
10 KiB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

This project was forked from tardis_new and all of that projects' release notes to this changelog as well, down at the bottom.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

This changelog should display who changed it and link to issues / pull requests if nessesary.

[1.3.0] - UNRELEASED


  • A new console set! It is mainly green coloured, and uses the Zuphy32 palette. There is also a node, and a new Tardis exterior to go with them. (#60)

  • Tardis craftability can be disabled with the setting drwho_tardis.craftable_tardis, which is useful for multiplayer or online servers where the admin doesn't want just anyone crafting a Tardis.


  • The default Tardis exterior is now the iconic blue one

  • Completely revamped how we handle user data (#21)

  • Simplified how Tardis interiors work and decided to use a single large cuboid area instead of doors teleporting to other rooms.


  • The Tardis now flattens nodes such as grass and flowers, instead of hovering over them. This applies to nodes with buildable_to = true. (@Irevol in #62, solves #45)

[1.2.1] - 2024-07-06


  • The recipes for converting a wall with one large circle with the half staggered version was written wrong and would allow the player to craft it with nothing. This has been fixed.

[1.2.0] - 2024-07-06


  • Support for VoxeLibre (MineClone) and RePixture (project #8662)

    • We detect the GAMETYPE and store in a variable, allowing easy checking.

    • All items used in crafting recipes are read from a table (_drwho_tardis.items) to allow us to change them depending on the game

    • The depth at which the Tardis is placed varies depending on the game. MTG & RP are at -10000, MCL is at -50, just above bedrock layer.

    • Anything that currently only supports MTG has been wrapped in a check to ensure that the right game is running and errors won't occur. Support for those things (mobs, awards, armor) in other games is planned but not high priority.

  • api.lua for all API functions that aren't sonic or exterior related

  • /locate_tardis chat command and related API function (#14)

  • /rebuild_tardis chat command and related API function

  • Several colour variants for the Tardis exterior. (@ApolloX939 in #30)

  • A couple new nodes for Tardis interiors - variants of white circles, and a blank white/grey node.

  • A new interior door style. Doors can also now be crafted.

  • Different Tardis interiors and an API & system to manage them.

  • Two new settings options: default Tardis interior and maximum Tardis power

  • Working Tardis gravity system - it will either go directly to the pos, land on top of a node below the pos, or the second and also sink in water. Change the setting by clicking the button on the console, or use /tardis_mavity.


  • Tardis interiors are now placed with an API function, and supports different interior styles.

  • Code structure (/mobs folder, /tardis folder) in order to reduce the amount of files in the root directory.

  • Updated how we handle toolranks and pick_axe_tweaks as we were using older, deprecated api functions.

  • Made all console nodes and Tardis monitor 4dir rotational. This means they are facing the direction they are placed in instead of always the same direction.

  • Sonic code is cleaned up, minor issues fixed and more customization for API users (@TPH in #29)

  • The exterior select screen has been revamped to be able to select any exterior skin added via API. (#31)

  • The Tardis sound and time rotor animation now start just after the lever is pulled and will only stop after the Tardis has actually landed.


  • Fixed bug in Find Biome where the game would crash if the position was entered before a biome was found (#43)

  • Check if the Time Rotor exists before travelling, fixing a crash if it's not there.

[1.1.0] - 2024-03-28


  • Cybermen

    • Uses textures and models from Scifi Mobs

    • Thanks to @ShadowOfHassen, there is also a melee version that has a slightly lighter colour texture.

    • The normal one shoots once every 3 seconds, dealing 5 damage. They drop steel ingots.

  • @ShadowOfHassen contributed to Mobs Redo API, making a proper "alliance" to stop mobs from attacking each other. This means different variants of Daleks/Cybermen won't attack each other, using attack_ignore.

  • Find Biome console unit - Replacing the Travel Factor unit (see under Changed for details), this utilises the API findbiome, allowing a Tardis's pilot to pick and go to a specific biome they would like to travel to.

  • Weeping Angels (PLANNED) - The code and model for weeping angels have been added in a separate folder for now, forked from the old weeping mod. This will be adapted to work properly and probably released next version.

  • Sonic device registration API - drwho_tardis:register_sonic_device()

    • This allows the creation of sonic devices, not necessarily just screwdrivers. You can also use specific parts of the screwdriver textures, e.g. choose 1,4,3. See API.md for more details.

    • The 'create sonic' on the functions console unit uses this API to create them now.

  • Tardis exterior registration API - drwho_tardis:register_tardis_exterior()

    • NOTE: New exteriors are not shown on the exterior selector yet! Only the default ones!

    • See API.md for more details.

  • Two more awards - Defeat a Dalek, and defeat a Cyberman.

  • subtitles support for all sound effects and Dalek voicelines.

  • Settings to turn on/off monsters, and to change spawn rates.

  • Minetest translator support so in the future people will be able to translate it. There are currently 143 strings.


  • Merged several formspecs into one to make piloting a Tardis much easier

    • The X, Y, Z co-ords and Travel Factor are all in one formspec screen now. That screen is currently accessable via the 3 X, Y, and Z console units. In the future other functions will replace those extra units.

    • The travel factor console unit is now the Find Biome one, see above.

  • Daleks

    • Now use the mobs:boom() function instead of the deprecated mobs:explosion()

    • The Classic Dalek's namestring is now drwho_tardis:dalek_classic so that both variants' spawn eggs appear next to each other in the creative inventory.

[1.0.0] - 2024-02-17

Thanks to @ShadowOfHassen for playtesting, running through ideas, and adding Scifi_Mobs textures. Thanks to @Irevol for the first two again, making the Sonic texture randomiser and helping to add migration support.


  • A full Dalekanium armor set based on 3d_armor, including a shield. Textures are CC-BY-SA 4.0. (@Skivling)

  • pick_axe_tweaks support for the Dalekanium Pickaxe

  • toolranks support for all four tools

  • Daleks, forked from Scifi Mobs' Daleks using their models and textures. There are two variants - a Brown one (can fly) and a Gray one (can't fly, slightly weaker). (@Skivling)

    • Cybermen textures have also been added (@ShadowOfHassen, #2 ) but are not in the mod yet. Probably next version if the models and animations work.
  • A texture randomiser for the Sonic Screwdriver. Currently there are 4 textures for each third of the screwdriver, and they are all randomised together to create the possibility for 64 (4^3) unique combinations. (@Irevol, #5 )

  • Several achievements using the awards API. (@Skivling)

  • Aliases to help people convert items & nodes in their world from tardis_new to drwho_tardis. (@Skivling & @Irevol)

    • @Skivling made a step-by-step migration guide on the wiki here.


  • A lot of asset names. See asset-info.md for more information.

  • A lot of item + node names. See [item-info.md](DrWho_Tardis/asset-info.md at main - Skivling/DrWho_Tardis - Codeberg.org) for more information.

  • The whole structure of the code. It is now separated into several files and most files have a CONTENTS part up the top explaining what is in it. (@Skivling)

  • The Gallifreyan Lab crafting recipe. it is now easier to make because two of the Mese Crystals have been replaced with Bronze and Gold blocks.


  • The Vending Machine texture for the TARDIS, because it is a non-free asset that wasn't marked with a CC license, only "credit".

drwho_tardis was forked from tardis_new, so below is a basic changelog for tardis_new, based on it's Github release notes.

[Tardis_new 1.3.0] - 2021-05-01


  • Gravity, but only in loaded areas.


  • Bug fixes with placing TARDIS parts

[Tardis_new 1.2.1] - 2021-03-27


  • Fixed major bug that caused crashing when you die without placing a time rotor.

[Tardis_new 1.2.0] - 2021-03-15


  • Various bug fixes.

[Tardis_new 1.1.0] - 2021-03-09


  • Support for digilines

  • Entities other than players can enter TARDISes.


  • "changes vortex manipulator"


  • Minor bug fixes

[Tardis_new 1.0.0] - 2021-03-09


  • Three console sets for 8 types of console blocks

  • Azbantium

  • Dalekanium, and Dalekanium tools (sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel)

  • Rassilon's Gauntlet

  • Vortex Manipulator (time travel device)

  • Extended Sonic Screwdriver functions

    • Support for Mesecons

[Tardis_new Alpha (0.1.0)] - 2021-03-03

  • First Release