
7.0 KiB

customnode - A minetest mod for easy nodes definitions in other mods

This mod provides the function customnode.get_nodelist_by_textures() that can be used in other mods to get additional mods in easy. The modder can focus on textures.

The best explanation is an example:

How to create a mod called "newsupermario"

  1. create the mod folder newsupermario/

  2. create mod.conf

name = newsupermario
  1. create depends.txt
  1. create init.lua
	descr_prefix = "New Super Mario",  
  1. create textures folder

  2. create your textures (or download them from internet like

  3. store the compatible textures to the texture folder according the filename convention. Renaming can be done by any bulk-rename tool.

$ ls textures/
newsupermario_brick.png              newsupermario_ice.png                        newsupermario_netherrack.png                 newsupermario_sandstone_smooth_top.png
newsupermario_coal_block.png         newsupermario_iron_block.png                 newsupermario_noteblock.png                  newsupermario_sandstone_top.png
newsupermario_coal_ore.png           newsupermario_iron_ore.png                   newsupermario_obsidian.png                   newsupermario_stone2.png
newsupermario_cobblestone_mossy.png  newsupermario_iron_trapdoor.png              newsupermario_quartz_block_bottom.png        newsupermario_stone3.png
newsupermario_cobblestone.png        newsupermario_jukebox_side.png               newsupermario_quartz_block_chiseled.png      newsupermario_stone_andesite.png
newsupermario_command_block.png      newsupermario_jukebox_top.png                newsupermario_quartz_block_chiseled_top.png  newsupermario_stone_andesite_smooth.png
newsupermario_diamond_block.png      newsupermario_lapis_block.png                newsupermario_quartz_block_lines.png         newsupermario_stonebrick_cracked.png
newsupermario_diamond_ore.png        newsupermario_lapis_ore.png                  newsupermario_quartz_block_lines_top.png     newsupermario_stonebrick_mossy.png
newsupermario_dirt.png               newsupermario_leaves_oak.png                 newsupermario_quartz_block_side.png          newsupermario_stonebrick.png
newsupermario_dirt_podzol_side.png   newsupermario_log_acacia.png                 newsupermario_quartz_block_top.png           newsupermario_stone_diorite.png
newsupermario_dirt_podzol_top.png    newsupermario_log_spruce.png                 newsupermario_quartz_ore.png                 newsupermario_stone_diorite_smooth.png
newsupermario_emerald_block.png      newsupermario_mob_spawner.png                newsupermario_redstone_block.png             newsupermario_stone_granite.png
newsupermario_emerald_ore.png        newsupermario_mushroom_block_skin_brown.png  newsupermario_redstone_ore.png               newsupermario_stone_granite_smooth.png
newsupermario_gold_block.png         newsupermario_mushroom_block_skin_red.png    newsupermario_sandstone_bottom.png           newsupermario_stone.png
newsupermario_gold_ore.png           newsupermario_mushroom_block_skin_stem.png   newsupermario_sandstone_carved.png           newsupermario_tnt_bottom.png
newsupermario_grass_side.png         newsupermario_mycelium_side.png              newsupermario_sandstone_normal.png           newsupermario_tnt_side.png
newsupermario_grass_top.png          newsupermario_mycelium_top.png               newsupermario_sandstone_smooth_bottom.png    newsupermario_tnt_top.png
newsupermario_ice_packed.png         newsupermario_nether_brick.png               newsupermario_sandstone_smooth.png
  1. add the mod to a creative game and try out the new blocks



  • def.descr_prefix - prefix added to all generated node descriptions. If not defined the modname will be used
  • def.check_prefix - Additional prefix if not all textures should be processed

Textures name convention


  • [] means optional
  • modname - to avoid overlapping all textures without modname in filename will be ignored
  • addprefix - additional prefix for mods that contains other textures that should not be processed
  • variant - determinate some nodes parameter:
    • Supported: brick, cobblestone, dirt, grass, ice, iron, sandstone, stone, item (=will be skipped)
  • tiletype - defines the tile position
    • Supported: top, bottom, down, right, left, back, inner, front, side, normal
  • name - additional string makes the nodename unique. Note: if tieltype or variant is not valid, you find it as a part of the name
  • ext - File extendion as supported by minetest

Advanced API

customnode.register_variant(name, definition) - register a new nodes variant

  • name - needs to be namespaced as "modname:pattern". The "pattern" will be checked against filename
  • definition - if a string is provided the variant will be just linked against existing variant
    • if a table is provided the table will be [b]merged[b] to the default template for register_node(). All attributes will be passed to register_node, except:
      • tasks: A table of tasks should be executed for variant. Note the default definition contains already "default" taks that creates the node
      • skip: a bolean value. If it is true, no nodes will be generated for this variant

customnode.register_task(name, function) - register a new task, that can be used in customnode.register_variant. THe function will be called for each definition

  • function(nodedef, generator) - nodedef is data prepared for register_node(), generator is the object with used additional internal data

Implemented tasks

  • default - create the node
  • stairs_slabs - generate stairs and slabs using stairs.register_stair_and_slab()

Implemented variants - for the definition look to the implementation at the end of init.lua

  • customnode:default - the default one. Is used as template for all other variants. Is used for all nodes without valid variant
  • customnode:item - skip is set
  • customnode:dirt
  • customnode:grass
  • customnode:ice - with stairs_slabs
  • customnode:stone - with stairs_slabs
  • customnode:brick - copy of stone
  • customnode:cobble - copy of stone
  • customnode:stonebrick - copy of stone
  • customnode:cobblestone - copy of stone
  • customnode:sandstone - with stairs_slabs
  • customnode:sand
  • customnode:gravel
  • customnode:snow
  • customnode:tree
  • customnode:wood - with stairs_slabs
  • customnode:metal - with stairs_slabs
  • customnode:steel - copy of metal
  • customnode:glass

Extended example

customnode.register_task("recipe", function(nodedef, generator)
		output =,
		recipe = {
			{"default:wood", ingredients[], "default:wood"},

customnode.register_variant("mymod:wood", {
	groups = {choppy = 2, wood = 1}
	tasks = {"stairs_slabs", "recipe"},

	descr_prefix = "My crazy blocks",