This is done for all cases, but that is probably a bad idea. While this does not matter in public games, in small tournaments this could be an advantage. Ideally, the server could disable giving players this information
390 lines
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390 lines
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Copyright (c) 2013 yvt
This file is part of OpenSpades.
OpenSpades is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OpenSpades is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OpenSpades. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include "CTFGameMode.h"
#include "Client.h"
#include "Fonts.h"
#include "IFont.h"
#include "IImage.h"
#include "IRenderer.h"
#include "MapView.h"
#include "NetClient.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "ScoreboardView.h"
#include "TCGameMode.h"
#include "World.h"
#include <Core/Debug.h>
#include <Core/Settings.h>
#include <Core/Strings.h>
namespace spades {
namespace client {
static const Vector4 white = {1, 1, 1, 1};
static const Vector4 spectatorIdColor = {210.f / 255, 210.f / 255, 210.f / 255, 1}; // Grey
static const Vector4 spectatorTextColor = {220.f / 255, 220.f / 255, 0,
1}; // Goldish yellow
static const auto spectatorTeamId = 255; // Spectators have a team id of 255
ScoreboardView::ScoreboardView(Client *client)
: client(client), renderer(client->GetRenderer()) {
world = nullptr;
tc = nullptr;
ctf = nullptr;
image = nullptr;
// Use GUI font if spectator string has special chars
auto spectatorString = _TrN("Client", "Spectator{1}", "Spectators{1}", "", "");
auto has_special_char =
std::find_if(spectatorString.begin(), spectatorString.end(),
[](char ch) {
return !(isalnum(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch)) || ch == '_');
}) != spectatorString.end();
spectatorFont = has_special_char ?
client->fontManager->GetMediumFont() :
ScoreboardView::~ScoreboardView() {}
int ScoreboardView::GetTeamScore(int team) const {
if (ctf) {
return ctf->GetTeam(team).score;
} else if (tc) {
int cnt = tc->GetNumTerritories();
int num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
if (tc->GetTerritory(i)->ownerTeamId == team)
return num;
} else {
return 0;
Vector4 ScoreboardView::GetTeamColor(int team) {
IntVector3 c = world->GetTeam(team).color;
return MakeVector4(c.x / 255.f, c.y / 255.f, c.z / 255.f, 1.f);
Vector4 ScoreboardView::AdjustColor(spades::Vector4 col, float bright, float saturation) const {
col.x *= bright;
col.y *= bright;
col.z *= bright;
float avg = (col.x + col.y + col.z) / 3.f;
col.x = avg + (col.x - avg) * saturation;
col.y = avg + (col.y - avg) * saturation;
col.z = avg + (col.z - avg) * saturation;
return col;
static Vector4 ModifyColor(IntVector3 v) {
Vector4 fv;
fv.x = static_cast<float>(v.x) / 255.f;
fv.y = static_cast<float>(v.y) / 255.f;
fv.z = static_cast<float>(v.z) / 255.f;
float avg = (fv.x + fv.y + fv.z) * (1.f / 3.f);
fv.x = Mix(fv.x, avg, 0.5f);
fv.y = Mix(fv.y, avg, 0.5f);
fv.z = Mix(fv.z, avg, 0.5f);
fv.w = 0.f; // suppress "operating on garbase value" static analyzer message
fv = fv * 0.8f + 0.2f;
fv.w = 1.f;
return fv;
void ScoreboardView::Draw() {
world = client->GetWorld();
if (!world) {
// no world
IGameMode *mode = world->GetMode();
ctf = IGameMode::m_CTF == mode->ModeType() ? static_cast<CTFGameMode *>(mode) : NULL;
tc = IGameMode::m_TC == mode->ModeType() ? static_cast<TCGameMode *>(mode) : NULL;
Handle<IImage> image;
IFont *font;
Vector2 pos, size;
std::string str;
float scrWidth = renderer->ScreenWidth();
// float scrHeight = renderer->ScreenHeight();
const Vector4 whiteColor = {1, 1, 1, 1};
Handle<IImage> whiteImage = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/White.tga");
float teamBarTop = 120.f;
float teamBarHeight = 60.f;
float contentsLeft = scrWidth * .5f - 400.f;
float contentsRight = scrWidth * .5f + 400.f;
float playersHeight = 300.f;
float spectatorsHeight = 78.f;
float playersTop = teamBarTop + teamBarHeight;
float playersBottom = playersTop + playersHeight;
// draw shadow
image = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Scoreboard/TopShadow.tga");
size.y = 32.f;
renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(MakeVector4(0, 0, 0, 0.2f));
renderer->DrawImage(image, AABB2(0, teamBarTop - size.y, scrWidth, size.y));
renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(MakeVector4(0, 0, 0, 0.2f));
renderer->DrawImage(image, AABB2(0, playersBottom + size.y, scrWidth, -size.y));
// draw team bar
image = whiteImage;
renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(AdjustColor(GetTeamColor(0), 0.8f, 0.3f));
renderer->DrawImage(image, AABB2(0, teamBarTop, scrWidth * .5f, teamBarHeight));
renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(AdjustColor(GetTeamColor(1), 0.8f, 0.3f));
AABB2(scrWidth * .5f, teamBarTop, scrWidth * .5f, teamBarHeight));
image = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Scoreboard/Grunt.png");
size.x = 120.f;
size.y = 60.f;
image, AABB2(contentsLeft, teamBarTop + teamBarHeight - size.y, size.x, size.y));
image, AABB2(contentsRight, teamBarTop + teamBarHeight - size.y, -size.x, size.y));
font = client->fontManager->GetSquareDesignFont();
str = world->GetTeam(0).name;
pos.x = contentsLeft + 110.f;
pos.y = teamBarTop + 5.f;
font->Draw(str, pos + MakeVector2(0, 2), 1.f, MakeVector4(0, 0, 0, 0.5));
font->Draw(str, pos, 1.f, whiteColor);
str = world->GetTeam(1).name;
size = font->Measure(str);
pos.x = contentsRight - 110.f - size.x;
pos.y = teamBarTop + 5.f;
font->Draw(str, pos + MakeVector2(0, 2), 1.f, MakeVector4(0, 0, 0, 0.5));
font->Draw(str, pos, 1.f, whiteColor);
// draw scores
int capLimit;
if (ctf) {
capLimit = ctf->GetCaptureLimit();
} else if (tc) {
capLimit = tc->GetNumTerritories();
} else {
capLimit = -1;
if (capLimit != -1) {
str = Format("{0}-{1}", GetTeamScore(0), capLimit);
pos.x = scrWidth * .5f - font->Measure(str).x - 15.f;
pos.y = teamBarTop + 5.f;
font->Draw(str, pos, 1.f, Vector4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.5f));
str = Format("{0}-{1}", GetTeamScore(1), capLimit);
pos.x = scrWidth * .5f + 15.f;
pos.y = teamBarTop + 5.f;
font->Draw(str, pos, 1.f, Vector4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.5f));
// players background
auto areSpectatorsPr = areSpectatorsPresent();
image = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Scoreboard/PlayersBg.png");
renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(MakeVector4(0, 0, 0, 1.f));
AABB2(0, playersTop, scrWidth,
playersHeight + (areSpectatorsPr ? spectatorsHeight : 0)));
// draw players
DrawPlayers(0, contentsLeft, playersTop, (contentsRight - contentsLeft) * .5f,
DrawPlayers(1, scrWidth * .5f, playersTop, (contentsRight - contentsLeft) * .5f,
if (areSpectatorsPr)
DrawSpectators(playersBottom, scrWidth * .5f);
struct ScoreboardEntry {
int id;
int score;
std::string name;
bool alive;
bool operator<(const ScoreboardEntry &ent) const { return score > ent.score; }
void ScoreboardView::DrawPlayers(int team, float left, float top, float width,
float height) {
IFont *font = client->fontManager->GetGuiFont();
float rowHeight = 24.f;
char buf[256];
Vector2 size;
Vector4 white = {1, 1, 1, 1};
Vector4 gray = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1};
int maxRows = (int)floorf(height / rowHeight);
int numPlayers = 0;
int cols;
std::vector<ScoreboardEntry> entries;
for (int i = 0; i < world->GetNumPlayerSlots(); i++) {
Player *p = world->GetPlayer(i);
if (!p)
if (p->GetTeamId() != team)
ScoreboardEntry ent;
ent.name = p->GetName();
ent.score = world->GetPlayerPersistent(i).kills;
ent.alive = p->IsAlive();
ent.id = i;
std::sort(entries.begin(), entries.end());
cols = (numPlayers + maxRows - 1) / maxRows;
if (cols == 0)
cols = 1;
maxRows = (numPlayers + cols - 1) / cols;
int row = 0, col = 0;
float colWidth = (float)width / (float)cols;
extern int palette[32][3];
std::string colormode = cg_Minimap_Player_Color;
for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) {
ScoreboardEntry &ent = entries[i];
float rowY = top + 6.f + row * rowHeight;
float colX = left + width / (float)cols * (float)col;
Vector4 color = white;
if (ent.id == world->GetLocalPlayerIndex())
color = GetTeamColor(team);
sprintf(buf, "#%d", ent.id); // FIXME: 1-base?
size = font->Measure(buf);
if (colormode == "1") {
IntVector3 Colorplayer =
IntVector3::Make(palette[ent.id][0], palette[ent.id][1], palette[ent.id][2]);
Vector4 ColorplayerF = ModifyColor(Colorplayer);
ColorplayerF *= 1.0f;
font->Draw(buf, MakeVector2(colX + 35.f - size.x, rowY), 1.f, ColorplayerF);
} else {
font->Draw(buf, MakeVector2(colX + 35.f - size.x, rowY), 1.f, white);
color = ent.alive ? white : gray;
font->Draw(ent.name, MakeVector2(colX + 45.f, rowY), 1.f, color);
color = white;
sprintf(buf, "%d", ent.score);
size = font->Measure(buf);
font->Draw(buf, MakeVector2(colX + colWidth - 10.f - size.x, rowY), 1.f, color);
if (row >= maxRows) {
row = 0;
void ScoreboardView::DrawSpectators(float top, float centerX) const {
IFont *font = client->fontManager->GetGuiFont();
char buf[256];
std::vector<ScoreboardEntry> entries;
static const auto xPixelSpectatorOffset = 20.f;
int numSpectators = 0;
float totalPixelWidth = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < world->GetNumPlayerSlots(); i++) {
Player *p = world->GetPlayer(i);
if (!p)
if (p->GetTeamId() != spectatorTeamId)
ScoreboardEntry ent;
ent.name = p->GetName();
ent.id = i;
// Measure total width in pixels so that we can center align all the spectators
sprintf(buf, "#%d", ent.id);
totalPixelWidth +=
font->Measure(buf).x + font->Measure(ent.name).x + xPixelSpectatorOffset;
if (numSpectators == 0) {
_TrN("Client", "Spectator{1}", "Spectators{1}", numSpectators, ":").c_str());
auto isSquareFont = spectatorFont == client->fontManager->GetSquareDesignFont();
auto sizeSpecString = spectatorFont->Measure(buf);
MakeVector2(centerX - sizeSpecString.x / 2, top + (isSquareFont ? 0 : 10)),
auto yOffset = top + sizeSpecString.y;
auto halfTotalX = totalPixelWidth / 2;
auto currentXoffset = centerX - halfTotalX;
for (int i = 0; i < numSpectators; i++) {
ScoreboardEntry &ent = entries[i];
sprintf(buf, "#%d", ent.id);
font->Draw(buf, MakeVector2(currentXoffset, yOffset), 1.f, spectatorIdColor);
auto sizeName = font->Measure(ent.name);
auto sizeID = font->Measure(buf);
font->Draw(ent.name, MakeVector2(currentXoffset + sizeID.x + 5.f, yOffset), 1.f,
currentXoffset += sizeID.x + sizeName.x + xPixelSpectatorOffset;
bool ScoreboardView::areSpectatorsPresent() const {
for (auto i = 0; i < client->GetWorld()->GetNumPlayerSlots(); i++) {
auto *p = world->GetPlayer(i);
if (p && p->GetTeamId() == spectatorTeamId)
return true;
return false;