983 B
983 B
Crown Mold, Baseboards, Columns and more
Latest update adds different textures to the millwork.
If you want to add or remove a texture simply edit the table at the top of millwork.lua file.
Right now I have these textures: White, Sandstone, Desert Sand and Clay. The others are commented out.
Each texture has 28 nodes so careful that you don't add too many textures.
local material = {--{Name for description}, {image without .png}, {item name}, {mod name}
{ "White", "crownmold_white","white","wool"},
-- { "Cobble", "default_cobble","cobble","default"},
{ "Sandstone", "default_sandstone","sandstone","default"},
-- { "Desert Stone", "default_desert_stone","desert_stone","default"},
-- { "Stone", "default_stone","stone","default"},
-- { "Tree", "default_tree","tree","default"},
{ "Desert Sand", "default_desert_sand","desert_sand","default"},
{ "Clay", "default_clay","clay","default"},
-- { "Dirt", "default_dirt","dirt","default"}, }