Minetest 5.2 mod: Nautilus
This is the "Nautilus", a grandchild mod from "Sailing Kit". It's water dynamics comes from Sailing Kit (by TheTermos). So it depends on mobkit. And It dependes on the biofuel mod for fuel making. It starts anchored, so press aux key (special key - maybe E in your keyboard) to remove anchor. With keyboard you can move the nautilus. When you press sneak, it it dives, when you press jump, it emerges. And you can set anchor again by pressing E, but it only works when the Nautilus is near completely stopped (when the anchor is sucessfull, you receive a message on chat).
It can be painted using dye of any color you want, you must punch the hatch with the dye.
Biofuel mod can be found here: https://github.com/APercy/minetest_biofuel
It uses some code from Sailing Kit (by TheTermos)
Thanks to Sfence for the following collaborations: Makes nautilus mod more configurable by settings (the limit for fuel, air, etc). Little reformated code (replaces some tabs by spaces). Add air support (defaultly available when vacuum mod is enabled) Refill submarine with air when cover is open on water surface Some air lost when the cover is open underwater. Add nautilus place check (cannot be placed on shallow water, have to be placed on the open water surface)
License of source code: MIT (see file LICENSE)
License of media (textures and sounds):
collision.ogg by APercy. See License file
Submarine model by APercy. See License file