improved detection of real ground nodes (no more undesired wood); added coal in stone below village; added stone below village and removed old buffering; added terrain blend for terrain that is lower than the village; added mg_villages.UNDO_CAVEGEN_AND_MUDFLOW flag; removed optimal height calculation for now; added mg_villages.ENABLE_TERRAIN_BLEND flag

Sokomine 2014-08-26 20:41:29 +02:00
parent 60a5a9e690
commit 8f236a3c61
2 changed files with 92 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -63,6 +63,15 @@ end
mg_villages.node_is_ground = {}; -- store nodes which have previously been identified as ground
mg_villages.check_if_ground = function( ci )
-- pre-generate a list of no-ground-nodes for caching
if( #mg_villages.node_is_ground < 1 ) then
local no_ground_nodes = {'air','ignore','default:sandstonebrick','default:cactus','default:wood','default:junglewood'};
for _,name in ipairs( no_ground_nodes ) do
mg_villages.node_is_ground[ minetest.get_content_id( name )] = false;
if( not( ci )) then
return false;
@ -75,7 +84,7 @@ mg_villages.check_if_ground = function( ci )
local def = minetest.registered_nodes[ node_name ];
if( def and def.walkable == true and def.is_ground_content == true) then
-- store information about this node type for later use
mg_villages.node_is_ground[ ci ] = 1;
mg_villages.node_is_ground[ ci ] = true;
return true;
@ -96,6 +105,7 @@ mg_villages.flatten_village_area = function( villages, village_noise, minp, maxp
local c_jtree = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:jungletree');
local c_jsapling = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:junglesapling');
local c_water = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:water_source'); -- PM ^
local c_stone_with_coal = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:stone_with_coal');
@ -105,48 +115,72 @@ mg_villages.flatten_village_area = function( villages, village_noise, minp, maxp
local n_village = mg_villages.get_vnoise(x, z, village, village_noise) -- PM
if( village_area[ x ][ z ][ 2 ] > 0 and data[a:index(x,village.vh,z)] ~= c_ignore) then -- inside a village
-- if( mg_villages.inside_village(x, z, village, village_noise)) then
local buffer = {};
local buffer_param2 = {};
local buffer_index = 0;
local surface_node = nil;
local has_snow = false;
y = maxp.y;
while( y > minp.y ) do
while( y > minp.y) do
local ci = data[a:index(x, y, z)];
if( ci == c_snow ) then
has_snow = true;
elseif( ci ~= c_air and ci ~= c_ignore and buffer_index == 0) then
if( mg_villages.check_if_ground( ci ) == true) then
-- from now on, save the nodes below
buffer_index = 1;
-- save found nodes for later use
if( buffer_index > 0 ) then
buffer[ buffer_index ] = ci;
buffer_param2[ buffer_index ] = param2_data[a:index(x, y, z)];
buffer_index = buffer_index + 1;
elseif( not( surface_node) and ci ~= c_air and ci ~= c_ignore and mg_villages.check_if_ground( ci ) == true) then
-- we have found a surface of some kind
surface_node = ci;
-- make sure there is air for the village
if( y > village.vh and ci ~= c_ignore and ci ~= c_air ) then
if( y > village.vh ) then
data[a:index( x, y, z)] = c_air;
-- abort search once we've reached village ground level and found a surface node
elseif( y <= village.vh and surface_node ) then
y = minp.y - 1;
y = y-1;
-- apply the data found in the buffer
for i,v in ipairs( buffer ) do
if( village.vh - i + 1 >= minp.y and i==1) then
if( i==1 and buffer[i]==c_dirt ) then
buffer[i] = c_dirt_with_grass;
data[ a:index( x, village.vh - i +1, z)] = buffer[ i ];
param2_data[a:index( x, village.vh - i +1, z)] = buffer_param2[ i ];
if( not( surface_node ) or surface_node == c_dirt) then
surface_node = c_dirt_with_grass;
local below_1 = c_dirt;
local below_2 = c_stone;
if( surface_node == c_desert_sand ) then
below_1 = c_desert_sand;
below_2 = c_desert_stone;
elseif( surface_node == c_sand ) then
below_1 = c_sand;
below_2 = c_stone;
below_1 = c_dirt;
below_2 = c_stone;
if( has_snow ) then
data[ a:index( x, village.vh+1, z)] = c_snow;
elseif n_village <= 160 then -- PM v
data[ a:index( x, village.vh, z)] = surface_node;
if( village.vh-1 >= minp.y ) then
data[ a:index( x, village.vh-1, z)] = below_1;
-- not every column will get a coal block; some may get two
local coal_height1 = math.random( minp.y, maxp.y );
local coal_height2 = math.random( minp.y, maxp.y );
y = village.vh-2;
while( y > minp.y and y > village.vh-40 ) do
local old_node = data[a:index( x, y, z)];
-- abort as soon as we hit anything other than air
if( old_node == c_air or old_node == c_water ) then
-- the occasional coal makes large stone cliffs slightly less boring
if( y == coal_height1 or y == coal_height2 ) then
data[a:index( x, y, z )] = c_stone_with_coal;
data[a:index( x, y, z)] = below_2;
y = y-1;
y = minp.y - 1;
elseif (mg_villages.ENABLE_TERRAIN_BLEND and n_village <= 160) then -- PM v
local blend = ((n_village - 80) / 80) ^ 2 -- 0 at village edge, 1 at normal terrain
local ysurf = 1 -- y of surface
local surfnod -- surface node id
@ -186,13 +220,22 @@ mg_villages.flatten_village_area = function( villages, village_noise, minp, maxp
if yblend > 3 and surfnod == c_sand then -- no beach above y = 3
surfnod = c_dirt_with_grass
for y = ysurf, yblend - 2, -1 do
local step = -1;
if( ysurf < yblend - 2 ) then
step = 1;
-- better blending for the farming land
yblend = yblend + 1;
-- this loop only does something if ysurf > village.vh
for y = ysurf, yblend + (2*step), step do
local vi = a:index(x, y, z)
if y == yblend + 1 then -- plant saplngs to replace trees
if tree then
data[vi] = c_sapling
elseif jtree then
data[vi] = c_jsapling
elseif y < 0 then
data[vi] = c_water
data[vi] = c_air
@ -203,7 +246,18 @@ mg_villages.flatten_village_area = function( villages, village_noise, minp, maxp
data[vi] = c_air
data[vi] = surfnod
-- when raising terrain, two nodes will remain the surface node type
if( step == 1 and y < yblend-1 ) then
if( surfnod == c_desert_sand ) then
data[vi] = c_desert_stone;
data[vi] = c_stone;
elseif( step == 1 and y == yblend and surfnod == c_dirt ) then
data[vi] = c_dirt_with_grass;
data[vi] = surfnod
if surfnod == c_dirt_with_grass then
surfnod = c_dirt
@ -639,16 +693,17 @@ mg_villages.place_villages_via_voxelmanip = function( villages, minp, maxp, vm,
local tmin = emin;
local tmax = emax;
-- if set to true, cavegen eating through houses and mudflow on roofs will NOT be repaired
if( false ) then
if( not( mg_villages.UNDO_CAVEGEN_AND_MUDFLOW )) then
tmin = minp;
tmax = maxp;
mg_villages.village_area_mark_inside_village_area( village_area, villages, village_noise, tmin, tmax );
-- determine optimal height for all villages that have their center in this mapchunk; sets village.optimal_height
mg_villages.village_area_get_height( village_area, villages, tmin, tmax, data, param2_data, a );
--TODO mg_villages.village_area_get_height( village_area, villages, tmin, tmax, data, param2_data, a );
-- change height of those villages where an optimal_height could be determined
for _,village in ipairs(villages) do
village.optimal_height = village.vh; -- TODO
if( village.optimal_height and village.optimal_height >= 0 and village.optimal_height ~= village.vh ) then
mg_villages.change_village_height( village, village.optimal_height );

View File

@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ mg_villages.FIRST_ROADSIZE = 5
mg_villages.BIG_ROAD_CHANCE = 50]]
-- if set to false, villages will not be integrated into the terrain - which looks very bad
mg_villages.ENABLE_TERRAIN_BLEND = true;
-- if set to false, holes digged by cavegen and mudflow inside the village will not be repaired; houses will be destroyed
mg_villages.UNDO_CAVEGEN_AND_MUDFLOW = true;
-- on average, every node may be one of these trees - and it will be a relatively dense packed forrest
mg_villages.sapling_probability = {};