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minetest home main home of the minetest wiki 1 2024-03-01T21:16:24.456Z home, index, minetest, english markdown 2024-03-01T19:04:14.495Z

Welcome to the Minetest wiki. If you'd like to edit here, check how to contribute page

Minetest is a free gameengine. referred to as voxel.

  1. Think of Minetest as a Manager of collections of programs. Each program can create or visit blocky game worlds
  2. The blocky game worlds have themes such as Old West, post apocalypse, ordinary cities, and many more.
  3. Gameplay vary depending of those game worlds rules! It can be downloaded or player online!


Shut up! How to play!?

  1. Download the many options of manager engines program and run!
  2. Browse the many gameplays worlds and later launch!
  3. Or browse the network of minetest servers to play with friends!

The basics is that Final Minetest includes server (who runs the world game) and client (who connect to the server to play the worlds) programs of different types. Its primary server program, finetestserver, works with all major Minetest clients dated through mid-2023.

Note: Post-2023 Trolltest and MultiCraft clients only supported with lasted versions

This website focuses on Final Minetest but it includes some Trolltest documentation as it's partly compatible.

Pages for users

Wiki link Observations
Play on your browser You can test easyle in the web broser, but with several limitations
PLay on linux We take care of your linux, check this if you want a package for installation
Windows minetest Windows focused minetest flavours and downloads
Minetest on MAC Mac support as most possible, including newer versions M1/M2
Androit options The many ways (mostly based on multicraft) to play minetest on androit phones
IOs phones The many ways (mostly based on multicraft) to play minetest on IOS phones
Cheaters clients The modified clients to cheat and hack servers and the banned server list
Wiki game player Observations
Mods list These are like plugins that you can add to enchance each game
Games lists These represent the templates to generate the worlds you will play
Worlds list Wolrds are generally a dinamic resource made by the player or server, but can be pre generated

TODO: use badges here for best results rather a black bar

Developers' Center

Devel Center

The Developers' Center is largely for Final Minetest core developers and website admins. However, all visitors are welcome to read content.