Aaron Suen 5587c0cbcc Generalize brickmaking hints
Treat all "stone-like substances" as stone for purposes
of the hints.  You can chisel/bond any of stone, adobe,
sandstone, tarstone, etc. to get credit for the hints, so
there should no longer be hints hidden because you
haven't had the exact right kind of unetched concrete.
2022-05-01 19:08:37 -04:00

50 lines
1.3 KiB

-- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
local minetest, nodecore
= minetest, nodecore
-- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
nodecore.register_hint("assemble a stone-tipped stylus",
"assemble stylus",
{"nc_tree:stick", "nc_stonework:chip"}
nodecore.register_hint("etch pliant concrete with a stylus",
"stylus etch",
"assemble stylus"
nodecore.register_hint("change a stylus pattern",
"stylus train",
"stylus etch"
nodecore.register_hint("mix gravel into ash to make aggregate",
"mix aggregate",
{"nc_terrain:gravel_loose", "nc_fire:ash"}
nodecore.register_hint("mix sand into ash to make render",
"mix render",
{"nc_terrain:sand_loose", "nc_fire:ash"}
nodecore.register_hint("mix dirt into ash to make adobe mix",
"mix mud",
{"nc_terrain:dirt_loose", "nc_fire:ash"}
nodecore.register_hint("add coal to aggregate to make tarstone",
"craft:" .. modname .. ":coalaggregate",
{"nc_fire:lump_coal", modname .. ":aggregate"}
nodecore.register_hint("wet a concrete mix",
nodecore.register_hint("set concrete to pliant",
nodecore.register_hint("cure pliant concrete fully",
"cure pliant concrete",