"Loose" versions of materials will only allow a certain maximum
angle of repose, and will shuffle around sideways and fall if
that angle is exceeded. Softer materials like sand, leaves, loose
items, will all have shallow angles, while sturdier stuff like
dirt, gravel, etc. may allow steeper ones.
- Grass now "toughens up" the dirt by making it take effectively
twice as long to dig up.
- Conversion from grass to dirt is now a lot more visible in world.
The idea of "transformations taking place in world" should arguably
apply to drop transformations: all nodes when dug should EITHER
go to inventory without changing, i.e. drop themselves, OR should
transform in-world and need to be dug a second time.
Apparently you can't register something as a liquid for
swimmability reasons anymore without also specifying alternate
source/flowing versions for the liquid transformer.