
997 B

If you intend to use Auth Redux with an existing world, then the default authentication database must be converted. A simple awk script is made available for this purpose. It is located within the "tools" subdirectory.

The following commands will begin the conversion process. Depending on the size of your auth.txt file, it may take several seconds to complete:

> cd auth_rx/tools
> awk -f convert.awk -v mode=convert ~/.minetest/worlds/world/auth.txt

Since the original auth.txt file is no longer needed, it can be renamed for safe-keeping. If you perform daily backups of your world directory, then it is strongly recommend that you archive these two files:

  • auth.db (master database)
  • auth.dbx (journal)

Both files must have read and write permissions. And they should never be removed nor modified directly.

If you are creating a new world, then you can initialize the master database using the same command as above. Simply, create an empty file named "auth.txt" beforehand.