
88 lines
2.0 KiB

// Include shared subprograms
$level = "../";
require "../common/common.php";
// Load Test details from database
$test = Test::get($_GET['id']);
if (!$test)
msgscrn("Test not found","Test could not be found","","rc");
$author = User::get($test->userID);
$words = $test -> words();
if (!$words || count($words)==0)
msgscrn("Test is empty","Test could not be taken",$test->title." by ".$author->firstname ." ". $author->surname,"rc");
// Check for form submission
if ($_POST['submitted']=="true"){
// Score submission
$scores = new Score(null);
$scores->userID = $current_user->id;
$scores->testID = $test->id;
$scores->score = -1;
// Marking submitted test
$count = 0;
foreach ($words as $w){
$guess = $_POST['word_'.$w->id];
if ($guess == $w->word){
// Pupil got the word correct
$count += 2;
// Enter as wrong
$wrongword = new WrongWord(null);
$wrongword->wordID = $w->id;
$wrongword->scoreID = $scores->id;
$wrongword->word = $guess;
// Pupil got the word wrong, check for nearwords
$near = $w->nearwords();
foreach ($near as $n){
if ($guess == $n->word){
// Award half marks
echo "pupil spelt {$w->word} almost right! ($guess)<br>";
$count += 1;
$scores->score = $count;
header("location: view.php?id={$test->id}&user={$current_user->id}&latest=1");
// Show test player page
showHeader($test->title." - Test Player");
echo "<h2>".$test->title."</h2>";
echo "<p>Created on ".$test->datecreated;
if ($author)
echo " by ".$author->firstname ." ". $author->surname;
echo "</p>";
<form action="take.php?id=<?php echo $_GET['id'];?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="true" />
<table class="tblStripe">
foreach ($words as $w){
echo "<tr><td>" .$w->def . "</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"word_".$w->id."\" /></td></tr>\n";
<input type="submit" value="Check" />