2016-04-11 13:17:20 +10:00

250 lines
8.2 KiB

-- mods/australia/voxel.lua
-- This is only used to handle cases the decoration manager can't, such as
-- more ore in specific biomes.
-- Define perlin noises used in this mapgen by default
aus.noises = {}
-- Noise 22 : Cave blend 2D
aus.noises[22] = {offset = 0.0, scale = 0.1, spread = {x = 8, y = 8, z = 8}, seed = 4023, octaves = 2, persist = 1.0, lacunarity = 2.0}
-- Noise 23 : Cave noise 2D
aus.noises[23] = {offset = 0.0, scale = 1.0, spread = {x = 400, y = 400, z = 400}, seed = 903, octaves = 3, persist = 0.5, lacunarity = 2.0}
-- function to get noisemaps
function aus.noisemap(i, minp, chulens)
local obj = minetest.get_perlin_map(aus.noises[i], chulens)
if minp.z then
return obj:get3dMap_flat(minp)
return obj:get2dMap_flat(minp)
-- useful function to convert a 3D pos to 2D
function pos2d(pos)
if type(pos) == "number" then
return {x = pos, y = pos}
elseif pos.z then
return {x = pos.x, y = pos.z}
return {x = pos.x, y = pos.y}
-- Define content IDs
-- A content ID is a number that represents a node in the core of Minetest.
-- Every nodename has its ID.
-- The VoxelManipulator uses content IDs instead of nodenames.
local node = {}
local nodes = {
-- Ground nodes
{"stone", "default:stone"},
{"dirt", "default:dirt"},
{"sand", "default:sand"},
-- Liquids
{"river_water_source", "default:river_water_source"},
{"dirty_river_water_source", "australia:dirty_river_water_source"},
{"water_source", "default:water_source"},
-- Air and Ignore
{"air", "air"},
{"ignore", "ignore"},
-- Resources
{"coalblock", "default:coalblock"},
{"copper", "default:stone_with_copper"},
{"diamond", "default:stone_with_diamond"},
{"gold", "default:stone_with_gold"},
{"iron", "default:stone_with_iron"},
for _, i in pairs(nodes) do
node[i[1]] = minetest.get_content_id(i[2])
local coal_biomes = {"victorian_forests", "great_dividing_range", "eastern_coasts"}
local copper_biomes = {"flinders_lofty", "gulf_of_carpentaria"}
local diamond_biomes = {"kimberley"}
local gold_biomes = {"goldfields_esperence", "victorian_forests"}
local iron_biomes = {"pilbara"}
-- Create a table of biome ids, so I can use the biomemap.
if not aus.biome_ids then
aus.biome_ids = {}
for name, desc in pairs(minetest.registered_biomes) do
local i = minetest.get_biome_id(
aus.biome_ids[i] =
-- the mapgen function
function aus.generate(minp, maxp, seed)
-- minp and maxp strings, used by logs
local minps, maxps = minetest.pos_to_string(minp), minetest.pos_to_string(maxp)
-- The VoxelManipulator, a complicated but speedy method to set many nodes at the same time
local vm, emin, emax = minetest.get_mapgen_object("voxelmanip")
local heightmap = minetest.get_mapgen_object("heightmap")
-- local heatmap = minetest.get_mapgen_object("heatmap")
local gennotify = minetest.get_mapgen_object("gennotify")
local water_level = 1
local data = vm:get_data() -- data is the original array of content IDs (solely or mostly air)
-- Be careful: emin ≠ minp and emax ≠ maxp !
-- The data array is not limited by minp and maxp. It exceeds it by 16 nodes in the 6 directions.
-- The real limits of data array are emin and emax.
-- The VoxelArea is used to convert a position into an index for the array.
local area = VoxelArea:new({MinEdge = emin, MaxEdge = emax})
local ystride = area.ystride -- Tip : the ystride of a VoxelArea is the number to add to the array index to get the index of the position above. It's faster because it avoids to completely recalculate the index.
local zstride = area.zstride
local chulens = vector.add(vector.subtract(maxp, minp), 1) -- Size of the generated area, used by noisemaps
local minp2d = pos2d(minp)
-- The biomemap is a table of biome index numbers for each horizontal
-- location. It's created in the mapgen, and is right most of the time.
-- It's off in about 1% of cases, for various reasons.
-- Bear in mind that biomes can change from one voxel to the next.
local biomemap = minetest.get_mapgen_object("biomemap")
-- Calculate the noise values
local n22 = aus.noisemap(22, minp2d, chulens)
local n23 = aus.noisemap(23, minp2d, chulens)
local node_match_cache = {}
-- the mapgen algorithm
local index_2d = 0
local write = false
local relight = false
for x = minp.x, maxp.x do -- for each YZ plane
for z = minp.z, maxp.z do -- for each vertical line in this plane
index_2d = index_2d + 1
local index_3d = area:index(x, maxp.y, z) -- index of the data array, matching the position {x, y, z}
local air_count = 0
local ground = math.max(heightmap[index_2d], 0) - 5
for y = maxp.y, minp.y, -1 do -- for each node in vertical line
local index_3d_below = index_3d - ystride
local index_3d_above = index_3d + ystride
local surround = true
-- Determine if a plant/dirt block can be placed without showing.
-- Avoid the edges of the chunk, just to make things easier.
if y < maxp.y and x > minp.x and x < maxp.x and z > minp.z and z < maxp.z and (data[index_3d] == node["sand"] or data[index_3d] == node["dirt"]) then
if data[index_3d_above] == node["river_water_source"] or data[index_3d_above] == node["water_source"] then
-- Check to make sure that a plant root is fully surrounded.
-- This is due to the kludgy way you have to make water plants
-- in minetest, to avoid bubbles.
for x1 = -1,1,2 do
local n = data[index_3d+x1]
if n == node["river_water_source"] or n == node["water_source"] or n == node["air"] then
surround = false
for z1 = -zstride,zstride,2*zstride do
local n = data[index_3d+z1]
if n == node["river_water_source"] or n == node["water_source"] or n == node["air"] then
surround = false
-- Extra resources in ground per biome.
if y < ground and (data[index_3d] == node["air"] or data[index_3d] == node["river_water_source"] or data[index_3d] == node["dirty_river_water_source"] or data[index_3d] == node["water_source"]) then
relight = true
local biome = aus.biome_ids[biomemap[index_2d]]
local stone_type = node["stone"]
local stone_depth = 1
local n23_val = n23[index_2d] + n22[index_2d]
if table.contains(coal_biomes, biome) and n23_val < 0.1 then
stone_type = node["coalblock"]
stone_depth = 2
elseif table.contains(copper_biomes, biome) and n23_val < 0.4 then
stone_type = node["copper"]
elseif table.contains(diamond_biomes, biome) and n23_val < 0.2 then
stone_type = node["diamond"]
elseif table.contains(gold_biomes, biome) and n23_val < 0.3 then
stone_type = node["gold"]
elseif table.contains(iron_biomes, biome) and n23_val < 0.6 then
stone_type = node["iron"]
stone_type = node["stone"]
-- Change stone per biome.
if data[index_3d_below] == node["stone"] then
data[index_3d_below] = stone_type
if stone_depth == 2 then
data[index_3d_below - ystride] = stone_type
write = true
if data[index_3d_above] == node["stone"] then
data[index_3d_above] = stone_type
if stone_depth == 2 then
data[index_3d_above + ystride] = stone_type
write = true
if data[index_3d] == node["air"] then
air_count = air_count + 1
if data[index_3d] ~= node["air"] then
air_count = 0
index_3d = index_3d_below
-- execute voxelmanip boring stuff to write to the map...
if write then
if write then
-- probably not necessary
if relight then
--vm:set_lighting({day = 10, night = 10})
-- This seems to be necessary to avoid lighting problems.
-- probably not necessary
if write then
-- Deal with memory issues. This, of course, is supposed to be automatic.
local mem = math.floor(collectgarbage("count")/1024)
if mem > 500 then
print("MOD: Australia is manually collecting garbage as memory use has exceeded 500K.")
-- Call the mapgen function aus.generate on mapgen.
-- (located in voxel.lua)