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Bonemeal by SaKeL [x_bonemeal]

Mod for Minetest. It provides one kind of simple bone meal (fertilizer) for fast growing plants, flowers, saplings, papyrus, grass...

Based on default minetest_game API with as less additions as possible what makes this mod super light-weight and suitable for online multiplayer servers.

Supports default minetest game blocks/plants/flowers... and any mod what uses minetest game API, e.g. farming_additions - though other mods can be easily implemented too.

This mod aims to be simple, light-weight and fast, therefore it will have no bone meal 'strength', multiple types of bone meals nor diamond/mese bone meal.



Current functionality based on what you use the bone meal.


Dirt with grass: Grass and jungle grass will form on randomly-selected adjacent grass blocks (default:dirt_with_grass) up to 5 blocks away.

Dirt with dry grass: Dry grass will form on randomly-selected adjacent dry grass blocks (default:dirt_with_dry_grass) up to 5 blocks away.

Sand (group sand) and dirt with snow: Dry shrub will form on randomly-selected adjacent sand or dirt with snow blocks (group = {sand = 1} or default:dirt_with_snow) up to 5 blocks away.

Flowers, mushrooms and waterlily

Targeted flower/mushroom/waterlily will form on randomly-selected adjacent grass or water source blocks (default:dirt_with_grass or default:water_source) up to 5 blocks away.

Farming and farming addons

Targeted plant will randomly grow on wet soil blocks (group = {soil = 3}).

Farming addons Bone meal only affects the stem itself, it will not cause melons or pumpkins to sprout from a mature stem.


Trees and bushes have 50% chance to grow to a mature tree. A tree will not grow if the sapling is not planted in proper ground/soil (group = {soil = 0}).


Papyrus have 50% chance to grow to a next stage. Bone meal has to be applied to the lowes block of the papyrus plant. Papyrus will not grow if is not planted in proper ground (default:dirt_with_grass, default:dirt next to the water up to 3 blocks).


Bones or coral skeleton block can be crafted to 9 bone meals.


  • default
  • farming
  • bones
  • flowers

Supported mods



GNU LGPL 2.1 (see included LICENSE file)


  • bonemeal_particle.png CC BY-SA 4.0, Pixel Perfection by XSSheep
  • bonemeal_bonemeal.png GNU LGPL 2.1, by SaKeL



see: http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Installing_Mods