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Widget API

Creating a widget

You need to:

  • Create a file for it in src/app/widgets and define a React component.
  • Assign members to implement the WidgetFactory interface.
  • Add it to the WidgetTypes in src/app/widgets/index.tsx

Hello World Example

Create the file: src/app/widgets/HelloWorld.tsx.

Widgets are defined as an object that implements the WidgetType interface. The interface contains the component and various meta information.

After adding implementing the interface, you should export it and then add it to WidgetTypes in src/app/widgets/index.tsx.

import Panel from 'app/components/Panel';
import { type } from 'app/utils/Schema';
import { Vector2 } from 'app/utils/Vector2';
import { WidgetProps, WidgetType } from 'app/Widget';
import React from 'react';
import { defineMessages, FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';

const messages = defineMessages({
	title: {
		defaultMessage: "Hello World",
		description: "Hello World widget",

	description: {
		defaultMessage: "A helpful description shown in the create widget dialog",
		description: "Hello World widget description",

	yourName: {
		defaultMessage: "Your name",
		description: "Hello World: label",

interface HelloWorldProps {
	name: string;

function HelloWorld(widget: WidgetProps<HelloWorldProps>) {
	return (
		<Panel {...widget.theme} className="vertical-middle">
					defaultMessage="Hello {name}!"
					values={{ name: }}>

const widget: WidgetType<HelloWorldProps> = {
	Component: HelloWorld,
	title: messages.title,
	description: messages.description,
	defaultSize: new Vector2(5, 1),
	initialProps: {
		name: "",
	schema: {
		name: type.string(messages.yourName),
export default widget;


Schema is a key-value object used to define the types that are expected.

It's used to provide automatic forms to edit widgets.

See the type namespace in Schema.ts for the types, these functions should be used when defining Schemas.