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Collectible skins docs

Table of Contents

1 Skins

A skin is a table with the following fields:

    hint: (optional, default "(locked)")
    model: (optional, default "character.b3d")
    tier: (optional, default 1)

Where skin_name is a technical name used as unique identifier to retrieve the skin. There can't be more skins with the same technical name.

Check the README to know how to add new skins.

When a skin is correctly loaded, it also adds the extra field technical_name for cross-referencing, and collection to indicate the collection it's in.

Skins can be assigned either as temporary or permanent. A temporary skin is not remembered when players log in again, a permanent is.

1.1 Collections

Skins are declared inside .yaml files, representing one collection each. Check out the skins world folder to learn about how they work.
Data about collections can be retrieved via a few functions like get_collection(..). Such data is a table containing:

  • name: (string) the readable translated name of the collection
  • image: (string) the image shown in the upper left corner of the built-in UI. Default is nil
  • background: (string) the image shown as a custom background in the right part of the built-in UI. Default is nil
  • skins: (table) an ordered list of the skin names belonging to the collection. It's the same as doing get_sorted_skins(..)

1.2 UI

Collectible Skins comes with a built-in UI, but it also allows modders to implement their own interface (you can either override collectible_skins.show_skins_GUI(..) or create your own implementation from scratch). Keep in mind that the main goal of Collectible Skins is to provide an API to register skins, meaning that the built-in UI is designed to be useful for generic uses, and that it won't see great feature updates.

What it does is to display all the skins sharing the same model the player has, ignoring empty collections.

1.3 Storage

Collectible Skins uses the mod storage to store all the skins unlocked by a certain player, and a string metadata (collectible_skins:skin) to store the technical name of the skin currently equipped. There's no need to access (nor, most importantly, alter) such metadata, as the API already provides all the functions needed (e.g. get_player_skin(..))


2.1 Skins handlers

  • collectible_skins.unlock_skin(p_name, skin_name): unlocks skin skin_name for p_name
  • collectible_skins.remove_skin(p_name, skin_name): removes skin skin_name from p_name

2.2 Utils

  • collectible_skins.is_skin(skin_name): returns whether skin_name is an actual skin, as a boolean
  • collectible_skins.has_skin(p_name, skin_name): returns whether p_name has unlocked the specified skin, as a boolean
  • collectible_skins.does_collection_exist(coll_name): returns whether a collection called c_name exists, as a boolean
  • collectible_skins.is_in_storage(p_name): returns whether p_name has connected at least once since the addition of Collectible Skins, as a boolean
  • collectible_skins.show_skins_GUI(p_name): opens up the default skins GUI
    • If you want to reimplement the built-in interface, override this function so that it calls a minetest.show_formspec(..) with your custom formspec

2.3 Getters

  • collectible_skins.get_skins(<filter>): returns a copy of all the loaded skins, format {skin_name = skin}
    • filter is an optional table that can contain one or more of the following fields: collection, tier, model. It only returns skins matching the declared values
  • collectible_skins.get_collections(): returns a copy of all the loaded collections, format {coll_name = coll_data}
  • collectible_skins.get_sorted_skins(coll_name, <filter>): returns a table of format {"skin_name1", "skin_name2"}, sorted by the declaration order in the collection file (no gaps). See get_skins(..) for filter
  • collectible_skins.get_sorted_collections(): returns a table of format {"coll_name1", "coll_name2"}, sorted by collections' weights (no gaps)
  • collectible_skins.get_skins_amount(<filter>): returns the amount of the current skins. See get_skins(..) for filter
  • collectible_skins.get_skin(skin_name): returns a copy of the skin corresponding to skin_name, if any
  • collectible_skins.get_collection(coll_name): returns a copy of the specified collection, format {coll_name = coll_data}
  • collectible_skins.get_player_skins(p_name, <filter>): returns a table containing as value all the skins that p_name has unlocked, format {"skin_name1", "skin_name2"}. See get_skins(..) for filter
  • collectible_skins.get_player_skin(p_name, <permanent_only>): returns a copy of the skin that p_name has currently equipped, if online.
    • permanent_only is a boolean that, if present, ignores the temporary skin the player might have equipped, returning the permanent one

2.4 Setters

  • collectible_skins.set_skin(player, skin_name, <is_permanent>): sets skin skin_name to player.
    • Player must be online or it won't work
    • is_permanent is an optional boolean indicating whether the skin should be remembered the next time they log in if they didn't change it before logging out (defaults to false)

2.5 Callbacks

  • collectible_skins.register_on_set_skin(function(p_name, skin_name)): additional behaviour when a player changes skin. This callback is not launched when people log in

3. About the author(s)

I'm Zughy (Marco), a professional Italian pixel artist who fights for FOSS and digital ethics. If this library spared you a lot of time and you want to support me somehow, please consider donating on Liberapay. Also, this project wouldn't have been possible if it hadn't been for some friends who helped me testing through: Giov4, SonoMichele, _Zaizen_ and Xx_Crazyminer_xX