2021-09-23 20:32:28 +02:00

2.1 KiB

Skybox management mod

Register your skyboxes in a central place


-- register a skybox
  • skybox_def (table)
    • name id/name of the skybox, has to be unique
      • miny (optional if you use match) minimum matching y-height
      • maxy (optional if you use match) maximum y-height
      • sky_type (optional) string to pass onto player:set_sky()
      • sky_color (optional) color to pass onto player:set_sky()
      • always_day (optional) day_night_ratio ratio is overriden to 1.0 if this is true
      • textures (optional) 6 textures of a texured skybox
      • clouds (optional) clouds to pass onto player:set_clouds()
      • match (optional if you use miny and maxy) custom matcher, see Custom matcher below
      • priority (optional) higher priority skyboxes get applied first


Dark caves

	name = "earth_cave",
	miny = -32000,
	maxy = -50,
	sky_type = "plain",
	sky_color = {r=0, g=0, b=0}


  • auto-granted fly-priv
	-- https://github.com/Ezhh/other_worlds/blob/master/skybox.lua
	name = "deepspace",
	miny = 6001,
	maxy = 10999,
	always_day = true,
	textures = {

Custom matcher

Custom non-height dependent matcher for players -> skybox

	name = "green zone",
	sky_type = "plain",
	sky_color = {r=0, g=255, b=0},
	match = function(player, pos)
		-- beware: this function gets called every second for every player!
		return pos.x > 20000 and pos.z > 20000

Override the default skybox

The function skybox.set_defaults can be called with new default values:

-- set the default values (everything is optional)
	sky = {...}, -- sky definition
	moon = {...},
	stars = {...},
	clouds = {...},
	sun = {...}