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5 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Pablo Virgo c2d8885d80 Converting pos values to coordinates and back works with
mtc-from-minetest.rkt and mtc-to-minetest.rkt
2016-05-18 16:59:27 -04:00
Pablo Virgo 0591b412b1 Wrapping SQL inserts in transactions make SQLite3 thousands of times
2016-05-12 20:43:54 -04:00
Pablo Virgo d2ddcd1499 blocks.rkt no longer self-tests by default. 2016-05-12 02:05:44 -04:00
Pablo Virgo 91edd190ca convert-positions.rkt appears to work for changing Mintest pos
values into actual values. Stores in a new database.
2016-05-12 02:04:02 -04:00
Pablo Virgo 20de7900ac Initial code for convert positions reads a file name from the command
line and attempts to connect to it as a SQLite3 database.
2016-05-04 22:54:59 -04:00
3 changed files with 247 additions and 14 deletions

mtc-from-minetest.rkt Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
#! /usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket
(require db racket/cmdline "world/blocks.rkt")
;; # Constants
#! /usr/bin/env racket
(define BATCH-SIZE 1000)
;; # Functions
;; Functions that rely on database state have been incorporated into
;; the command line tool instead of a library.
;; Mintest database row -> Mintest block
;; Convert a single mintest world database row into a minetest-block
(define (minetest-row->minetest-block row)
(minetest-block (vector-ref row 0) ;; the pos field
(vector-ref row 1))) ;; data field
;; Database Pos -> ListOfBlocks
;; Accept a database connection and a start (low) pos. Return
;; a list of blocks, up to a maximum of BATCH-SIZE.
(define (retrieve-blocks source start)
(map minetest-row->minetest-block (query-rows source
"select pos, data from blocks where pos > ? order by pos asc limit ?"
;; Database connection -> Function
;; Prepare an insert function to add blocks to the provided table.
;; Insert SQL works faster if it is compiled only once. The created
;; function has signature:
;; MintestBlock -> ID
;; Insert a block record into the destination database. Returns
;; the pos identifier.
(define (prepare-insert destination)
(let ([insert
(prepare destination "insert into blocks(x,y,z,data) values (?,?,?,?)")])
(lambda (block)
(let* ([position (pos->point (minetest-block-pos block) empty)]
[x (point-x position)]
[y (point-y position)]
[z (point-z position)]
[data (minetest-block-data block)])
(query-exec destination insert x y z data)
(minetest-block-pos block)))))
;; String -> Database connection
;; Take a source database file name. Connect to it, or raise an
;; exception. The exception is the only addition.
(define (open-database name)
(let ([source (sqlite3-connect #:database name)])
(cond [(connected? source) source]
[else (raise (string-append "Unable to open: " name))])))
;; String -> Database connection
;; Takes the name of a destination file. Creates the appropriate database
;; table and returns the SQLite connection.
(define (create-database name)
(let ([new-db (sqlite3-connect #:database name
#:mode 'create)])
(cond [(connected? new-db)
(query-exec new-db
"create table blocks (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, x INTEGER, y INTEGER, z INTEGER, data BLOB, UNIQUE (x,y,z))")
[else (raise (string-append "Could not create " name))])))
;; Database -> Integer
;; From a world database, determine the lowest pos
(define (first-record db)
(query-value db "select min(pos) from blocks"))
;; Database -> Integer
;; From a world database, determine highest pos
(define (last-record db)
(query-value db "select max(pos) from blocks"))
;; Database Database Function Pos -> Pos
;; Take a database source connection, destination, insert function and starting pos
;; Migrates all records from the source to the destination, returns the last record.
(define (migrate-all src dest insert start)
(cond [(>= start (last-record src)) start]
(let ([blocks (retrieve-blocks src start)])
(start-transaction dest)
(map insert blocks)
(commit-transaction dest)
(migrate-all src dest insert (minetest-block-pos (last blocks))))]))
;; Database Database Function Pos -> Pos
;; Take a database source connection, destination, insert function and starting pos
;; Migrates all records from the source to the destination, returns the last record.
(define (validate-and-start source destination)
(cond [(not (file-exists? source))
(raise (string-append "Source file not found: " source))]
[(file-exists? destination)
(raise (string-append "Can not over-write existing database: " destination))]
(let* ([src-db (open-database source)]
[dest-db (create-database destination)]
[insert (prepare-insert dest-db)])
(migrate-all src-db dest-db insert (sub1 (first-record src-db))))]))
(define source (make-parameter ""))
(define destination (make-parameter ""))
(define main (command-line
#:program "Translate Minetest Positions"
#:args (source destination)
(validate-and-start source destination)))

mtc-to-minetest.rkt Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket
(require db racket/cmdline "world/blocks.rkt")
;; # Constants
(define BATCH-SIZE 1000)
;; # Functions
;; Functions that rely on database state have been incorporated into
;; the command line tool instead of a library.
;; Mtc database row -> Mintest block
;; Convert a single mintest world database row into a minetest-block
(define (mtc-row->minetest-block row)
(minetest-block (point->pos (list (vector-ref row 1)
(vector-ref row 2)
(vector-ref row 3)))
(vector-ref row 4)))
;; Database RowID -> ListOfRows
;; Accept a start (low) record id and maximum number of records. Returns
;; a batch of rows from the database, up to a total of BATCH-SIZE.
(define (retrieve-rows source start)
(query-rows source
"select id, x, y, z, data from blocks where id > ? order by id asc limit ?"
;; Database connection -> Function
;; Prepare an insert function to add blocks to the destination table.
;; Insert SQL works faster if it is compiled only once. The created
;; function has signature:
;; Mtc row -> Pos
;; Insert a block record into the destination database. Returns
;; the pos identifier.
(define (prepare-insert destination)
(let ([insert
(prepare destination "insert into blocks(pos,data) values (?,?)")])
(lambda (row)
(let ([block (mtc-row->minetest-block row)])
(query-exec destination insert (minetest-block-pos block) (minetest-block-data block))))))
;; String -> Database connection
;; Take a source database file name. Connect to it, or raise an
;; exception. The exception is the only addition.
(define (open-database name)
(let ([source (sqlite3-connect #:database name)])
(cond [(connected? source) source]
[else (raise (string-append "Unable to open: " name))])))
;; String -> Database connection
;; Takes the name of a destination file. Creates the appropriate database
;; table and returns the SQLite connection.
(define (create-database name)
(let ([new-db (sqlite3-connect #:database name
#:mode 'create)])
(cond [(connected? new-db)
(query-exec new-db
"create table blocks (pos INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, data BLOB)")
[else (raise (string-append "Could not create " name))])))
;; Database -> Integer
;; From an mtc database, determine the lowest record id
(define (first-record db)
(query-value db "select min(id) from blocks"))
;; Database -> Integer
;; From a world database, determine highest pos
(define (last-record db)
(query-value db "select max(id) from blocks"))
;; Database Database Function Pos -> Pos
;; Take a database source connection, destination, insert function and starting pos
;; Migrates all records from the source to the destination, returns the last record.
(define (migrate-all src dest insert start)
(cond [(>= start (last-record src)) start]
(let ([rows (retrieve-rows src start)])
(start-transaction dest)
(map insert rows)
(commit-transaction dest)
(migrate-all src dest insert (vector-ref (last rows) 0)))]))
(define (validate-and-start source destination)
(cond [(not (file-exists? source))
(raise (string-append "Source file not found: " source))]
[(file-exists? destination)
(raise (string-append "Can not over-write existing database: " destination))]
(let* ([src-db (open-database source)]
[dest-db (create-database destination)]
[insert (prepare-insert dest-db)])
(migrate-all src-db dest-db insert (sub1 (first-record src-db))))]))
(define source (make-parameter ""))
(define destination (make-parameter ""))
(define main (command-line
#:program "Translate Minetest Positions"
#:args (source destination)
(validate-and-start source destination)))

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#lang racket
(require test-engine/racket-tests)
(provide pos-to-point point-to-pos)
(provide pos->point point->pos (struct-out minetest-block)
point-x point-y point-z)
;; #### Constants ####
@ -131,17 +132,17 @@
;; which is the whole reason I'm writing a way to convert it in the first
;; place.
(check-expect (pos-to-point -16756737 empty) (list -1 5 -1))
(check-expect (pos-to-point -16752641 empty) (list -1 6 -1))
(check-expect (pos-to-point 20479 empty) (list -1 5 0))
(check-expect (pos->point -16756737 empty) (list -1 5 -1))
(check-expect (pos->point -16752641 empty) (list -1 6 -1))
(check-expect (pos->point 20479 empty) (list -1 5 0))
(define (pos-to-point pos build-point)
(define (pos->point pos build-point)
(cond [(not (number? pos)) (error "position must be a number")]
[(> (length build-point) 3) (error "build-point too long")]
[(= (length build-point) 3) (reverse build-point)]
(let* ([coordinate (pos-to-coordinate pos)])
(append (pos-to-point (splice-pos coordinate pos)
(append (pos->point (splice-pos coordinate pos)
(cons coordinate build-point))))]))
@ -194,16 +195,16 @@
(check-expect (splice-pos 5 0) 0)
(define (splice-pos coordinate pos)
(round (/ (- pos coordinate) POS_MODULO)))
(ceiling (/ (- pos coordinate) POS_MODULO)))
;; Point -> Pos
;; Convert a Point into a Minetest block Pos
(check-expect (point-to-pos (list -1 5 -1)) -16756737)
(check-expect (point-to-pos (list -1 6 -1)) -16752641)
(check-expect (point-to-pos (list -1 5 0)) 20479)
(check-expect (point->pos (list -1 5 -1)) -16756737)
(check-expect (point->pos (list -1 6 -1)) -16752641)
(check-expect (point->pos (list -1 5 0)) 20479)
(define (point-to-pos point)
(define (point->pos point)
(int64 (+ (point-x point)
(* (point-y point) POS_MODULO)
(* (point-z point) POS_BIGINT))))
@ -215,6 +216,4 @@
(define (int64 u)
(cond [(and (<= u (expt 2 63)) (>= u (* -1 (expt 2 63)))) u]
[(>= u (expt 2 63)) (int64 (- u (expt 2 63)))]
[else (int64 (+ u (expt 2 63)))]))
[else (int64 (+ u (expt 2 63)))]))