convert-positions.rkt appears to work for changing Mintest pos

values into actual values. Stores in a new database.
Pablo Virgo 2016-05-11 02:03:07 -04:00
parent 20de7900ac
commit 91edd190ca
2 changed files with 139 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -2,8 +2,52 @@
#lang racket
(require db racket/cmdline "world/blocks.rkt")
;; #### Constants
(define BATCH-SIZE 1000)
;; #### Functions
;; Functions that rely on a database being in a particular state have been
;; incorporated here rather than in the library, because unit tests.
;; Database -> Pos
;; Given a Minetest world database, return the minimum Pos, by integer
;; value.
(define (min-pos wdb)
(query-value wdb "select min(pos) from blocks"))
;; Database -> Pos
;; Given a Minetest world database, return the maximum Pos, by integer
;; value.
(define (max-pos wdb)
(query-value wdb "select max(pos) from blocks"))
;; Database Pos Pos -> ListOfBlock
;; Given a database, low, and maximum count, return a list of minetest-blocks
;; within the provided range from the database.
(define (get-blocks wdb start count)
(rows->blocks (query-rows wdb
"select pos, data from blocks where pos >= $1 limit $2"
start count)))
;; Database rows -> ListOfBlocks
;; Convert database rows into a list of blocks.
(define (rows->blocks rows)
(cond [(empty? rows) rows]
(cons (row->block (first rows)) (rows->blocks (rest rows)))]))
;; Database row -> Mintest-Block
;; Convert a single Minetest world database row into a minetest-block
(define (row->block row)
(minetest-block (vector-ref row 0) (vector-ref row 1)))
;; String -> Database connection
;; Take the file-name of a Minetest world as a string, return a SQL
;; database connection
@ -14,12 +58,91 @@
(raise (string-append "Could not open " world)))))
;; Command line -> Database Connection
;; String -> New database connection
;; Take a file-name and create a new database for the human-readable format.
(define (new-legible-db name)
(let ([legible-db (sqlite3-connect #:database name
#:mode 'create)])
(cond [(connected? legible-db) (create-legible-table legible-db)]
[else (raise (string-append "Could not create " name))])))
;; Database connection -> Database connections
;; Create a new, legible table in the provided database
(define (create-legible-table ldb)
(query-exec ldb "create table blocks (x INTEGER, y INTEGER, z INTEGER, data BLOB, PRIMARY KEY (x, y, z))")
;; Database connection -> Prepared SQL statement
;; Prepare the insert statement to add blocks to the legible database table. The code should run
;; faster with this compiled only once.
(define (prepare-legible-insert ldb)
(prepare ldb "insert into blocks (x, y, z, data) values(?,?,?,?)"))
;; Database connection x y z -> boolean
;; Return true if the position provided already exists in the legible database,
;; false otherwise
(define (block-exists? ldb x y z)
(if (false? (query-maybe-row ldb "select * from blocks where x = ? and y = ? and z = ?" x y z))
;; Database Database Statement Pos -> Integer
;; Migrate records from the Minetest world to the Legible database,
;; using the prepared statement.
;; Returns last block inserted.
(define (migrate-batch mtw ldb insert start)
(cond [(>= start (max-pos mtw)) start]
(migrate-batch mtw ldb insert (migrate-blocks (get-blocks mtw start BATCH-SIZE) ldb insert))]))
;; ListOfBlock Database Insert -> Pos
;; Insert a provided list of blocks into the new legible database. Return the Pos
;; of the last block inserted.
(define (migrate-blocks blocks ldb insert)
(cond [(empty? blocks) 0] ; Should never happen unless we have an empty database.
[(empty? (rest blocks)) (migrate-block (first blocks) ldb insert)]
[else (migrate-block (first blocks) ldb insert) ;; Value is ignored. Insert as side-effect.
(migrate-blocks (rest blocks) ldb insert)]))
;; Minetest-Block Database Insert
;; Insert the block into the database with the provided statement. Return the Pos
;; value of the block.
(define (migrate-block block ldb insert)
(let* ([position (pos->point (minetest-block-pos block) empty)]
[x (point-x position)]
[y (point-y position)]
[z (point-z position)]
[data (minetest-block-data block)]
[ok (not (block-exists? ldb x y z))]
[id (string-append "block x:" (number->string x)
" y:" (number->string y)
" z:" (number->string z)
" pos:" (number->string (minetest-block-pos block)))])
(cond [ok (query-exec ldb insert x y z data)]
[else (display (string-append "Duplicate " id ": ignoring\n"))])
(minetest-block-pos block)))
;; Command line -> Program execution
;; Parse command line options, use a helper funtion to return a database
;; connection or error-out as appropriate.
(define world (make-parameter ""))
(define output-db (make-parameter ""))
(define minetest-world-db
(define convert-minetest-world-db
#:program "Convert Positions"
#:args (world)
(open-minetest-world world)))
#:args (world output)
(cond [(file-exists? output) (raise (string-append output " already exists, cannot create"))]
[(not (file-exists? world)) (raise (string-append world " does not exist, cannot open"))]
(let* ([ldb (new-legible-db output)]
[mtw (open-minetest-world world)]
[insert (prepare-legible-insert ldb)]
[start (min-pos mtw)])
(migrate-batch mtw ldb insert start))])))

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#lang racket
(require test-engine/racket-tests)
(provide pos-to-point point-to-pos)
(provide pos->point point->pos (struct-out minetest-block)
point-x point-y point-z)
;; #### Constants ####
@ -131,17 +132,17 @@
;; which is the whole reason I'm writing a way to convert it in the first
;; place.
(check-expect (pos-to-point -16756737 empty) (list -1 5 -1))
(check-expect (pos-to-point -16752641 empty) (list -1 6 -1))
(check-expect (pos-to-point 20479 empty) (list -1 5 0))
(check-expect (pos->point -16756737 empty) (list -1 5 -1))
(check-expect (pos->point -16752641 empty) (list -1 6 -1))
(check-expect (pos->point 20479 empty) (list -1 5 0))
(define (pos-to-point pos build-point)
(define (pos->point pos build-point)
(cond [(not (number? pos)) (error "position must be a number")]
[(> (length build-point) 3) (error "build-point too long")]
[(= (length build-point) 3) (reverse build-point)]
(let* ([coordinate (pos-to-coordinate pos)])
(append (pos-to-point (splice-pos coordinate pos)
(append (pos->point (splice-pos coordinate pos)
(cons coordinate build-point))))]))
@ -194,16 +195,16 @@
(check-expect (splice-pos 5 0) 0)
(define (splice-pos coordinate pos)
(round (/ (- pos coordinate) POS_MODULO)))
(ceiling (/ (- pos coordinate) POS_MODULO)))
;; Point -> Pos
;; Convert a Point into a Minetest block Pos
(check-expect (point-to-pos (list -1 5 -1)) -16756737)
(check-expect (point-to-pos (list -1 6 -1)) -16752641)
(check-expect (point-to-pos (list -1 5 0)) 20479)
(check-expect (point->pos (list -1 5 -1)) -16756737)
(check-expect (point->pos (list -1 6 -1)) -16752641)
(check-expect (point->pos (list -1 5 0)) 20479)
(define (point-to-pos point)
(define (point->pos point)
(int64 (+ (point-x point)
(* (point-y point) POS_MODULO)
(* (point-z point) POS_BIGINT))))