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Minetest : Chat Modes (chat_modes)

A Minetest mod to enable multiple chat modes.

By default, chat_modes is not active. Set = true to activate it. This allows Chat Modes to be incuded in a subgame and not affect singleplayer mode, or be obtrusive to servers that do not want to include its functionality by default.

Players hoping to use the chat_modes commands need to have both the shout and cmodeswitch privileges.

Players without shout will not be able to send messages at all, as per the default chat behaviour, nor will they be able to mute the chat.

Players with shout, but without cmodeswitch, will only be able to use the default mode, as configured in minetest.conf

Default Modules

A few modules are provided by default, and active by default if is set to true:

  • deaf -- the deaf-mode toggle allows players to ignore player chats, without turning off feedback from other mods.
  • shout -- this allows the player to broadacast a message to all connected players, just like in normal chat.
  • proximity -- this module sends a message to players within the proximity of the sending player
  • channel -- this module sends messages only to players who are in the shout channel. A player can only be in one channel at a time.
    • There is a moderators channel which only players with basic_privs can access, to allow moderators to chat.

It is possible to disable these modules by specifying a comma-separated list to chat_modes.available.

By default, this is set to

chat_modes.available = shout,proximity,channel

By setting chat_modes.available = (that is, a blank string) the default modules are turned off. Only mods that register any extra modes will be active.

@reply messages

Targeted messaging tool that allows mentioning player names to send messages directly, with multiple names in the messge.

  • If there is a list of @players at the start of a chat message, the message will ONLY be sent to them
  • If the list is not at the beginning, then the message will be sent to all who would be affected by the active mode, as well as the players in the @mentions

Example: @admin @moderator I want to report @cheater and @griefer will only be sent to "@admin" and "@moderator"

Example: Hey guys can @friend @niceguy and @ally join our channel? will send to all players who would normally receive the message in the player's mode, as well as to @friend, @niceguy and @ally

Messages will not be delivered to players with deaf-mode activated.


Any player with the shout privilege can deafen themselves

  • /deaf
    • This commands toggles the player's deaf mode.
    • If deaf mode is on, they do not receive chat messages, regardless of their chat mode.

Players with both the shout and cmodeswitch privileges has access to the following commands:

  • /chatmode MODE [ARGUMENTS ...]
    • this sets a new chat mode. Some chat modes can take extra arguments, others not.
  • /chatmodes
    • this lists the chat modes available, with a description

Players with the basic_privs privilege have access to moderator messaging

    • Assigns a chat mode to a given player
    • Send message to all connected players, regardless of their deaf status


See the API documentation for details on how to leverage the chat_modes API.

Any mod can register a handler with Chat Modes, as long as it specifies chat_modes in its depends.txt file.