userID); $words = $test -> words(); if (!$words || count($words)==0) msgscrn("Test is empty","Test could not be taken",$test->title." by ".$author->firstname ." ". $author->surname,"rc"); // Check for form submission if ($_POST['submitted']=="true"){ // Score submission $scores = new Score(null); $scores->userID = $current_user->id; $scores->testID = $test->id; $scores->score = -1; $scores->save(); // Marking submitted test $count = 0; foreach ($words as $w){ $guess = $_POST['word_'.$w->id]; if ($guess == $w->word){ // Pupil got the word correct $count += 2; }else{ // Enter as wrong $wrongword = new WrongWord(null); $wrongword->wordID = $w->id; $wrongword->scoreID = $scores->id; $wrongword->word = $guess; $wrongword->save(); // Pupil got the word wrong, check for nearwords $near = $w->nearwords(); foreach ($near as $n){ if ($guess == $n->word){ // Award half marks echo "pupil spelt {$w->word} almost right! ($guess)
"; $count += 1; break; } } } } $scores->score = $count; $scores->save(); header("location: view.php?id={$test->id}&user={$current_user->id}&latest=1"); die(""); } // Show test player page showHeader($test->title." - Test Player"); echo "


"; echo "

Created on ".$test->datecreated; if ($author) echo " by ".$author->firstname ." ". $author->surname; echo "

"; ?>
\n"; } ?>
" .$w->def . "id."\" />