- Correct minor typos
- Make /p list <playername> also list the squad of the player if applicable
- Ensure /p forcekick will also disband squad if player is squad leader
- EDIT for last commit: Documentation on how the mod stores info was also added
- Remove /all
- Add /p home & /p sethome -- leaders can set a party home
- Add /p chat <main/party/squad> -- change chat input
- Add new squad channel
- Remove some debug commands from squad.lua
- fix incomplete code for /sq help
- Add /p pvp - To allow fighting within party if both parties enable friendly fire
- Add /p title <playername> <title> - Adds a chat title to said player
- Additionally changed some descriptions so help is easier to understand
- Changed party message notif from green to limegreen
- Changed spy messages to yellow - because orange is now used for squads.
- New method of getting full playerlist that supports newer minetest versions --- thanks to Amaz
- Add a new way to speak without a command, add "@" before your message.
- Fix duplicate messages in logging
- Fix kick not working
- Execute a function when player leaves rather than manually handling it.
- Notify party players if party was disbanded by an admin
- Chat is now logged
- Ability for admin to disband a party
- Ability for admin to spy on chat channels
- Ensure players have proper shout privileges to talk / use commands.