hat)) {
out.type = KeyBinding::Type::JoystickHat;
out.joystick.hat = std::stoi(match_results[1]);
out.joystick.button = std::stoi(match_results[2]);
} else if (std::regex_search(begin, end, match_results, mouse_matcher)) {
out.type = KeyBinding::Type::MouseButton;
out.mouse.button = std::stoi(match_results[1]);
} else {
out.type = KeyBinding::Type::Disabled;
// consume the disabled text if present.
std::regex_search(begin, end, match_results, disabled_matcher);
// return a string view containing the rest of the string
if (!match_results.empty())
str.remove_prefix(std::distance(begin, match_results[0].second));
return str;
// Serialize a KeyBinding into the output stream.
// Writes nothing if the binding is disabled
std::ostream &InputBindings::operator<<(std::ostream &str, const KeyBinding &in)
Refactor to InputFrame 2.0 Significantly refactored the Input class, added Input::Manager to handle most duties of the Input system. Replaced the legacy KeyBindings system with the new InputBindings (namespace subject to change) system for handling key state and key chords - among other improvements, there is no longer a hardcoded dependency on Pi::input anymore, as well as storing the binding state in the binding itself, completely decoupling InputBindings from the input system that handles input events and significantly reducing the complexity of the binding system. Input::Manager now is totally responsible for generating binding events, removing the need for WorldView::HandleSDLEvent and its ilk - interested parties can simply bind to the onPressed event and they will only be notified when the binding in question is part of an active input frame and nothing else has grabbed the input event, vastly simplifying control flow. Among other effects, this almost totally eradicates the need for Pi::IsConsoleActive(). The lua Console widget is slightly broken as a result of this change, it doesn't handle activation/deactivation state changes properly. The solution to this seems to simply be a direct rewrite in PiGui, which I don't expect to cause too many issues. I've added a CMake option to use LLD to speed up incremental build link times; this seems to be somewhat platform dependent and is not implemented for windows at this time. Serialization of key bindings to the config file is totally completed, although support for a graphical method of binding multi-key chords is not anticipated for this pull request.
2020-04-18 14:58:00 -07:00
switch (in.type) {
case KeyBinding::Type::KeyboardKey:
return str << "Key" << in.keycode;
case KeyBinding::Type::JoystickButton:
return str << "Joy" << Input::JoystickGUIDString(
<< "/B" << int(in.joystick.button);
case KeyBinding::Type::JoystickHat:
return str << "Joy" << Input::JoystickGUIDString(
<< "/H" << int(in.joystick.hat) << "/" << int(in.joystick.button);
case KeyBinding::Type::MouseButton:
return str << "Mouse" << int(in.mouse.button);
return str;
// Match [-]JoyGUID/A4
std::string_view &InputBindings::operator>>(std::string_view &str, JoyAxis &out)
Refactor to InputFrame 2.0 Significantly refactored the Input class, added Input::Manager to handle most duties of the Input system. Replaced the legacy KeyBindings system with the new InputBindings (namespace subject to change) system for handling key state and key chords - among other improvements, there is no longer a hardcoded dependency on Pi::input anymore, as well as storing the binding state in the binding itself, completely decoupling InputBindings from the input system that handles input events and significantly reducing the complexity of the binding system. Input::Manager now is totally responsible for generating binding events, removing the need for WorldView::HandleSDLEvent and its ilk - interested parties can simply bind to the onPressed event and they will only be notified when the binding in question is part of an active input frame and nothing else has grabbed the input event, vastly simplifying control flow. Among other effects, this almost totally eradicates the need for Pi::IsConsoleActive(). The lua Console widget is slightly broken as a result of this change, it doesn't handle activation/deactivation state changes properly. The solution to this seems to simply be a direct rewrite in PiGui, which I don't expect to cause too many issues. I've added a CMake option to use LLD to speed up incremental build link times; this seems to be somewhat platform dependent and is not implemented for windows at this time. Serialization of key bindings to the config file is totally completed, although support for a graphical method of binding multi-key chords is not anticipated for this pull request.
2020-04-18 14:58:00 -07:00
static std::regex joy_matcher("^Joy([^/]{32})/A(\\d+)");
auto begin = str.cbegin();
bool reverse = !str.empty() && str[0] == '-';
if (reverse)
smatch match_results;
if (std::regex_search(begin, str.cend(), match_results, joy_matcher)) {
out.joystickId = Input::JoystickFromGUIDString(match_results[1]);
out.axis = std::stoi(match_results[2]);
out.direction = reverse ? -1 : 1;
} else {
std::regex_search(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), match_results, std::regex("^disabled"));
out.direction = 0;
if (!match_results.empty())
str.remove_prefix(std::distance(str.cbegin(), match_results[0].second));
return str;
// [-]JoyGUID/A4
std::ostream &InputBindings::operator<<(std::ostream &str, const JoyAxis &in)
Refactor to InputFrame 2.0 Significantly refactored the Input class, added Input::Manager to handle most duties of the Input system. Replaced the legacy KeyBindings system with the new InputBindings (namespace subject to change) system for handling key state and key chords - among other improvements, there is no longer a hardcoded dependency on Pi::input anymore, as well as storing the binding state in the binding itself, completely decoupling InputBindings from the input system that handles input events and significantly reducing the complexity of the binding system. Input::Manager now is totally responsible for generating binding events, removing the need for WorldView::HandleSDLEvent and its ilk - interested parties can simply bind to the onPressed event and they will only be notified when the binding in question is part of an active input frame and nothing else has grabbed the input event, vastly simplifying control flow. Among other effects, this almost totally eradicates the need for Pi::IsConsoleActive(). The lua Console widget is slightly broken as a result of this change, it doesn't handle activation/deactivation state changes properly. The solution to this seems to simply be a direct rewrite in PiGui, which I don't expect to cause too many issues. I've added a CMake option to use LLD to speed up incremental build link times; this seems to be somewhat platform dependent and is not implemented for windows at this time. Serialization of key bindings to the config file is totally completed, although support for a graphical method of binding multi-key chords is not anticipated for this pull request.
2020-04-18 14:58:00 -07:00
if (!in.Enabled())
return str << "disabled";
return str << (in.direction < 0.0 ? "-Joy" : "Joy")
<< Input::JoystickGUIDString(in.joystickId)
<< "/A" << int(in.axis);
// find a close paren, copy str into ret str, and return retstr
// (for one-line failure case returns)
std::string_view &findCloseParen(std::string_view &str, std::string_view &retstr, smatch &match_results)
Refactor to InputFrame 2.0 Significantly refactored the Input class, added Input::Manager to handle most duties of the Input system. Replaced the legacy KeyBindings system with the new InputBindings (namespace subject to change) system for handling key state and key chords - among other improvements, there is no longer a hardcoded dependency on Pi::input anymore, as well as storing the binding state in the binding itself, completely decoupling InputBindings from the input system that handles input events and significantly reducing the complexity of the binding system. Input::Manager now is totally responsible for generating binding events, removing the need for WorldView::HandleSDLEvent and its ilk - interested parties can simply bind to the onPressed event and they will only be notified when the binding in question is part of an active input frame and nothing else has grabbed the input event, vastly simplifying control flow. Among other effects, this almost totally eradicates the need for Pi::IsConsoleActive(). The lua Console widget is slightly broken as a result of this change, it doesn't handle activation/deactivation state changes properly. The solution to this seems to simply be a direct rewrite in PiGui, which I don't expect to cause too many issues. I've added a CMake option to use LLD to speed up incremental build link times; this seems to be somewhat platform dependent and is not implemented for windows at this time. Serialization of key bindings to the config file is totally completed, although support for a graphical method of binding multi-key chords is not anticipated for this pull request.
2020-04-18 14:58:00 -07:00
if (std::regex_search(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), match_results, std::regex("\\)")))
str.remove_prefix(std::distance(str.cbegin(), match_results[0].second));
retstr = str;
return retstr;
// Parse KeyChord(Key53 + JoyGUID/B3 + Mouse1) | KeyChord(Mouse5)
std::string_view &InputBindings::operator>>(std::string_view &str, KeyChord &out)
Refactor to InputFrame 2.0 Significantly refactored the Input class, added Input::Manager to handle most duties of the Input system. Replaced the legacy KeyBindings system with the new InputBindings (namespace subject to change) system for handling key state and key chords - among other improvements, there is no longer a hardcoded dependency on Pi::input anymore, as well as storing the binding state in the binding itself, completely decoupling InputBindings from the input system that handles input events and significantly reducing the complexity of the binding system. Input::Manager now is totally responsible for generating binding events, removing the need for WorldView::HandleSDLEvent and its ilk - interested parties can simply bind to the onPressed event and they will only be notified when the binding in question is part of an active input frame and nothing else has grabbed the input event, vastly simplifying control flow. Among other effects, this almost totally eradicates the need for Pi::IsConsoleActive(). The lua Console widget is slightly broken as a result of this change, it doesn't handle activation/deactivation state changes properly. The solution to this seems to simply be a direct rewrite in PiGui, which I don't expect to cause too many issues. I've added a CMake option to use LLD to speed up incremental build link times; this seems to be somewhat platform dependent and is not implemented for windows at this time. Serialization of key bindings to the config file is totally completed, although support for a graphical method of binding multi-key chords is not anticipated for this pull request.
2020-04-18 14:58:00 -07:00
static std::regex key_chord("^KeyChord\\(\\s*");
static std::regex plus_sign("^\\s*\\+\\s*");
smatch match_results;
// Early-out for disabled key chord
if (consumeMatch(str, match_results, disabled_matcher))
return str;
// make a copy of the string view so we can nondestructively consume matches.
std::string_view iterstr = str;
Refactor to InputFrame 2.0 Significantly refactored the Input class, added Input::Manager to handle most duties of the Input system. Replaced the legacy KeyBindings system with the new InputBindings (namespace subject to change) system for handling key state and key chords - among other improvements, there is no longer a hardcoded dependency on Pi::input anymore, as well as storing the binding state in the binding itself, completely decoupling InputBindings from the input system that handles input events and significantly reducing the complexity of the binding system. Input::Manager now is totally responsible for generating binding events, removing the need for WorldView::HandleSDLEvent and its ilk - interested parties can simply bind to the onPressed event and they will only be notified when the binding in question is part of an active input frame and nothing else has grabbed the input event, vastly simplifying control flow. Among other effects, this almost totally eradicates the need for Pi::IsConsoleActive(). The lua Console widget is slightly broken as a result of this change, it doesn't handle activation/deactivation state changes properly. The solution to this seems to simply be a direct rewrite in PiGui, which I don't expect to cause too many issues. I've added a CMake option to use LLD to speed up incremental build link times; this seems to be somewhat platform dependent and is not implemented for windows at this time. Serialization of key bindings to the config file is totally completed, although support for a graphical method of binding multi-key chords is not anticipated for this pull request.
2020-04-18 14:58:00 -07:00
// ensure we read the KeyChord( opening
if (!consumeMatch(iterstr, match_results, key_chord))
return str;
// read the activator KeyBinding
iterstr >> out.activator;
// if the activator is disabled, early-out here.
// if we don't have a following plus sign, discard everything to the next close-paren
if (!out.activator.Enabled() || !consumeMatch(iterstr, match_results, plus_sign))
return findCloseParen(iterstr, str, match_results);
// read the first modifier
iterstr >> out.modifier1;
// ditto for the second modifier
if (!out.modifier1.Enabled() || !consumeMatch(iterstr, match_results, plus_sign))
return findCloseParen(iterstr, str, match_results);
iterstr >> out.modifier2;
return findCloseParen(iterstr, str, match_results);
// KeyChord(Key54 + JoyGUID/B4 + JoyGUID/H1/3)
std::ostream &InputBindings::operator<<(std::ostream &str, const KeyChord &in)
Refactor to InputFrame 2.0 Significantly refactored the Input class, added Input::Manager to handle most duties of the Input system. Replaced the legacy KeyBindings system with the new InputBindings (namespace subject to change) system for handling key state and key chords - among other improvements, there is no longer a hardcoded dependency on Pi::input anymore, as well as storing the binding state in the binding itself, completely decoupling InputBindings from the input system that handles input events and significantly reducing the complexity of the binding system. Input::Manager now is totally responsible for generating binding events, removing the need for WorldView::HandleSDLEvent and its ilk - interested parties can simply bind to the onPressed event and they will only be notified when the binding in question is part of an active input frame and nothing else has grabbed the input event, vastly simplifying control flow. Among other effects, this almost totally eradicates the need for Pi::IsConsoleActive(). The lua Console widget is slightly broken as a result of this change, it doesn't handle activation/deactivation state changes properly. The solution to this seems to simply be a direct rewrite in PiGui, which I don't expect to cause too many issues. I've added a CMake option to use LLD to speed up incremental build link times; this seems to be somewhat platform dependent and is not implemented for windows at this time. Serialization of key bindings to the config file is totally completed, although support for a graphical method of binding multi-key chords is not anticipated for this pull request.
2020-04-18 14:58:00 -07:00
if (!in.Enabled())
return str << "disabled";
str << "KeyChord(" << in.activator;
if (in.modifier1.Enabled()) {
str << " + " << in.modifier1;
if (in.modifier2.Enabled())
str << " + " << in.modifier2;
str << ")";
return str;
std::string_view &InputBindings::operator>>(std::string_view &str, Axis &out)
Refactor to InputFrame 2.0 Significantly refactored the Input class, added Input::Manager to handle most duties of the Input system. Replaced the legacy KeyBindings system with the new InputBindings (namespace subject to change) system for handling key state and key chords - among other improvements, there is no longer a hardcoded dependency on Pi::input anymore, as well as storing the binding state in the binding itself, completely decoupling InputBindings from the input system that handles input events and significantly reducing the complexity of the binding system. Input::Manager now is totally responsible for generating binding events, removing the need for WorldView::HandleSDLEvent and its ilk - interested parties can simply bind to the onPressed event and they will only be notified when the binding in question is part of an active input frame and nothing else has grabbed the input event, vastly simplifying control flow. Among other effects, this almost totally eradicates the need for Pi::IsConsoleActive(). The lua Console widget is slightly broken as a result of this change, it doesn't handle activation/deactivation state changes properly. The solution to this seems to simply be a direct rewrite in PiGui, which I don't expect to cause too many issues. I've added a CMake option to use LLD to speed up incremental build link times; this seems to be somewhat platform dependent and is not implemented for windows at this time. Serialization of key bindings to the config file is totally completed, although support for a graphical method of binding multi-key chords is not anticipated for this pull request.
2020-04-18 14:58:00 -07:00
static std::regex input_axis("^InputAxis\\(\\s*");
static std::regex comma_sep("^\\s*,\\s*");
smatch match_results;
auto iterstr = str;
if (!consumeMatch(iterstr, match_results, input_axis))
return str;
iterstr >> out.axis;
if (!consumeMatch(iterstr, match_results, comma_sep))
return findCloseParen(iterstr, str, match_results);
iterstr >> out.negative;
if (!consumeMatch(iterstr, match_results, comma_sep))
return findCloseParen(iterstr, str, match_results);
iterstr >> out.positive;
return findCloseParen(iterstr, str, match_results);
// InputAxis(-JoyGUID/A3, KeyChord(Key32), KeyChord(Mouse5 + JoyGUID/H1/1))
// InputAxis(disabled, disabled, disabled)
std::ostream &InputBindings::operator<<(std::ostream &str, const Axis &in)
Refactor to InputFrame 2.0 Significantly refactored the Input class, added Input::Manager to handle most duties of the Input system. Replaced the legacy KeyBindings system with the new InputBindings (namespace subject to change) system for handling key state and key chords - among other improvements, there is no longer a hardcoded dependency on Pi::input anymore, as well as storing the binding state in the binding itself, completely decoupling InputBindings from the input system that handles input events and significantly reducing the complexity of the binding system. Input::Manager now is totally responsible for generating binding events, removing the need for WorldView::HandleSDLEvent and its ilk - interested parties can simply bind to the onPressed event and they will only be notified when the binding in question is part of an active input frame and nothing else has grabbed the input event, vastly simplifying control flow. Among other effects, this almost totally eradicates the need for Pi::IsConsoleActive(). The lua Console widget is slightly broken as a result of this change, it doesn't handle activation/deactivation state changes properly. The solution to this seems to simply be a direct rewrite in PiGui, which I don't expect to cause too many issues. I've added a CMake option to use LLD to speed up incremental build link times; this seems to be somewhat platform dependent and is not implemented for windows at this time. Serialization of key bindings to the config file is totally completed, although support for a graphical method of binding multi-key chords is not anticipated for this pull request.
2020-04-18 14:58:00 -07:00
return str << "InputAxis(" << in.axis << ", " << in.negative << ", " << in.positive << ")";
std::string_view &InputBindings::operator>>(std::string_view &str, Action &out)
Refactor to InputFrame 2.0 Significantly refactored the Input class, added Input::Manager to handle most duties of the Input system. Replaced the legacy KeyBindings system with the new InputBindings (namespace subject to change) system for handling key state and key chords - among other improvements, there is no longer a hardcoded dependency on Pi::input anymore, as well as storing the binding state in the binding itself, completely decoupling InputBindings from the input system that handles input events and significantly reducing the complexity of the binding system. Input::Manager now is totally responsible for generating binding events, removing the need for WorldView::HandleSDLEvent and its ilk - interested parties can simply bind to the onPressed event and they will only be notified when the binding in question is part of an active input frame and nothing else has grabbed the input event, vastly simplifying control flow. Among other effects, this almost totally eradicates the need for Pi::IsConsoleActive(). The lua Console widget is slightly broken as a result of this change, it doesn't handle activation/deactivation state changes properly. The solution to this seems to simply be a direct rewrite in PiGui, which I don't expect to cause too many issues. I've added a CMake option to use LLD to speed up incremental build link times; this seems to be somewhat platform dependent and is not implemented for windows at this time. Serialization of key bindings to the config file is totally completed, although support for a graphical method of binding multi-key chords is not anticipated for this pull request.
2020-04-18 14:58:00 -07:00
static std::regex input_action("^InputAction\\(\\s*");
static std::regex comma_sep("^\\s*,\\s*");
smatch match_results;
auto iterstr = str;
if (!consumeMatch(iterstr, match_results, input_action))
return str;
iterstr >> out.binding;
if (!consumeMatch(iterstr, match_results, comma_sep))
return findCloseParen(iterstr, str, match_results);
iterstr >> out.binding2;
return findCloseParen(iterstr, str, match_results);
// InputAction(KeyChord(Key53 + Mouse4), KeyChord(Mouse5 + JoyGUID/H1/1))
// InputAction(disabled, disabled)
std::ostream &InputBindings::operator<<(std::ostream &str, const Action &in)
Refactor to InputFrame 2.0 Significantly refactored the Input class, added Input::Manager to handle most duties of the Input system. Replaced the legacy KeyBindings system with the new InputBindings (namespace subject to change) system for handling key state and key chords - among other improvements, there is no longer a hardcoded dependency on Pi::input anymore, as well as storing the binding state in the binding itself, completely decoupling InputBindings from the input system that handles input events and significantly reducing the complexity of the binding system. Input::Manager now is totally responsible for generating binding events, removing the need for WorldView::HandleSDLEvent and its ilk - interested parties can simply bind to the onPressed event and they will only be notified when the binding in question is part of an active input frame and nothing else has grabbed the input event, vastly simplifying control flow. Among other effects, this almost totally eradicates the need for Pi::IsConsoleActive(). The lua Console widget is slightly broken as a result of this change, it doesn't handle activation/deactivation state changes properly. The solution to this seems to simply be a direct rewrite in PiGui, which I don't expect to cause too many issues. I've added a CMake option to use LLD to speed up incremental build link times; this seems to be somewhat platform dependent and is not implemented for windows at this time. Serialization of key bindings to the config file is totally completed, although support for a graphical method of binding multi-key chords is not anticipated for this pull request.
2020-04-18 14:58:00 -07:00
return str << "InputAction(" << in.binding << ", " << in.binding2 << ")";