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Achievements Lib

1. Achievements: structure

achievements is a big table taking mod names as a key and a table as a value. This table can contain whatever entry you like (name, img, idontknow), because the only thing that matters to it is to check whether something exists at the given index. In fact, the following examples are all correct:

local achievements = {
  [1] = "inhale",
  [2] = "exhale"

local achievements = {
  [1] = { name = "inhale",	img = "mod_inhale.png" },
  [2] = { name = "exhale",	img = "mod_exhale.png" }

-- pretty useless but hey ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
local achievements = {
  [1] = true,
  [2] = true

The table is not saved into the storage, only players progress is.

2. Registering and unlocking achievements

In order to register the achievements of a mod, do:
achvmt_lib.register_achievements(mod, mod_achievements)
where mod is the mod name and mod_achievements a table containing whatever value you want.

On the contrary, to unlock an achievement: achvmt_lib.unlock_achievement(p_name, mod, achvmt_ID)

2.1 Utils

achvmt_lib.has_player_achievement(p_name, mod, achvmt_ID): check whether a player has unlocked an achievement achvmt_lib.is_player_in_storage(p_name, mod): check whether a player has connected after a new mod supporting achievements_lib has been added

2.2 Getters

achvmt_lib.get_achievement(mod, achvmt_ID): returns the value assigned to the achievement at the corresponding achvmt_ID, if any achvmt_lib.get_player_achievements(p_name, mod): returns a table containing all the achievements unlocked by p_name, where entries are in the format ID = true

3 About the author

I'm Zughy (Marco), a professional Italian pixel artist who fights for FOSS and digital ethics. If this library spared you a lot of time and you want to support me somehow, please consider donating on LiberaPay.