Stable code

ywang 2019-12-16 19:53:03 +01:00
parent ad0713547c
commit 797544564e
3 changed files with 35 additions and 133 deletions

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@ -398,22 +398,6 @@ function advtrains.decode_pos(pts)
return, dec(stry), dec(strz))
-- Solve quadratic equations (i.e. a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0)
function advtrains.solve_quadratic_equation(a, b, c)
if not (a and b and c) then return nil end
if a == 0 then return {-c/b, -c/b} end -- avoid division by zero
local delta = (b*b - 4*a*c)
if delta < 0 then return {-b/2/a,-b/2/a} end -- ignore imaginary part
return {((-b+math.sqrt(delta))/2/a),((-b-math.sqrt(delta))/2/a)}
-- safe square root
-- Negative return values indicate imaginary numbers.
function advtrains.safesqrt(a)
if a >= 0 then return math.sqrt(a) end
return 0 - math.sqrt(-a)
--[[ Benchmarking code
local tdt = {}
local tlt = {}

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@ -82,100 +82,36 @@ local function look_ahead(id, train)
The .i element is the index at which LZB overrides the train control with the
lever specified by the index value. The .v element is the speed at which the
train control is taken over by LZB with the lever specified by the index. The .t
element calculates the time needed for the train to reach the point where the
control is taken over by LZB with the lever specified by the index. Unintialized
.v and .t values indicate that the train has passed the point with the
corresponding index. Note that thhe 0th item contains the data related to the
LZB point itself, and not related to the emergency brake.
--[[ Distance needed to accelerate for t (time) starting from v0 with acc. a:
s = v0 * t + ---
function advtrains.lzb_map_entry(train, lzb)
local ret = {[0]={},[1]={},[2]={},[3]={}}
if not (train and lzb) then return ret end
local ti = train.index
function advtrains.lzb_get_limit_by_entry(train, lzb, dtime)
if not (type(lzb)=="table") then return nil end
local getacc = advtrains.get_acceleration
local v0 = train.velocity
local v1 = lzb.spd
local a = advtrains.get_acceleration(train, train.lever)
local s = (v1*v1-v0*v0)/2/advtrains.get_acceleration(train, 1)
if v0 > 3 then s = s + params.ADD_FAST
elseif v0 <=0 then s = s + params.ADD_STAND
else s = s + params.ADD_SLOW
ret[0].i = lzb.idx
ret[1].i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, ret[0].i, -s)
ret[2].i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, ret[1].i, -params.ZONE_ROLL)
ret[3].i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, ret[2].i, -params.ZONE_HOLD)
if a == 0 then ret[3].t = (ret[3].i)/v0
ret[3].t = advtrains.solve_quadratic_equation(a/2, v0, (ti-ret[3].i))
if not ret[3].t then ret[3].t = 0
if ret[3].t[1]<0 then
if ret[3].t[2]<0 then ret[3].t = ret[3].t[2]
else ret[3].t = math.abs(math.max(ret[3].t[1], ret[3].t[2]))
if ret[3].t[2]<0 then ret[3].t = ret[3].t[1]
else ret[3].t = math.min(ret[3].t[1], ret[3].t[2])
ret[3].v = (v0 + a*ret[3].t)
if ret[3].v <= lzb.spd then ret[3].v = lzb.spd end -- Avoid devision by zero
if ret[3].v > (train.max_speed or 10) then ret[3].v = train.max_speed or 0 end
ret[2].v = ret[3].v
ret[2].t = (ret[3].i-ret[2].i)/ret[3].v
ret[1].t = advtrains.solve_quadratic_equation(advtrains.get_acceleration(train,2),ret[2].v,(ret[2].i-ret[1].i))
if not ret[1].t then ret[1].t = 0
if ret[1].t[1]<0 then
if ret[1].t[2]<0 then ret[1].t = ret[1].t[2]
else ret[1].t = math.abs(math.max(ret[1].t[1], ret[1].t[2]))
if ret[1].t[2]<0 then ret[1].t = ret[1].t[1]
else ret[1].t = math.min(math.max(ret[1].t[1], ret[1].t[2]))
ret[1].v = (ret[2].v + advtrains.get_acceleration(train,2)*ret[1].t)
if ret[1].v <= lzb.spd then ret[1].v = lzb.spd end
ret[0].v = lzb.spd
ret[0].t = (ret[0].v-ret[1].v)/advtrains.get_acceleration(train,1)
return ret
advtrains.lzb_get_limit_by_entry - get the limit
Returns a table contraining the speed and the acceleration limits
function advtrains.lzb_get_limit_by_entry(train, lzb)
local ret = {}
local lzbmap = advtrains.lzb_map_entry(train, lzb)
if not (lzbmap[3].i and lzbmap[2].i and lzbmap[1].i and lzbmap[0].i) then
return {}
elseif (lzbmap[3].i > train.index) then return {}
elseif (lzbmap[2].i > train.index) then ret.lever = 3
elseif (lzbmap[1].i > train.index) then ret.lever = 2
else ret.lever = 1
if ret.lever == 3 then ret.velocity = lzbmap[3].v
local s = train.index - lzbmap[ret.lever].i
local a = advtrains.get_acceleration(train, ret.lever)
local v0 = lzbmap[ret.lever].v
ret.velocity = math.abs(advtrains.safesqrt(2*a*s - v0*v0))
if ret.velocity < train.velocity -1 then ret.lever = ret.lever - 1 end
return ret
local s = (v1*v1-v0*v0)/2/getacc(train,1)
local t = dtime or 0.2
local i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, lzb.idx, -s)
if v0 > 3 then i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, i, -params.ADD_FAST)
elseif v0 <= 0 then i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, i, -params.ADD_STAND)
else i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, i, -params.ADD_SLOW) end
i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, i, -params.ZONE_ROLL)
i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, i, -params.ZONE_HOLD)
if train.index + v0*t + getacc(train,4)*t*t/2 <= i then return 4 end
if train.index + v0*t <= i then return 3 end
i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, i, params.ZONE_HOLD)
if train.index + v0*t + getacc(train,2)*t*t/2 <= i then return 2 end
i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, i, params.ZONE_ROLL)
if train.index + v0*t + getacc(train,1)*t*t/2 <= i then return 1 end
return 0
-- Get next LZB restriction with the lowest speed restriction
function advtrains.lzb_get_next(train)
-- The return values include the LZB entry and the speed limit
function advtrains.lzb_get_next(train,dtime)
if lever == 4 then return nil end
local lzb = train.lzb
local i = 1
@ -199,16 +135,17 @@ function advtrains.lzb_get_next(train)
for _, it in ipairs(lzb.oncoming) do
local v1 = it.spd
if v1 and v1 <= v0 then
local curlimit = advtrains.lzb_get_limit_by_entry(train, it)
local retlimit = advtrains.lzb_get_limit_by_entry(train, ret)
if not ret then ret = it
elseif not curlimit.velocity then
elseif retlimit.velocity > curlimit.velocity then
ret = it
local retlimit = advtrains.lzb_get_limit_by_entry(train,ret,dtime)
local curlimit = advtrains.lzb_get_limit_by_entry(train,ret,dtime)
if retlimit and retlimit > curlimit then ret=it
elseif retlimit == curlimit and it.idx < ret.idx then ret=it
return ret
return ret,advtrains.lzb_get_limit_by_entry(train, ret,dtime)
local function invalidate(train)

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@ -421,9 +421,9 @@ function advtrains.train_step_b(id, train, dtime)
train.lever = tmp_lever
--- 4a. Calculate movement ---
local lzbnxt = advtrains.lzb_get_next(train)
local lzblimit = advtrains.lzb_get_limit_by_entry(train, lzbnxt)
local lzbmap = advtrains.lzb_map_entry(train, lzbnxt)
local lzbnxt,lzblever = advtrains.lzb_get_next(train,dtime)
if lzblever and lzblever < tmp_lever then tmp_lever = lzblever train.ctrl.lzb = true
else train.ctrl.lzb = false end
local a = advtrains.get_acceleration(train, tmp_lever)
local v0 = train.velocity
local v1 = a*dtime+v0
@ -433,28 +433,9 @@ function advtrains.train_step_b(id, train, dtime)
if a == 0 then s = v1*dtime
else s = (v1*v1 - v0*v0)/2/a
train.ctrl.lzb = nil
if lzblimit.velocity and lzblimit.lever < train.lever then
tmp_lever = lzblimit.lever
while (lzbmap[tmp_lever].t > dtime) do
tmp_lever = tmp_lever - 1
train.ctrl.lzb = tmp_lever
a = advtrains.get_acceleration(train, tmp_lever)
v0 = lzbmap[tmp_lever].v
t = dtime - lzbmap[tmp_lever].t
v1 = a*t+v0
v1 = math.min(v1, (train.max_speed or 10))
v1 = math.max(v1, 0)
s = lzbmap[tmp_lever].i - train.index
if a == 0 then s = s + v1*t
else s = s + (v1*v1-v0*v0)/2/a
-- FIX: calculate the average acceleration, as if it is static, to avoid
-- weird wagon positions
-- Since v0 might have been changed, we should use train.velocity instead.
a = (v1 - train.velocity)/dtime
a = (v1 - v0)/dtime
--- 4b. Move train and update train properties ---
local pdist = train.path_dist[math.floor(train.index)] or 1
local distance = pdist == 0 and s or s / pdist