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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "CColladaFileLoader.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "IXMLReader.h"
#include "IDummyTransformationSceneNode.h"
#include "SAnimatedMesh.h"
#include "fast_atof.h"
#include "quaternion.h"
#include "ILightSceneNode.h"
#include "ICameraSceneNode.h"
#include "IMeshManipulator.h"
#include "IReadFile.h"
#include "IAttributes.h"
#include "IMeshCache.h"
#include "IMeshSceneNode.h"
#include "SMeshBufferLightMap.h"
#include "irrMap.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
namespace irr
namespace scene
// currently supported COLLADA tag names
const core::stringc colladaSectionName = "COLLADA";
const core::stringc librarySectionName = "library";
const core::stringc libraryNodesSectionName = "library_nodes";
const core::stringc libraryGeometriesSectionName = "library_geometries";
const core::stringc libraryMaterialsSectionName = "library_materials";
const core::stringc libraryImagesSectionName = "library_images";
const core::stringc libraryVisualScenesSectionName = "library_visual_scenes";
const core::stringc libraryCamerasSectionName = "library_cameras";
const core::stringc libraryLightsSectionName = "library_lights";
const core::stringc libraryEffectsSectionName = "library_effects";
const core::stringc assetSectionName = "asset";
const core::stringc sceneSectionName = "scene";
const core::stringc visualSceneSectionName = "visual_scene";
const core::stringc lightPrefabName = "light";
const core::stringc cameraPrefabName = "camera";
const core::stringc materialSectionName = "material";
const core::stringc geometrySectionName = "geometry";
const core::stringc imageSectionName = "image";
const core::stringc textureSectionName = "texture";
const core::stringc effectSectionName = "effect";
const core::stringc pointSectionName = "point";
const core::stringc directionalSectionName ="directional";
const core::stringc spotSectionName = "spot";
const core::stringc ambientSectionName = "ambient";
const core::stringc meshSectionName = "mesh";
const core::stringc sourceSectionName = "source";
const core::stringc arraySectionName = "array";
const core::stringc floatArraySectionName ="float_array";
const core::stringc intArraySectionName = "int_array";
const core::stringc techniqueCommonSectionName = "technique_common";
const core::stringc accessorSectionName = "accessor";
const core::stringc verticesSectionName = "vertices";
const core::stringc inputTagName = "input";
const core::stringc polylistSectionName = "polylist";
const core::stringc trianglesSectionName = "triangles";
const core::stringc polygonsSectionName = "polygons";
const core::stringc primitivesName = "p";
const core::stringc vcountName = "vcount";
const core::stringc upAxisNodeName = "up_axis";
const core::stringc nodeSectionName = "node";
const core::stringc lookatNodeName = "lookat";
const core::stringc matrixNodeName = "matrix";
const core::stringc perspectiveNodeName = "perspective";
const core::stringc rotateNodeName = "rotate";
const core::stringc scaleNodeName = "scale";
const core::stringc translateNodeName = "translate";
const core::stringc skewNodeName = "skew";
const core::stringc bboxNodeName = "boundingbox";
const core::stringc minNodeName = "min";
const core::stringc maxNodeName = "max";
const core::stringc instanceName = "instance";
const core::stringc instanceGeometryName = "instance_geometry";
const core::stringc instanceSceneName = "instance_visual_scene";
const core::stringc instanceEffectName = "instance_effect";
const core::stringc instanceMaterialName = "instance_material";
const core::stringc instanceLightName = "instance_light";
const core::stringc instanceNodeName = "instance_node";
const core::stringc bindMaterialName = "bind_material";
const core::stringc extraNodeName = "extra";
const core::stringc techniqueNodeName = "technique";
const core::stringc colorNodeName = "color";
const core::stringc floatNodeName = "float";
const core::stringc float2NodeName = "float2";
const core::stringc float3NodeName = "float3";
const core::stringc newParamName = "newparam";
const core::stringc paramTagName = "param";
const core::stringc initFromName = "init_from";
const core::stringc dataName = "data";
const core::stringc wrapsName = "wrap_s";
const core::stringc wraptName = "wrap_t";
const core::stringc minfilterName = "minfilter";
const core::stringc magfilterName = "magfilter";
const core::stringc mipfilterName = "mipfilter";
const core::stringc textureNodeName = "texture";
const core::stringc doubleSidedNodeName = "double_sided";
const core::stringc constantAttenuationNodeName = "constant_attenuation";
const core::stringc linearAttenuationNodeName = "linear_attenuation";
const core::stringc quadraticAttenuationNodeName = "quadratic_attenuation";
const core::stringc falloffAngleNodeName = "falloff_angle";
const core::stringc falloffExponentNodeName = "falloff_exponent";
const core::stringc profileCOMMONSectionName = "profile_COMMON";
const char* const inputSemanticNames[] = {"POSITION", "VERTEX", "NORMAL", "TEXCOORD",
//! following class is for holding and creating instances of library
//! objects, named prefabs in this loader.
class CPrefab : public IColladaPrefab
CPrefab(const core::stringc& id) : Id(id)
//! creates an instance of this prefab
virtual scene::ISceneNode* addInstance(scene::ISceneNode* parent,
scene::ISceneManager* mgr)
// empty implementation
return 0;
//! returns id of this prefab
virtual const core::stringc& getId()
return Id;
core::stringc Id;
//! prefab for a light scene node
class CLightPrefab : public CPrefab
CLightPrefab(const core::stringc& id) : CPrefab(id)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA: loaded light prefab", Id.c_str());
video::SLight LightData; // publically accessible
//! creates an instance of this prefab
virtual scene::ISceneNode* addInstance(scene::ISceneNode* parent,
scene::ISceneManager* mgr)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA: Constructing light instance", Id.c_str());
scene::ILightSceneNode* l = mgr->addLightSceneNode(parent);
if (l)
l->setLightData ( LightData );
return l;
//! prefab for a mesh scene node
class CGeometryPrefab : public CPrefab
CGeometryPrefab(const core::stringc& id) : CPrefab(id)
scene::IMesh* Mesh;
//! creates an instance of this prefab
virtual scene::ISceneNode* addInstance(scene::ISceneNode* parent,
scene::ISceneManager* mgr)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA: Constructing mesh instance", Id.c_str());
scene::ISceneNode* m = mgr->addMeshSceneNode(Mesh, parent);
if (m)
// m->setDebugDataVisible(scene::EDS_FULL);
return m;
//! prefab for a camera scene node
class CCameraPrefab : public CPrefab
CCameraPrefab(const core::stringc& id)
: CPrefab(id), YFov(core::PI / 2.5f), ZNear(1.0f), ZFar(3000.0f)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA: loaded camera prefab", Id.c_str());
// publicly accessible data
f32 YFov;
f32 ZNear;
f32 ZFar;
//! creates an instance of this prefab
virtual scene::ISceneNode* addInstance(scene::ISceneNode* parent,
scene::ISceneManager* mgr)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA: Constructing camera instance", Id.c_str());
scene::ICameraSceneNode* c = mgr->addCameraSceneNode(parent);
if (c)
return c;
//! prefab for a container scene node
//! Collects other prefabs and instantiates them upon instantiation
//! Uses a dummy scene node to return the childs as one scene node
class CScenePrefab : public CPrefab
CScenePrefab(const core::stringc& id) : CPrefab(id)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA: loaded scene prefab", Id.c_str());
//! creates an instance of this prefab
virtual scene::ISceneNode* addInstance(scene::ISceneNode* parent,
scene::ISceneManager* mgr)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA: Constructing scene instance", Id.c_str());
if (Childs.size()==0)
return 0;
scene::IDummyTransformationSceneNode* s = mgr->addDummyTransformationSceneNode(parent);
if (s)
s->getRelativeTransformationMatrix() = Transformation;
core::stringc t;
for (u32 i=0; i<16; ++i)
t+=" ";
os::Printer::log("COLLADA: Transformation", t.c_str());
for (u32 i=0; i<Childs.size(); ++i)
Childs[i]->addInstance(s, mgr);
return s;
core::array<IColladaPrefab*> Childs;
core::matrix4 Transformation;
//! Constructor
CColladaFileLoader::CColladaFileLoader(scene::ISceneManager* smgr,
io::IFileSystem* fs)
: SceneManager(smgr), FileSystem(fs), DummyMesh(0),
FirstLoadedMesh(0), LoadedMeshCount(0), CreateInstances(false)
#ifdef _DEBUG
//! destructor
if (DummyMesh)
if (FirstLoadedMesh)
//! Returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class.
/** This decision should be based only on the file extension (e.g. ".cob") */
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
bool CColladaFileLoader::isALoadableFileExtension(const core::string<c16>& filename) const
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
return core::hasFileExtension ( filename, "xml", "dae" );
//! creates/loads an animated mesh from the file.
//! \return Pointer to the created mesh. Returns 0 if loading failed.
//! If you no longer need the mesh, you should call IAnimatedMesh::drop().
//! See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information.
IAnimatedMesh* CColladaFileLoader::createMesh(io::IReadFile* file)
io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader = FileSystem->createXMLReaderUTF8(file);
if (!reader)
return 0;
CurrentlyLoadingMesh = file->getFileName();
CreateInstances = SceneManager->getParameters()->getAttributeAsBool(
Version = 0;
FlipAxis = false;
// read until COLLADA section, skip other parts
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
if (colladaSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
skipSection(reader, true); // unknown section
if (!Version)
return 0;
// because this loader loads and creates a complete scene instead of
// a single mesh, return an empty dummy mesh to make the scene manager
// know that everything went well.
if (!DummyMesh)
DummyMesh = new SAnimatedMesh();
scene::IAnimatedMesh* returnMesh = DummyMesh;
// add the first loaded mesh into the mesh cache too, if more than one
// meshes have been loaded from the file
if (LoadedMeshCount>1 && FirstLoadedMesh)
os::Printer::log("Added COLLADA mesh", FirstLoadedMeshName.c_str());
SceneManager->getMeshCache()->addMesh(FirstLoadedMeshName.c_str(), FirstLoadedMesh);
// clean up temporary loaded data
returnMesh->grab(); // store until this loader is destroyed
DummyMesh = 0;
if (FirstLoadedMesh)
FirstLoadedMesh = 0;
LoadedMeshCount = 0;
return returnMesh;
//! skips an (unknown) section in the collada document
void CColladaFileLoader::skipSection(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader, bool reportSkipping)
if (reportSkipping) // always report in COLLADA_READER_DEBUG mode
os::Printer::log("COLLADA skipping section", core::stringc(reader->getNodeName()).c_str());
// skip if this element is empty anyway.
if (reader->isEmptyElement())
// read until we've reached the last element in this section
u32 tagCounter = 1;
while(tagCounter && reader->read())
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT &&
if (reportSkipping)
os::Printer::log("Skipping COLLADA unknown element:", core::stringc(reader->getNodeName()).c_str());
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END)
//! reads the <COLLADA> section and its content
void CColladaFileLoader::readColladaSection(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
if (reader->isEmptyElement())
const f32 version = core::fast_atof(core::stringc(reader->getAttributeValue("version")).c_str());
Version = core::floor32(version)*10000+core::ceil32(core::fract(version)*1000.0f);
// Version 1.4 can be checked for by if (Version >= 10400)
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
if (assetSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (librarySectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (libraryNodesSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (libraryGeometriesSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (libraryMaterialsSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (libraryEffectsSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (libraryImagesSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (libraryCamerasSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (libraryLightsSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (libraryVisualScenesSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (assetSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (sceneSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
os::Printer::log("COLLADA loader warning: Wrong tag usage found", reader->getNodeName(), ELL_WARNING);
skipSection(reader, true); // unknown section
//! reads a <library> section and its content
void CColladaFileLoader::readLibrarySection(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading library");
if (reader->isEmptyElement())
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
// animation section tbd
if (cameraPrefabName == reader->getNodeName())
// code section tbd
// controller section tbd
if (geometrySectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (imageSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (lightPrefabName == reader->getNodeName())
if (materialSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (nodeSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
CScenePrefab p("");
readNodeSection(reader, SceneManager->getRootSceneNode(), &p);
if (effectSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
// program section tbd
if (textureSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
skipSection(reader, true); // unknown section, not all allowed supported yet
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END)
if (librarySectionName == reader->getNodeName())
break; // end reading.
if (libraryNodesSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
break; // end reading.
if (libraryGeometriesSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
break; // end reading.
if (libraryMaterialsSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
break; // end reading.
if (libraryEffectsSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
break; // end reading.
if (libraryImagesSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
break; // end reading.
if (libraryLightsSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
break; // end reading.
if (libraryCamerasSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
break; // end reading.
//! reads a <visual_scene> element and stores it as a prefab
void CColladaFileLoader::readVisualSceneLibrary(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
CScenePrefab* p = 0;
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
if (visualSceneSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
p = new CScenePrefab(readId(reader));
if (p && nodeSectionName == reader->getNodeName()) // as a child of visual_scene
readNodeSection(reader, SceneManager->getRootSceneNode(), p);
if (assetSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (extraNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
skipSection(reader, false); // ignore all other sections
os::Printer::log("COLLADA loader warning: Wrong tag usage found", reader->getNodeName(), ELL_WARNING);
skipSection(reader, true); // ignore all other sections
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END)
if (libraryVisualScenesSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if ((visualSceneSectionName == reader->getNodeName()) && p)
p = 0;
//! reads a <scene> section and its content
void CColladaFileLoader::readSceneSection(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading scene");
if (reader->isEmptyElement())
// read the scene
core::matrix4 transform; // transformation of this node
core::aabbox3df bbox;
scene::IDummyTransformationSceneNode* node = 0;
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
if (lookatNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
transform *= readLookAtNode(reader);
if (matrixNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
transform *= readMatrixNode(reader);
if (perspectiveNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
transform *= readPerspectiveNode(reader);
if (rotateNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
transform *= readRotateNode(reader);
if (scaleNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
transform *= readScaleNode(reader);
if (skewNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
transform *= readSkewNode(reader);
if (translateNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
transform *= readTranslateNode(reader);
if (bboxNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
readBboxNode(reader, bbox);
if (nodeSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
// create dummy node if there is none yet.
if (!node)
node = SceneManager->addDummyTransformationSceneNode(SceneManager->getRootSceneNode());
readNodeSection(reader, node);
if ((instanceSceneName == reader->getNodeName()))
readInstanceNode(reader, SceneManager->getRootSceneNode(), 0);
if (extraNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
skipSection(reader, false);
os::Printer::log("COLLADA loader warning: Wrong tag usage found", reader->getNodeName(), ELL_WARNING);
skipSection(reader, true); // ignore all other sections
if ((reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END) &&
(sceneSectionName == reader->getNodeName()))
if (node)
node->getRelativeTransformationMatrix() = transform;
//! reads a <asset> section and its content
void CColladaFileLoader::readAssetSection(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading asset");
if (reader->isEmptyElement())
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
if (upAxisNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
FlipAxis = (core::stringc("Z_UP") == reader->getNodeData());
if ((reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END) &&
(assetSectionName == reader->getNodeName()))
//! reads a <node> section and its content
void CColladaFileLoader::readNodeSection(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader, scene::ISceneNode* parent, CScenePrefab* p)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading node");
if (reader->isEmptyElement())
core::stringc name = readId(reader);
core::matrix4 transform; // transformation of this node
core::aabbox3df bbox;
scene::ISceneNode* node = 0; // instance
CScenePrefab* nodeprefab = 0; // prefab for library_nodes usage
if (p)
nodeprefab = new CScenePrefab(readId(reader));
Prefabs.push_back(nodeprefab); // in order to delete them later on
// read the node
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
if (assetSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (lookatNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
transform *= readLookAtNode(reader);
if (matrixNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
transform *= readMatrixNode(reader);
if (perspectiveNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
transform *= readPerspectiveNode(reader);
if (rotateNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
transform *= readRotateNode(reader);
if (scaleNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
transform *= readScaleNode(reader);
if (skewNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
transform *= readSkewNode(reader);
if (translateNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
transform *= readTranslateNode(reader);
if (bboxNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
readBboxNode(reader, bbox);
if ((instanceName == reader->getNodeName()) ||
(instanceNodeName == reader->getNodeName()) ||
(instanceGeometryName == reader->getNodeName()) ||
(instanceLightName == reader->getNodeName()))
scene::ISceneNode* newnode = 0;
readInstanceNode(reader, parent, &newnode, nodeprefab);
if (node && newnode)
// move children from dummy to new node
core::list<ISceneNode*>::ConstIterator it = node->getChildren().begin();
for (; it != node->getChildren().end(); it = node->getChildren().begin())
// remove previous dummy node
node = newnode;
if (nodeSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
// create dummy node if there is none yet.
if (CreateInstances && !node)
scene::IDummyTransformationSceneNode* dummy =
dummy->getRelativeTransformationMatrix() = transform;
node = dummy;
node = parent;
// read and add child
readNodeSection(reader, node, nodeprefab);
if (extraNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
skipSection(reader, false);
skipSection(reader, true); // ignore all other sections
} // end if node
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END)
if (nodeSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (nodeprefab)
nodeprefab->Transformation = transform;
if (node)
// set transformation correctly into node.
//! reads a <lookat> element and its content and creates a matrix from it
core::matrix4 CColladaFileLoader::readLookAtNode(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
core::matrix4 mat;
if (reader->isEmptyElement())
return mat;
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading look at node");
f32 floats[9];
readFloatsInsideElement(reader, floats, 9);
core::vector3df(floats[0], floats[1], floats[2]),
core::vector3df(floats[3], floats[4], floats[5]),
core::vector3df(floats[6], floats[7], floats[8]));
return mat;
//! reads a <skew> element and its content and creates a matrix from it
core::matrix4 CColladaFileLoader::readSkewNode(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading skew node");
core::matrix4 mat;
if (reader->isEmptyElement())
return mat;
f32 floats[7]; // angle rotation-axis translation-axis
readFloatsInsideElement(reader, floats, 7);
// build skew matrix from these 7 floats
core::quaternion q;
q.fromAngleAxis(floats[0]*core::DEGTORAD, core::vector3df(floats[1], floats[2], floats[3]));
mat = q.getMatrix();
if (floats[4]==1.f) // along x-axis
if (floats[5]==1.f) // along y-axis
if (floats[6]==1.f) // along z-axis
return mat;
//! reads a <boundingbox> element and its content and stores it in bbox
void CColladaFileLoader::readBboxNode(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader,
core::aabbox3df& bbox)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading boundingbox node");
if (reader->isEmptyElement())
f32 floats[3];
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
if (minNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
readFloatsInsideElement(reader, floats, 3);
bbox.MinEdge.set(floats[0], floats[1], floats[2]);
if (maxNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
readFloatsInsideElement(reader, floats, 3);
bbox.MaxEdge.set(floats[0], floats[1], floats[2]);
skipSection(reader, true); // ignore all other sections
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END)
if (bboxNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
//! reads a <matrix> element and its content and creates a matrix from it
core::matrix4 CColladaFileLoader::readMatrixNode(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading matrix node");
core::matrix4 mat;
if (reader->isEmptyElement())
return mat;
readFloatsInsideElement(reader, mat.pointer(), 16);
// put translation into the correct place
if (FlipAxis)
core::matrix4 mat2(mat, core::matrix4::EM4CONST_TRANSPOSED);
return mat2;
return core::matrix4(mat, core::matrix4::EM4CONST_TRANSPOSED);
//! reads a <perspective> element and its content and creates a matrix from it
core::matrix4 CColladaFileLoader::readPerspectiveNode(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading perspective node");
core::matrix4 mat;
if (reader->isEmptyElement())
return mat;
f32 floats[1];
readFloatsInsideElement(reader, floats, 1);
// TODO: build perspecitve matrix from this float
os::Printer::log("COLLADA loader warning: <perspective> not implemented yet.", ELL_WARNING);
return mat;
//! reads a <rotate> element and its content and creates a matrix from it
core::matrix4 CColladaFileLoader::readRotateNode(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading rotate node");
core::matrix4 mat;
if (reader->isEmptyElement())
return mat;
f32 floats[4];
readFloatsInsideElement(reader, floats, 4);
if (!core::iszero(floats[3]))
core::quaternion q;
if (FlipAxis)
q.fromAngleAxis(floats[3]*core::DEGTORAD, core::vector3df(floats[0], floats[2], floats[1]));
q.fromAngleAxis(floats[3]*core::DEGTORAD, core::vector3df(floats[0], floats[1], floats[2]));
return q.getMatrix();
return core::IdentityMatrix;
//! reads a <scale> element and its content and creates a matrix from it
core::matrix4 CColladaFileLoader::readScaleNode(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading scale node");
core::matrix4 mat;
if (reader->isEmptyElement())
return mat;
f32 floats[3];
readFloatsInsideElement(reader, floats, 3);
if (FlipAxis)
mat.setScale(core::vector3df(floats[0], floats[2], floats[1]));
mat.setScale(core::vector3df(floats[0], floats[1], floats[2]));
return mat;
//! reads a <translate> element and its content and creates a matrix from it
core::matrix4 CColladaFileLoader::readTranslateNode(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading translate node");
core::matrix4 mat;
if (reader->isEmptyElement())
return mat;
f32 floats[3];
readFloatsInsideElement(reader, floats, 3);
if (FlipAxis)
mat.setTranslation(core::vector3df(floats[0], floats[2], floats[1]));
mat.setTranslation(core::vector3df(floats[0], floats[1], floats[2]));
return mat;
//! reads any kind of <instance*> node and creates a scene node from it
void CColladaFileLoader::readInstanceNode(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader, scene::ISceneNode* parent,
scene::ISceneNode** outNode, CScenePrefab* p)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading instance");
// find prefab of the specified id
core::stringc url = reader->getAttributeValue("url");
if (!reader->isEmptyElement())
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
if (bindMaterialName == reader->getNodeName())
if (extraNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
skipSection(reader, false);
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END)
for (u32 i=0; i<Prefabs.size(); ++i)
if (url == Prefabs[i]->getId())
if (p)
if (CreateInstances)
scene::ISceneNode * newNode
= Prefabs[i]->addInstance(parent, SceneManager);
if (outNode)
*outNode = newNode;
if (*outNode)
//! reads a <camera> element and stores it as prefab
void CColladaFileLoader::readCameraPrefab(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading camera prefab");
CCameraPrefab* prefab = new CCameraPrefab(readId(reader));
if (!reader->isEmptyElement())
// read techniques optics and imager (the latter is completely ignored, though)
readColladaParameters(reader, cameraPrefabName);
SColladaParam* p;
// XFOV not yet supported
p = getColladaParameter(ECPN_YFOV);
if (p && p->Type == ECPT_FLOAT)
prefab->YFov = p->Floats[0];
p = getColladaParameter(ECPN_ZNEAR);
if (p && p->Type == ECPT_FLOAT)
prefab->ZNear = p->Floats[0];
p = getColladaParameter(ECPN_ZFAR);
if (p && p->Type == ECPT_FLOAT)
prefab->ZFar = p->Floats[0];
// orthographic camera uses LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, and BOTTOM
//! reads a <image> element and stores it in the image section
void CColladaFileLoader::readImage(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading image");
// add image to list of loaded images.
SColladaImage& image=Images.getLast();
image.Id = readId(reader);
image.Dimension.Height = (u32)reader->getAttributeValueAsInt("height");
image.Dimension.Width = (u32)reader->getAttributeValueAsInt("width");
if (Version >= 10400) // start with 1.4
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
if (assetSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
skipSection(reader, false);
if (initFromName == reader->getNodeName())
image.Source = reader->getNodeData();
if (dataName == reader->getNodeName())
image.Source = reader->getNodeData();
if (extraNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
skipSection(reader, false);
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END)
if (initFromName == reader->getNodeName())
image.Source = reader->getAttributeValue("source");
//! reads a <texture> element and stores it in the texture section
void CColladaFileLoader::readTexture(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading texture");
// add texture to list of loaded textures.
SColladaTexture& texture=Textures.getLast();
texture.Id = readId(reader);
if (!reader->isEmptyElement())
readColladaInputs(reader, textureSectionName);
SColladaInput* input = getColladaInput(ECIS_IMAGE);
if (input)
const core::stringc imageName = input->Source;
texture.Texture = getTextureFromImage(imageName);
//! reads a <material> element and stores it in the material section
void CColladaFileLoader::readMaterial(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading material");
// add material to list of loaded materials.
SColladaMaterial& material = Materials.getLast();
material.Id = readId(reader);
if (Version >= 10400)
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT &&
instanceEffectName == reader->getNodeName())
material.InstanceEffectId = reader->getAttributeValue("url");
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END &&
materialSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
} // end while reader->read();
if (!reader->isEmptyElement())
readColladaInputs(reader, materialSectionName);
SColladaInput* input = getColladaInput(ECIS_TEXTURE);
if (input)
core::stringc textureName = input->Source;
for (u32 i=0; i<Textures.size(); ++i)
if (textureName == Textures[i].Id)
material.Mat.setTexture(0, Textures[i].Texture);
//does not work because the wrong start node is chosen due to reading of inputs before
#if 0
readColladaParameters(reader, materialSectionName);
SColladaParam* p;
p = getColladaParameter(ECPN_AMBIENT);
if (p && p->Type == ECPT_FLOAT3)
material.Mat.AmbientColor = video::SColorf(p->Floats[0],p->Floats[1],p->Floats[2]).toSColor();
p = getColladaParameter(ECPN_DIFFUSE);
if (p && p->Type == ECPT_FLOAT3)
material.Mat.DiffuseColor = video::SColorf(p->Floats[0],p->Floats[1],p->Floats[2]).toSColor();
p = getColladaParameter(ECPN_SPECULAR);
if (p && p->Type == ECPT_FLOAT3)
material.Mat.DiffuseColor = video::SColorf(p->Floats[0],p->Floats[1],p->Floats[2]).toSColor();
p = getColladaParameter(ECPN_SHININESS);
if (p && p->Type == ECPT_FLOAT)
material.Mat.Shininess = p->Floats[0];
void CColladaFileLoader::readEffect(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader, SColladaEffect * effect)
if (!effect) os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading effect");
static const core::stringc constantNode("constant");
static const core::stringc lambertNode("lambert");
static const core::stringc phongNode("phong");
static const core::stringc blinnNode("blinn");
static const core::stringc emissionNode("emission");
static const core::stringc ambientNode("ambient");
static const core::stringc diffuseNode("diffuse");
static const core::stringc specularNode("specular");
static const core::stringc shininessNode("shininess");
static const core::stringc reflectiveNode("reflective");
static const core::stringc reflectivityNode("reflectivity");
static const core::stringc transparentNode("transparent");
static const core::stringc transparencyNode("transparency");
static const core::stringc indexOfRefractionNode("index_of_refraction");
if (!effect)
effect = &Effects.getLast();
effect->Id = readId(reader);
effect->Transparency = 1.f;
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
// first come the tags we descend, but ignore the top-levels
if (!reader->isEmptyElement() && ((profileCOMMONSectionName == reader->getNodeName()) ||
(techniqueNodeName == reader->getNodeName())))
if (newParamName == reader->getNodeName())
// these are the actual materials inside technique
if (constantNode == reader->getNodeName() ||
lambertNode == reader->getNodeName() ||
phongNode == reader->getNodeName() ||
blinnNode == reader->getNodeName())
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading effect part", reader->getNodeName());
phongNode == reader->getNodeName() ||
blinnNode == reader->getNodeName());
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
const core::stringc node = reader->getNodeName();
if (emissionNode == node || ambientNode == node ||
diffuseNode == node || specularNode == node ||
reflectiveNode == node || transparentNode == node )
// color or texture types
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT &&
colorNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
const video::SColorf colorf = readColorNode(reader);
const video::SColor color = colorf.toSColor();
if (emissionNode == node)
effect->Mat.EmissiveColor = color;
if (ambientNode == node)
effect->Mat.AmbientColor = color;
if (diffuseNode == node)
effect->Mat.DiffuseColor = color;
if (specularNode == node)
effect->Mat.SpecularColor = color;
if (transparentNode == node)
effect->Transparency = colorf.getAlpha();
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT &&
textureNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
const core::stringc tname = reader->getAttributeValue("texture");
effect->Mat.setTexture(0, getTextureFromImage(tname));
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
skipSection(reader, false);
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END &&
node == reader->getNodeName())
if (shininessNode == node || reflectivityNode == node ||
transparencyNode == node || indexOfRefractionNode == node )
// float or param types
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT &&
floatNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
f32 f = readFloatNode(reader);
if (shininessNode == node)
effect->Mat.Shininess = f;
if (transparencyNode == node)
effect->Transparency *= f;
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
skipSection(reader, false);
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END &&
node == reader->getNodeName())
skipSection(reader, true); // ignore all other nodes
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END && (
constantNode == reader->getNodeName() ||
lambertNode == reader->getNodeName() ||
phongNode == reader->getNodeName() ||
blinnNode == reader->getNodeName()
if (!reader->isEmptyElement() && (extraNodeName == reader->getNodeName()))
if (doubleSidedNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
// read the GoogleEarth extra flag for double sided polys
s32 doubleSided = 0;
if (doubleSided)
skipSection(reader, true); // ignore all other sections
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END)
if (effectSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (profileCOMMONSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (techniqueNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
if (extraNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
if (effect->Mat.AmbientColor == video::SColor(0) &&
effect->Mat.DiffuseColor != video::SColor(0))
effect->Mat.AmbientColor = effect->Mat.DiffuseColor;
if (effect->Mat.DiffuseColor == video::SColor(0) &&
effect->Mat.AmbientColor != video::SColor(0))
effect->Mat.DiffuseColor = effect->Mat.AmbientColor;
if ((effect->Transparency != 0.0f) && (effect->Transparency != 1.0f))
effect->Mat.MaterialType = irr::video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA;
effect->Mat.ZWriteEnable = false;
effect->Mat.setFlag(video::EMF_TEXTURE_WRAP, !Parameters.getAttributeAsBool("wrap_s"));
effect->Mat.setFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, Parameters.getAttributeAsBool("bilinear"));
effect->Mat.setFlag(video::EMF_TRILINEAR_FILTER, Parameters.getAttributeAsBool("trilinear"));
effect->Mat.setFlag(video::EMF_ANISOTROPIC_FILTER, Parameters.getAttributeAsBool("anisotropic"));
const SColladaMaterial* CColladaFileLoader::findMaterial(const core::stringc& materialName)
// do a quick lookup in the materials
SColladaMaterial matToFind;
matToFind.Id = materialName;
s32 mat = Materials.binary_search(matToFind);
if (mat == -1)
return 0;
// instantiate the material effect if needed
if (Materials[mat].InstanceEffectId.size() != 0)
// do a quick lookup in the effects
SColladaEffect effectToFind;
effectToFind.Id = Materials[mat].InstanceEffectId;
s32 effect = Effects.binary_search(effectToFind);
if (effect != -1)
// found the effect, instantiate by copying into the material
Materials[mat].Mat = Effects[effect].Mat;
Materials[mat].Transparency = Effects[effect].Transparency;
// and indicate the material is instantiated by removing the effect ref
Materials[mat].InstanceEffectId = "";
return 0;
return &Materials[mat];
void CColladaFileLoader::readBindMaterialSection(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader, const core::stringc & id)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading bind material");
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
if (instanceMaterialName == reader->getNodeName())
// the symbol to retarget, and the target material
core::stringc meshbufferReference = reader->getAttributeValue("symbol");
if (meshbufferReference.size()==0)
core::stringc target = reader->getAttributeValue("target");
if (target.size()==0)
const SColladaMaterial * material = findMaterial(target);
if (!material)
// bind any pending materials for this node
meshbufferReference = id+"/"+meshbufferReference;
os::Printer::log((core::stringc("Material binding: ")+meshbufferReference+" "+target).c_str());
if (MaterialsToBind.find(meshbufferReference))
core::array<irr::scene::IMeshBuffer*> & toBind
= MeshesToBind[MaterialsToBind[meshbufferReference]];
os::Printer::log("Material binding now ",material->Id.c_str());
SMesh tmpmesh;
for (u32 i = 0; i < toBind.size(); ++i)
toBind[i]->getMaterial() = material->Mat;
if ((material->Transparency!=0.0f) && (material->Transparency!=1.0f))
toBind[i]->getMaterial().MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA;
toBind[i]->getMaterial().ZWriteEnable = false;
if ((material->Transparency!=0.0f) && (material->Transparency!=1.0f))
os::Printer::log("COLLADA found transparency material", core::stringc(material->Transparency).c_str());
SceneManager->getMeshManipulator()->setVertexColorAlpha(&tmpmesh, core::floor32(material->Transparency*255.0f));
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END &&
bindMaterialName == reader->getNodeName())
//! reads a <geometry> element and stores it as mesh if possible
void CColladaFileLoader::readGeometry(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading geometry");
core::stringc id = readId(reader);
core::stringc VertexPositionSource; // each mesh has exactly one <vertex> member, containing
// a POSITION input. This string stores the source of this input.
core::array<SSource> sources;
bool okToReadArray = false;
SAnimatedMesh* amesh = new SAnimatedMesh();
scene::SMesh* mesh = new SMesh();
// handles geometry node and the mesh childs in this loop
// read sources with arrays and accessor for each mesh
if (!reader->isEmptyElement())
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
const char* nodeName = reader->getNodeName();
if (meshSectionName == nodeName)
// inside a mesh section. Don't have to do anything here.
if (sourceSectionName == nodeName)
// create a new source
sources.getLast().Id = readId(reader);
os::Printer::log("Reading source", sources.getLast().Id.c_str());
if (arraySectionName == nodeName || floatArraySectionName == nodeName || intArraySectionName == nodeName)
// create a new array and read it.
if (!sources.empty())
sources.getLast().Array.Name = readId(reader);
int count = reader->getAttributeValueAsInt("count");
sources.getLast().Array.Data.set_used(count); // pre allocate
// check if type of array is ok
const char* type = reader->getAttributeValue("type");
okToReadArray = (type && (!strcmp("float", type) || !strcmp("int", type))) || floatArraySectionName == nodeName || intArraySectionName == nodeName;
os::Printer::log("Read array", sources.getLast().Array.Name.c_str());
os::Printer::log("Warning, array outside source found",
if (accessorSectionName == nodeName) // child of source (below a technique tag)
os::Printer::log("Reading accessor");
SAccessor accessor;
accessor.Count = reader->getAttributeValueAsInt("count");
accessor.Offset = reader->getAttributeValueAsInt("offset");
accessor.Stride = reader->getAttributeValueAsInt("stride");
if (accessor.Stride == 0)
accessor.Stride = 1;
// the accessor contains some information on how to access (boi!) the array,
// the info is stored in collada style parameters, so just read them.
readColladaParameters(reader, accessorSectionName);
if (!sources.empty())
sources.getLast().Accessors.getLast().Parameters = ColladaParameters;
if (verticesSectionName == nodeName)
os::Printer::log("Reading vertices");
// read vertex input position source
readColladaInputs(reader, verticesSectionName);
SColladaInput* input = getColladaInput(ECIS_POSITION);
if (input)
VertexPositionSource = input->Source;
// lines and linestrips missing
if (polygonsSectionName == nodeName ||
polylistSectionName == nodeName ||
trianglesSectionName == nodeName)
// read polygons section
readPolygonSection(reader, VertexPositionSource, sources, mesh, id);
// trifans, and tristrips missing
if (extraNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
skipSection(reader, false);
if (techniqueCommonSectionName != nodeName) // techniqueCommon must not be skipped
// os::Printer::log("COLLADA loader warning: Wrong tag usage found", reader->getNodeName(), ELL_WARNING);
skipSection(reader, true); // ignore all other sections
} // end if node type is element
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_TEXT)
// read array data
if (okToReadArray && !sources.empty())
core::array<f32>& a = sources.getLast().Array.Data;
core::stringc data = reader->getNodeData();
const c8* p = &data[0];
for (u32 i=0; i<a.size(); ++i)
if (*p)
a[i] = readFloat(&p);
a[i] = 0.0f;
} // end reading array
okToReadArray = false;
} // end if node type is text
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END)
if (geometrySectionName == reader->getNodeName())
// end of geometry section reached, cancel out
} // end while reader->read();
// add mesh as geometry
// create virtual file name
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
core::string<c16> filename = CurrentlyLoadingMesh;
filename += '#';
filename += id;
// add to scene manager
if (LoadedMeshCount)
SceneManager->getMeshCache()->addMesh(filename.c_str(), amesh);
os::Printer::log("Added COLLADA mesh", filename.c_str());
FirstLoadedMeshName = filename;
FirstLoadedMesh = amesh;
// create geometry prefab
CGeometryPrefab* prefab = new CGeometryPrefab(id.c_str());
prefab->Mesh = mesh;
// store as dummy mesh if no instances will be created
if (!CreateInstances && !DummyMesh)
DummyMesh = amesh;
struct SPolygon
core::array<s32> Indices;
//! reads a polygons section and creates a mesh from it
void CColladaFileLoader::readPolygonSection(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader,
const core::stringc& vertexPositionSource, core::array<SSource>& sources,
scene::SMesh* mesh, const core::stringc& geometryId)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading polygon section");
core::stringc materialName = reader->getAttributeValue("material");
core::stringc polygonType = reader->getNodeName();
const int polygonCount = reader->getAttributeValueAsInt("count"); // Not useful because it only determines the number of primitives, which have arbitrary vertices in case of polygon
core::array<SPolygon> polygons;
core::array<int> vCounts;
bool parsePolygonOK = false;
bool parseVcountOK = false;
u32 inputSemanticCount = 0;
bool unresolvedInput=false;
u32 maxOffset = 0;
// read all <input> and primitives
if (!reader->isEmptyElement())
const char* nodeName = reader->getNodeName();
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
// polygon node may contain params
if (inputTagName == nodeName)
// read input tag
// resolve input source
SColladaInput& inp = Inputs.getLast();
core::stringc sourceArrayURI;
// get input source array id, if it is a vertex input, take
// the <vertex><input>-source attribute.
if (inp.Semantic == ECIS_VERTEX)
sourceArrayURI = vertexPositionSource;
sourceArrayURI = inp.Source;
// find source array (we'll ignore accessors for this implementation)
u32 s;
for (s=0; s<sources.size(); ++s)
if (sources[s].Id == sourceArrayURI)
// slot found
inp.Data = sources[s].Array.Data.pointer();
inp.Stride = sources[s].Accessors[0].Stride;
if (s == sources.size())
os::Printer::log("COLLADA Warning, polygon input source not found",
// print slot
core::stringc tmp = "Added slot ";
tmp += inputSemanticNames[inp.Semantic];
tmp += " sourceArray:";
tmp += sourceArrayURI;
maxOffset = core::max_(maxOffset,inp.Offset);
if (primitivesName == nodeName)
parsePolygonOK = true;
if (vcountName == nodeName)
parseVcountOK = true;
} // end is polygon node
} // end is element node
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END)
if (primitivesName == nodeName)
parsePolygonOK = false; // end parsing a polygon
if (vcountName == nodeName)
parseVcountOK = false; // end parsing vcounts
if (polygonType == nodeName)
break; // cancel out and create mesh
} // end is element end
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_TEXT)
if (parseVcountOK)
core::stringc data = reader->getNodeData();
const c8* p = &data[0];
if (*p)
parseVcountOK = false;
if (parsePolygonOK && polygons.size())
core::stringc data = reader->getNodeData();
const c8* p = &data[0];
SPolygon& poly = polygons.getLast();
if (vCounts.empty())
for (u32 i = 0; i < vCounts.size(); i++)
int polyVCount = vCounts[i];
core::array<int> polyCorners;
for (u32 j = 0; j < polyVCount * inputSemanticCount; j++)
if (!*p)
while (polyCorners.size() >= 3 * inputSemanticCount)
// add one triangle's worth of indices
for (u32 k = 0; k < inputSemanticCount * 3; ++k)
// remove one corner from our poly
parsePolygonOK = false;
} // end while reader->read()
if (inputSemanticCount == 0 || unresolvedInput)
return; // we cannot create the mesh if one of the input semantics wasn't found.
if (!polygons.size())
return; // cancel if there are no polygons anyway.
// analyze content of Inputs to create a fitting mesh buffer
u32 u;
u32 textureCoordSetCount = 0;
bool normalSlotCount = false;
u32 secondTexCoordSetIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF;
for (u=0; u<Inputs.size(); ++u)
if (Inputs[u].Semantic == ECIS_TEXCOORD || Inputs[u].Semantic == ECIS_UV )
if (textureCoordSetCount==2)
secondTexCoordSetIndex = u;
if (Inputs[u].Semantic == ECIS_NORMAL)
// if there is more than one texture coordinate set, create a lightmap mesh buffer,
// otherwise use a standard mesh buffer
scene::IMeshBuffer* buffer = 0;
++maxOffset; // +1 to jump to the next value
if ( textureCoordSetCount < 2 )
// standard mesh buffer
scene::SMeshBuffer* mbuffer = new SMeshBuffer();
buffer = mbuffer;
core::map<video::S3DVertex, int> vertMap;
for (u32 i=0; i<polygons.size(); ++i)
core::array<u16> indices;
const u32 vertexCount = polygons[i].Indices.size() / maxOffset;
// for all index/semantic groups
for (u32 v=0; v<polygons[i].Indices.size(); v+=maxOffset)
video::S3DVertex vtx;
// for all input semantics
for (u32 k=0; k<Inputs.size(); ++k)
if (!Inputs[k].Data)
// build vertex from input semantics.
const u32 idx = Inputs[k].Stride*polygons[i].Indices[v+Inputs[k].Offset];
vtx.Pos.X = Inputs[k].Data[idx+0];
if (FlipAxis)
vtx.Pos.Z = Inputs[k].Data[idx+1];
vtx.Pos.Y = Inputs[k].Data[idx+2];
vtx.Pos.Y = Inputs[k].Data[idx+1];
vtx.Pos.Z = Inputs[k].Data[idx+2];
vtx.Normal.X = Inputs[k].Data[idx+0];
if (FlipAxis)
vtx.Normal.Z = Inputs[k].Data[idx+1];
vtx.Normal.Y = Inputs[k].Data[idx+2];
vtx.Normal.Y = Inputs[k].Data[idx+1];
vtx.Normal.Z = Inputs[k].Data[idx+2];
case ECIS_UV:
vtx.TCoords.X = Inputs[k].Data[idx+0];
vtx.TCoords.Y = 1-Inputs[k].Data[idx+1];
//first, try to find this vertex in the mesh
core::map<video::S3DVertex, int>::Node* n = vertMap.find(vtx);
if (n)
vertMap.insert(vtx, mbuffer->getVertexCount()-1);
} // end for all vertices
if (polygonsSectionName == polygonType &&
indices.size() > 3)
// need to tesselate for polygons of 4 or more vertices
// for now we naively turn interpret it as a triangle fan
// as full tesselation is problematic
if (FlipAxis)
for (u32 ind = indices.size()-3; ind>0 ; --ind)
for (u32 ind = 0; i+2 < indices.size(); ++ind)
// it's just triangles
for (u32 ind = 0; ind < indices.size(); ind+=3)
if (FlipAxis)
} // end for all polygons
// lightmap mesh buffer
scene::SMeshBufferLightMap* mbuffer = new SMeshBufferLightMap();
buffer = mbuffer;
for (u32 i=0; i<polygons.size(); ++i)
const u32 vertexCount = polygons[i].Indices.size() / maxOffset;
// for all vertices in array
for (u32 v=0; v<polygons[i].Indices.size(); v+=maxOffset)
video::S3DVertex2TCoords vtx;
// for all input semantics
for (u32 k=0; k<Inputs.size(); ++k)
// build vertex from input semantics.
const u32 idx = Inputs[k].Stride*polygons[i].Indices[v+Inputs[k].Offset];
vtx.Pos.X = Inputs[k].Data[idx+0];
if (FlipAxis)
vtx.Pos.Z = Inputs[k].Data[idx+1];
vtx.Pos.Y = Inputs[k].Data[idx+2];
vtx.Pos.Y = Inputs[k].Data[idx+1];
vtx.Pos.Z = Inputs[k].Data[idx+2];
vtx.Normal.X = Inputs[k].Data[idx+0];
if (FlipAxis)
vtx.Normal.Z = Inputs[k].Data[idx+1];
vtx.Normal.Y = Inputs[k].Data[idx+2];
vtx.Normal.Y = Inputs[k].Data[idx+1];
vtx.Normal.Z = Inputs[k].Data[idx+2];
case ECIS_UV:
if (k==secondTexCoordSetIndex)
vtx.TCoords2.X = Inputs[k].Data[idx+0];
vtx.TCoords2.Y = 1-Inputs[k].Data[idx+1];
vtx.TCoords.X = Inputs[k].Data[idx+0];
vtx.TCoords.Y = 1-Inputs[k].Data[idx+1];
} // end for all vertices
// add vertex indices
const u32 oldVertexCount = mbuffer->Vertices.size() - vertexCount;
for (u32 face=0; face<vertexCount-2; ++face)
mbuffer->Indices.push_back(oldVertexCount + 0);
mbuffer->Indices.push_back(oldVertexCount + 1 + face);
mbuffer->Indices.push_back(oldVertexCount + 2 + face);
} // end for all polygons
const SColladaMaterial* m = findMaterial(materialName);
if (m)
buffer->getMaterial() = m->Mat;
SMesh tmpmesh;
if (m->Transparency != 1.0f)
// add future bind reference for the material
core::stringc meshbufferReference = geometryId+"/"+materialName;
if (!MaterialsToBind.find(meshbufferReference))
MaterialsToBind[meshbufferReference] = MeshesToBind.size();
// calculate normals if there is no slot for it
if (!normalSlotCount)
SceneManager->getMeshManipulator()->recalculateNormals(buffer, true);
// recalculate bounding box
// add mesh buffer
//! reads a <light> element and stores it as prefab
void CColladaFileLoader::readLightPrefab(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading light prefab");
CLightPrefab* prefab = new CLightPrefab(readId(reader));
if (!reader->isEmptyElement())
if (Version >= 10400) // start with 1.4
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
if (pointSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (directionalSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (spotSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
if (ambientSectionName == reader->getNodeName())
prefab->LightData.Type=video::ELT_POINT; // TODO: This needs some change
if (colorNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
if (constantAttenuationNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
if (linearAttenuationNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
if (quadraticAttenuationNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
if (falloffAngleNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
prefab->LightData.OuterCone *= core::DEGTORAD;
if (falloffExponentNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END)
if ((pointSectionName == reader->getNodeName()) ||
(directionalSectionName == reader->getNodeName()) ||
(spotSectionName == reader->getNodeName()) ||
(ambientSectionName == reader->getNodeName()))
readColladaParameters(reader, lightPrefabName);
SColladaParam* p = getColladaParameter(ECPN_COLOR);
if (p && p->Type == ECPT_FLOAT3)
prefab->LightData.DiffuseColor.set(p->Floats[0], p->Floats[1], p->Floats[2]);
//! returns a collada parameter or none if not found
SColladaParam* CColladaFileLoader::getColladaParameter(ECOLLADA_PARAM_NAME name)
for (u32 i=0; i<ColladaParameters.size(); ++i)
if (ColladaParameters[i].Name == name)
return &ColladaParameters[i];
return 0;
//! returns a collada input or none if not found
SColladaInput* CColladaFileLoader::getColladaInput(ECOLLADA_INPUT_SEMANTIC input)
for (u32 i=0; i<Inputs.size(); ++i)
if (Inputs[i].Semantic == input)
return &Inputs[i];
return 0;
//! reads a collada input tag and adds it to the input parameter
void CColladaFileLoader::readColladaInput(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
// parse param
SColladaInput p;
// get type
core::stringc semanticName = reader->getAttributeValue("semantic");
for (u32 i=0; inputSemanticNames[i]; ++i)
if (semanticName == inputSemanticNames[i])
// get source
p.Source = reader->getAttributeValue("source");
p.Offset = (u32)reader->getAttributeValueAsInt("offset");
p.Set = (u32)reader->getAttributeValueAsInt("set");
// add input
//! parses all collada inputs inside an element and stores them in Inputs
void CColladaFileLoader::readColladaInputs(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader, const core::stringc& parentName)
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT &&
inputTagName == reader->getNodeName())
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END)
if (parentName == reader->getNodeName())
return; // end of parent reached
} // end while reader->read();
//! parses all collada parameters inside an element and stores them in Parameters
void CColladaFileLoader::readColladaParameters(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader,
const core::stringc& parentName)
const char* const paramNames[] = {"COLOR", "AMBIENT", "DIFFUSE",
const char* const typeNames[] = {"float", "float2", "float3", 0};
const char* nodeName = reader->getNodeName();
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT &&
paramTagName == nodeName)
// parse param
SColladaParam p;
// get type
u32 i;
core::stringc typeName = reader->getAttributeValue("type");
for (i=0; typeNames[i]; ++i)
if (typeName == typeNames[i])
// get name
core::stringc nameName = reader->getAttributeValue("name");
for (i=0; typeNames[i]; ++i)
if (nameName == paramNames[i])
// read parameter data inside parameter tags
readFloatsInsideElement(reader, p.Floats, p.Type - ECPT_FLOAT + 1);
// TODO: other types of data (ints, bools or whatever)
// add param
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END)
if (parentName == reader->getNodeName())
return; // end of parent reached
} // end while reader->read();
//! parses a float from a char pointer and moves the pointer
//! to the end of the parsed float
inline f32 CColladaFileLoader::readFloat(const c8** p)
f32 ftmp;
*p = core::fast_atof_move(*p, ftmp);
return ftmp;
//! parses an int from a char pointer and moves the pointer to
//! the end of the parsed float
inline s32 CColladaFileLoader::readInt(const c8** p)
return (s32)readFloat(p);
//! places pointer to next begin of a token
void CColladaFileLoader::findNextNoneWhiteSpace(const c8** start)
const c8* p = *start;
while(*p && (*p==' ' || *p=='\n' || *p=='\r' || *p=='\t'))
// TODO: skip comments <!-- -->
*start = p;
//! reads floats from inside of xml element until end of xml element
void CColladaFileLoader::readFloatsInsideElement(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader, f32* floats, u32 count)
if (reader->isEmptyElement())
// TODO: check for comments inside the element
// and ignore them.
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_TEXT)
// parse float data
core::stringc data = reader->getNodeData();
const c8* p = &data[0];
for (u32 i=0; i<count; ++i)
if (*p)
floats[i] = readFloat(&p);
floats[i] = 0.0f;
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END)
break; // end parsing text
//! reads ints from inside of xml element until end of xml element
void CColladaFileLoader::readIntsInsideElement(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader, s32* ints, u32 count)
if (reader->isEmptyElement())
// TODO: check for comments inside the element
// and ignore them.
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_TEXT)
// parse float data
core::stringc data = reader->getNodeData();
const c8* p = &data[0];
for (u32 i=0; i<count; ++i)
if (*p)
ints[i] = readInt(&p);
ints[i] = 0;
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END)
break; // end parsing text
video::SColorf CColladaFileLoader::readColorNode(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT &&
colorNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
f32 color[4];
return video::SColorf(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]);
return video::SColorf();
f32 CColladaFileLoader::readFloatNode(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading <float>");
f32 result = 0.0f;
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT &&
floatNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
return result;
//! clears all loaded data
void CColladaFileLoader::clearData()
// delete all prefabs
for (u32 i=0; i<Prefabs.size(); ++i)
// clear all parameters
// clear all materials
// clear all materials
// clear all materials
// clear all inputs
// clear all effects
// clear all the materials to bind
//! changes the XML URI into an internal id
void CColladaFileLoader::uriToId(core::stringc& str)
// currently, we only remove the # from the begin if there
// because we simply don't support referencing other files.
if (!str.size())
if (str[0] == '#')
//! read Collada Id, uses id or name if id is missing
core::stringc CColladaFileLoader::readId(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
core::stringc id = reader->getAttributeValue("id");
if (id.size()==0)
id = reader->getAttributeValue("name");
return id;
//! create an Irrlicht texture from the reference
video::ITexture* CColladaFileLoader::getTextureFromImage(core::stringc uri)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA searching texture", uri.c_str());
video::IVideoDriver* driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver();
for (;;)
for (u32 i=0; i<Images.size(); ++i)
if (uri == Images[i].Id)
if (Images[i].Source.size() && Images[i].SourceIsFilename)
Changes in version 1.6, TA - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!! The FileSystem is know build internally like for e.q the texture-, and the meshloaders. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoader, which know how to produce a Archive. The Loaders and the Archive can be attached/detached on runtime. The FileNames are now stored as core::string<c16>. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off) I replaced all (const c8* filename) to string references. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual. Native means using the backend OS. Virtual means only use currently attach IArchives. Browsing each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to - create a FileTree - add/remove files & directory ( to be done ) Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive... basic browsing for all archives is implemented. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this TODO: - a file filter should be implemented. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree for now CFileList is used. Class Hiarchy: IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive - ZipLoader - PakLoader - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader ) IFileArchive: -ZipArchive -PakArchive -MountPoint (known as FolderFile) IFileSystem - addArchiveLoader - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders to have consistent behavior - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList setFileListSystem allows to query files in any of the game archives standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default) - CLimitReadFile added multiple file random-access support. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip TODO: - Big Big Testing!! - Linux Version ( minor ) - remove all double loader interfaces where only the filename differs (IReadFile/const char *filename). This blows up the the interface - many loaders use their own private filesearching we should rework this - there are a lot of helper function ( getAbsolutePath, getFileDir ) which should be adapted to the virtual filesystem - IrrlichtDevice added: virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0; virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0; and calculating methods to DeviceStub. implemented in Win32, TODO: other Devices - irrlicht.h changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix to extern "C" name mangling. for easier dynamically loading the irrlicht library and different versions - ParticleSystem removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes TODO: please test if the serialization works! - Generic - vector3d<T>& normalize() #if 0 f32 length = (f32)(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); if (core::equals(length, 0.f)) return *this; length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (f32)length ); #else const T length = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) ); #endif Weak checking on zero?!?! just to avoid a sqrt?. mhm, maybe not;-) added reciprocal_squareroot for f64 - dimension2d added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other) to cast between different types - vector2d bugfix: vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Width; return *this; } to vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; } - C3DMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum removing "variable declared but never used warning" - added a global const identity Material changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed" - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff but to use faster float-to-int conversion. gcc troubles may they are. i'm using intel-compiler..;-) - core::matrix4 USE_MATRIX_TEST i tried to optimize the identity-check ( in means of performance) i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could be done on inverse for just tranlastion! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated, they are just placed somewhere in the world) one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly.. - added buildRotateFromTo Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back okt, 2008. it's only allowed to alloc one element, if default constructor has to be called. removes existing crashes. ( MD3 Mesh ) and possible others ones. A new list template should be made. one with constructor/destructor calls ( safe_array ) and one without. like the array since the beginning of irrlicht. currently the array/string is extremly slow.. also a hint for the user has to be done, so that a struct T of array<T> must have a copy constructor of type T ( const T&other ). i needed hours to track that down... added a new method setAllocStrategy, safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1) better default strategies will be implemented - removed binary_search_const i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe a few cycles.. - added binary_search_multi searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array) returns start and end-index - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and removed from CZipReader and CPakReader - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used) - strings & Locale - started to add locale support - added verify to string - added some helper functions - XBOX i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used. TODO: - native XBOX Device - Windows Mobile reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for cross development. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues ) - Collision Speed Up The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS on first update: Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update cames 4000 ms later. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem... changed to react on first update like camera. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes ) then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h if defined octtree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and dirty indices;-) if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode. #if defined (OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( &LightMapMeshes[i] ); #else driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( &LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices[0], LightMapMeshes[i].Vertices.size(), d[i].Indices, d[i].CurrentSize / 3); #endif #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const all two matrices have to be checked by isIdentity() to let the isIdentity work always -changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const on full identityCheck-> to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element which will likely not to be identity.. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const Hiarchy on Identity-Check 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const added isIdentity() check - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water.. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate - changad Gravity to - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values.. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03 may effect existing application.. - SceneNodes - CSkyDomeSceneNode moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor added Normals added DebugInfo added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneMaanager - CVolumeLightSceneNode: changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one ) which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default - added LensFlareSceneNode (from forum user gammaray, modified to work ) showing in example special fx - changed SceneNode Skydome f64 to f32, - AnimatedMesh -Debug Data: mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order) - Camera SceneNode setPosition Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all effected animators.. a call to OnAnimate ( ) lastime < time or OnAnimate ( 0 ) will reset the camera and fr. the collision animator to a new position - Device: added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS -a dded to CIrrDeviceWin32 TODO: - Linux and SDL Device - GUI - CGUIFont: - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0; define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font. for example " " would not draw any space which is usually blank in most fonts and saves rendering of ususally full blank alpha-sprites. This saves a lot of rendering... default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); - added MultiLine rendering should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future - CGUIListBox - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight which easy enables to scroll line by line - CGUIScrollBar bug: Create a Window and inside a listbox with a scrollbar or a windowed irrlicht application Click & hold Scrollbar Slider. move outside it's region. Release Mouse. Go Back to Scrollbar.. it's moving always... it's generally missing the event PRESSED_MOVED, which leads to problem when an element is dragging, has a focus, or position loose and gets focus back again. ( think of a drunken mouse sliding left&right during tracking ) so added the mouse Input Buttonstates on every mouse event IrrDeviceWin32: added event.MouseInput.ButtonStates = wParam & ( MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON ); TODO: Linux & SDL so now i can do this case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) { Dragging = false; } - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender Why the hell is a gui element firing a timed event in a draw routine!!!!!. This should be corrected for all gui-elements. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work added GUI Tree View from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work shown in the Quake3MapShader Example TODO: Spritebanks - FileOpenDialog changed the static text for the filename to an edit box. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox - added MouseWheel to Spinbox - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker - CGUISpritebank removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks - IGUIScrollBar added SetMin before min was always 0 changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down - IComboBox -added ItemData - removed IsVisbile check in IGUIElement::draw - Image Loaders - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed ) - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed ColorConverter: - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8 - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8 - Media Files - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2. Taken from free implementation - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files copyright issues!. i don't know from where this file came from... i hope this is not from original quake2.. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png i've taken the new layout. i should ask niko to use it. - added Skydome picture to media files (skydome2.jpg) half/sphere - OctTree -added #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled ) used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum. plus: leaves out children test minus: all edges have to be checked - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode: - removed function releaseMesh Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory ) so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering reducing vertex-memory to a half - don't copy the original vertices anymore - added deformvertexes autosprite - added deformvertexes move - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 ) - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect) - added added nomipmaps - added rgbgen const - added alphagen - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices - added Quake3Explorer examples - added wave noise - added tcmod transform - added whiteimage - added collision to Quake3Explorer - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo ) - updated quake3:blendfunc - added crouch to Quake3Explorer (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator ) added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS still problems with stand up and collision - Quake3MapLoader modified memory allocation for faster loading - Quake3LoadParam added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader - added The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck) so for now it's switchable. TJUNCTION_SOLVER_ROUND default:off - BurningVideo - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40 - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash ) - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check, which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D. used on fonts automatically. - added Support for Destination Alpha - OpenGL - Fixed a bug in COpenGLExtensenionHandler where a glint was downcasted to u8!!!!!! MaxTextureSize=static_cast<u32>(num); - TODO: COpenGLMaterialRenderer_ONETEXTURE_BLEND to work as expected - Direct3D8 - compile and links again - added 32 Bit Index Buffer - D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS doesnt compile!. it is d3d9 i think. - compile for XBOX - Direc3D9 - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice. added deleteAllTextures to destuctor - NullDriver - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2009-01-27 07:53:53 -08:00
if (FileSystem->existFile(Images[i].Source))
return driver->getTexture(Images[i].Source);
return driver->getTexture((FileSystem->getFileDir(CurrentlyLoadingMesh)+"/"+Images[i].Source));
if (Images[i].Source.size())
//const u32 size = Images[i].Dimension.getArea();
const u32 size = Images[i].Dimension.Width * Images[i].Dimension.Height;;
u32* data = new u32[size]; // we assume RGBA
u32* ptrdest = data;
const c8* ptrsrc = Images[i].Source.c_str();
for (u32 j=0; j<size; ++j)
sscanf(ptrsrc, "%x", ptrdest);
ptrsrc += 4;
video::IImage* img = driver->createImageFromData(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, Images[i].Dimension, data, true, true);
video::ITexture* tex = driver->addTexture((CurrentlyLoadingMesh+"#"+Images[i].Id).c_str(), img);
return tex;
if (Parameters.getAttributeType(uri.c_str())==io::EAT_STRING)
uri = Parameters.getAttributeAsString(uri.c_str());
os::Printer::log("COLLADA now searching texture", uri.c_str());
return 0;
//! read a parameter and value
void CColladaFileLoader::readParameter(io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader)
os::Printer::log("COLLADA reading parameter");
const core::stringc name = reader->getAttributeValue("sid");
if (!reader->isEmptyElement())
if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
if (floatNodeName == reader->getNodeName())
const f32 f = readFloatNode(reader);
Parameters.addFloat(name.c_str(), f);
if (float2NodeName == reader->getNodeName())
f32 f[2];
readFloatsInsideElement(reader, f, 2);
// Parameters.addVector2d(name.c_str(), core::vector2df(f[0],f[1]));
if (float3NodeName == reader->getNodeName())
f32 f[3];
readFloatsInsideElement(reader, f, 3);
Parameters.addVector3d(name.c_str(), core::vector3df(f[0],f[1],f[2]));
if ((initFromName == reader->getNodeName()) ||
(sourceSectionName == reader->getNodeName()))
Parameters.addString(name.c_str(), reader->getNodeData());
if (wrapsName == reader->getNodeName())
const core::stringc val = reader->getNodeData();
if (val == "WRAP")
Parameters.addBool("wrap_s", true);
if (wraptName == reader->getNodeName())
const core::stringc val = reader->getNodeData();
if (val == "WRAP")
Parameters.addBool("wrap_t", true);
if (minfilterName == reader->getNodeName())
const core::stringc val = reader->getNodeData();
Parameters.addBool("trilinear", true);
Parameters.addBool("bilinear", true);
if (magfilterName == reader->getNodeName())
const core::stringc val = reader->getNodeData();
if (val != "LINEAR")
Parameters.addBool("bilinear", false);
Parameters.addBool("trilinear", false);
if (mipfilterName == reader->getNodeName())
Parameters.addBool("anisotropic", true);
if(reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END)
if (newParamName == reader->getNodeName())
} // end namespace scene
} // end namespace irr