10 KiB
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Many, many people have contributed to OrbitDB, both as individuals and as part of their organizations. Here is a complete list of people who have committed code, opened PRs, reviewed code, or opened or commented in issues - only in this repository. All of these interactions are part of contributing to this community. Thank you, everyone.
This list is updated every infrequently, to limit noise. It was generated programmatically using name-your-contributors.
Note: This list is opt-out. If you'd rather not be here, send an email to richardlitt@orbitdb.org and you'll be silently removed and excluded from future lists.
Thanks to these people
- @0xflotus
- @509dave16
- @5310
- @7flash
- @abh1manyu
- @adamski
- @adrprado
- @aeschylus
- @ajayrao80
- @alanshaw
- @AlessandroChecco
- @Alex-Werner
- @alexanderattar
- @alvinzach
- @ambertch
- @amoreo
- @aphelionz
- @ashays
- @ashwin-yardi
- @atfornes
- @baimurzin
- @Bajix
- @balupton
- @barlock
- @BartKnucle
- @bedeho
- @beingmohit
- @benrogmans
- @bmuller
- @brainstorm
- @bronger
- @CaptainQuark
- @carlbror
- @CarlChryniszzswics
- @cblgh
- @cbruguera
- @ccutch
- @christroutner
- @claus
- @compsocial
- @coodoo
- @coyotespike
- @crazybuster
- @cristiano-belloni
- @cryptoquick
- @cyclopse87
- @DaniellMesquita
- @DanielVF
- @daviddias
- @davidrichard23
- @dexterchan
- @dibu28
- @dignifiedquire
- @dirkmc
- @drwasho
- @durac
- @edsilv
- @elsehow
- @eusthace
- @evalsocket
- @expressflow
- @fazo96
- @fdietze
- @felixSchl
- @fiatjaf
- @filips123
- @fluidnotions
- @FrauBienenstich
- @futpib
- @gagarin55
- @garbados
- @glensimister
- @greenkeeperio-bot
- @GriffGreen
- @grvhi
- @guoliu
- @gyuri-lajos
- @haadcode
- @haoliangyu
- @Hazae41
- @HenryNguyen5
- @hugcoday
- @hushino
- @huyhoangCSUH
- @IamCarbonMan
- @imrehg
- @ionicc
- @its-VSP
- @jamesgibson14
- @jbenet
- @jchris
- @jdebeer
- @jehunter5811
- @jenswachtel
- @jobando89
- @jonasbostoen
- @joshfraser
- @joshmh
- @jphastings
- @JulianaDixon
- @KamuelaFranco
- @KennethHolmSeelig
- @KevinLiLu
- @kidinamoto01
- @klueq
- @Kotevode
- @kouohhashi
- @Kubuxu
- @LastExile16
- @lgierth
- @lgleim
- @lufte
- @LuigiCerone
- @lukas2005
- @maht0rz
- @marciok
- @marcusfelix
- @maroodb
- @MartianH
- @MartinArens
- @martinhbramwell
- @matteodem
- @mattisstenejohansen
- @maxkerp
- @maxvisser
- @mccoysc
- @MichaelMure
- @MikeFair
- @millette
- @MirceaKitsune
- @mistakia
- @mitar
- @mmick66
- @mmsqe
- @natachadelarosa
- @nbanmp
- @nezzard
- @nightwolfz
- @niksmac
- @nillia
- @Nipol
- @nmarley
- @nothingismagick
- @oed
- @olegls2000
- @onionjake
- @OR13
- @osarrouy
- @oskarpyke
- @paulogr
- @picrypto
- @piyushmadan
- @prabodhmeshram
- @pranaygp
- @ra312
- @raptortech-js
- @rbaid1221
- @ricardojmendez
- @RichardLitt
- @richardschneider
- @rikur
- @riteable
- @rkyleg
- @RobertChristopher
- @roderik
- @rogerlzp
- @rusfearuth
- @ryancbarry
- @shamb0t
- @shd101wyy
- @shi-yan
- @shotlom
- @singpolyma
- @sirfumblestone
- @skyne98
- @spaceywolfi
- @Steake
- @Stradivario
- @strotter
- @subhasisbanik
- @sundbry
- @telackey
- @theD1360
- @theoturner
- @therebelrobot
- @thiagodelgado111
- @thisconnect
- @ticruz38
- @tyleryasaka
- @tyvdh
- @UnsignedInt8
- @uriva
- @varcario
- @vasa-develop
- @victorb
- @vijayee
- @vishalveerareddy
- @vongohren
- @vrogojin
- @vvp
- @whyrusleeping
- @wigy-opensource-developer
- @willemneal
- @wthompson40
- @Xinjie-canya
- @yashwanth2804
- @ydennisy
- @yuppies09
- @zabirauf
- @zachferland
- @zaptrem
- @zbyte64
- @ZeeCoder