
1.5 KiB


Broths are crafted, then cooked into the actual potion.

Healing Potion

Restores all hearts instantly.

	{"flowers:mushroom_red", "dye:red", "default:apple"}, 
	{"", "bucket:bucket_water", ""},
	{"vessels:glass_bottle", "vessels:glass_bottle", "vessels:glass_bottle"},

Speed Potion

Triples player movement speed for ten seconds.

	{"default:mese_crystal_fragment", "dye:yellow", "default:mese_crystal_fragment"}, 
	{"", "bucket:bucket_water", ""},
	{"vessels:glass_bottle", "vessels:glass_bottle", "vessels:glass_bottle"},

Low Gravity Potion

Sets player's gravity to one tenth for ten seconds, with gentle cooldown so you don't just fall to your death.

	{"flowers:dandelion_white", "dye:white", "flowers:dandelion_white"}, 
	{"", "bucket:bucket_water", ""},
	{"vessels:glass_bottle", "vessels:glass_bottle", "vessels:glass_bottle"},

Teleportation Potion

Take it once to set the position, take it again to teleport to that position.

	{"default:obsidian_shard", "dye:violet", "default:obsidian_shard"}, 
	{"", "bucket:bucket_water", ""},
	{"vessels:glass_bottle", "vessels:glass_bottle", "vessels:glass_bottle"},

Flight Potion

Allows flight for ten seconds, with gentle cooldown so you don't just fall to your death.

	{"farming:cotton", "dye:cyan", "farming:cotton"}, 
	{"", "bucket:bucket_water", ""},
	{"vessels:glass_bottle", "vessels:glass_bottle", "vessels:glass_bottle"},

Copyright 2016 Izzy

WTFPL. Do what the fuck you want.