
824 B


Submission for the Minetest Game Jam 2021
Can you guess which cube to hit last?


You will spawn in a small room with 4 cubes. Your goal is to guess which cubes you need to hit before the last one. The cube turned grey? Then you're doing good. The cube turned red? Uh oh... that was the cube you needed to hit last. The cube turned green? Well done! This is the way to go.
Type /luckydude to display help and /pts [<name>] to see your own or someone else's score.

Game Jam 2021 Information

The soundtrack theme.ogg/sparks.ogg was created by me in 2020.


Code: LGPLv2.1 by xenonca
Media: CC-BY-SA 4.0 by xenonca
Mod player_api: see corresponding licence